 * A Sprite is an object rendered in a Drawing surface.
 * # Translation
 * For translate, the configuration object contains x and y attributes that indicate where to
 * translate the object. For example:
 *     sprite.setAttributes({
 *       translate: {
 *        x: 10,
 *        y: 10
 *       }
 *     }, true);
 * # Rotation
 * For rotation, the configuration object contains x and y attributes for the center of the rotation (which are optional),
 * and a `degrees` attribute that specifies the rotation in degrees. For example:
 *     sprite.setAttributes({
 *       rotate: {
 *        degrees: 90
 *       }
 *     }, true);
 * That example will create a 90 degrees rotation using the centroid of the Sprite as center of rotation, whereas:
 *     sprite.setAttributes({
 *       rotate: {
 *        x: 0,
 *        y: 0,
 *        degrees: 90
 *       }
 *     }, true);
 * will create a rotation around the `(0, 0)` axis.
 * # Scaling
 * For scaling, the configuration object contains x and y attributes for the x-axis and y-axis scaling. For example:
 *     sprite.setAttributes({
 *       scale: {
 *        x: 10,
 *        y: 3
 *       }
 *     }, true);
 * You can also specify the center of scaling by adding `cx` and `cy` as properties:
 *     sprite.setAttributes({
 *       scale: {
 *        cx: 0,
 *        cy: 0,
 *        x: 10,
 *        y: 3
 *       }
 *     }, true);
 * That last example will scale a sprite taking as centers of scaling the `(0, 0)` coordinate.
 * # Creating and adding a Sprite to a Surface
 * Sprites can be created with a reference to a {@link Ext.draw.Surface}
 *     var drawComponent = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', options here...);
 *     var sprite = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Sprite', {
 *         type: 'circle',
 *         fill: '#ff0',
 *         surface: drawComponent.surface,
 *         radius: 5
 *     });
 * Sprites can also be added to the surface as a configuration object:
 *     var sprite = drawComponent.surface.add({
 *         type: 'circle',
 *         fill: '#ff0',
 *         radius: 5
 *     });
 * In order to properly apply properties and render the sprite we have to
 * `show` the sprite setting the option `redraw` to `true`:
 *     sprite.show(true);
 * The constructor configuration object of the Sprite can also be used and passed into the {@link Ext.draw.Surface}
 * add method to append a new sprite to the canvas. For example:
 *     drawComponent.surface.add({
 *         type: 'circle',
 *         fill: '#ffc',
 *         radius: 100,
 *         x: 100,
 *         y: 100
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.draw.Sprite', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable',
        animate: 'Ext.util.Animate'

    requires: ['Ext.draw.SpriteDD'],

    /* End Definitions */

     * @cfg {String} type The type of the sprite. Possible options are 'circle', 'path', 'rect', 'text', 'square', 'image'

     * @cfg {Number} width Used in rectangle sprites, the width of the rectangle

     * @cfg {Number} height Used in rectangle sprites, the height of the rectangle

     * @cfg {Number} size Used in square sprites, the dimension of the square

     * @cfg {Number} radius Used in circle sprites, the radius of the circle

     * @cfg {Number} x The position along the x-axis

     * @cfg {Number} y The position along the y-axis

     * @cfg {Array} path Used in path sprites, the path of the sprite written in SVG-like path syntax

     * @cfg {Number} opacity The opacity of the sprite

     * @cfg {String} fill The fill color

     * @cfg {String} stroke The stroke color

     * @cfg {Number} stroke-width The width of the stroke

     * @cfg {String} font Used with text type sprites. The full font description. Uses the same syntax as the CSS font parameter

     * @cfg {String} text Used with text type sprites. The text itself

     * @cfg {String/String[]} group The group that this sprite belongs to, or an array of groups. Only relevant when added to a
     * {@link Ext.draw.Surface}

     * @cfg {Boolean} draggable True to make the sprite draggable.

    dirty: false,
    dirtyHidden: false,
    dirtyTransform: false,
    dirtyPath: true,
    dirtyFont: true,
    zIndexDirty: true,
    isSprite: true,
    zIndex: 0,
    fontProperties: [
    pathProperties: [
    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;
        config = config || {};
        me.id = Ext.id(null, 'ext-sprite-');
        me.transformations = [];
        Ext.copyTo(this, config, 'surface,group,type,draggable');
        //attribute bucket
        me.bbox = {};
        me.attr = {
            zIndex: 0,
            translation: {
                x: null,
                y: null
            rotation: {
                degrees: null,
                x: null,
                y: null
            scaling: {
                x: null,
                y: null,
                cx: null,
                cy: null
        //delete not bucket attributes
        delete config.surface;
        delete config.group;
        delete config.type;
        delete config.draggable;
        me.mixins.observable.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

     * @property {Ext.dd.DragSource} dd
     * If this Sprite is configured {@link #draggable}, this property will contain
     * an instance of {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} which handles dragging the Sprite.
     * The developer must provide implementations of the abstract methods of {@link Ext.dd.DragSource}
     * in order to supply behaviour for each stage of the drag/drop process. See {@link #draggable}.

