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[extjs.git] / docs / output / Ext.form.RadioGroup.html
1         <div class="body-wrap">
2         <div class="top-tools">
3             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.RadioGroup-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
4             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.RadioGroup-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
5             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.RadioGroup-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
6                             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.form.RadioGroup-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
7                         <a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.form.RadioGroup"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
8         </div>
9                 <div class="inheritance res-block">
10 <pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
11   <img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Component</a>
12     <img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html">BoxComponent</a>
13       <img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html">Field</a>
14         <img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/><a ext:cls="Ext.form.CheckboxGroup" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.html">CheckboxGroup</a>
15           <img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>RadioGroup</pre></div>
16                 <h1>Class Ext.form.RadioGroup</h1>
17         <table cellspacing="0">
18             <tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.form</td></tr>
19             <tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../src/RadioGroup.js" target="_blank">RadioGroup.js</a></td></tr>
20             <tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">RadioGroup</td></tr>
21                                     <tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.CheckboxGroup" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.html">CheckboxGroup</a></td></tr>
22                     </table>
23         <div class="description">
24             *
25 A grouping container for <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Radio" href="output/Ext.form.Radio.html">Ext.form.Radio</a> controls.        </div>
27         <div class="hr"></div>
28                 <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-configs"></a>
29         <h2>Config Options</h2>
30         <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
31             <tr>
32                 <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
33                 <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
34             </tr>
35                 <tr class="config-row expandable">\r
36         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
37         <td class="sig">\r
38         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-allowBlank"></a>\r
39             <b>allowBlank</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
40                         <div class="short">True to allow every item in the group to be blank (defaults to false). If allowBlank = false and no items are selecte...</div>\r
41             <div class="long">\r
42                 True to allow every item in the group to be blank (defaults to false). If allowBlank = false and no items are selected at validation time, {@link @blankText} will be used as the error text.            </div>\r
43                         </div>\r
44         </td>\r
45         <td class="msource">RadioGroup</td>\r
46     </tr>\r
47         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
48         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
49         <td class="sig">\r
50         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-allowDomMove"></a>\r
51             <b>allowDomMove</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
52                             Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true).                        </div>\r
53         </td>\r
54         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#allowDomMove" href="output/Ext.Component.html#allowDomMove">Component</a></td>\r
55     </tr>\r
56         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
57         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
58         <td class="sig">\r
59         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-applyTo"></a>\r
60             <b>applyTo</b> : Mixed            <div class="mdesc">\r
61                         <div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document ...</div>\r
62             <div class="long">\r
63                 The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in the document that specifies some structural markup for this component. When applyTo is used, constituent parts of the component can also be specified by id or CSS class name within the main element, and the component being created may attempt to create its subcomponents from that markup if applicable. Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">renderTo</a> will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the component's container.            </div>\r
64                         </div>\r
65         </td>\r
66         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyTo">Component</a></td>\r
67     </tr>\r
68         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
69         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
70         <td class="sig">\r
71         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-autoCreate"></a>\r
72             <b>autoCreate</b> : String/Object            <div class="mdesc">\r
73                         <div class="short">A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au...</div>\r
74             <div class="long">\r
75                 A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"})            </div>\r
76                         </div>\r
77         </td>\r
78         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#autoCreate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#autoCreate">Field</a></td>\r
79     </tr>\r
80         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
81         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
82         <td class="sig">\r
83         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-autoEl"></a>\r
84             <b>autoEl</b> : String/Object            <div class="mdesc">\r
85                         <div class="short">A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inlin...</div>\r
86             <div class="long">\r
87                 A tag name or DomHelper spec to create an element with. This is intended to create shorthand utility components inline via JSON. It should not be used for higher level components which already create their own elements. Example usage: <pre><code>{xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: <em>'div'</em>, cls:<em>'my-class'</em>}
88 {xtype:<em>'box'</em>, autoEl: {tag:<em>'blockquote'</em>, html:<em>'autoEl is cool!'</em>}} // <b>with</b> DomHelper</code></pre>            </div>\r
89                         </div>\r
90         </td>\r
91         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoEl">Component</a></td>\r
92     </tr>\r
93         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
94         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
95         <td class="sig">\r
96         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-autoHeight"></a>\r
97             <b>autoHeight</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
98                         <div class="short">True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height (defaults to false). Note: Although many components inherit this...</div>\r
99             <div class="long">\r
100                 True to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height (defaults to false). <b>Note</b>: Although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a height of 'auto'. Setting autoHeight:true means that the browser will manage height based on the element's contents, and that Ext will not manage it at all.            </div>\r
101                         </div>\r
102         </td>\r
103         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
104     </tr>\r
105         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
106         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
107         <td class="sig">\r
108         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-autoShow"></a>\r
109             <b>autoShow</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
110                         <div class="short">True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render...</div>\r
111             <div class="long">\r
112                 True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove them on render (defaults to false).            </div>\r
113                         </div>\r
114         </td>\r
115         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#autoShow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#autoShow">Component</a></td>\r
116     </tr>\r
117         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
118         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
119         <td class="sig">\r
120         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-autoWidth"></a>\r
121             <b>autoWidth</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
122                         <div class="short">True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width (defaults to false). Note: Although many components inherit this c...</div>\r
123             <div class="long">\r
124                 True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width (defaults to false). <b>Note</b>: Although many components inherit this config option, not all will function as expected with a width of 'auto'. Setting autoWidth:true means that the browser will manage width based on the element's contents, and that Ext will not manage it at all.            </div>\r
125                         </div>\r
126         </td>\r
127         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#autoWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#autoWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
128     </tr>\r
129         <tr class="config-row">\r
130         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
131         <td class="sig">\r
132         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-blankText"></a>\r
133             <b>blankText</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
134                             Error text to display if the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.RadioGroup" ext:member="allowBlank" href="output/Ext.form.RadioGroup.html#allowBlank">allowBlank</a> validation fails (defaults to "You must select one item in this group")                        </div>\r
135         </td>\r
136         <td class="msource">RadioGroup</td>\r
137     </tr>\r
138         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
139         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
140         <td class="sig">\r
141         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-clearCls"></a>\r
142             <b>clearCls</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
143                         <div class="short">The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left'). This config is only used when this Co...</div>\r
144             <div class="long">\r
145                 The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left'). <p><b>This config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.form.FormLayout.html">FormLayout</a> layout manager.</b></p>            </div>\r
146                         </div>\r
147         </td>\r
148         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#clearCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#clearCls">Component</a></td>\r
149     </tr>\r
150         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
151         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
152         <td class="sig">\r
153         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-cls"></a>\r
154             <b>cls</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
155                         <div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for a...</div>\r
156             <div class="long">\r
157                 An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.            </div>\r
158                         </div>\r
159         </td>\r
160         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cls">Component</a></td>\r
161     </tr>\r
162         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
163         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
164         <td class="sig">\r
165         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-columns"></a>\r
166             <b>columns</b> : String/Number/Array            <div class="mdesc">\r
167                         <div class="short">Specifies the number of columns to use when displaying grouped checkbox/radio controls using automatic layout. This c...</div>\r
168             <div class="long">\r
169                 Specifies the number of columns to use when displaying grouped checkbox/radio controls using automatic layout. This config can take several types of values: <ul><li><b>'auto'</b> : <p class="sub-desc">The controls will be rendered one per column on one row and the width of each column will be evenly distributed based on the width of the overall field container. This is the default.</p></li> <li><b>Number</b> : <p class="sub-desc">If you specific a number (e.g., 3) that number of columns will be created and the contained controls will be automatically distributed based on the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.form.CheckboxGroup" ext:member="vertical" href="output/Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.html#vertical">vertical</a>.</p></li> <li><b>Array</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">You can also specify an array of column widths, mixing integer (fixed width) and float (percentage width) values as needed (e.g., [100, .25, .75]). Any integer values will be rendered first, then any float values will be calculated as a percentage of the remaining space. Float values do not have to add up to 1 (100%) although if you want the controls to take up the entire field container you should do so.</p></li></ul>            </div>\r
170                         </div>\r
171         </td>\r
172         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.CheckboxGroup" ext:member="#columns" href="output/Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.html#columns">CheckboxGroup</a></td>\r
173     </tr>\r
174         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
175         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
176         <td class="sig">\r
177         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-ctCls"></a>\r
178             <b>ctCls</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
179                         <div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for...</div>\r
180             <div class="long">\r
181                 An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules.            </div>\r
182                         </div>\r
183         </td>\r
184         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ctCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ctCls">Component</a></td>\r
185     </tr>\r
186         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
187         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
188         <td class="sig">\r
189         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-disabled"></a>\r
190             <b>disabled</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
191                             Render this component disabled (default is false).                        </div>\r
192         </td>\r
193         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>\r
194     </tr>\r
195         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
196         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
197         <td class="sig">\r
198         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-disabledClass"></a>\r
199             <b>disabledClass</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
200                             CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to "x-item-disabled").                        </div>\r
201         </td>\r
202         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabledClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabledClass">Component</a></td>\r
203     </tr>\r
204         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
205         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
206         <td class="sig">\r
207         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-fieldClass"></a>\r
208             <b>fieldClass</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
209                             The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field")                        </div>\r
210         </td>\r
211         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#fieldClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#fieldClass">Field</a></td>\r
212     </tr>\r
213         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
214         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
215         <td class="sig">\r
216         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-fieldLabel"></a>\r
217             <b>fieldLabel</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
218                         <div class="short">The label text to display next to this Component (defaults to '') This config is only used when this Component is ren...</div>\r
219             <div class="long">\r
220                 The label text to display next to this Component (defaults to '') <p><b>This config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.form.FormLayout.html">FormLayout</a> layout manager.</b></p> Example use:<pre><code>new Ext.FormPanel({
221     height: 100,
222     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
223     items: [{
224         xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
225         fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>
226     }]
227 });</code></pre>            </div>\r
228                         </div>\r
229         </td>\r
230         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#fieldLabel" href="output/Ext.Component.html#fieldLabel">Component</a></td>\r
231     </tr>\r
232         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
233         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
234         <td class="sig">\r
235         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-focusClass"></a>\r
236             <b>focusClass</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
237                             The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus")                        </div>\r
238         </td>\r
239         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#focusClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#focusClass">Field</a></td>\r
240     </tr>\r
241         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
242         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
243         <td class="sig">\r
244         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-height"></a>\r
245             <b>height</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
246                             The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).                        </div>\r
247         </td>\r
248         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#height" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#height">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
249     </tr>\r
250         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
251         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
252         <td class="sig">\r
253         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hidden"></a>\r
254             <b>hidden</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
255                             Render this component hidden (default is false).                        </div>\r
256         </td>\r
257         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>\r
258     </tr>\r
259         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
260         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
261         <td class="sig">\r
262         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hideLabel"></a>\r
263             <b>hideLabel</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
264                         <div class="short">True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false). By default, even if you do not specify a fieldLabel th...</div>\r
265             <div class="long">\r
