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[extjs.git] / docs / output / Ext.air.SystemTray.html
1         <div class="body-wrap">
2         <div class="top-tools">
3             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.SystemTray-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
4             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.SystemTray-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
5             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.air.SystemTray-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
6                         <a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.air.SystemTray"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
7         </div>
8                 <h1>Class Ext.air.SystemTray</h1>
9         <table cellspacing="0">
10             <tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.air</td></tr>
11             <tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../src/SystemTray.js" target="_blank">SystemTray.js</a></td></tr>
12             <tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">SystemTray</td></tr>
13                                     <tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
14                     </table>
15         <div class="description">
16             *<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i>        </div>
18         <div class="hr"></div>
19                 <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-props"></a>
20         <h2>Public Properties</h2>
21         <div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div>        <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-methods"></a>
22         <h2>Public Methods</h2>
23                 <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
24             <tr>
25                 <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
26                 <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
27             </tr>
28                 <tr class="method-row expandable">\r
29         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
30         <td class="sig">\r
31         <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-bounce"></a>\r
32             <b>bounce</b>(&nbsp;<code>priority {air.NotificationType}</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
33                         <div class="short">Bounce the OS X dock icon. Accepts a priority to notify the user
34 whether the event which has just occurred is informa...</div>\r
35             <div class="long">\r
36                 Bounce the OS X dock icon. Accepts a priority to notify the user
37 whether the event which has just occurred is informational (single bounce)
38 or critcal (continual bounce).    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
39         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
40         <ul><li><code>{air.NotificationType}</code> : priority<div class="sub-desc">The priorities are air.NotificationType.INFORMATIONAL and air.NotificationType.CRITICAL.</div></li>        </ul>\r
41         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
42         <ul>\r
43             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
44         </ul>\r
45     </div>\r
46                 </div>\r
47                         </div>\r
48         </td>\r
49         <td class="msource">SystemTray</td>\r
50     </tr>\r
51         <tr class="method-row alt expandable">\r
52         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
53         <td class="sig">\r
54         <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-hideIcon"></a>\r
55             <b>hideIcon</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
56                         <div class="short">Hide the custom icon</div>\r
57             <div class="long">\r
58                 Hide the custom icon    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
59         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
60         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
61         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
62         <ul>\r
63             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
64         </ul>\r
65     </div>\r
66                 </div>\r
67                         </div>\r
68         </td>\r
69         <td class="msource">SystemTray</td>\r
70     </tr>\r
71         <tr class="method-row expandable">\r
72         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
73         <td class="sig">\r
74         <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-setIcon"></a>\r
75             <b>setIcon</b>(&nbsp;<code>String icon</code>, <code>String tooltip</code>, <code>Boolean initWithIcon</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
76                         <div class="short">Sets the Icon and tooltip for the currently running application in the
77 SystemTray or Dock depending on the operating ...</div>\r
78             <div class="long">\r
79                 Sets the Icon and tooltip for the currently running application in the
80 SystemTray or Dock depending on the operating system.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
81         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
82         <ul><li><code>icon</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Icon to load with a URLRequest</div></li><li><code>tooltip</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">Tooltip to use when mousing over the icon</div></li><li><code>initWithIcon</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">Boolean to initialize with icon immediately</div></li>        </ul>\r
83         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
84         <ul>\r
85             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
86         </ul>\r
87     </div>\r
88                 </div>\r
89                         </div>\r
90         </td>\r
91         <td class="msource">SystemTray</td>\r
92     </tr>\r
93         <tr class="method-row alt expandable">\r
94         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
95         <td class="sig">\r
96         <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-setMenu"></a>\r
97             <b>setMenu</b>(&nbsp;<code>Array actions</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
98                         <div class="short">Sets a menu for the icon</div>\r
99             <div class="long">\r
100                 Sets a menu for the icon    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
101         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
102         <ul><li><code>actions</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Configurations for Ext.air.MenuItem's</div></li>        </ul>\r
103         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
104         <ul>\r
105             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
106         </ul>\r
107     </div>\r
108                 </div>\r
109                         </div>\r
110         </td>\r
111         <td class="msource">SystemTray</td>\r
112     </tr>\r
113         <tr class="method-row expandable">\r
114         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
115         <td class="sig">\r
116         <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-showIcon"></a>\r
117             <b>showIcon</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
118                         <div class="short">Show the custom icon</div>\r
119             <div class="long">\r
120                 Show the custom icon    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
121         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
122         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
123         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
124         <ul>\r
125             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
126         </ul>\r
127     </div>\r
128                 </div>\r
129                         </div>\r
130         </td>\r
131         <td class="msource">SystemTray</td>\r
132     </tr>\r
133             </table>
134                 <a id="Ext.air.SystemTray-events"></a>
135         <h2>Public Events</h2>
136         <div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
137         </div>