1 {% extends "comments/base.html" %}
4 {% block title %}{% trans "Preview your comment" %}{% endblock %}
8 <form action="{% comment_form_target %}" method="post">
9 {% if next %}<input type="hidden" name="next" value="{{ next }}" />{% endif %}
11 <h1>{% blocktrans count form.errors|length as counter %}Please correct the error below{% plural %}Please correct the errors below{% endblocktrans %}</h1>
13 <h1>{% trans "Preview your comment" %}</h1>
14 <blockquote>{{ comment|linebreaks }}</blockquote>
16 {% trans "and" %} <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit-post" value="{% trans "Post your comment" %}" id="submit" /> {% trans "or make changes" %}:
19 {% for field in form %}
20 {% if field.is_hidden %}
23 {% if field.errors %}{{ field.errors }}{% endif %}
25 {% if field.errors %} class="error"{% endif %}
26 {% ifequal field.name "honeypot" %} style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}>
27 {{ field.label_tag }} {{ field }}
32 <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit-post" value="{% trans "Post" %}" />
33 <input type="submit" name="preview" class="submit-preview" value="{% trans "Preview" %}" />