    initDraggable: function() {
        var me = this;
        me.draggable = true;
        //create element if it doesn't exist.
        if (!me.el) {
        me.dd = Ext.create('Ext.draw.SpriteDD', me, Ext.isBoolean(me.draggable) ? null : me.draggable);
        me.on('beforedestroy', me.dd.destroy, me.dd);

     * Change the attributes of the sprite.
     * @param {Object} attrs attributes to be changed on the sprite.
     * @param {Boolean} redraw Flag to immediatly draw the change.
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite} this
    setAttributes: function(attrs, redraw) {
        var me = this,
            fontProps = me.fontProperties,
            fontPropsLength = fontProps.length,
            pathProps = me.pathProperties,
            pathPropsLength = pathProps.length,
            hasSurface = !!me.surface,
            custom = hasSurface && me.surface.customAttributes || {},
            spriteAttrs = me.attr,
            attr, i, translate, translation, rotate, rotation, scale, scaling;

        attrs = Ext.apply({}, attrs);
        for (attr in custom) {
            if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr) && typeof custom[attr] == "function") {
                Ext.apply(attrs, custom[attr].apply(me, [].concat(attrs[attr])));

        // Flag a change in hidden
        if (!!attrs.hidden !== !!spriteAttrs.hidden) {
            me.dirtyHidden = true;

        // Flag path change
        for (i = 0; i < pathPropsLength; i++) {
            attr = pathProps[i];
            if (attr in attrs && attrs[attr] !== spriteAttrs[attr]) {
                me.dirtyPath = true;

        // Flag zIndex change
        if ('zIndex' in attrs) {
            me.zIndexDirty = true;

        // Flag font/text change
        for (i = 0; i < fontPropsLength; i++) {
            attr = fontProps[i];
            if (attr in attrs && attrs[attr] !== spriteAttrs[attr]) {
                me.dirtyFont = true;

        translate = attrs.translate;
        translation = spriteAttrs.translation;
        if (translate) {
            if ((translate.x && translate.x !== translation.x) ||
                (translate.y && translate.y !== translation.y)) {
                Ext.apply(translation, translate);
                me.dirtyTransform = true;
            delete attrs.translate;

        rotate = attrs.rotate;
        rotation = spriteAttrs.rotation;
        if (rotate) {
            if ((rotate.x && rotate.x !== rotation.x) ||
                (rotate.y && rotate.y !== rotation.y) ||
                (rotate.degrees && rotate.degrees !== rotation.degrees)) {
                Ext.apply(rotation, rotate);
                me.dirtyTransform = true;
            delete attrs.rotate;

        scale = attrs.scale;
        scaling = spriteAttrs.scaling;
        if (scale) {
            if ((scale.x && scale.x !== scaling.x) ||
                (scale.y && scale.y !== scaling.y) ||
                (scale.cx && scale.cx !== scaling.cx) ||
                (scale.cy && scale.cy !== scaling.cy)) {
                Ext.apply(scaling, scale);
                me.dirtyTransform = true;
            delete attrs.scale;

        Ext.apply(spriteAttrs, attrs);
        me.dirty = true;

        if (redraw === true && hasSurface) {
        return this;

     * Retrieves the bounding box of the sprite.
     * This will be returned as an object with x, y, width, and height properties.
     * @return {Object} bbox
    getBBox: function() {
        return this.surface.getBBox(this);

    setText: function(text) {
        return this.surface.setText(this, text);

     * Hides the sprite.
     * @param {Boolean} redraw Flag to immediatly draw the change.
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite} this
    hide: function(redraw) {
            hidden: true
        }, redraw);
        return this;

     * Shows the sprite.
     * @param {Boolean} redraw Flag to immediatly draw the change.
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite} this
    show: function(redraw) {
            hidden: false
        }, redraw);
        return this;

     * Removes the sprite.
    remove: function() {
        if (this.surface) {
            return true;
        return false;

    onRemove: function() {

     * Removes the sprite and clears all listeners.
    destroy: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.fireEvent('beforedestroy', me) !== false) {

     * Redraws the sprite.
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite} this
    redraw: function() {
        return this;

     * Wrapper for setting style properties, also takes single object parameter of multiple styles.
     * @param {String/Object} property The style property to be set, or an object of multiple styles.
     * @param {String} value (optional) The value to apply to the given property, or null if an object was passed.
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite} this
    setStyle: function() {
        this.el.setStyle.apply(this.el, arguments);
        return this;

     * Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.  Note this method
     * is severly limited in VML.
     * @param {String/String[]} className The CSS class to add, or an array of classes
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite} this
    addCls: function(obj) {
        this.surface.addCls(this, obj);
        return this;

     * Removes one or more CSS classes from the element.
     * @param {String/String[]} className The CSS class to remove, or an array of classes.  Note this method
     * is severly limited in VML.
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite} this
    removeCls: function(obj) {
        this.surface.removeCls(this, obj);
        return this;