+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-type'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} type The type of the sprite. Possible options are 'circle', 'path', 'rect', 'text', 'square', 'image'
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-width'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} width Used in rectangle sprites, the width of the rectangle
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-height'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} height Used in rectangle sprites, the height of the rectangle
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-size'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} size Used in square sprites, the dimension of the square
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-radius'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} radius Used in circle sprites, the radius of the circle
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-x'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} x The position along the x-axis
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-y'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} y The position along the y-axis
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-path'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Array} path Used in path sprites, the path of the sprite written in SVG-like path syntax
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-opacity'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} opacity The opacity of the sprite
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-fill'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} fill The fill color
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-stroke'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} stroke The stroke color
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-stroke'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Number} stroke-width The width of the stroke
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-font'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} font Used with text type sprites. The full font description. Uses the same syntax as the CSS font parameter
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-text'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} text Used with text type sprites. The text itself
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-group'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String/String[]} group The group that this sprite belongs to, or an array of groups. Only relevant when added to a
+ * {@link Ext.draw.Surface}
+ */
+<span id='Ext-draw-Sprite-cfg-draggable'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Boolean} draggable True to make the sprite draggable.
+ */