Upgrade to ExtJS 3.0.0 - Released 07/06/2009
[extjs.git] / examples / writer / remote / lib / request.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4  * @class Request
5  */
6 class Request {
7     public $restful, $method, $controller, $action, $id, $params;
8     public function __construct($params) {
9         $this->restful = (isset($params["restful"])) ? $params["restful"] : false;
10         $this->method = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"];
11         $this->parseRequest();
12     }
13     public function isRestful() {
14         return $this->restful;
15     }
16     public function to_string() {
17         return "controller: " . $this->controller . ', action: ' . $this->action . ', id: ' . $this->id;
18     }
19     protected function parseRequest() {
20         if ($this->method == 'PUT') {   // <-- Have to jump through hoops to get PUT data
21             $raw  = '';
22             $httpContent = fopen('php://input', 'r');
23             while ($kb = fread($httpContent, 1024)) {
24                 $raw .= $kb;
25             }
26             fclose($httpContent);
27             $params = array();
28             parse_str($raw, $params);
29             $this->id = (isset($params['id'])) ? $params['id'] : null;
30             $this->params = (isset($params['data'])) ? json_decode(stripslashes($params['data']), true) : null;
31         } else {
32             // grab JSON data if there...
33             $this->params = (isset($_REQUEST['data'])) ? json_decode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['data']), true) : null;
34             $this->id = (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) ? json_decode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['id']), true) : null;
35         }
36         // parse path info
37         if (isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"])){
38             $cai = '/^\/([a-z]+\w)\/([a-z]+\w)\/([0-9]+)$/';    // /controller/action/id
39             $ca =  '/^\/([a-z]+\w)\/([a-z]+\w)$/';              // /controller/action
40             $ci = '/^\/([a-z]+\w)\/([0-9]+)$/';               // /controller/id
41             $c =  '/^\/([a-z]+)$/';                             // /controller
42             $i =  '/^\/([0-9]+)$/';                             // /id
43             $matches = array();
44             if (preg_match($cai, $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], $matches)) {
45                 $this->controller = $matches[1];
46                 $this->action = $matches[2];
47                 $this->id = $matches[3];
48             } else if (preg_match($ca, $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], $matches)) {
49                 $this->controller = $matches[1];
50                 $this->action = $matches[2];
51             } else if (preg_match($ci, $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], $matches)) {
52                 $this->controller = $matches[1];
53                 $this->id = $matches[2];
54             } else if (preg_match($c, $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], $matches)) {
55                 $this->controller = $matches[1];
56             } else if (preg_match($i, $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], $matches)) {
57                 $this->id = $matches[1];
58             }
59         }
60     }
61 }