2 The Attributes defined in this file can be assigned as fields on a
3 subclass of philo.models.Entity. They act like any other model fields,
4 but instead of saving their data to the database, they save it to
5 attributes related to a model instance. Additionally, a new attribute will
6 be created for an instance if and only if the field's value has been set.
7 This is relevant i.e. for passthroughs, where the value of the field may
8 be defined by some other instance's attributes.
13 numbers = models.PositiveIntegerField()
15 class ThingProxy(Thing):
16 improvised = JSONAttribute(models.BooleanField)
18 from itertools import tee
19 from django import forms
20 from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
21 from django.db import models
22 from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED
23 from django.utils.text import capfirst
24 from philo.signals import entity_class_prepared
25 from philo.models import ManyToManyValue, JSONValue, ForeignKeyValue, Attribute, Entity
29 __all__ = ('JSONAttribute', 'ForeignKeyAttribute', 'ManyToManyAttribute')
32 ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY = '_attribute_registry'
35 class EntityProxyField(object):
36 def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, help_text=None, default=NOT_PROVIDED, editable=True, choices=None, *args, **kwargs):
37 self.verbose_name = verbose_name
38 self.help_text = help_text
39 self.default = default
40 self.editable = editable
41 self._choices = choices or []
43 def actually_contribute_to_class(self, sender, **kwargs):
44 sender._entity_meta.add_proxy_field(self)
46 def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
47 if issubclass(cls, Entity):
48 self.name = self.attname = name
50 if self.verbose_name is None and name:
51 self.verbose_name = name.replace('_', ' ')
52 entity_class_prepared.connect(self.actually_contribute_to_class, sender=cls)
54 raise FieldError('%s instances can only be declared on Entity subclasses.' % self.__class__.__name__)
56 def formfield(self, form_class=forms.CharField, **kwargs):
59 'label': capfirst(self.verbose_name),
60 'help_text': self.help_text
62 if self.has_default():
63 defaults['initial'] = self.default
64 defaults.update(kwargs)
65 return form_class(**defaults)
67 def value_from_object(self, obj):
68 """The return value of this method will be used by the EntityForm as
69 this field's initial value."""
70 return getattr(obj, self.name)
72 def get_storage_value(self, value):
73 """Final conversion of `value` before it gets stored on an Entity instance.
74 This step is performed by the ProxyFieldForm."""
77 def has_default(self):
78 return self.default is not NOT_PROVIDED
80 def _get_choices(self):
81 if hasattr(self._choices, 'next'):
82 choices, self._choices = tee(self._choices)
86 choices = property(_get_choices)
89 class AttributeFieldDescriptor(object):
90 def __init__(self, field):
93 def get_registry(self, instance):
94 if ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY not in instance.__dict__:
95 instance.__dict__[ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY] = {'added': set(), 'removed': set()}
96 return instance.__dict__[ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY]
98 def __get__(self, instance, owner):
102 if self.field.name not in instance.__dict__:
103 instance.__dict__[self.field.name] = instance.attributes.get(self.field.attribute_key, None)
105 return instance.__dict__[self.field.name]
107 def __set__(self, instance, value):
109 raise AttributeError("%s must be accessed via instance" % self.field.name)
111 self.field.validate_value(value)
112 instance.__dict__[self.field.name] = value
114 registry = self.get_registry(instance)
115 registry['added'].add(self.field)
116 registry['removed'].discard(self.field)
118 def __delete__(self, instance):
119 del instance.__dict__[self.field.name]
121 registry = self.get_registry(instance)
122 registry['added'].discard(self.field)
123 registry['removed'].add(self.field)
126 def process_attribute_fields(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
127 if ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY in instance.__dict__:
128 registry = instance.__dict__[ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY]
129 instance.attribute_set.filter(key__in=[field.attribute_key for field in registry['removed']]).delete()
131 for field in registry['added']:
133 attribute = instance.attribute_set.get(key=field.attribute_key)
