text: 'Change password',
iconCls: 'key--pencil',
handler: function(button, event) {
- var change_password_window = application.createWindow({
- layout: 'fit',
- resizable: false,
- title: 'Change password',
- iconCls: 'key--pencil',
- width: 266,
- height: 170,
- items: change_password_form = new Ext.FormPanel({
- frame: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px 5px 0',
- items: [{
- fieldLabel: 'Current password',
- name: 'current_password',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- inputType: 'password',
- },{
- fieldLabel: 'New password',
- name: 'new_password',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- inputType: 'password',
- },{
- fieldLabel: 'New password (confirm)',
- name: 'new_password_confirm',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- inputType: 'password',
- }],
- buttons: [{
- text: 'Change password',
- iconCls: 'key--pencil',
- handler: function(button, event) {
- var the_form = change_password_form.getForm().el.dom;
- var current_password = the_form[0].value;
- var new_password = the_form[1].value;
- var new_password_confirm = the_form[2].value;
- Gilbert.api.auth.passwd(current_password, new_password, new_password_confirm, function(result) {
- if (result) {
- Ext.MessageBox.alert('Password changed', 'Your password has been changed.');
- } else {
- Ext.MessageBox.alert('Password unchanged', 'Unable to change your password.', function() {
- change_password_form.getForm().reset();
- });
- }
- });
+ Gilbert.api.auth.get_passwd_form(function(formspec) {
+ var change_password_window = application.createWindow({
+ layout: 'fit',
+ resizable: false,
+ title: 'Change password',
+ iconCls: 'key--pencil',
+ width: 266,
+ height: 170,
+ items: change_password_form = new Ext.FormPanel(Ext.applyIf({
+ frame: true,
+ bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px 5px 0',
+ buttons: [{
+ text: 'Change password',
+ iconCls: 'key--pencil',
+ handler: function(button, event) {
+ change_password_form.getForm().submit({
+ success: function(form, action) {
+ Ext.MessageBox.alert('Password changed', 'Your password has been changed.');
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ }],
+ api: {
+ submit: Gilbert.api.auth.submit_passwd_form,
- }],
- })
+ }, formspec))
+ });
+ change_password_window.show();
- change_password_window.show();
text: 'Log out',
from inspect import isclass, getargspec
+from functools import wraps
+from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
+from django.forms.widgets import Widget, Input, HiddenInput, FileInput, DateInput, TimeInput, Textarea, CheckboxInput, Select, SelectMultiple
+from django.forms.fields import FileField
+from django.forms.forms import BaseForm
+def _render_ext(self, name, value):
+ ext_spec = {'name': name}
+ if value is not None:
+ ext_spec['value'] = value
+ if isinstance(self, Input):
+ if isinstance(self, HiddenInput):
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'hidden'
+ elif isinstance(self, FileInput):
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'fileuploadfield'
+ elif isinstance(self, DateInput):
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'datefield'
+ elif isinstance(self, TimeInput):
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'timefield'
+ else:
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'textfield'
+ ext_spec['inputType'] = self.input_type
+ elif isinstance(self, Textarea):
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'textarea'
+ elif isinstance(self, CheckboxInput):
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'checkbox'
+ elif isinstance(self, Select):
+ ext_spec['xtype'] = 'combo'
+ ext_spec['store'] = self.choices
+ ext_spec['typeAhead'] = True
+ if isinstance(self, SelectMultiple):
+ pass
+ if ext_spec:
+ return ext_spec
+ return None
+Widget.render_ext = _render_ext
+def _as_ext(self):
+ ext_spec = {}
+ fields = []
+ for bf in self:
+ if bf.label:
+ label = force_unicode(bf.label)
+ else:
+ label = ''
+ if bf.field.show_hidden_initial:
+ only_initial = True
+ else:
+ only_initial = False
+ widget = bf.field.widget
+ if not self.is_bound:
