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Sencha Documentation

- - - - - -

Drawing and Charting

- -
- -

- -

This document is intended to guide you through the overall design and implementation details -of the Drawing and Charting packages. The drawing and charting packages enable you to create -cross browser and cross device graphics in a versatile way.

- -

The structure of this document will cover three main topics:

- -
  • Section I: "Draw" a versatile cross-browser/device package to draw general purpose -graphics and animations.
  • Section II: "Chart" A high level presentation of the charting package and how classes are -organized in it.
  • Section III: "Series" A presentation of the available series and their use.
- -

I. The Draw Package

- -
- -

The design choices in the graphics team concerning drawing were not just contrained to charting: -we needed a versatile tool that would enable us to create custom graphics in a cross-browser/device manner and also perform rich animations with them.

- -

The Draw package contains a Surface class that abstracts the underlying graphics implementation -and enables the developer to create arbitrarily shaped Sprites or SpriteGroups that respond to -interactions like mouse events and also provide rich animations on all attributes like shape, color, size, -etc.

- -

The underlying/concrete implementations for the Surface class are SVG (for SVG capable browsers) and -VML (for the Internet Explorer family - < 9). Surface can be considered as an interface for -the SVG and VML rendering engines. Surface is agnostic to its underlying implementations. Most of the methods and ways -to create sprites are heavily inspired by the SVG standard.

- -

Creating a Drawing Surface

- -

You can create a simple drawing surface without loading the Charting package at all. This can be useful -to create arbitrary graphics that work on all browsers/devices and animate well. For example, you could -create an interactive map of the United States where each state is a sprite, or also an infographic where -each element is also a sprite. What's interesting about making sprites and not images is that the document -acquires a new level of interactivity but also that being VML and SVG based the images will never loose quality -and can be printed correctly.

- -

In order to use the Draw package directly you can create a Draw Component and (for example) append it to an Ext.Window:

- -
var drawComponent = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', {
-    viewBox: false,
-    items: [{
-        type: 'circle',
-        fill: '#ffc',
-        radius: 100,
-        x: 100,
-        y: 100
-    }]
-Ext.create('Ext.Window', {
-    width: 230,
-    height: 230,
-    layout: 'fit',
-    items: [drawComponent]
- -

In this case we created a draw component and added a sprite to it. The type of the sprite is circle so if you run this code -you'll see a yellow-ish circle in a Window. When setting viewBox to false we are responsible for setting the object's position and -dimensions accordingly.

- -

Sprites can have different types. Some of them are:

- -
  • circle - To draw circles. You can set the radius by using the radius parameter in the sprite configuration.
  • rect - To render rectangles. You can set the width and height of the rectangle by using the width and height parameters -in the sprite configuration.
  • text - To render text as a sprite. You can set the font/font-size by using the font parameter.
  • path - The most powerful sprite type. With it you can create arbitrary shapes by using the SVG path syntax. -You can find a quick tutorial on to how to get started with -the path syntax here.
- -

A Sprite is an object rendered in a Drawing surface. There are different options and types of sprites. - The configuration of a Sprite is an object with the following properties:

- -

  • - type - (String) The type of the sprite. Possible options are 'circle', 'path', 'rect', 'text', 'square'. -
  • -
  • - width - (Number) Used in rectangle sprites, the width of the rectangle. -
  • -
  • - height - (Number) Used in rectangle sprites, the height of the rectangle. -
  • -
  • - size - (Number) Used in square sprites, the dimension of the square. -
  • -
  • - radius - (Number) Used in circle sprites, the radius of the circle. -
  • -
  • - x - (Number) The position along the x-axis. -
  • -
  • - y - (Number) The position along the y-axis. -
  • -
  • - path - (Array) Used in path sprites, the path of the sprite written in SVG-like path syntax. -
  • -
  • - opacity - (Number) The opacity of the sprite. -
  • -
  • - fill - (String) The fill color. -
  • -
  • - stroke - (String) The stroke color. -
  • -
  • - stroke-width - (Number) The width of the stroke. -
  • -
  • - font - (String) Used with text type sprites. The full font description. Uses the same syntax as the CSS font parameter. -
  • -
  • - text - (String) Used with text type sprites. The text itself. -
  • -

- -

Additionally there are three transform objects that can be set with setAttributes which are translate, rotate and - scale.