266                 True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false). By default, even if you do not specify a <a ext:cls="fieldLabel" href="output/fieldLabel.html">fieldLabel</a> the space will still be reserved so that the field will line up with other fields that do have labels. Setting this to true will cause the field to not reserve that space. <p><b>This config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.form.FormLayout.html">FormLayout</a> layout manager.</b></p> Example use:<pre><code>new Ext.FormPanel({
267     height: 100,
268     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
269     items: [{
270         xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>
271         hideLabel: true
272     }]
273 });</code></pre>            </div>\r
274                         </div>\r
275         </td>\r
276         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideLabel" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideLabel">Component</a></td>\r
277     </tr>\r
278         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
279         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
280         <td class="sig">\r
281         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hideMode"></a>\r
282             <b>hideMode</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
283                         <div class="short">How this component should be hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset p...</div>\r
284             <div class="long">\r
285                 <p>How this component should be hidden. Supported values are "visibility" (css visibility), "offsets" (negative offset position) and "display" (css display) - defaults to "display".</p> <p>For Containers which may be hidden and shown as part of a <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">card layout</a> Container such as a <a ext:cls="Ext.TabPanel" href="output/Ext.TabPanel.html">TabPanel</a>, it is recommended that hideMode is configured as "offsets". This ensures that hidden Components still have height and width so that layout managers can perform measurements when calculating layouts.</p>            </div>\r
286                         </div>\r
287         </td>\r
288         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideMode" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideMode">Component</a></td>\r
289     </tr>\r
290         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
291         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
292         <td class="sig">\r
293         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hideParent"></a>\r
294             <b>hideParent</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
295                         <div class="short">True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the...</div>\r
296             <div class="long">\r
297                 True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide and show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide button on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container.            </div>\r
298                         </div>\r
299         </td>\r
300         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hideParent" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hideParent">Component</a></td>\r
301     </tr>\r
302         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
303         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
304         <td class="sig">\r
305         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-id"></a>\r
306             <b>id</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
307                         <div class="short">The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). You should assign an id if you need to be able to ...</div>\r
308             <div class="long">\r
309                 The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component later and you do not have an object reference available (e.g., using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="getCmp" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#getCmp">Ext.ComponentMgr.getCmp</a>). Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component. This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements using this component's id as the parent.            </div>\r
310                         </div>\r
311         </td>\r
312         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">Component</a></td>\r
313     </tr>\r
314         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
315         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
316         <td class="sig">\r
317         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-inputType"></a>\r
318             <b>inputType</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
319                         <div class="short">The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password, file (defaults to "text"). The types "file" and "p...</div>\r
320             <div class="long">\r
321                 The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password, file (defaults to "text"). The types "file" and "password" must be used to render those field types currently -- there are no separate Ext components for those. Note that if you use <tt>inputType:'file'</tt>, <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="emptyText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#emptyText">emptyText</a> is not supported and should be avoided.            </div>\r
322                         </div>\r
323         </td>\r
324         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#inputType" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#inputType">Field</a></td>\r
325     </tr>\r
326         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
327         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
328         <td class="sig">\r
329         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-invalidClass"></a>\r
330             <b>invalidClass</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
331                             The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid")                        </div>\r
332         </td>\r
333         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">Field</a></td>\r
334     </tr>\r
335         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
336         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
337         <td class="sig">\r
338         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-invalidText"></a>\r
339             <b>invalidText</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
340                         <div class="short">The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i...</div>\r
341             <div class="long">\r
342                 The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid")            </div>\r
343                         </div>\r
344         </td>\r
345         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">Field</a></td>\r
346     </tr>\r
347         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
348         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
349         <td class="sig">\r
350         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-itemCls"></a>\r
351             <b>itemCls</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
352                         <div class="short">An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper's form item element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCl...</div>\r
353             <div class="long">\r
354                 An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper's form item element of this field (defaults to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the item wrapper, it allows you to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for the field. <p><b>This config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.form.FormLayout.html">FormLayout</a> layout manager.</b></p> Example use:<pre><code><i>// Apply a style to the field's label:</i>
355 &lt;style>
356     .required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}
357 &lt;/style>
359 <b>new</b> Ext.FormPanel({
360     height: 100,
361     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
362     items: [{
363         xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
364         fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
365         itemCls: <em>'required'</em> <i>//<b>this</b> label will be styled</i>
366     },{
367         xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
368         fieldLabel: <em>'Favorite Color'</em>
369     }]
370 });</code></pre>            </div>\r
371                         </div>\r
372         </td>\r
373         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#itemCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#itemCls">Component</a></td>\r
374     </tr>\r
375         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
376         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
377         <td class="sig">\r
378         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-items"></a>\r
379             <b>items</b> : Array            <div class="mdesc">\r
380                             An Array of <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Checkbox" href="output/Ext.form.Checkbox.html">Checkbox</a>es or Checkbox config objects to arrange in the group.                        </div>\r
381         </td>\r
382         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.CheckboxGroup" ext:member="#items" href="output/Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.html#items">CheckboxGroup</a></td>\r
383     </tr>\r
384         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
385         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
386         <td class="sig">\r
387         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-labelSeparator"></a>\r
388             <b>labelSeparator</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
389                         <div class="short">The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of Ext.layout.FormLayout.l...</div>\r
390             <div class="long">\r
391                 The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults to the value of <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" ext:member="labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html#labelSeparator">Ext.layout.FormLayout.labelSeparator</a>, which is a colon ':' by default). To display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. <p><b>This config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.form.FormLayout.html">FormLayout</a> layout manager.</b></p> Example use:<pre><code>new Ext.FormPanel({
392     height: 100,
393     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
394     items: [{
395         xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
396         fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
397         labelSeparator: <em>'...'</em>
398     }]
399 });</code></pre>            </div>\r
400                         </div>\r
401         </td>\r
402         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#labelSeparator" href="output/Ext.Component.html#labelSeparator">Component</a></td>\r
403     </tr>\r
404         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
405         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
406         <td class="sig">\r
407         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-labelStyle"></a>\r
408             <b>labelStyle</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
409                         <div class="short">A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if se...</div>\r
410             <div class="long">\r
411                 A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set, or '').<code></code>. <p><b>This config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the <a ext:cls="Ext.form.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.form.FormLayout.html">FormLayout</a> layout manager.</b></p> Example use:<pre><code>new Ext.FormPanel({
412     height: 100,
413     renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
414     items: [{
415         xtype: <em>'textfield'</em>,
416         fieldLabel: <em>'Name'</em>,
417         labelStyle: <em>'font-weight:bold;'</em>
418     }]
419 });</code></pre>            </div>\r
420                         </div>\r
421         </td>\r
422         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#labelStyle" href="output/Ext.Component.html#labelStyle">Component</a></td>\r
423     </tr>\r
424         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
425         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
426         <td class="sig">\r
427         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-listeners"></a>\r
428             <b>listeners</b> : Object            <div class="mdesc">\r
429                         <div class="short">(optional) A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. Th...</div>\r
430             <div class="long">\r
431                 (optional) A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once.            </div>\r
432                         </div>\r
433         </td>\r
434         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>\r
435     </tr>\r
436         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
437         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
438         <td class="sig">\r
439         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-msgFx"></a>\r
440             <b>msgFx</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
441                             <b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal').                        </div>\r
442         </td>\r
443         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgFx" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgFx">Field</a></td>\r
444     </tr>\r
445         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
446         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
447         <td class="sig">\r
448         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-msgTarget"></a>\r
449             <b>msgTarget</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
450                         <div class="short">The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value      ...</div>\r
451             <div class="long">\r
452                 The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): <pre>Value         Description\r
453 -----------   ----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
454 qtip          Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field\r
455 title         Display a default browser title attribute popup\r
456 under         Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text\r
457 side          Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover\r
458 [element id]  Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element</pre>            </div>\r
459                         </div>\r
460         </td>\r
461         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">Field</a></td>\r
462     </tr>\r
463         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
464         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
465         <td class="sig">\r
466         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-name"></a>\r
467             <b>name</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
468                             The field's HTML name attribute (defaults to "").                        </div>\r
469         </td>\r
470         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#name" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#name">Field</a></td>\r
471     </tr>\r
472         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
473         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
474         <td class="sig">\r
475         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-overCls"></a>\r
476             <b>overCls</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
477                         <div class="short">An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves over the Element, and...</div>\r
478             <div class="long">\r
479                 An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves over the Element, and removed when the mouse moves out. (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized "active" or "hover" styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.            </div>\r
480                         </div>\r
481         </td>\r
482         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#overCls" href="output/Ext.Component.html#overCls">Component</a></td>\r
483     </tr>\r
484         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
485         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
486         <td class="sig">\r
487         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-pageX"></a>\r
488             <b>pageX</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
489                             The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.                        </div>\r
490         </td>\r
491         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageX" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageX">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
492     </tr>\r
493         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
494         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
495         <td class="sig">\r
496         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-pageY"></a>\r
497             <b>pageY</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
498                             The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.                        </div>\r
499         </td>\r
500         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#pageY" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#pageY">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
501     </tr>\r
502         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
503         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
504         <td class="sig">\r
505         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-plugins"></a>\r
506             <b>plugins</b> : Object/Array            <div class="mdesc">\r
507                         <div class="short">An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a v...</div>\r
508             <div class="long">\r
509                 An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality.            </div>\r
510                         </div>\r
511         </td>\r
512         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#plugins" href="output/Ext.Component.html#plugins">Component</a></td>\r
513     </tr>\r
514         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
515         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
516         <td class="sig">\r
517         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-readOnly"></a>\r
518             <b>readOnly</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
519                         <div class="short">True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM att...</div>\r
520             <div class="long">\r
521                 True to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false) -- Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute.            </div>\r
522                         </div>\r
523         </td>\r
524         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#readOnly" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#readOnly">Field</a></td>\r
525     </tr>\r
526         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
527         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
528         <td class="sig">\r
529         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-renderTo"></a>\r
530             <b>renderTo</b> : Mixed            <div class="mdesc">\r
531                         <div class="short">The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using...</div>\r
532             <div class="long">\r
533                 The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element that will be the container to render this component into. Using this config, a call to render() is not required.            </div>\r
534                         </div>\r
535         </td>\r
536         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#renderTo" href="output/Ext.Component.html#renderTo">Component</a></td>\r
537     </tr>\r
538         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
539         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
540         <td class="sig">\r
541         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-stateEvents"></a>\r
542             <b>stateEvents</b> : Array            <div class="mdesc">\r
543                         <div class="short">An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be...</div>\r
544             <div class="long">\r
545                 An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p>            </div>\r
546                         </div>\r
547         </td>\r
548         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">Component</a></td>\r
549     </tr>\r
550         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
551         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
552         <td class="sig">\r
553         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-stateId"></a>\r