+ data = self.initial.get(bf.name, bf.field.initial)
+ if callable(data):
+ data = data()
+ else:
+ if isinstance(bf.field, FileField) and bf.data is None:
+ data = self.initial.get(bf.name, bf.field.initial)
+ else:
+ data = bf.data
+ if not only_initial:
+ name = bf.html_name
+ else:
+ name = bf.html_initial_name
+ rendered = widget.render_ext(name, data)
+ if rendered is not None:
+ rendered['fieldLabel'] = label
+ fields.append(rendered)
+ ext_spec['items'] = fields
+ ext_spec['labelSeparator'] = self.label_suffix
+ return ext_spec
+BaseForm.as_ext = _as_ext
def is_gilbert_method(function):
return getattr(function, 'gilbert_method', False)
-def gilbert_method(function=None, name=None, argc=None, restricted=True):
- def wrapper(function):
+def gilbert_method(function=None, name=None, argc=None, form_handler=False, restricted=True):
+ def setter(function):
setattr(function, 'gilbert_method', True)
setattr(function, 'name', name or function.__name__)
+ setattr(function, 'form_handler', form_handler)
setattr(function, 'restricted', restricted)
new_argc = argc
if new_argc is None:
setattr(function, 'argc', new_argc)
return function
if function is not None:
- return wrapper(function)
- return wrapper
+ return setter(function)
+ return setter
class GilbertPluginBase(type):
return True
- def passwd(self, request, current_password, new_password, new_password_confirm):
- user = request.user
- if user.check_password(current_password) and (new_password == new_password_confirm):
- user.set_password(new_password)
- user.save()
- return True
- return False
+ def get_passwd_form(self, request):
+ from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordChangeForm
+ return PasswordChangeForm(request.user).as_ext()
+ @gilbert_method(form_handler=True)
+ def submit_passwd_form(self, request):
+ from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordChangeForm
+ form = PasswordChangeForm(request.user, data=request.POST)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ form.save()
+ return {'success': True}
+ else:
+ return {'success': False, 'errors': form.errors}
def whoami(self, request):
'name': method.name,
'len': method.argc,
+ 'formHandler': method.form_handler,
if model_methods:
model_actions[model_name] = model_methods
'name': method.name,
'len': method.argc,
+ 'formHandler': method.form_handler,
if plugin_methods:
plugin_actions[plugin_name] = plugin_methods
submitted_form = True
if submitted_form:
- post_dict = dict(request.POST)
ext_request = {
- 'action': post_dict.pop('extAction'),
- 'method': post_dict.pop('extMethod'),
- 'type': post_dict.pop('extType'),
- 'tid': post_dict.pop('extTID'),
- 'upload': post_dict.pop('extUpload', False),
+ 'action': request.POST.get('extAction'),
+ 'method': request.POST.get('extMethod'),
+ 'type': request.POST.get('extType'),
+ 'tid': request.POST.get('extTID'),
+ 'upload': request.POST.get('extUpload', False),
'data': None,
- 'kwdata': post_dict
ext_request = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
ext_request['upload'] = False
- ext_request['kwdata'] = None
plugin = None
if method is None or (method.restricted and not self.has_permission(request)):
raise NotImplementedError('The method named \'%s\' is not available' % method.name)
- response = {'type': 'rpc', 'tid': ext_request['tid'], 'action': ext_request['action'], 'method': ext_request['method'], 'result': method(request, *(ext_request['data'] or []), **(ext_request['kwdata'] or {}))}
+ response = {'type': 'rpc', 'tid': ext_request['tid'], 'action': ext_request['action'], 'method': ext_request['method'], 'result': method(request, *(ext_request['data'] or []))}
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
response = {'type': 'exception', 'tid': ext_request['tid'], 'message': ('%s: %s' % (exc_type, exc_value)), 'where': format_tb(exc_traceback)[0]}
- if submitted_form:
+ if submitted_form and ext_request['upload'] is True:
return HttpResponse(('<html><body><textarea>%s</textarea></body></html>' % json.dumps(response)))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type=('application/json; charset=%s' % settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET))