Upgrade to ExtJS 3.0.3 - Released 10/11/2009
[extjs.git] / docs / source / GMapPanel.html
1 <html>
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3   <title>The source code</title>
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8     <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><div id="cls-Ext.ux.GMapPanel"></div>/**\r
9  * @class Ext.ux.GMapPanel\r
10  * @extends Ext.Panel\r
11  * @author Shea Frederick\r
12  */\r
13 Ext.ux.GMapPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {\r
14     initComponent : function(){\r
15         \r
16         var defConfig = {\r
17             plain: true,\r
18             zoomLevel: 3,\r
19             yaw: 180,\r
20             pitch: 0,\r
21             zoom: 0,\r
22             gmapType: 'map',\r
23             border: false\r
24         };\r
25         \r
26         Ext.applyIf(this,defConfig);\r
27         \r
28         Ext.ux.GMapPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this);        \r
29 \r
30     },\r
31     afterRender : function(){\r
32         \r
33         var wh = this.ownerCt.getSize();\r
34         Ext.applyIf(this, wh);\r
35         \r
36         Ext.ux.GMapPanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this);    \r
37         \r
38         if (this.gmapType === 'map'){\r
39             this.gmap = new GMap2(this.body.dom);\r
40         }\r
41         \r
42         if (this.gmapType === 'panorama'){\r
43             this.gmap = new GStreetviewPanorama(this.body.dom);\r
44         }\r
45         \r
46         if (typeof this.addControl == 'object' && this.gmapType === 'map') {\r
47             this.gmap.addControl(this.addControl);\r
48         }\r
49         \r
50         if (typeof this.setCenter === 'object') {\r
51             if (typeof this.setCenter.geoCodeAddr === 'string'){\r
52                 this.geoCodeLookup(this.setCenter.geoCodeAddr);\r
53             }else{\r
54                 if (this.gmapType === 'map'){\r
55                     var point = new GLatLng(this.setCenter.lat,this.setCenter.lng);\r
56                     this.gmap.setCenter(point, this.zoomLevel);    \r
57                 }\r
58                 if (typeof this.setCenter.marker === 'object' && typeof point === 'object'){\r
59                     this.addMarker(point,this.setCenter.marker,this.setCenter.marker.clear);\r
60                 }\r
61             }\r
62             if (this.gmapType === 'panorama'){\r
63                 this.gmap.setLocationAndPOV(new GLatLng(this.setCenter.lat,this.setCenter.lng), {yaw: this.yaw, pitch: this.pitch, zoom: this.zoom});\r
64             }\r
65         }\r
66 \r
67         GEvent.bind(this.gmap, 'load', this, function(){\r
68             this.onMapReady();\r
69         });\r
70 \r
71     },\r
72     onMapReady : function(){\r
73         this.addMarkers(this.markers);\r
74         this.addMapControls();\r
75         this.addOptions();  \r
76     },\r
77     onResize : function(w, h){\r
78 \r
79         if (typeof this.getMap() == 'object') {\r
80             this.gmap.checkResize();\r
81         }\r
82         \r
83         Ext.ux.GMapPanel.superclass.onResize.call(this, w, h);\r
84 \r
85     },\r
86     setSize : function(width, height, animate){\r
87         \r
88         if (typeof this.getMap() == 'object') {\r
89             this.gmap.checkResize();\r
90         }\r
91         \r
92         Ext.ux.GMapPanel.superclass.setSize.call(this, width, height, animate);\r
93         \r
94     },\r
95     getMap : function(){\r
96         \r
97         return this.gmap;\r
98         \r
99     },\r
100     getCenter : function(){\r
101         \r
102         return this.getMap().getCenter();\r
103         \r
104     },\r
105     getCenterLatLng : function(){\r
106         \r
107         var ll = this.getCenter();\r
108         return {lat: ll.lat(), lng: ll.lng()};\r
109         \r
110     },\r
111     addMarkers : function(markers) {\r
112         \r
113         if (Ext.isArray(markers)){\r
114             for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {\r
115                 var mkr_point = new GLatLng(markers[i].lat,markers[i].lng);\r
116                 this.addMarker(mkr_point,markers[i].marker,false,markers[i].setCenter, markers[i].listeners);\r
117             }\r
118         }\r
119         \r
120     },\r
121     addMarker : function(point, marker, clear, center, listeners){\r
122         \r
123         Ext.applyIf(marker,G_DEFAULT_ICON);\r
124 \r
125         if (clear === true){\r
126             this.getMap().clearOverlays();\r
127         }\r
128         if (center === true) {\r
129             this.getMap().setCenter(point, this.zoomLevel);\r
130         }\r
131 \r
132         var mark = new GMarker(point,marker);\r
133         if (typeof listeners === 'object'){\r
134             for (evt in listeners) {\r
135                 GEvent.bind(mark, evt, this, listeners[evt]);\r
136             }\r
137         }\r
138         this.getMap().addOverlay(mark);\r
139 \r
140     },\r
141     addMapControls : function(){\r
142         \r
143         if (this.gmapType === 'map') {\r
144             if (Ext.isArray(this.mapControls)) {\r
145                 for(i=0;i<this.mapControls.length;i++){\r
146                     this.addMapControl(this.mapControls[i]);\r
147                 }\r
148             }else if(typeof this.mapControls === 'string'){\r
149                 this.addMapControl(this.mapControls);\r
150             }else if(typeof this.mapControls === 'object'){\r
151                 this.getMap().addControl(this.mapControls);\r
152             }\r
153         }\r
154         \r
155     },\r
156     addMapControl : function(mc){\r
157         \r
158         var mcf = window[mc];\r
159         if (typeof mcf === 'function') {\r
160             this.getMap().addControl(new mcf());\r
161         }    \r
162         \r
163     },\r
164     addOptions : function(){\r
165         \r
166         if (Ext.isArray(this.mapConfOpts)) {\r
167             var mc;\r
168             for(i=0;i<this.mapConfOpts.length;i++){\r
169                 this.addOption(this.mapConfOpts[i]);\r
170             }\r
171         }else if(typeof this.mapConfOpts === 'string'){\r
172             this.addOption(this.mapConfOpts);\r
173         }        \r
174         \r
175     },\r
176     addOption : function(mc){\r
177         \r
178         var mcf = this.getMap()[mc];\r
179         if (typeof mcf === 'function') {\r
180             this.getMap()[mc]();\r
181         }    \r
182         \r
183     },\r
184     geoCodeLookup : function(addr) {\r
185         \r
186         this.geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();\r
187         this.geocoder.getLocations(addr, this.addAddressToMap.createDelegate(this));\r
188         \r
189     },\r
190     addAddressToMap : function(response) {\r
191         \r
192         if (!response || response.Status.code != 200) {\r
193             Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error', 'Code '+response.Status.code+' Error Returned');\r
194         }else{\r
195             place = response.Placemark[0];\r
196             addressinfo = place.AddressDetails;\r
197             accuracy = addressinfo.Accuracy;\r
198             if (accuracy === 0) {\r
199                 Ext.MessageBox.alert('Unable to Locate Address', 'Unable to Locate the Address you provided');\r
200             }else{\r
201                 if (accuracy < 7) {\r
202                     Ext.MessageBox.alert('Address Accuracy', 'The address provided has a low accuracy.<br><br>Level '+accuracy+' Accuracy (8 = Exact Match, 1 = Vague Match)');\r
203                 }else{\r
204                     point = new GLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1], place.Point.coordinates[0]);\r
205                     if (typeof this.setCenter.marker === 'object' && typeof point === 'object'){\r
206                         this.addMarker(point,this.setCenter.marker,this.setCenter.marker.clear,true, this.setCenter.listeners);\r
207                     }\r
208                 }\r
209             }\r
210         }\r
211         \r
212     }\r
213  \r
214 });\r
215 \r
216 Ext.reg('gmappanel', Ext.ux.GMapPanel); </pre>
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