554             <b>stateId</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
555                         <div class="short">The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id if one was set, o...</div>\r
556             <div class="long">\r
557                 The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id if one was set, otherwise null if the component is using a generated id). <p>See <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">stateful</a> for an explanation of saving and restoring Component state.</p>            </div>\r
558                         </div>\r
559         </td>\r
560         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">Component</a></td>\r
561     </tr>\r
562         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
563         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
564         <td class="sig">\r
565         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-stateful"></a>\r
566             <b>stateful</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
567                         <div class="short">A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startu...</div>\r
568             <div class="long">\r
569                 <p>A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup. The component must have either a <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateId">stateId</a> or <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="id" href="output/Ext.Component.html#id">id</a> assigned for state to be managed. Auto-generated ids are not guaranteed to be stable across page loads and cannot be relied upon to save and restore the same state for a component.<p> For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been set to an implementation of <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html">Ext.state.Provider</a> which overrides the <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="set" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#set">set</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.state.Provider" ext:member="get" href="output/Ext.state.Provider.html#get">get</a> methods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation, <a ext:cls="Ext.state.CookieProvider" href="output/Ext.state.CookieProvider.html">Ext.state.CookieProvider</a> is available.</p> <p>To set the state provider for the current page:</p> <pre><code>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(<b>new</b> Ext.state.CookieProvider());</code></pre> <p>Components attempt to save state when one of the events listed in the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="stateEvents" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateEvents">stateEvents</a> configuration fires.</p> <p>You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching handlers to the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestaterestore">beforestaterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#staterestore">staterestore</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#beforestatesave">beforestatesave</a> and <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#statesave">statesave</a> events</p>            </div>\r
570                         </div>\r
571         </td>\r
572         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#stateful" href="output/Ext.Component.html#stateful">Component</a></td>\r
573     </tr>\r
574         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
575         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
576         <td class="sig">\r
577         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-style"></a>\r
578             <b>style</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
579                         <div class="short">A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to</div>\r
580             <div class="long">\r
581                 A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" ext:member="applyStyles" href="output/Ext.Element.html#applyStyles">Ext.Element.applyStyles</a>.            </div>\r
582                         </div>\r
583         </td>\r
584         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#style" href="output/Ext.Component.html#style">Component</a></td>\r
585     </tr>\r
586         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
587         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
588         <td class="sig">\r
589         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-tabIndex"></a>\r
590             <b>tabIndex</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
591                         <div class="short">The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyT...</div>\r
592             <div class="long">\r
593                 The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined).            </div>\r
594                         </div>\r
595         </td>\r
596         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#tabIndex" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#tabIndex">Field</a></td>\r
597     </tr>\r
598         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
599         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
600         <td class="sig">\r
601         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-validateOnBlur"></a>\r
602             <b>validateOnBlur</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
603                             Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true).                        </div>\r
604         </td>\r
605         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validateOnBlur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validateOnBlur">Field</a></td>\r
606     </tr>\r
607         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
608         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
609         <td class="sig">\r
610         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-validationDelay"></a>\r
611             <b>validationDelay</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
612                             The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250)                        </div>\r
613         </td>\r
614         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationDelay" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationDelay">Field</a></td>\r
615     </tr>\r
616         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
617         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
618         <td class="sig">\r
619         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-validationEvent"></a>\r
620             <b>validationEvent</b> : String/Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
621                             The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to "keyup").                        </div>\r
622         </td>\r
623         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validationEvent" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validationEvent">Field</a></td>\r
624     </tr>\r
625         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
626         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
627         <td class="sig">\r
628         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-value"></a>\r
629             <b>value</b> : Mixed            <div class="mdesc">\r
630                             A value to initialize this field with (defaults to undefined).                        </div>\r
631         </td>\r
632         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#value" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#value">Field</a></td>\r
633     </tr>\r
634         <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
635         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
636         <td class="sig">\r
637         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-vertical"></a>\r
638             <b>vertical</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
639                         <div class="short">True to distribute contained controls across columns, completely filling each column top to bottom before starting on...</div>\r
640             <div class="long">\r
641                 True to distribute contained controls across columns, completely filling each column top to bottom before starting on the next column. The number of controls in each column will be automatically calculated to keep columns as even as possible. The default value is false, so that controls will be added to columns one at a time, completely filling each row left to right before starting on the next row.            </div>\r
642                         </div>\r
643         </td>\r
644         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.CheckboxGroup" ext:member="#vertical" href="output/Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.html#vertical">CheckboxGroup</a></td>\r
645     </tr>\r
646         <tr class="config-row inherited alt">\r
647         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
648         <td class="sig">\r
649         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-width"></a>\r
650             <b>width</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
651                             The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).                        </div>\r
652         </td>\r
653         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#width" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#width">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
654     </tr>\r
655         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
656         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
657         <td class="sig">\r
658         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-x"></a>\r
659             <b>x</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
660                             The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.                        </div>\r
661         </td>\r
662         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#x" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#x">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
663     </tr>\r
664         <tr class="config-row inherited alt expandable">\r
665         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
666         <td class="sig">\r
667         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-xtype"></a>\r
668             <b>xtype</b> : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
669                         <div class="short">The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This ...</div>\r
670             <div class="long">\r
671                 The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing a config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when lazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being specified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a <i>Component config object</i>. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component to create.<br><br> The predefined xtypes are listed <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">here</a>. <br><br> If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register them using <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" ext:member="registerType" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html#registerType">Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType</a> in order to be able to take advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering.            </div>\r
672                         </div>\r
673         </td>\r
674         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#xtype" href="output/Ext.Component.html#xtype">Component</a></td>\r
675     </tr>\r
676         <tr class="config-row inherited">\r
677         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
678         <td class="sig">\r
679         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-y"></a>\r
680             <b>y</b> : Number            <div class="mdesc">\r
681                             The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.                        </div>\r
682         </td>\r
683         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#y" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#y">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
684     </tr>\r
685             </table>
686                 <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-props"></a>
687         <h2>Public Properties</h2>
688                 <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
689             <tr>
690                 <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Property</th>
691                 <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
692             </tr>
693                 <tr class="property-row inherited">\r
694         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
695         <td class="sig">\r
696         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-disabled"></a>\r
697             <b>disabled</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
698                             True if this component is disabled. Read-only.                        </div>\r
699         </td>\r
700         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disabled">Component</a></td>\r
701     </tr>\r
702         <tr class="property-row inherited alt">\r
703         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
704         <td class="sig">\r
705         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hidden"></a>\r
706             <b>hidden</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
708 True if this component is hidden. Read-only.                        </div>\r
709         </td>\r
710         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hidden" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hidden">Component</a></td>\r
711     </tr>\r
712         <tr class="property-row inherited">\r
713         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
714         <td class="sig">\r
715         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-initialConfig"></a>\r
716             <b>initialConfig</b> : Object            <div class="mdesc">\r
717                             This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only.                        </div>\r
718         </td>\r
719         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#initialConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#initialConfig">Component</a></td>\r
720     </tr>\r
721         <tr class="property-row inherited alt expandable">\r
722         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
723         <td class="sig">\r
724         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-ownerCt"></a>\r
725             <b>ownerCt</b> : Ext.Container            <div class="mdesc">\r
726                         <div class="short">The component's owner Ext.Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
727 the component is added to a...</div>\r
728             <div class="long">\r
729                 The component's owner <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when
730 the component is added to a container).  Read-only.            </div>\r
731                         </div>\r
732         </td>\r
733         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#ownerCt" href="output/Ext.Component.html#ownerCt">Component</a></td>\r
734     </tr>\r
735         <tr class="property-row inherited">\r
736         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
737         <td class="sig">\r
738         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-rendered"></a>\r
739             <b>rendered</b> : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
740                             True if this component has been rendered. Read-only.                        </div>\r
741         </td>\r
742         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#rendered" href="output/Ext.Component.html#rendered">Component</a></td>\r
743     </tr>\r
744             </table>
745                 <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-methods"></a>
746         <h2>Public Methods</h2>
747                 <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
748             <tr>
749                 <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
750                 <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
751             </tr>
752                 <tr class="method-row expandable">\r
753         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
754         <td class="sig">\r
755         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-RadioGroup"></a>\r
756             <b>RadioGroup</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object config</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
757                         <div class="short">Creates a new RadioGroup</div>\r
758             <div class="long">\r
759                 Creates a new RadioGroup    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
760         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
761         <ul><li><code>config</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">Configuration options</div></li>        </ul>\r
762         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
763         <ul>\r
764             <li><code></code></li>\r
765         </ul>\r
766     </div>\r
767                 </div>\r
768                         </div>\r
769         </td>\r
770         <td class="msource">RadioGroup</td>\r
771     </tr>\r
772         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
773         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
774         <td class="sig">\r
775         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-addClass"></a>\r
776             <b>addClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
777                         <div class="short">Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.</div>\r
778             <div class="long">\r
779                 Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
780         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
781         <ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to add</div></li>        </ul>\r
782         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
783         <ul>\r
784             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
785         </ul>\r
786     </div>\r
787                 </div>\r
788                         </div>\r
789         </td>\r
790         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#addClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#addClass">Component</a></td>\r
791     </tr>\r
792         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
793         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
794         <td class="sig">\r
795         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-addEvents"></a>\r
796             <b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
797                         <div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>\r
798             <div class="long">\r
799                 Used to define events on this Observable    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
800         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
801         <ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li>        </ul>\r
802         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
803         <ul>\r
804             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
805         </ul>\r
806     </div>\r
807                 </div>\r
808                         </div>\r
809         </td>\r
810         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
811     </tr>\r
812         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
813         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
814         <td class="sig">\r
815         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-addListener"></a>\r
816             <b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
817                         <div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>\r
818             <div class="long">\r
819                 Appends an event handler to this component    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
820         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
821         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
822 function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
823 properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
824 <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
825 <li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
826 <li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
827 <li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
828 by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
829 handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
830 </ul><br>
831 <p>
832 <b>Combining Options</b><br>
833 Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
834 <br>
835 A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
836 <pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
837     single: true,
838     delay: 100,
839     forumId: 4
840 });</code></pre>
841 <p>
842 <b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
843 The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
844 which specify multiple handlers.
