4 from django.conf import settings
5 from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
6 from django.contrib import messages
7 from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
8 from django.core.validators import URLValidator
9 from django.db import models
10 from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404, HttpResponse
11 from django.utils import simplejson as json
12 from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
14 from philo.contrib.sobol import registry, get_search_instance
15 from philo.contrib.sobol.forms import SearchForm
16 from philo.contrib.sobol.utils import HASH_REDIRECT_GET_KEY, URL_REDIRECT_GET_KEY, SEARCH_ARG_GET_KEY, check_redirect_hash, RegistryIterator
17 from philo.exceptions import ViewCanNotProvideSubpath
18 from philo.models import MultiView, Page
19 from philo.models.fields import SlugMultipleChoiceField
22 if getattr(settings, 'SOBOL_USE_EVENTLET', False):
29 class Search(models.Model):
30 """Represents all attempts to search for a unique string."""
31 #: The string which was searched for.
32 string = models.TextField()
34 def __unicode__(self):
37 def get_weighted_results(self, threshhold=None):
39 Returns a list of :class:`ResultURL` instances related to the search and ordered by decreasing weight. This will be cached on the instance.
41 :param threshhold: The earliest datetime that a :class:`Click` can have been made on a related :class:`ResultURL` in order to be included in the weighted results (or ``None`` to include all :class:`Click`\ s and :class:`ResultURL`\ s).
44 if not hasattr(self, '_weighted_results'):
45 result_qs = self.result_urls.all()
47 if threshhold is not None:
48 result_qs = result_qs.filter(counts__datetime__gte=threshhold)
50 results = [result for result in result_qs]
52 results.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(y.weight, x.weight))
54 self._weighted_results = results
56 return self._weighted_results
58 def get_favored_results(self, error=5, threshhold=None):
60 Calculates the set of most-favored results based on their weight. Evenly-weighted results will be grouped together and either added or excluded as a group.
62 :param error: An arbitrary number; higher values will cause this method to be more reticent about adding new items to the favored results.
63 :param threshhold: Will be passed directly into :meth:`get_weighted_results`
66 if not hasattr(self, '_favored_results'):
67 results = self.get_weighted_results(threshhold)
69 grouped_results = SortedDict()
71 for result in results:
72 grouped_results.setdefault(result.weight, []).append(result)
74 self._favored_results = []
76 for value, subresults in grouped_results.items():
77 cost = error * sum([(value - result.weight)**2 for result in self._favored_results])
79 self._favored_results += subresults
82 if len(self._favored_results) == len(results):
83 self._favored_results = []
84 return self._favored_results
88 verbose_name_plural = 'searches'
91 class ResultURL(models.Model):
92 """Represents a URL which has been selected one or more times for a :class:`Search`."""
93 #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`Search` which the :class:`ResultURL` is related to.
94 search = models.ForeignKey(Search, related_name='result_urls')
95 #: The URL which was selected.
96 url = models.TextField(validators=[URLValidator()])
98 def __unicode__(self):
101 def get_weight(self, threshhold=None):
103 Calculates, caches, and returns the weight of the :class:`ResultURL`.
105 :param threshhold: The datetime limit before which :class:`Click`\ s will not contribute to the weight of the :class:`ResultURL`.
108 if not hasattr(self, '_weight'):
109 clicks = self.clicks.all()
111 if threshhold is not None:
112 clicks = clicks.filter(datetime__gte=threshhold)
114 self._weight = sum([click.weight for click in clicks])
117 weight = property(get_weight)
123 class Click(models.Model):
124 """Represents a click on a :class:`ResultURL`."""
125 #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`ResultURL` which the :class:`Click` is related to.
126 result = models.ForeignKey(ResultURL, related_name='clicks')
127 #: The datetime when the click was registered in the system.
128 datetime = models.DateTimeField()
130 def __unicode__(self):
131 return self.datetime.strftime('%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')
133 def get_weight(self, default=1, weighted=lambda value, days: value/days**2):
134 """Calculates and returns the weight of the :class:`Click`."""
135 if not hasattr(self, '_weight'):
136 days = (datetime.datetime.now() - self.datetime).days
138 raise ValueError("Click dates must be in the past.")
139 default = float(default)
141 self._weight = float(default)
143 self._weight = weighted(default, days)
145 weight = property(get_weight)
148 if self.datetime > datetime.datetime.now():
149 raise ValidationError("Click dates must be in the past.")
152 ordering = ['datetime']
153 get_latest_by = 'datetime'
157 from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules
161 add_introspection_rules([], ["^philo\.contrib\.sobol\.models\.RegistryChoiceField"])
164 class SearchView(MultiView):
165 """Handles a view for the results of a search, anonymously tracks the selections made by end users, and provides an AJAX API for asynchronous search result loading. This can be particularly useful if some searches are slow."""
166 #: :class:`ForeignKey` to a :class:`.Page` which will be used to render the search results.