134 except Attribute.DoesNotExist:
135 attribute = Attribute()
136 attribute.entity = instance
137 attribute.key = field.attribute_key
139 value_class = field.value_class
140 if isinstance(attribute.value, value_class):
141 value = attribute.value
143 if isinstance(attribute.value, models.Model):
144 attribute.value.delete()
145 value = value_class()
147 value.set_value(getattr(instance, field.name, None))
150 attribute.value = value
152 del instance.__dict__[ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY]
155 class AttributeField(EntityProxyField):
156 def __init__(self, attribute_key=None, **kwargs):
157 self.attribute_key = attribute_key
158 super(AttributeField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
160 def actually_contribute_to_class(self, sender, **kwargs):
161 super(AttributeField, self).actually_contribute_to_class(sender, **kwargs)
162 setattr(sender, self.name, AttributeFieldDescriptor(self))
163 opts = sender._entity_meta
164 if not hasattr(opts, '_has_attribute_fields'):
165 opts._has_attribute_fields = True
166 models.signals.post_save.connect(process_attribute_fields, sender=sender)
168 def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
169 if self.attribute_key is None:
170 self.attribute_key = name
171 super(AttributeField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)
173 def validate_value(self, value):
174 "Confirm that the value is valid or raise an appropriate error."
178 def value_class(self):
179 raise AttributeError("value_class must be defined on AttributeField subclasses.")
182 class JSONAttribute(AttributeField):
183 value_class = JSONValue
185 def __init__(self, field_template=None, **kwargs):
186 super(JSONAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs)
187 if field_template is None:
188 field_template = models.CharField(max_length=255)
189 self.field_template = field_template
191 def formfield(self, **kwargs):
194 'label': capfirst(self.verbose_name),
195 'help_text': self.help_text
197 if self.has_default():
198 defaults['initial'] = self.default
199 defaults.update(kwargs)
200 return self.field_template.formfield(**defaults)
202 def value_from_object(self, obj):
203 value = super(JSONAttribute, self).value_from_object(obj)
204 if isinstance(self.field_template, (models.DateField, models.DateTimeField)):
205 value = self.field_template.to_python(value)
208 def get_storage_value(self, value):
209 if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
210 return value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
211 if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
212 return value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
216 class ForeignKeyAttribute(AttributeField):
217 value_class = ForeignKeyValue
219 def __init__(self, model, limit_choices_to=None, **kwargs):
220 super(ForeignKeyAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs)
222 if limit_choices_to is None:
223 limit_choices_to = {}
224 self.limit_choices_to = limit_choices_to
226 def validate_value(self, value):
227 if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.to) :
228 raise TypeError("The '%s' attribute can only be set to an instance of %s or None." % (self.name, self.to.__name__))
230 def formfield(self, form_class=forms.ModelChoiceField, **kwargs):
232 'queryset': self.to._default_manager.complex_filter(self.limit_choices_to)
234 defaults.update(kwargs)
235 return super(ForeignKeyAttribute, self).formfield(form_class=form_class, **defaults)
237 def value_from_object(self, obj):
238 relobj = super(ForeignKeyAttribute, self).value_from_object(obj)
239 return getattr(relobj, 'pk', None)
241 def get_related_field(self):
242 """Spoof being a rel from a ForeignKey."""
243 return self.to._meta.pk
246 class ManyToManyAttribute(ForeignKeyAttribute):
247 value_class = ManyToManyValue
249 def validate_value(self, value):
250 if not isinstance(value, models.query.QuerySet) or value.model != self.to:
251 raise TypeError("The '%s' attribute can only be set to a %s QuerySet." % (self.name, self.to.__name__))
253 def formfield(self, form_class=forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField, **kwargs):
254 return super(ManyToManyAttribute, self).formfield(form_class=form_class, **kwargs)
256 def value_from_object(self, obj):
257 qs = super(ForeignKeyAttribute, self).value_from_object(obj)
259 return qs.values_list('pk', flat=True)