845 <p>
846 <pre><code>foo.on({
847     <em>'click'</em> : {
848         fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
849         scope: <b>this</b>,
850         delay: 100
851     },
852     <em>'mouseover'</em> : {
853         fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
854         scope: <b>this</b>
855     },
856     <em>'mouseout'</em> : {
857         fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
858         scope: <b>this</b>
859     }
860 });</code></pre>
861 <p>
862 Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
863 <pre><code>foo.on({
864     <em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
865     <em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
866     <em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
867      scope: <b>this</b>
868 });</code></pre></div></li>        </ul>\r
869         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
870         <ul>\r
871             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
872         </ul>\r
873     </div>\r
874                 </div>\r
875                         </div>\r
876         </td>\r
877         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>\r
878     </tr>\r
879         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
880         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
881         <td class="sig">\r
882         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-applyToMarkup"></a>\r
883             <b>applyToMarkup</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
884                         <div class="short">Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.</div>\r
885             <div class="long">\r
886                 Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
887         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
888         <ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
889         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
890         <ul>\r
891             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
892         </ul>\r
893     </div>\r
894                 </div>\r
895                         </div>\r
896         </td>\r
897         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#applyToMarkup" href="output/Ext.Component.html#applyToMarkup">Component</a></td>\r
898     </tr>\r
899         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
900         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
901         <td class="sig">\r
902         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-clearInvalid"></a>\r
903             <b>clearInvalid</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
904                         <div class="short">Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field</div>\r
905             <div class="long">\r
906                 Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
907         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
908         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
909         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
910         <ul>\r
911             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
912         </ul>\r
913     </div>\r
914                 </div>\r
915                         </div>\r
916         </td>\r
917         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#clearInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#clearInvalid">Field</a></td>\r
918     </tr>\r
919         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
920         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
921         <td class="sig">\r
922         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-cloneConfig"></a>\r
923             <b>cloneConfig</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object overrides</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component            <div class="mdesc">\r
924                         <div class="short">Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.</div>\r
925             <div class="long">\r
926                 Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
927         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
928         <ul><li><code>overrides</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.
929 An id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.</div></li>        </ul>\r
930         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
931         <ul>\r
932             <li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">clone The cloned copy of this component</div></li>\r
933         </ul>\r
934     </div>\r
935                 </div>\r
936                         </div>\r
937         </td>\r
938         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#cloneConfig" href="output/Ext.Component.html#cloneConfig">Component</a></td>\r
939     </tr>\r
940         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
941         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
942         <td class="sig">\r
943         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-destroy"></a>\r
944             <b>destroy</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
945                         <div class="short">Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
946 removing the c...</div>\r
947             <div class="long">\r
948                 Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
949 removing the component from its <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Ext.Container</a> (if applicable) and unregistering it from
950 <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>.  Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
951 should usually not need to be called directly.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
952         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
953         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
954         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
955         <ul>\r
956             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
957         </ul>\r
958     </div>\r
959                 </div>\r
960                         </div>\r
961         </td>\r
962         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#destroy">Component</a></td>\r
963     </tr>\r
964         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
965         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
966         <td class="sig">\r
967         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-disable"></a>\r
968             <b>disable</b>() : Ext.Component            <div class="mdesc">\r
969                         <div class="short">Disable this component.</div>\r
970             <div class="long">\r
971                 Disable this component.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
972         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
973         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
974         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
975         <ul>\r
976             <li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
977         </ul>\r
978     </div>\r
979                 </div>\r
980                         </div>\r
981         </td>\r
982         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#disable">Component</a></td>\r
983     </tr>\r
984         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
985         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
986         <td class="sig">\r
987         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-enable"></a>\r
988             <b>enable</b>() : Ext.Component            <div class="mdesc">\r
989                         <div class="short">Enable this component.</div>\r
990             <div class="long">\r
991                 Enable this component.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
992         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
993         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
994         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
995         <ul>\r
996             <li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
997         </ul>\r
998     </div>\r
999                 </div>\r
1000                         </div>\r
1001         </td>\r
1002         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#enable">Component</a></td>\r
1003     </tr>\r
1004         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1005         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1006         <td class="sig">\r
1007         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-findParentBy"></a>\r
1008             <b>findParentBy</b>(&nbsp;<code>Function fcn</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Container            <div class="mdesc">\r
1009                         <div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
1010 true, the con...</div>\r
1011             <div class="long">\r
1012                 Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
1013 true, the container will be returned. The passed function is called with the arguments (container, this component).    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1014         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1015         <ul><li><code>fcn</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1016         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1017         <ul>\r
1018             <li><code>Ext.Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The first Container for which the custom function returns true</div></li>\r
1019         </ul>\r
1020     </div>\r
1021                 </div>\r
1022                         </div>\r
1023         </td>\r
1024         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentBy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentBy">Component</a></td>\r
1025     </tr>\r
1026         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1027         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1028         <td class="sig">\r
1029         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-findParentByType"></a>\r
1030             <b>findParentByType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/Class xtype</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Container            <div class="mdesc">\r
1031                         <div class="short">Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class</div>\r
1032             <div class="long">\r
1033                 Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1034         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1035         <ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String/Class<div class="sub-desc">The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly</div></li>        </ul>\r
1036         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1037         <ul>\r
1038             <li><code>Ext.Container</code><div class="sub-desc">The first Container which matches the given xtype or class</div></li>\r
1039         </ul>\r
1040     </div>\r
1041                 </div>\r
1042                         </div>\r
1043         </td>\r
1044         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#findParentByType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#findParentByType">Component</a></td>\r
1045     </tr>\r
1046         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1047         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1048         <td class="sig">\r
1049         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-fireEvent"></a>\r
1050             <b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
1051                         <div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>\r
1052             <div class="long">\r
1053                 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1054         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1055         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li>        </ul>\r
1056         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1057         <ul>\r
1058             <li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>\r
1059         </ul>\r
1060     </div>\r
1061                 </div>\r
1062                         </div>\r
1063         </td>\r
1064         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>\r
1065     </tr>\r
1066         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1067         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1068         <td class="sig">\r
1069         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-focus"></a>\r
1070             <b>focus</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean selectText</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean/Number delay</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component            <div class="mdesc">\r
1071                         <div class="short">Try to focus this component.</div>\r
1072             <div class="long">\r
1073                 Try to focus this component.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1074         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1075         <ul><li><code>selectText</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If applicable, true to also select the text in this component</div></li><li><code>delay</code> : Boolean/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1076         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1077         <ul>\r
1078             <li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1079         </ul>\r
1080     </div>\r
1081                 </div>\r
1082                         </div>\r
1083         </td>\r
1084         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#focus" href="output/Ext.Component.html#focus">Component</a></td>\r
1085     </tr>\r
1086         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1087         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1088         <td class="sig">\r
1089         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getBox"></a>\r
1090             <b>getBox</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object            <div class="mdesc">\r
1091                         <div class="short">Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>\r
1092             <div class="long">\r
1093                 Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1094         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1095         <ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1096         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1097         <ul>\r
1098             <li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>\r
1099         </ul>\r
1100     </div>\r
1101                 </div>\r
1102                         </div>\r
1103         </td>\r
1104         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getBox">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1105     </tr>\r
1106         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1107         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1108         <td class="sig">\r
1109         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getEl"></a>\r
1110             <b>getEl</b>() : Ext.Element            <div class="mdesc">\r
1111                         <div class="short">Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.</div>\r
1112             <div class="long">\r
1113                 Returns the underlying <a ext:cls="Ext.Element" href="output/Ext.Element.html">Ext.Element</a>.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1114         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1115         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1116         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1117         <ul>\r
1118             <li><code>Ext.Element</code><div class="sub-desc">The element</div></li>\r
1119         </ul>\r
1120     </div>\r
1121                 </div>\r
1122                         </div>\r
1123         </td>\r
1124         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getEl" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getEl">Component</a></td>\r
1125     </tr>\r
1126         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1127         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1128         <td class="sig">\r
1129         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getId"></a>\r
1130             <b>getId</b>() : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
1131                         <div class="short">Returns the id of this component.</div>\r
1132             <div class="long">\r
1133                 Returns the id of this component.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1134         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1135         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1136         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1137         <ul>\r
1138             <li><code>String</code></li>\r
1139         </ul>\r
1140     </div>\r
1141                 </div>\r
1142                         </div>\r
1143         </td>\r
1144         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getId">Component</a></td>\r
1145     </tr>\r
1146         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1147         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1148         <td class="sig">\r
1149         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getItemId"></a>\r
1150             <b>getItemId</b>() : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
1151                         <div class="short">Returns the item id of this component.</div>\r
1152             <div class="long">\r
1153                 Returns the item id of this component.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1154         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1155         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1156         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1157         <ul>\r
1158             <li><code>String</code></li>\r
1159         </ul>\r
1160     </div>\r
1161                 </div>\r
1162                         </div>\r
1163         </td>\r
1164         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getItemId" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getItemId">Component</a></td>\r
1165     </tr>\r
1166         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1167         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1168         <td class="sig">\r
1169         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getName"></a>\r
1170             <b>getName</b>() : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
1171                         <div class="short">Returns the name attribute of the field if available</div>\r
1172             <div class="long">\r
1173                 Returns the name attribute of the field if available    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1174         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1175         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1176         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1177         <ul>\r
1178             <li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">name The field name</div></li>\r
1179         </ul>\r
1180     </div>\r
1181                 </div>\r
1182                         </div>\r
1183         </td>\r
1184         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getName" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getName">Field</a></td>\r
1185     </tr>\r
1186         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1187         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1188         <td class="sig">\r
1189         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getPosition"></a>\r
1190             <b>getPosition</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean local</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Array            <div class="mdesc">\r
1191                         <div class="short">Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.</div>\r
1192             <div class="long">\r
1193                 Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1194         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1195         <ul><li><code>local</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1196         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1197         <ul>\r
1198             <li><code>Array</code><div class="sub-desc">The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])</div></li>\r
1199         </ul>\r
1200     </div>\r
1201                 </div>\r
1202                         </div>\r
1203         </td>\r
1204         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1205     </tr>\r
1206         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1207         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1208         <td class="sig">\r
1209         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getRawValue"></a>\r
1210             <b>getRawValue</b>() : Mixed            <div class="mdesc">\r
1211                         <div class="short">Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value.  To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.</div>\r
1212             <div class="long">\r
1213                 Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value.  To return a normalized value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">getValue</a>.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1214         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1215         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1216         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1217         <ul>\r
1218             <li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>\r
1219         </ul>\r
1220     </div>\r
1221                 </div>\r
1222                         </div>\r
1223         </td>\r
1224         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">Field</a></td>\r
1225     </tr>\r
1226         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1227         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1228         <td class="sig">\r
1229         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getSize"></a>\r
1230             <b>getSize</b>() : Object            <div class="mdesc">\r
1231                         <div class="short">Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.</div>\r
1232             <div class="long">\r
1233                 Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1234         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1235         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1236         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1237         <ul>\r
1238             <li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}</div></li>\r
1239         </ul>\r
1240     </div>\r
1241                 </div>\r
1242                         </div>\r
1243         </td>\r
1244         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#getSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#getSize">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1245     </tr>\r
1246         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1247         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1248         <td class="sig">\r
1249         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getValue"></a>\r
1250             <b>getValue</b>() : Mixed            <div class="mdesc">\r
1251                         <div class="short">Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as '').  To return the raw value see getRa...</div>\r
1252             <div class="long">\r
1253                 Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as '').  To return the raw value see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="getRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getRawValue">getRawValue</a>.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1254         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1255         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1256         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1257         <ul>\r
1258             <li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value</div></li>\r
1259         </ul>\r
1260     </div>\r
1261                 </div>\r
1262                         </div>\r
1263         </td>\r
1264         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#getValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#getValue">Field</a></td>\r
1265     </tr>\r
1266         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1267         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1268         <td class="sig">\r
1269         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getXType"></a>\r
1270             <b>getXType</b>() : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
1271                         <div class="short">Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all
1272 available xtypes, see the Ex...</div>\r
1273             <div class="long">\r
1274                 Gets the xtype for this component as registered with <a ext:cls="Ext.ComponentMgr" href="output/Ext.ComponentMgr.html">Ext.ComponentMgr</a>. For a list of all
1275 available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header. Example usage:
1276 <pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
1277 alert(t.getXType());  // alerts <em>'textfield'</em></code></pre>    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1278         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1279         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1280         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1281         <ul>\r
1282             <li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype</div></li>\r
1283         </ul>\r
1284     </div>\r
1285                 </div>\r
1286                         </div>\r
1287         </td>\r
1288         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXType">Component</a></td>\r
1289     </tr>\r
1290         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1291         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1292         <td class="sig">\r
1293         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-getXTypes"></a>\r
1294             <b>getXTypes</b>() : String            <div class="mdesc">\r
1295                         <div class="short">Returns this Component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
1296 available xtypes, see the Ext...</div>\r
1297             <div class="long">\r
1298                 <p>Returns this Component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all
1299 available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header.</p>
1300 <p><b>If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype
1301 to participate in determination of inherited xtypes.</b></p>
1302 <p>Example usage:</p>
1303 <pre><code>\r
1304 var t = new Ext.form.TextField();\r
1305 alert(t.getXTypes());  // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'</pre></code>    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1306         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1307         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1308         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1309         <ul>\r
1310             <li><code>String</code><div class="sub-desc">The xtype hierarchy string</div></li>\r
1311         </ul>\r
1312     </div>\r
1313                 </div>\r
1314                         </div>\r
1315         </td>\r
1316         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#getXTypes" href="output/Ext.Component.html#getXTypes">Component</a></td>\r
1317     </tr>\r
1318         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1319         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1320         <td class="sig">\r
1321         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hasListener"></a>\r
1322             <b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
1323                         <div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>\r
1324             <div class="long">\r
1325                 Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1326         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1327         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li>        </ul>\r
1328         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1329         <ul>\r
1330             <li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>\r
1331         </ul>\r
1332     </div>\r
1333                 </div>\r
1334                         </div>\r
1335         </td>\r
1336         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>\r
1337     </tr>\r
1338         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1339         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1340         <td class="sig">\r
1341         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hide"></a>\r
1342             <b>hide</b>() : Ext.Component            <div class="mdesc">\r
1343                         <div class="short">Hide this component.</div>\r
1344             <div class="long">\r
1345                 Hide this component.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1346         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1347         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1348         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1349         <ul>\r
1350             <li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1351         </ul>\r
1352     </div>\r
1353                 </div>\r
1354                         </div>\r
1355         </td>\r
1356         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#hide">Component</a></td>\r
1357     </tr>\r
1358         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1359         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1360         <td class="sig">\r
1361         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-isDirty"></a>\r
1362             <b>isDirty</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1363                         <div class="short">Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.</div>\r
1364             <div class="long">\r
1365                 Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1366         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1367         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1368         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1369         <ul>\r
1370             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1371         </ul>\r
1372     </div>\r
1373                 </div>\r
1374                         </div>\r
1375         </td>\r
1376         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isDirty" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isDirty">Field</a></td>\r
1377     </tr>\r
1378         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1379         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1380         <td class="sig">\r
1381         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-isValid"></a>\r
1382             <b>isValid</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean preventMark</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
1383                         <div class="short">Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid</div>\r
1384             <div class="long">\r
1385                 Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1386         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1387         <ul><li><code>preventMark</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to disable marking the field invalid</div></li>        </ul>\r
1388         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1389         <ul>\r
1390             <li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>\r
1391         </ul>\r
1392     </div>\r
1393                 </div>\r
1394                         </div>\r
1395         </td>\r
1396         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#isValid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#isValid">Field</a></td>\r
1397     </tr>\r
1398         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1399         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1400         <td class="sig">\r
1401         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-isVisible"></a>\r
1402             <b>isVisible</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1403                         <div class="short">Returns true if this component is visible.</div>\r
1404             <div class="long">\r
1405                 Returns true if this component is visible.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1406         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1407         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1408         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1409         <ul>\r
1410             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1411         </ul>\r
1412     </div>\r
1413                 </div>\r
1414                         </div>\r
1415         </td>\r
1416         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isVisible">Component</a></td>\r
1417     </tr>\r
1418         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1419         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1420         <td class="sig">\r
1421         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-isXType"></a>\r
1422             <b>isXType</b>(&nbsp;<code>String xtype</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Boolean shallow</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1423                         <div class="short">Tests whether or not this Component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this Component is descended
1424 from th...</div>\r
1425             <div class="long">\r
1426                 <p>Tests whether or not this Component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this Component is descended
1427 from the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true).</p>
1428 <p><b>If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype
1429 to participate in determination of inherited xtypes.</b></p>
1430 <p>For a list of all available xtypes, see the <a ext:cls="Ext.Component" href="output/Ext.Component.html">Ext.Component</a> header.</p>
1431 <p>Example usage:</p>
1432 <pre><code>var t = <b>new</b> Ext.form.TextField();
1433 <b>var</b> isText = t.isXType(<em>'textfield'</em>);        <i>// true</i>
1434 <b>var</b> isBoxSubclass = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>);       <i>// true, descended from BoxComponent</i>
1435 <b>var</b> isBoxInstance = t.isXType(<em>'box'</em>, true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance</code></pre>    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1436         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1437         <ul><li><code>xtype</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The xtype to check for this Component</div></li><li><code>shallow</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">(optional) False to check whether this Component is descended from the xtype (this is
1438 the default), or true to check whether this Component is directly of the specified xtype.</div></li>        </ul>\r
1439         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1440         <ul>\r
1441             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1442         </ul>\r
1443     </div>\r
1444                 </div>\r
1445                         </div>\r
1446         </td>\r
1447         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#isXType" href="output/Ext.Component.html#isXType">Component</a></td>\r
1448     </tr>\r
1449         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1450         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1451         <td class="sig">\r
1452         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-markInvalid"></a>\r
1453             <b>markInvalid</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String msg</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1454                         <div class="short">Mark this field as invalid, using msgTarget to determine how to display the error and
1455 applying invalidClass to the fi...</div>\r
1456             <div class="long">\r
1457                 Mark this field as invalid, using <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="msgTarget" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#msgTarget">msgTarget</a> to determine how to display the error and
1458 applying <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="invalidClass" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidClass">invalidClass</a> to the field's element.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1459         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1460         <ul><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The validation message (defaults to <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="invalidText" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#invalidText">invalidText</a>)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1461         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1462         <ul>\r
1463             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1464         </ul>\r
1465     </div>\r
1466                 </div>\r
1467                         </div>\r
1468         </td>\r
1469         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#markInvalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#markInvalid">Field</a></td>\r
1470     </tr>\r
1471         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1472         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1473         <td class="sig">\r
1474         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-on"></a>\r
1475             <b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1476                         <div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>\r
1477             <div class="long">\r
1478                 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1479         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1480         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
1481 function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1482         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1483         <ul>\r
1484             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1485         </ul>\r
1486     </div>\r
1487                 </div>\r
1488                         </div>\r
1489         </td>\r
1490         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>\r
1491     </tr>\r
1492         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1493         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1494         <td class="sig">\r
1495         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-purgeListeners"></a>\r
1496             <b>purgeListeners</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1497                         <div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>\r
1498             <div class="long">\r
1499                 Removes all listeners for this object    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1500         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1501         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1502         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1503         <ul>\r
1504             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1505         </ul>\r
1506     </div>\r
1507                 </div>\r
1508                         </div>\r
1509         </td>\r
1510         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>\r
1511     </tr>\r
1512         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1513         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1514         <td class="sig">\r
1515         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-relayEvents"></a>\r
1516             <b>relayEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>, <code>Array events</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1517                         <div class="short">Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by <tt><b>this</b></tt>.</div>\r
1518             <div class="long">\r
1519                 Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by <tt><b>this</b></tt>.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1520         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1521         <ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Observable whose events this object is to relay.</div></li><li><code>events</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of event names to relay.</div></li>        </ul>\r
1522         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1523         <ul>\r
1524             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1525         </ul>\r
1526     </div>\r
1527                 </div>\r
1528                         </div>\r
1529         </td>\r
1530         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#relayEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#relayEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
1531     </tr>\r
1532         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1533         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1534         <td class="sig">\r
1535         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-removeClass"></a>\r
1536             <b>removeClass</b>(&nbsp;<code>string cls</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1537                         <div class="short">Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.</div>\r
1538             <div class="long">\r
1539                 Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1540         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1541         <ul><li><code>cls</code> : string<div class="sub-desc">The CSS class name to remove</div></li>        </ul>\r
1542         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1543         <ul>\r
1544             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1545         </ul>\r
1546     </div>\r
1547                 </div>\r
1548                         </div>\r
1549         </td>\r
1550         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#removeClass" href="output/Ext.Component.html#removeClass">Component</a></td>\r
1551     </tr>\r
1552         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1553         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1554         <td class="sig">\r
1555         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-removeListener"></a>\r
1556             <b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1557                         <div class="short">Removes a listener</div>\r
1558             <div class="long">\r
1559                 Removes a listener    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1560         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1561         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li>        </ul>\r
1562         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1563         <ul>\r
1564             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1565         </ul>\r
1566     </div>\r
1567                 </div>\r
1568                         </div>\r
1569         </td>\r
1570         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>\r
1571     </tr>\r
1572         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1573         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1574         <td class="sig">\r
1575         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-render"></a>\r
1576             <b>render</b>(&nbsp;<span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Element/HTMLElement/String container</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>String/Number position</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1577                         <div class="short">Render this Component into the passed HTML element.
1578 If you are using a Container object to house this Component, then...</div>\r
1579             <div class="long">\r
1580                 <p>Render this Component into the passed HTML element.</p>
1581 <p><b>If you are using a <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" href="output/Ext.Container.html">Container</a> object to house this Component, then
1582 do not use the render method.</b></p>
1583 <p>A Container's child Components are rendered by that Container's
1584 <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> manager when the Container is first rendered.</p>
1585 <p>Certain layout managers allow dynamic addition of child components. Those that do
1586 include <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.CardLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.CardLayout.html">Ext.layout.CardLayout</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.AnchorLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.html">Ext.layout.AnchorLayout</a>,
1587 <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.FormLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.FormLayout.html">Ext.layout.FormLayout</a>, <a ext:cls="Ext.layout.TableLayout" href="output/Ext.layout.TableLayout.html">Ext.layout.TableLayout</a>.</p>
1588 <p>If the Container is already rendered when a new child Component is added, you may need to call
1589 the Container's <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="doLayout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#doLayout">doLayout</a> to refresh the view which causes any
1590 unrendered child Components to be rendered. This is required so that you can add multiple
1591 child components if needed while only refreshing the layout once.</p>
1592 <p>When creating complex UIs, it is important to remember that sizing and positioning
1593 of child items is the responsibility of the Container's <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> manager.
1594 If you expect child items to be sized in response to user interactions, you must
1595 configure the Container with a layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you
1596 have in mind.</p>
1597 <p><b>Omitting the Container's <a ext:cls="Ext.Container" ext:member="layout" href="output/Ext.Container.html#layout">layout</a> config means that a basic
1598 layout manager is used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the
1599 Container. No sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation.</b></p>    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1600         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1601         <ul><li><code>container</code> : Element/HTMLElement/String<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element this Component should be
1602 rendered into. If it is being created from existing markup, this should be omitted.</div></li><li><code>position</code> : String/Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The element ID or DOM node index within the container <b>before</b>
1603 which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1604         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1605         <ul>\r
1606             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1607         </ul>\r
1608     </div>\r
1609                 </div>\r
1610                         </div>\r
1611         </td>\r
1612         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#render">Component</a></td>\r
1613     </tr>\r
1614         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1615         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1616         <td class="sig">\r
1617         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-reset"></a>\r
1618             <b>reset</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1619                         <div class="short">Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages</div>\r
1620             <div class="long">\r
1621                 Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1622         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1623         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1624         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1625         <ul>\r
1626             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1627         </ul>\r
1628     </div>\r
1629                 </div>\r
1630                         </div>\r
1631         </td>\r
1632         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#reset" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#reset">Field</a></td>\r
1633     </tr>\r
1634         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1635         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1636         <td class="sig">\r
1637         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-resumeEvents"></a>\r
1638             <b>resumeEvents</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1639                         <div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>\r
1640             <div class="long">\r
1641                 Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1642         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1643         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1644         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1645         <ul>\r
1646             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1647         </ul>\r
1648     </div>\r
1649                 </div>\r
1650                         </div>\r
1651         </td>\r
1652         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
1653     </tr>\r
1654         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1655         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1656         <td class="sig">\r
1657         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setDisabled"></a>\r
1658             <b>setDisabled</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean disabled</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1659                         <div class="short">Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.</div>\r
1660             <div class="long">\r
1661                 Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1662         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1663         <ul><li><code>disabled</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
1664         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1665         <ul>\r
1666             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1667         </ul>\r
1668     </div>\r
1669                 </div>\r
1670                         </div>\r
1671         </td>\r
1672         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setDisabled" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setDisabled">Component</a></td>\r
1673     </tr>\r
1674         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1675         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1676         <td class="sig">\r
1677         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setHeight"></a>\r
1678             <b>setHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent            <div class="mdesc">\r
1679                         <div class="short">Sets the height of the component.  This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#resize">resize</a> event.</div>\r
1680             <div class="long">\r
1681                 Sets the height of the component.  This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#resize">resize</a> event.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1682         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1683         <ul><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set</div></li>        </ul>\r
1684         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1685         <ul>\r
1686             <li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1687         </ul>\r
1688     </div>\r
1689                 </div>\r
1690                         </div>\r
1691         </td>\r
1692         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setHeight" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setHeight">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1693     </tr>\r
1694         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1695         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1696         <td class="sig">\r
1697         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setPagePosition"></a>\r
1698             <b>setPagePosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent            <div class="mdesc">\r
1699                         <div class="short">Sets the page XY position of the component.  To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.
1700 This method fires the ...</div>\r
1701             <div class="long">\r
1702                 Sets the page XY position of the component.  To set the left and top instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">setPosition</a>.