- -

For translate, the configuration object contains x and y attributes for the translation. For example:

- -

- sprite.setAttributes({
-   translate: {
-    x: 10,
-    y: 10
-   }
- }, true);

- -

For rotate, the configuration object contains x and y attributes for the center of the rotation (which are optional), - and a degrees attribute that specifies the rotation in degrees. For example:

- -

- sprite.setAttributes({
-   rotate: {
-    degrees: 90
-   }
- }, true);

- -

For scale, the configuration object contains x and y attributes for the x-axis and y-axis scaling. For example:

- -

- sprite.setAttributes({
-   scale: {
-    x: 10,
-    y: 3
-   }
- }, true);

- -

Interacting with a Sprite

- -

Now that we've created a draw surface with a sprite in it, let's dive into how to interact with the sprite. -We can get a handle to the sprite we want to modify by adding that sprite imperatively to the surface:

- -
// Create a draw component    
-var drawComponent = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', {
-    viewBox: false
-// Create a window to place the draw component in
-Ext.create('Ext.Window', {
-    width: 220,
-    height: 230,
-    layout: 'fit',
-    items: [drawComponent]
-// Add a circle sprite    
-var myCircle = drawComponent.surface.add({
-    type: 'circle',
-    x: 100,
-    y: 100,
-    radius: 100,
-    fill: '#cc5'
-// Now do stuff with the sprite, like changing its properties:
-    fill: '#ccc'
-}, true);
-// or animate an attribute on the sprite
-    to: {
-        fill: '#555'
-    },
-    duration: 2000
-// Add a mouseup listener to the sprite
-myCircle.addListener('mouseup', function() {
-    alert('mouse upped!');
- -

In this example we've seen how we can add events, set sprite attributes and animate these attributes using the -draw package. As you can see this package is a versatile abstraction layer over the graphics we can do. What's -most interesting about this class is that we aren't tied to a specific shape or structure; also all elements -support events, setting attributes and creating animations. Most important of all, all of this is compatible in all browsers and -devices.

- -

II. Charts

- -

So now that we learnt about the expressive power of the draw package, let's dive into charts. The chart -package consists of a hierarchy of classes that define a chart container (something like a surface but more specific for -handling charts); axes, legends, series, labels, callouts, tips, cartesian and radial coordinates, and specific series -like Pie, Area, Bar, etc.

- -

In this section we will cover how these classes are tied together and what bits of functionality go into each of these -classes. We won't cover each particular series, since that is done in the next section.

- -


- -

The Chart class is the main drawing surface for series. It manages the rendering of each series and also how axes are -drawn and defined. Chart also delegates mouse events over to different areas of the Chart like Series, Axes, etc. -The Chart class extends Draw Component.

- -

A Chart instance has access to:

- -
  • axes - Accessed through chart.axes. All the axes being defined and drawn for this visualization. This is a mixed collection.
  • series - Accessed through chart.series. All the series being drawn for the chart. This could be line, bar, scatter, etc. This is also a mixed collection.
  • legend - The legend box object and its legend items.
- -

The chart instance supports custom events that can be triggered right before and during the rendering of the visualization. -We can add handlers for these events by using:

- -
-  'refresh': function() {
-    alert('(re)drawing the chart');
-  }
- -

Chart also delegates events like itemmousedown and itemmouseup to the series so that we can append -listeners to those objects and get the target sprite of the event.

- -


- -

The chart configuration object accepts a legend parameter to enable legend items for each series and -to set the position of the legend. These options are passed into the constructor of the chart. For example:

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    width: 200,
-    height: 200,
-    // Set a legend
-    legend: {
-        position: 'left'
-    },
-    // Define axes
-    axes: [/*set an axis configuration*/],
-    // Define series
-    series: [/*set series configuration*/]
- -

Each series object needs to have the showInLegend parameter set to true in order to be in the legend list.

- -


- -

The axis package contains an Abstract axis class that is extended by Axis and Radial axes. Axis represents -a Cartesian axis and Radial uses polar coordinates to represent the information for polar based visualizations like -Pie and Radar series. Axes are bound to the type of data we're trying to represent. There are axes for categorical -information (called Category axis) and also axis for quantitative information like Numeric. For time-based information -we have the Time axis that enables us to render information over a specific period of time, and to update that period of time -with smooth animations. If you'd like to know more about each axis please go to the axis package documentation. Also, you will find -configuration examples for axis in the bottom series examples.

- -

An axis contains divisions and subdivisions of values, represented by major and minor ticks. These can be adjusted automatically -or manually to some specified interval, maximum and minimum values. The configuration options maximum, minimum, majorTickSteps and -minorTickSteps in the Numeric axis are used to change the configuration and placement of the major and minor ticks. For example, by -using:

- -
        axes: [{
-            type: 'Numeric',
-            position: 'left',
-            fields: ['data1'],
-            title: 'Number of Hits',
-            minimum: 0,
-            //one minor tick between two major ticks
-            minorTickSteps: 1
-        }, {
-            type: 'Category',
-            position: 'bottom',
-            fields: ['name'],
-            title: 'Month of the Year'
-        }]
- -

The following configuration will produce minor ticks in the left axis -for the line series:

- -

Series Image

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- -

The drawing and charting package has also the power to create -linear gradients. The gradients can be defined in the Chart configuration -object as an array of gradient configurations. For each gradient configuration -the following parameters are specified:

- -
  • id - string - The unique name of the gradient.
  • angle - number, optional - The angle of the gradient in degrees.
  • stops - object - An object with numbers as keys (from 0 to 100) and style objects as values.
- -

Each key in the stops object represents the percentage of the fill on the specified color for -the gradient.

- -

For example:

- -
    gradients: [{
-        id: 'gradientId',
-        angle: 45,
-        stops: {
-            0: {
-                color: '#555'
-            },
-            100: {
-                color: '#ddd'
-            }
-        }
-    },  {
-        id: 'gradientId2',
-        angle: 0,
-        stops: {
-            0: {
-                color: '#590'
-            },
-            20: {
-                color: '#599'
-            },
-            100: {
-                color: '#ddd'
-            }
-        }
-    }]
- -

You can apply a gradient to a sprite by setting a reference to a gradient id in -the fill property. This reference is done via a url syntax. For example:

- -
-        fill: 'url(#gradientId)'
-    }, true);
- -


- -

A Series is an abstract class extended by concrete visualizations like -Line or Scatter. The Series class contains code that is common to all of these series, like event handling, animation -handling, shadows, gradients, common offsets, etc. The Series class is enhanced with a set of mixins that provide functionality -like highlighting, callouts, tips, etc. A Series will contain an array of items where each item contains information about the -positioning of each element, its associated sprite and a storeItem. The series also share the drawSeries method that updates -all positions for the series and then renders the series.

- -


- -

The Chart configuration object may have a theme property with a string value that references a builtin theme name.

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    theme: 'Blue',
-    /* Other options... */
- -

A Theme defines the style of the shapes, color, font, axes and background -of a chart. The theming configuration can be very rich and complex:

- -
-    axis: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        'stroke-width': 1
-    },
-    axisLabelTop: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    axisLabelLeft: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    axisLabelRight: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    axisLabelBottom: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    axisTitleTop: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    axisTitleLeft: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    axisTitleRight: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    axisTitleBottom: {
-        fill: '#000',
-        font: '11px Arial'
-    },
-    series: {
-        'stroke-width': 1
-    },
-    seriesLabel: {
-        font: '12px Arial',
-        fill: '#333'
-    },
-    marker: {
-        stroke: '#555',
-        fill: '#000',
-        radius: 3,
-        size: 3
-    },
-    seriesThemes: [{
-        fill: '#C6DBEF'
-    }, {
-        fill: '#9ECAE1'
-    }, {
-        fill: '#6BAED6'
-    }, {
-        fill: '#4292C6'
-    }, {
-        fill: '#2171B5'
-    }, {
-        fill: '#084594'
-    }],
-    markerThemes: [{
-        fill: '#084594',
-        type: 'circle' 
-    }, {
-        fill: '#2171B5',
-        type: 'cross'
-    }, {
-        fill: '#4292C6',
-        type: 'plus'
-    }]
- -

We can also create a seed of colors that will be the base for the entire theme just by creating -a simple array of colors in the configuration object like:

- -
-  colors: ['#aaa', '#bcd', '#eee']
- -

When setting a base color the theme will generate an array of colors that match the base color:

- -
-  baseColor: '#bce'
- -

You can create a custom theme by extending from the base theme. For example, to create a custom Fancy theme we can do:

- -
var colors = ['#555',
-              '#666',
-              '#777',
-              '#888',
-              '#999'];
-var baseColor = '#eee';
-Ext.define('Ext.chart.theme.Fancy', {
-    extend: 'Ext.chart.theme.Base',
-    constructor: function(config) {
-        this.callParent([Ext.apply({
-            axis: {
-                fill: baseColor,
-                stroke: baseColor
-            },
-            axisLabelLeft: {
-                fill: baseColor
-            },
-            axisLabelBottom: {
-                fill: baseColor
-            },
-            axisTitleLeft: {
-                fill: baseColor
-            },
-            axisTitleBottom: {
-                fill: baseColor
-            },
-            colors: colors
-        }, config)]);
-    }
-var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    theme: 'Fancy',
-    /* Other options here... */
- -

III. Series

- -

The following section will go through our available series/visualizations, introduce each -one of them and show a complete configuration example of the series. The example will include the Chart, -Axis and Series configuration options.

- -


- -

Creates a Stacked Area Chart. The stacked area chart is useful when displaying multiple aggregated layers of information. -As with all other series, the Area Series must be appended in the series Chart array configuration.

- -

Series Image

- -

A typical configuration object for the area series could be:

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
-    width: 800,
-    height: 600,
-    animate: true,
-    store: store,
-    legend: {
-        position: 'bottom'
-    },
-    // Add Numeric and Category axis
-    axes: [{
-        type: 'Numeric',
-        grid: true,
-        position: 'left',
-        fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'],
-        title: 'Number of Hits',
-        grid: {
-            odd: {
-                opacity: 1,
-                fill: '#ddd',
-                stroke: '#bbb',
-                'stroke-width': 1
-            }
-        },
-        minimum: 0,
-        adjustMinimumByMajorUnit: 0
-    }, {
-        type: 'Category',
-        position: 'bottom',
-        fields: ['name'],
-        title: 'Month of the Year',
-        grid: true,
-        label: {
-            rotate: {
-                degrees: 315
-            }
-        }
-    }],
-    // Add the Area Series
-    series: [{
-        type: 'area',
-        highlight: true,
-        axis: 'left',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'],
-        style: {
-            opacity: 0.93
-        }
-    }]
- -


- -

Creates a Bar Chart. A Bar Chart is a useful visualization technique to display quantitative information for different -categories that can show some progression (or regression) in the dataset. -As with all other series, the Bar Series must be appended in the series Chart array configuration. See the Chart -documentation for more information.

- -

Series Image

- -

A typical configuration object for the bar series could be:

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
-    width: 800,
-    height: 600,
-    animate: true,
-    store: store,
-    theme: 'White',
-    axes: [{
-        type: 'Numeric',
-        position: 'bottom',
-        fields: ['data1'],
-        title: 'Number of Hits'
-    }, {
-        type: 'Category',
-        position: 'left',
-        fields: ['name'],
-        title: 'Month of the Year'
-    }],
-    //Add Bar series.
-    series: [{
-        type: 'bar',
-        axis: 'bottom',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data1',
-        highlight: true,
-        label: {
-            display: 'insideEnd',
-            field: 'data1',
-            renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0'),
-            orientation: 'horizontal',
-            color: '#333',
-           'text-anchor': 'middle'
-        }
-    }]
- -


- -

Creates a Line Chart. A Line Chart is a useful visualization technique to display quantitative information for different -categories or other real values (as opposed to the bar chart), that can show some progression (or regression) in the dataset. -As with all other series, the Line Series must be appended in the series Chart array configuration. See the Chart -documentation for more information.

- -

Series Image

- -

A typical configuration object for the line series could be:

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
-    width: 800,
-    height: 600,
-    animate: true,
-    store: store,
-    shadow: true,
-    theme: 'Category1',
-    axes: [{
-        type: 'Numeric',
-        minimum: 0,
-        position: 'left',
-        fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'],
-        title: 'Number of Hits'
-    }, {
-        type: 'Category',
-        position: 'bottom',
-        fields: ['name'],
-        title: 'Month of the Year'
-    }],
-    // Add two line series
-    series: [{
-        type: 'line',
-        axis: 'left',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data1',
-        markerConfig: {
-            type: 'cross',
-            size: 4,
-            radius: 4,
-            'stroke-width': 0
-        }
-    }, {
-        type: 'line',
-        axis: 'left',
-        fill: true,
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data3',
-        markerConfig: {
-            type: 'circle',
-            size: 4,
-            radius: 4,
-            'stroke-width': 0
-        }
-    }]
- -

A marker configuration object contains the same properties used to create a Sprite. -You can find the properties used to create a Sprite in the Sprite section above.

- -


- -

Creates a Pie Chart. A Pie Chart is a useful visualization technique to display quantitative information for different -categories that also have a meaning as a whole. -As with all other series, the Pie Series must be appended in the series Chart array configuration. See the Chart -documentation for more information. A typical configuration object for the pie series could be:

- -

Series Image

- -

A typical configuration object for the pie series could be:

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    width: 800,
-    height: 600,
-    animate: true,
-    shadow: true,
-    store: store,
-    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
-    legend: {
-        position: 'right'
-    },
-    insetPadding: 25,
-    theme: 'Base:gradients',
-    series: [{
-        type: 'pie',
-        field: 'data1',
-        showInLegend: true,
-        highlight: {
-          segment: {
-            margin: 20
-          }
-        },
-        label: {
-            field: 'name',
-            display: 'rotate',
-            contrast: true,
-            font: '18px Arial'
-        }
-    }]
- -


- -

Creates a Radar Chart. A Radar Chart is a useful visualization technique for comparing different quantitative values for -a constrained number of categories. -As with all other series, the Radar series must be appended in the series Chart array configuration. See the Chart -documentation for more information.

- -

Series Image

- -

A typical configuration object for the radar series could be:

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    width: 800,
-    height: 600,
-    animate: true,
-    store: store,
-    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
-    insetPadding: 20,
-    theme: 'Category2',
-    axes: [{
-        type: 'Radial',
-        position: 'radial',
-        label: {
-            display: true
-        }
-    }],
-    // Add two series for radar.
-    series: [{
-        type: 'radar',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data1',
-        showMarkers: true,
-        markerConfig: {
-            radius: 5,
-            size: 5
-        },
-        style: {
-            'stroke-width': 2,
-            fill: 'none'
-        }
-    },{
-        type: 'radar',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data3',
-        showMarkers: true,
-        markerConfig: {
-            radius: 5,
-            size: 5
-        },
-        style: {
-            'stroke-width': 2,
-            fill: 'none'
-        }
-    }]
- -


- -

Creates a Scatter Chart. The scatter plot is useful when trying to display more than two variables in the same visualization. -These variables can be mapped into x, y coordinates and also to an element's radius/size, color, etc. -As with all other series, the Scatter Series must be appended in the series Chart array configuration. See the Chart -documentation for more information on creating charts.

- -

Series Image

- -

A typical configuration object for the scatter series could be:

- -
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
-    width: 800,
-    height: 600,
-    animate: true,
-    store: store,
-    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
-    axes: [{
-        type: 'Numeric',
-        position: 'left',
-        fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'],
-        title: 'Number of Hits'
-    }],
-    series: [{
-        type: 'scatter',
-        markerConfig: {
-            radius: 5,
-            size: 5
-        },
-        axis: 'left',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data1',
-        color: '#a00'
-    }, {
-        type: 'scatter',
-        markerConfig: {
-            radius: 5,
-            size: 5
-        },
-        axis: 'left',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data2'
-    }, {
-        type: 'scatter',
-        markerConfig: {
-            radius: 5,
-            size: 5
-        },
-        axis: 'left',
-        xField: 'name',
-        yField: 'data3'
-    }]
- -


- -

Creates a Gauge Chart. Gauge Charts are used to show progress in a certain variable. There are two ways of using the Gauge chart. - One is setting a store element into the Gauge and selecting the field to be used from that store. Another one is instanciating the - visualization and using the setValue method to adjust the value you want.

- -

Series Image

- -

A chart/series configuration for the Gauge visualization could look like this:

- -

-        {
-            xtype: 'chart',
-            store: store,
-            axes: [{
-                type: 'gauge',
-                position: 'gauge',
-                minimum: 0,
-                maximum: 100,
-                steps: 10,
-                margin: -10
-            }],
-            series: [{
-                type: 'gauge',
-                field: 'data1',
-                donut: false,
-                colorSet: ['#F49D10', '#ddd']
-            }]
-        }

- -

In this configuration we create a special Gauge axis to be used with the gauge visualization (describing half-circle markers), and also we're - setting a maximum, minimum and steps configuration options into the axis. The Gauge series configuration contains the store field to be bound to - the visual display and the color set to be used with the visualization. -

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