167 results_page = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='search_results_related')
168 #: A :class:`.SlugMultipleChoiceField` whose choices are the contents of :obj:`.sobol.search.registry`
169 searches = SlugMultipleChoiceField(choices=registry.iterchoices())
170 #: A :class:`BooleanField` which controls whether or not the AJAX API is enabled.
172 #: .. note:: If the AJAX API is enabled, a ``ajax_api_url`` attribute will be added to each search instance containing the url and get parameters for an AJAX request to retrieve results for that search.
174 #: .. note:: Be careful not to access :attr:`search_instance.results <.BaseSearch.results>` if the AJAX API is enabled - otherwise the search will be run immediately rather than on the AJAX request.
175 enable_ajax_api = models.BooleanField("Enable AJAX API", default=True)
176 #: A :class:`CharField` containing the placeholder text which is intended to be used for the search box for the :class:`SearchView`. It is the template author's responsibility to make use of this information.
177 placeholder_text = models.CharField(max_length=75, default="Search")
179 #: The form which will be used to validate the input to the search box for this :class:`SearchView`.
180 search_form = SearchForm
182 def __unicode__(self):
183 return u"%s (%s)" % (self.placeholder_text, u", ".join([display for slug, display in registry.iterchoices() if slug in self.searches]))
185 def get_reverse_params(self, obj):
186 raise ViewCanNotProvideSubpath
189 def urlpatterns(self):
190 urlpatterns = patterns('',
191 url(r'^$', self.results_view, name='results'),
193 if self.enable_ajax_api:
194 urlpatterns += patterns('',
195 url(r'^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)$', self.ajax_api_view, name='ajax_api_view')
199 def results_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
201 Renders :attr:`results_page` with a context containing an instance of :attr:`search_form`. If the form was submitted and was valid, then one of two things has happened:
203 * A search has been initiated. In this case, a list of search instances will be added to the context as ``searches``. If :attr:`enable_ajax_api` is enabled, each instance will have an ``ajax_api_url`` attribute containing the url needed to make an AJAX request for the search results.
204 * A link has been chosen. In this case, corresponding :class:`Search`, :class:`ResultURL`, and :class:`Click` instances will be created and the user will be redirected to the link's actual url.
209 context = self.get_context()
210 context.update(extra_context or {})
212 if SEARCH_ARG_GET_KEY in request.GET:
213 form = self.search_form(request.GET)
216 search_string = request.GET[SEARCH_ARG_GET_KEY].lower()
217 url = request.GET.get(URL_REDIRECT_GET_KEY)
218 hash = request.GET.get(HASH_REDIRECT_GET_KEY)
221 if check_redirect_hash(hash, search_string, url):
222 # Create the necessary models
223 search = Search.objects.get_or_create(string=search_string)[0]
224 result_url = search.result_urls.get_or_create(url=url)[0]
225 result_url.clicks.create(datetime=datetime.datetime.now())
226 return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
228 messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, "The link you followed had been tampered with. Here are all the results for your search term instead!")
229 # TODO: Should search_string be escaped here?
230 return HttpResponseRedirect("%s?%s=%s" % (request.path, SEARCH_ARG_GET_KEY, search_string))
232 search_instances = []
233 for slug in self.searches:
235 search_instance = get_search_instance(slug, search_string)
236 search_instances.append(search_instance)
238 if self.enable_ajax_api:
239 search_instance.ajax_api_url = "%s?%s=%s" % (self.reverse('ajax_api_view', kwargs={'slug': slug}, node=request.node), SEARCH_ARG_GET_KEY, search_string)
241 if eventlet and not self.enable_ajax_api:
242 pool = eventlet.GreenPool()
243 for instance in search_instances:
244 pool.spawn_n(lambda x: x.results, search_instance)
248 'searches': search_instances,
249 'favored_results': []
253 search = Search.objects.get(string=search_string)
254 except Search.DoesNotExist:
257 context['favored_results'] = [r.url for r in search.get_favored_results()]
264 return self.results_page.render_to_response(request, extra_context=context)
266 def ajax_api_view(self, request, slug, extra_context=None):
268 Returns a JSON object containing the following variables:
271 Contains the slug for the search.
273 Contains the results of :meth:`.Result.get_context` for each result.
275 Contains the results of :meth:`.Result.render` for each result.
277 ``True`` or ``False`` whether the search has more results according to :meth:`BaseSearch.has_more_results`
279 Contains ``None`` or a querystring which, once accessed, will note the :class:`Click` and redirect the user to a page containing more results.
282 search_string = request.GET.get(SEARCH_ARG_GET_KEY)
284 if not request.is_ajax() or not self.enable_ajax_api or slug not in registry or slug not in self.searches or search_string is None:
287 search_instance = get_search_instance(slug, search_string)
289 return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
290 'search': search_instance.slug,
291 'results': [result.get_context() for result in search_instance.results],
292 'hasMoreResults': search_instance.has_more_results,
293 'moreResultsURL': search_instance.more_results_url,
294 }), mimetype="application/json")