Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.7 - Released 10/19/2011
[extjs.git] / docs / source / Navigation.html
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5   <title>The source code</title>
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18   <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-chart-Navigation'>/**
19 </span> * @class Ext.chart.Navigation
20  *
21  * Handles panning and zooming capabilities.
22  *
23  * Used as mixin by Ext.chart.Chart.
24  */
25 Ext.define('Ext.chart.Navigation', {
27     constructor: function() {
28         this.originalStore = this.store;
29     },
31 <span id='Ext-chart-Navigation-method-setZoom'>    /**
32 </span>     * Zooms the chart to the specified selection range.
33      * Can be used with a selection mask. For example:
34      *
35      *     items: {
36      *         xtype: 'chart',
37      *         animate: true,
38      *         store: store1,
39      *         mask: 'horizontal',
40      *         listeners: {
41      *             select: {
42      *                 fn: function(me, selection) {
43      *                     me.setZoom(selection);
44      *                     me.mask.hide();
45      *                 }
46      *             }
47      *         }
48      *     }
49      */
50     setZoom: function(zoomConfig) {
51         var me = this,
52             axes = me.axes,
53             bbox = me.chartBBox,
54             xScale = 1 / bbox.width,
55             yScale = 1 / bbox.height,
56             zoomer = {
57                 x : zoomConfig.x * xScale,
58                 y : zoomConfig.y * yScale,
59                 width : zoomConfig.width * xScale,
60                 height : zoomConfig.height * yScale
61             };
62         axes.each(function(axis) {
63             var ends = axis.calcEnds();
64             if (axis.position == 'bottom' || axis.position == 'top') {
65                 var from = (ends.to - ends.from) * zoomer.x + ends.from,
66                     to = (ends.to - ends.from) * zoomer.width + from;
67                 axis.minimum = from;
68                 axis.maximum = to;
69             } else {
70                 var to = (ends.to - ends.from) * (1 - zoomer.y) + ends.from,
71                     from = to - (ends.to - ends.from) * zoomer.height;
72                 axis.minimum = from;
73                 axis.maximum = to;
74             }
75         });
76         me.redraw(false);
77     },
79 <span id='Ext-chart-Navigation-method-restoreZoom'>    /**
80 </span>     * Restores the zoom to the original value. This can be used to reset
81      * the previous zoom state set by `setZoom`. For example:
82      *
83      *     myChart.restoreZoom();
84      */
85     restoreZoom: function() {
86         this.store = this.substore = this.originalStore;
87         this.redraw(true);
88     }
90 });
91 </pre>
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