1 Philo is a foundation for developing web content management systems.
5 * [Python 2.5.4+ <http://www.python.org>](http://www.python.org/)
6 * [Django 1.2+ <http://www.djangoproject.com/>](http://www.djangoproject.com/)
7 * [django-mptt e734079+ <https://github.com/django-mptt/django-mptt/>](https://github.com/django-mptt/django-mptt/)
8 * (Optional) [django-grappelli 2.0+ <http://code.google.com/p/django-grappelli/>](http://code.google.com/p/django-grappelli/)
9 * (Optional) [south 0.7.2+ <http://south.aeracode.org/)](http://south.aeracode.org/)
10 * (Optional) [recaptcha-django r6 <http://code.google.com/p/recaptcha-django/>](http://code.google.com/p/recaptcha-django/)
12 To contribute, please visit the [project website](http://philo.ithinksw.org/). Feel free to join us on IRC at [irc://irc.oftc.net/#philo](irc://irc.oftc.net/#philo>).
17 After installing philo and mptt on your python path, make sure to complete the following steps:
19 1. add 'philo.middleware.RequestNodeMiddleware' to settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.
20 2. add 'philo' and 'mptt' to settings.INSTALLED_APPS.
21 3. include 'philo.urls' somewhere in your urls.py file.
22 4. Optionally add a root node to your current Site.
24 Philo should be ready to go!