1 Nodes and Views: Building Website structure
2 ===========================================
3 .. currentmodule:: philo.models
8 :class:`Node`\ s are the basic building blocks of a website using Philo. They define the URL hierarchy and connect each URL to a :class:`View` subclass instance which is used to generate an HttpResponse.
12 :class:`!Node` subclasses :class:`TreeEntity`. It defines the following additional methods and attributes:
16 :class:`GenericForeignKey` to a non-abstract subclass of :class:`View`
18 .. attribute:: accepts_subpath
20 A property shortcut for :attr:`self.view.accepts_subpath <View.accepts_subpath>`
22 .. method:: render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
24 This is a shortcut method for :meth:`View.render_to_response`
26 .. method:: get_absolute_url([request=None, with_domain=False, secure=False])
28 This is essentially a shortcut for calling :meth:`construct_url` without a subpath - which will return the URL of the Node.
30 .. method:: construct_url([subpath="/", request=None, with_domain=False, secure=False])
32 This method will do its best to construct a URL based on the Node's location. If with_domain is True, that URL will include a domain and a protocol; if secure is True as well, the protocol will be https. The request will be used to construct a domain in cases where a call to :meth:`Site.objects.get_current` fails.
34 Node urls will not contain a trailing slash unless a subpath is provided which ends with a trailing slash. Subpaths are expected to begin with a slash, as if returned by :func:`django.core.urlresolvers.reverse`.
36 :meth:`construct_url` may raise the following exceptions:
38 - :class:`NoReverseMatch` if "philo-root" is not reversable -- for example, if :mod:`philo.urls` is not included anywhere in your urlpatterns.
39 - :class:`Site.DoesNotExist <ObjectDoesNotExist>` if with_domain is True but no :class:`Site` or :class:`RequestSite` can be built.
40 - :class:`AncestorDoesNotExist` if the root node of the site isn't an ancestor of the node constructing the URL.
49 :class:`!View` is an abstract model that represents an item which can be "rendered", either in response to an :class:`HttpRequest` or as a standalone. It subclasses :class:`Entity`, and defines the following additional methods and attributes:
51 .. attribute:: accepts_subpath
53 Defines whether this :class:`View` can handle subpaths. Default: ``False``
55 .. method:: handles_subpath(subpath)
57 Returns True if the the :class:`View` handles the given subpath, and False otherwise.
61 A generic relation back to nodes.
63 .. method:: reverse([view_name=None, args=None, kwargs=None, node=None, obj=None])
65 If :attr:`accepts_subpath` is True, try to reverse a URL using the given parameters using ``self`` as the urlconf.
67 If ``obj`` is provided, :meth:`get_reverse_params` will be called and the results will be combined with any ``view_name``, ``args``, and ``kwargs`` that may have been passed in.
69 This method will raise the following exceptions:
71 - :class:`ViewDoesNotProvideSubpaths` if :attr:`accepts_subpath` is False.
72 - :class:`ViewCanNotProvideSubpath` if a reversal is not possible.
74 .. method:: get_reverse_params(obj)
76 This method is not implemented on the base class. It should return a ``view_name``, ``args``, ``kwargs`` tuple suitable for reversing a url for the given ``obj`` using ``self`` as the urlconf. If a reversal will not be possible, this method should raise :class:`ViewCanNotProvideSubpath`.
78 .. method:: attributes_with_node(node)
80 Returns a :class:`QuerySetMapper` using the :class:`node <Node>`'s attributes as a passthrough.
82 .. method:: render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
84 Renders the :class:`View` as an :class:`HttpResponse`. This will raise :const:`philo.exceptions.MIDDLEWARE_NOT_CONFIGURED` if the `request` doesn't have an attached :class:`Node`. This can happen if :class:`philo.middleware.RequestNodeMiddleware` is not in :setting:`settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES` or if it is not functioning correctly.
86 :meth:`!render_to_response` will send the :obj:`view_about_to_render <philo.signals.view_about_to_render>` signal, then call :meth:`actually_render_to_response`, and finally send the :obj:`view_finished_rendering <philo.signals.view_finished_rendering>` signal before returning the ``response``.
88 .. method:: actually_render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
90 Concrete subclasses must override this method to provide the business logic for turning a ``request`` and ``extra_context`` into an :class:`HttpResponse`.
94 :class:`!MultiView` is an abstract model which represents a section of related pages - for example, a :class:`~philo.contrib.penfield.BlogView` might have a foreign key to :class:`Page`\ s for an index, an entry detail, an entry archive by day, and so on. :class:`!MultiView` subclasses :class:`View`, and defines the following additional methods and attributes:
96 .. attribute:: accepts_subpath
98 Same as :attr:`View.accepts_subpath`. Default: ``True``
100 .. attribute:: urlpatterns
102 Returns urlpatterns that point to views (generally methods on the class). :class:`!MultiView`\ s can be thought of as "managing" these subpaths.
104 .. method:: actually_render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
106 Resolves the remaining subpath left after finding this :class:`View`'s node using :attr:`self.urlpatterns <urlpatterns>` and renders the view function (or method) found with the appropriate args and kwargs.
108 .. method:: get_context()
110 Hook for providing instance-specific context - such as the value of a Field - to all views.
112 .. method:: basic_view(field_name)
114 Given the name of a field on ``self``, accesses the value of that field and treats it as a :class:`View` instance. Creates a basic context based on :meth:`get_context` and any extra_context that was passed in, then calls the :class:`View` instance's :meth:`~View.render_to_response` method. This method is meant to be called to return a view function appropriate for :attr:`urlpatterns`.
116 Concrete View Subclasses
117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
121 A :class:`View` subclass. Defines a 301 or 302 redirect to a different url on an absolute or relative path.
123 .. attribute:: STATUS_CODES
125 A choices tuple of redirect status codes (temporary or permanent).
127 .. attribute:: status_code
129 An :class:`IntegerField` which uses :attr:`STATUS_CODES` as its choices. Determines whether the redirect is considered temporary or permanent.
131 .. attribute:: target_node
133 An optional :class:`ForeignKey` to a :class:`Node`. If provided, that node will be used as the basis for the redirect.
135 .. attribute:: url_or_subpath
137 A :class:`CharField` which may contain an absolute or relative URL. This will be validated with :class:`philo.validators.RedirectValidator`.
139 .. attribute:: reversing_parameters
141 A :class:`~philo.models.fields.JSONField` instance. If the value of :attr:`reversing_parameters` is not None, the :attr:`url_or_subpath` will be treated as the name of a view to be reversed. The value of :attr:`reversing_parameters` will be passed into the reversal as args if it is a list or as kwargs if it is a dictionary.
143 .. attribute:: target_url
145 Calculates and returns the target url based on the :attr:`target_node`, :attr:`url_or_subpath`, and :attr:`reversing_parameters`.
147 .. method:: actually_render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
149 Returns an :class:`HttpResponseRedirect` to :attr:`self.target`.
153 A :class:`View` subclass. Stores an arbitrary file.
155 .. attribute:: mimetype
157 Defines the mimetype of the uploaded file. This will not be validated.
161 Contains the uploaded file. Files are uploaded to ``philo/files/%Y/%m/%d``.
163 .. method:: __unicode__()
165 Returns the name of :attr:`self.file <file>`.
170 :class:`Page`\ s are the most frequently used :class:`View` subclass. They define a basic HTML page and its associated content. Each :class:`Page` renders itself according to a :class:`Template`. The :class:`Template` may contain :ttag:`container` tags, which define related :class:`Contentlet`\ s and :class:`ContentReference`\ s for any page using that :class:`Template`.
174 A :class:`View` subclass. Represents a page - something which is rendered according to a template. The page will have a number of related Contentlets depending on the template selected - but these will appear only after the page has been saved with that template.
176 .. attribute:: template
178 A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`Template` used to render this :class:`Page`.
182 The name of this page. Chances are this will be used for organization - i.e. finding the page in a list of pages - rather than for display.
184 .. attribute:: containers
186 Returns :attr:`self.template.containers <Template.containers>` - a tuple containing the specs of all :ttag:`container`\ s defined in the :class:`Template`. The value will be cached on the instance so that multiple accesses will be less expensive.
188 .. method:: render_to_string([request=None, extra_context=None])
190 In addition to rendering as an :class:`HttpResponse`, a :class:`Page` can also render as a string. This means, for example, that :class:`Page`\ s can be used to render emails or other non-HTML-related content with the same :ttag:`container`-based functionality as is used for HTML.
192 .. method:: actually_render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
194 Returns an :class:`HttpResponse` with the content of the :meth:`render_to_string` method and the mimetype set to :attr:`self.template.mimetype <Template.mimetype>`.
196 .. clean_fields(self[, exclude=None)
198 This is an override of the default model clean_fields method. Essentially, in addition to validating the fields, this method validates the :class:`Template` instance that is used to render this :class:`Page`. This is useful for catching template errors before they show up as 500 errors on a live site.
200 .. method:: __unicode__()
202 Returns :meth:`self.title <title>`
206 Subclasses :class:`TreeModel`. Represents a database-driven django template. Defines the following additional methods and attributes:
210 The name of the template. Used for organization and debugging.
212 .. attribute:: documentation
214 Can be used to let users know what the template is meant to be used for.
216 .. attribute:: mimetype
218 Defines the mimetype of the template. This is not validated. Default: ``text/html``.
222 An insecure :class:`~philo.models.fields.TemplateField` containing the django template code for this template.
224 .. attribute:: containers
226 Returns a tuple where the first item is a list of names of contentlets referenced by containers, and the second item is a list of tuples of names and contenttypes of contentreferences referenced by containers. This will break if there is a recursive extends or includes in the template code. Due to the use of an empty Context, any extends or include tags with dynamic arguments probably won't work.
228 .. method:: __unicode__()
230 Returns the results of the :meth:`~TreeModel.get_path` method, using the "name" field and a chevron joiner.
232 .. class:: Contentlet
234 Defines a piece of content on a page. This content is treated as a secure :class:`~philo.models.fields.TemplateField`.
238 The page which this :class:`Contentlet` is related to.
242 This represents the name of the container as defined by a :ttag:`container` tag.
244 .. attribute:: content
246 A secure :class:`~philo.models.fields.TemplateField` holding the content for this :class:`Contentlet`. Note that actually using this field as a template requires use of the :ttag:`include_string` template tag.
248 .. method:: __unicode__()
250 Returns :attr:`self.name <name>`
252 .. class:: ContentReference
254 Defines a model instance related to a page.
258 The page which this :class:`ContentReference` is related to.
262 This represents the name of the container as defined by a :ttag:`container` tag.
264 .. attribute:: content
266 A :class:`GenericForeignKey` to a model instance. The content type of this instance is defined by the :ttag:`container` tag which defines this :class:`ContentReference`.
268 .. method:: __unicode__()
270 Returns :attr:`self.name <name>`