1703 This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#move">move</a> event.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1704         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1705         <ul><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li>        </ul>\r
1706         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1707         <ul>\r
1708             <li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1709         </ul>\r
1710     </div>\r
1711                 </div>\r
1712                         </div>\r
1713         </td>\r
1714         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1715     </tr>\r
1716         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1717         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1718         <td class="sig">\r
1719         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setPosition"></a>\r
1720             <b>setPosition</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number left</code>, <code>Number top</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent            <div class="mdesc">\r
1721                         <div class="short">Sets the left and top of the component.  To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.
1722 This method fires ...</div>\r
1723             <div class="long">\r
1724                 Sets the left and top of the component.  To set the page XY position instead, use <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="setPagePosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPagePosition">setPagePosition</a>.
1725 This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#move">move</a> event.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1726         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1727         <ul><li><code>left</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new left</div></li><li><code>top</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new top</div></li>        </ul>\r
1728         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1729         <ul>\r
1730             <li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1731         </ul>\r
1732     </div>\r
1733                 </div>\r
1734                         </div>\r
1735         </td>\r
1736         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setPosition" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setPosition">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1737     </tr>\r
1738         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1739         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1740         <td class="sig">\r
1741         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setRawValue"></a>\r
1742             <b>setRawValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : Mixed            <div class="mdesc">\r
1743                         <div class="short">Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation.  To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.</div>\r
1744             <div class="long">\r
1745                 Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation.  To set the value with validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">setValue</a>.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1746         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1747         <ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li>        </ul>\r
1748         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1749         <ul>\r
1750             <li><code>Mixed</code><div class="sub-desc">value The field value that is set</div></li>\r
1751         </ul>\r
1752     </div>\r
1753                 </div>\r
1754                         </div>\r
1755         </td>\r
1756         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">Field</a></td>\r
1757     </tr>\r
1758         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1759         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1760         <td class="sig">\r
1761         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setSize"></a>\r
1762             <b>setSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number/Object width</code>, <code>Number height</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent            <div class="mdesc">\r
1763                         <div class="short">Sets the width and height of the component.  This method fires the resize event.  This method can accept
1764 either width...</div>\r
1765             <div class="long">\r
1766                 Sets the width and height of the component.  This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#resize">resize</a> event.  This method can accept
1767 either width and height as separate numeric arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1768         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1769         <ul><li><code>width</code> : Number/Object<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set, or a size object in the format {width, height}</div></li><li><code>height</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg)</div></li>        </ul>\r
1770         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1771         <ul>\r
1772             <li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1773         </ul>\r
1774     </div>\r
1775                 </div>\r
1776                         </div>\r
1777         </td>\r
1778         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setSize">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1779     </tr>\r
1780         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1781         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1782         <td class="sig">\r
1783         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setValue"></a>\r
1784             <b>setValue</b>(&nbsp;<code>Mixed value</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1785                         <div class="short">Sets a data value into the field and validates it.  To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.</div>\r
1786             <div class="long">\r
1787                 Sets a data value into the field and validates it.  To set the value directly without validation see <a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="setRawValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setRawValue">setRawValue</a>.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1788         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1789         <ul><li><code>value</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The value to set</div></li>        </ul>\r
1790         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1791         <ul>\r
1792             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1793         </ul>\r
1794     </div>\r
1795                 </div>\r
1796                         </div>\r
1797         </td>\r
1798         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#setValue" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#setValue">Field</a></td>\r
1799     </tr>\r
1800         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1801         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1802         <td class="sig">\r
1803         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setVisible"></a>\r
1804             <b>setVisible</b>(&nbsp;<code>Boolean visible</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.Component            <div class="mdesc">\r
1805                         <div class="short">Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.</div>\r
1806             <div class="long">\r
1807                 Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1808         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1809         <ul><li><code>visible</code> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">True to show, false to hide</div></li>        </ul>\r
1810         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1811         <ul>\r
1812             <li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1813         </ul>\r
1814     </div>\r
1815                 </div>\r
1816                         </div>\r
1817         </td>\r
1818         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#setVisible" href="output/Ext.Component.html#setVisible">Component</a></td>\r
1819     </tr>\r
1820         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1821         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1822         <td class="sig">\r
1823         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-setWidth"></a>\r
1824             <b>setWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent            <div class="mdesc">\r
1825                         <div class="short">Sets the width of the component.  This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#resize">resize</a> event.</div>\r
1826             <div class="long">\r
1827                 Sets the width of the component.  This method fires the <a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#resize">resize</a> event.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1828         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1829         <ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new width to set</div></li>        </ul>\r
1830         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1831         <ul>\r
1832             <li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1833         </ul>\r
1834     </div>\r
1835                 </div>\r
1836                         </div>\r
1837         </td>\r
1838         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#setWidth" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#setWidth">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1839     </tr>\r
1840         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1841         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1842         <td class="sig">\r
1843         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-show"></a>\r
1844             <b>show</b>() : Ext.Component            <div class="mdesc">\r
1845                         <div class="short">Show this component.</div>\r
1846             <div class="long">\r
1847                 Show this component.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1848         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1849         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1850         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1851         <ul>\r
1852             <li><code>Ext.Component</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1853         </ul>\r
1854     </div>\r
1855                 </div>\r
1856                         </div>\r
1857         </td>\r
1858         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#show">Component</a></td>\r
1859     </tr>\r
1860         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1861         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1862         <td class="sig">\r
1863         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-suspendEvents"></a>\r
1864             <b>suspendEvents</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1865                         <div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>\r
1866             <div class="long">\r
1867                 Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1868         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1869         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1870         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1871         <ul>\r
1872             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1873         </ul>\r
1874     </div>\r
1875                 </div>\r
1876                         </div>\r
1877         </td>\r
1878         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
1879     </tr>\r
1880         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1881         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1882         <td class="sig">\r
1883         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-syncSize"></a>\r
1884             <b>syncSize</b>() : Ext.BoxComponent            <div class="mdesc">\r
1885                         <div class="short">Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.</div>\r
1886             <div class="long">\r
1887                 Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1888         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1889         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1890         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1891         <ul>\r
1892             <li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1893         </ul>\r
1894     </div>\r
1895                 </div>\r
1896                         </div>\r
1897         </td>\r
1898         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#syncSize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#syncSize">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1899     </tr>\r
1900         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1901         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1902         <td class="sig">\r
1903         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-un"></a>\r
1904             <b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
1905                         <div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>\r
1906             <div class="long">\r
1907                 Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1908         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1909         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li>        </ul>\r
1910         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1911         <ul>\r
1912             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
1913         </ul>\r
1914     </div>\r
1915                 </div>\r
1916                         </div>\r
1917         </td>\r
1918         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>\r
1919     </tr>\r
1920         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1921         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1922         <td class="sig">\r
1923         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-updateBox"></a>\r
1924             <b>updateBox</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object box</code>&nbsp;) : Ext.BoxComponent            <div class="mdesc">\r
1925                         <div class="short">Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.</div>\r
1926             <div class="long">\r
1927                 Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1928         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1929         <ul><li><code>box</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">An object in the format {x, y, width, height}</div></li>        </ul>\r
1930         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1931         <ul>\r
1932             <li><code>Ext.BoxComponent</code><div class="sub-desc">this</div></li>\r
1933         </ul>\r
1934     </div>\r
1935                 </div>\r
1936                         </div>\r
1937         </td>\r
1938         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#updateBox" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#updateBox">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
1939     </tr>\r
1940         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
1941         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1942         <td class="sig">\r
1943         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-validate"></a>\r
1944             <b>validate</b>() : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
1945                         <div class="short">Validates the field value</div>\r
1946             <div class="long">\r
1947                 Validates the field value    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1948         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
1949         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
1950         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
1951         <ul>\r
1952             <li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the value is valid, else false</div></li>\r
1953         </ul>\r
1954     </div>\r
1955                 </div>\r
1956                         </div>\r
1957         </td>\r
1958         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#validate" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#validate">Field</a></td>\r
1959     </tr>\r
1960             </table>
1961                 <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-events"></a>
1962         <h2>Public Events</h2>
1963                 <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
1964             <tr>
1965                 <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Event</th>
1966                 <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
1967             </tr>
1968                 <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
1969         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1970         <td class="sig">\r
1971         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-beforedestroy"></a>\r
1972             <b>beforedestroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
1973                         <div class="short">Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.</div>\r
1974             <div class="long">\r
1975                 Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false to stop the destroy.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1976         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
1977         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
1978     </div>\r
1979                 </div>\r
1980                         </div>\r
1981         </td>\r
1982         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforedestroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforedestroy">Component</a></td>\r
1983     </tr>\r
1984         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
1985         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
1986         <td class="sig">\r
1987         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-beforehide"></a>\r
1988             <b>beforehide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
1989                         <div class="short">Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.</div>\r
1990             <div class="long">\r
1991                 Fires before the component is hidden. Return false to stop the hide.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
1992         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
1993         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
1994     </div>\r
1995                 </div>\r
1996                         </div>\r
1997         </td>\r
1998         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforehide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforehide">Component</a></td>\r
1999     </tr>\r
2000         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2001         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2002         <td class="sig">\r
2003         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-beforerender"></a>\r
2004             <b>beforerender</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2005                         <div class="short">Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.</div>\r
2006             <div class="long">\r
2007                 Fires before the component is rendered. Return false to stop the render.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2008         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2009         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2010     </div>\r
2011                 </div>\r
2012                         </div>\r
2013         </td>\r
2014         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforerender" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforerender">Component</a></td>\r
2015     </tr>\r
2016         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2017         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2018         <td class="sig">\r
2019         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-beforeshow"></a>\r
2020             <b>beforeshow</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2021                         <div class="short">Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.</div>\r
2022             <div class="long">\r
2023                 Fires before the component is shown. Return false to stop the show.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2024         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2025         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2026     </div>\r
2027                 </div>\r
2028                         </div>\r
2029         </td>\r
2030         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforeshow" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforeshow">Component</a></td>\r
2031     </tr>\r
2032         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2033         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2034         <td class="sig">\r
2035         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-beforestaterestore"></a>\r
2036             <b>beforestaterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2037                         <div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.</div>\r
2038             <div class="long">\r
2039                 Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2040         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2041         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li>        </ul>\r
2042     </div>\r
2043                 </div>\r
2044                         </div>\r
2045         </td>\r
2046         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestaterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestaterestore">Component</a></td>\r
2047     </tr>\r
2048         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2049         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2050         <td class="sig">\r
2051         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-beforestatesave"></a>\r
2052             <b>beforestatesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2053                         <div class="short">Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.</div>\r
2054             <div class="long">\r
2055                 Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2056         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2057         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li>        </ul>\r
2058     </div>\r
2059                 </div>\r
2060                         </div>\r
2061         </td>\r
2062         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-beforestatesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-beforestatesave">Component</a></td>\r
2063     </tr>\r
2064         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2065         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2066         <td class="sig">\r
2067         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-blur"></a>\r
2068             <b>blur</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2069                         <div class="short">Fires when this field loses input focus.</div>\r
2070             <div class="long">\r
2071                 Fires when this field loses input focus.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2072         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2073         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2074     </div>\r
2075                 </div>\r
2076                         </div>\r
2077         </td>\r
2078         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-blur" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-blur">Field</a></td>\r
2079     </tr>\r
2080         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2081         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2082         <td class="sig">\r
2083         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-change"></a>\r
2084             <b>change</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Mixed newValue</code>, <code>Mixed oldValue</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2085                         <div class="short">Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.</div>\r
2086             <div class="long">\r
2087                 Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2088         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2089         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>newValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The new value</div></li><li><code>oldValue</code> : Mixed<div class="sub-desc">The original value</div></li>        </ul>\r
2090     </div>\r
2091                 </div>\r
2092                         </div>\r
2093         </td>\r
2094         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-change" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-change">Field</a></td>\r
2095     </tr>\r
2096         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2097         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2098         <td class="sig">\r
2099         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-destroy"></a>\r
2100             <b>destroy</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2101                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is destroyed.</div>\r
2102             <div class="long">\r
2103                 Fires after the component is destroyed.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2104         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2105         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2106     </div>\r
2107                 </div>\r
2108                         </div>\r
2109         </td>\r
2110         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-destroy" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-destroy">Component</a></td>\r
2111     </tr>\r
2112         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2113         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2114         <td class="sig">\r
2115         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-disable"></a>\r
2116             <b>disable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2117                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is disabled.</div>\r
2118             <div class="long">\r
2119                 Fires after the component is disabled.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2120         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2121         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2122     </div>\r
2123                 </div>\r
2124                         </div>\r
2125         </td>\r
2126         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-disable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-disable">Component</a></td>\r
2127     </tr>\r
2128         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2129         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2130         <td class="sig">\r
2131         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-enable"></a>\r
2132             <b>enable</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2133                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is enabled.</div>\r
2134             <div class="long">\r
2135                 Fires after the component is enabled.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2136         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2137         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2138     </div>\r
2139                 </div>\r
2140                         </div>\r
2141         </td>\r
2142         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-enable" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-enable">Component</a></td>\r
2143     </tr>\r
2144         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2145         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2146         <td class="sig">\r
2147         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-focus"></a>\r
2148             <b>focus</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2149                         <div class="short">Fires when this field receives input focus.</div>\r
2150             <div class="long">\r
2151                 Fires when this field receives input focus.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2152         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2153         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2154     </div>\r
2155                 </div>\r
2156                         </div>\r
2157         </td>\r
2158         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-focus" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-focus">Field</a></td>\r
2159     </tr>\r
2160         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2161         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2162         <td class="sig">\r
2163         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-hide"></a>\r
2164             <b>hide</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2165                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is hidden.</div>\r
2166             <div class="long">\r
2167                 Fires after the component is hidden.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2168         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2169         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2170     </div>\r
2171                 </div>\r
2172                         </div>\r
2173         </td>\r
2174         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-hide" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-hide">Component</a></td>\r
2175     </tr>\r
2176         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2177         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2178         <td class="sig">\r
2179         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-invalid"></a>\r
2180             <b>invalid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>String msg</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2181                         <div class="short">Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.</div>\r
2182             <div class="long">\r
2183                 Fires after the field has been marked as invalid.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2184         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2185         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>msg</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The validation message</div></li>        </ul>\r
2186     </div>\r
2187                 </div>\r
2188                         </div>\r
2189         </td>\r
2190         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-invalid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-invalid">Field</a></td>\r
2191     </tr>\r
2192         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2193         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2194         <td class="sig">\r
2195         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-move"></a>\r
2196             <b>move</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number x</code>, <code>Number y</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2197                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is moved.</div>\r
2198             <div class="long">\r
2199                 Fires after the component is moved.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2200         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2201         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>x</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new x position</div></li><li><code>y</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The new y position</div></li>        </ul>\r
2202     </div>\r
2203                 </div>\r
2204                         </div>\r
2205         </td>\r
2206         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-move" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-move">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
2207     </tr>\r
2208         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2209         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2210         <td class="sig">\r
2211         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-render"></a>\r
2212             <b>render</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2213                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is rendered.</div>\r
2214             <div class="long">\r
2215                 Fires after the component is rendered.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2216         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2217         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2218     </div>\r
2219                 </div>\r
2220                         </div>\r
2221         </td>\r
2222         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-render" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-render">Component</a></td>\r
2223     </tr>\r
2224         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2225         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2226         <td class="sig">\r
2227         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-resize"></a>\r
2228             <b>resize</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Number adjWidth</code>, <code>Number adjHeight</code>, <code>Number rawWidth</code>, <code>Number rawHeight</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2229                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is resized.</div>\r
2230             <div class="long">\r
2231                 Fires after the component is resized.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2232         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2233         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>adjWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted width that was set</div></li><li><code>adjHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The box-adjusted height that was set</div></li><li><code>rawWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width that was originally specified</div></li><li><code>rawHeight</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The height that was originally specified</div></li>        </ul>\r
2234     </div>\r
2235                 </div>\r
2236                         </div>\r
2237         </td>\r
2238         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.BoxComponent" ext:member="#event-resize" href="output/Ext.BoxComponent.html#event-resize">BoxComponent</a></td>\r
2239     </tr>\r
2240         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2241         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2242         <td class="sig">\r
2243         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-show"></a>\r
2244             <b>show</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2245                         <div class="short">Fires after the component is shown.</div>\r
2246             <div class="long">\r
2247                 Fires after the component is shown.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2248         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2249         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2250     </div>\r
2251                 </div>\r
2252                         </div>\r
2253         </td>\r
2254         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-show" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-show">Component</a></td>\r
2255     </tr>\r
2256         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2257         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2258         <td class="sig">\r
2259         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-specialkey"></a>\r
2260             <b>specialkey</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>, <code>Ext.EventObject e</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2261                         <div class="short">Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed.  You can check
2262 Ext.EventObject.g...</div>\r
2263             <div class="long">\r
2264                 Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed.  You can check
2265 <a ext:cls="Ext.EventObject" ext:member="getKey" href="output/Ext.EventObject.html#getKey">Ext.EventObject.getKey</a> to determine which key was pressed.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2266         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2267         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>e</code> : Ext.EventObject<div class="sub-desc">The event object</div></li>        </ul>\r
2268     </div>\r
2269                 </div>\r
2270                         </div>\r
2271         </td>\r
2272         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-specialkey" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-specialkey">Field</a></td>\r
2273     </tr>\r
2274         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2275         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2276         <td class="sig">\r
2277         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-staterestore"></a>\r
2278             <b>staterestore</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2279                         <div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is restored.</div>\r
2280             <div class="long">\r
2281                 Fires after the state of the component is restored.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2282         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2283         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li>        </ul>\r
2284     </div>\r
2285                 </div>\r
2286                         </div>\r
2287         </td>\r
2288         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-staterestore" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-staterestore">Component</a></td>\r
2289     </tr>\r
2290         <tr class="event-row inherited expandable">\r
2291         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2292         <td class="sig">\r
2293         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-statesave"></a>\r
2294             <b>statesave</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.Component this</code>, <code>Object state</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2295                         <div class="short">Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.</div>\r
2296             <div class="long">\r
2297                 Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2298         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2299         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.Component<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>state</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The hash of state values</div></li>        </ul>\r
2300     </div>\r
2301                 </div>\r
2302                         </div>\r
2303         </td>\r
2304         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.Component" ext:member="#event-statesave" href="output/Ext.Component.html#event-statesave">Component</a></td>\r
2305     </tr>\r
2306         <tr class="event-row inherited alt expandable">\r
2307         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
2308         <td class="sig">\r
2309         <a id="Ext.form.RadioGroup-valid"></a>\r
2310             <b>valid</b> : (&nbsp;<code>Ext.form.Field this</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
2311                         <div class="short">Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.</div>\r
2312             <div class="long">\r
2313                 Fires after the field has been validated with no errors.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
2314         <strong style="font-weight:normal;">Listeners will be called with the following arguments:</strong>\r
2315         <ul><li><code>this</code> : Ext.form.Field<div class="sub-desc"></div></li>        </ul>\r
2316     </div>\r
2317                 </div>\r
2318                         </div>\r
2319         </td>\r
2320         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.form.Field" ext:member="#event-valid" href="output/Ext.form.Field.html#event-valid">Field</a></td>\r
2321     </tr>\r
2322             </table>
2324         </div>