X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/7a654f8d43fdb43d78b63d90528bed6e86b608cc..HEAD:/docs/api/Ext.util.Format.html diff --git a/docs/api/Ext.util.Format.html b/docs/api/Ext.util.Format.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6f6b10af..00000000 --- a/docs/api/Ext.util.Format.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,324 +0,0 @@ -Ext.util.Format | Ext JS 4.0 Documentation -
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- - - - - -

This class is a centralized place for formatting functions inside the library. It includes -functions to format various different types of data, such as text, dates and numeric values.

- -

Localization -This class contains several options for localization. These can be set once the library has loaded, -all calls to the functions from that point will use the locale settings that were specified. -Options include: -- thousandSeparator -- decimalSeparator -- currenyPrecision -- currencySign -- currencyAtEnd -This class also uses the default date format defined here: Ext.date.defaultFormat.

- -

Using with renderers -There are two helper functions that return a new function that can be used in conjunction with -grid renderers:

- -
columns: [{
-    dataIndex: 'date',
-    renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')
-}, {
-    dataIndex: 'time',
-    renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0.000')
- -

Functions that only take a single argument can also be passed directly:

- -
columns: [{
-    dataIndex: 'cost',
-    renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney
-}, {
-    dataIndex: 'productCode',
-    renderer: Ext.util.Format.uppercase
- -

Using with XTemplates -XTemplates can also directly use Ext.util.Format functions:

- -
new Ext.XTemplate([
-    'Date: {startDate:date("Y-m-d")}',
-    'Cost: {cost:usMoney}'
Defined By



Capitalize the given string. See Ext.String.capitalize.


Capitalize the given string. See Ext.String.capitalize.

This may be set to true to make the currency function -append the currency sign to the formatted value. - - -This default...

This may be set to true to make the currency function -append the currency sign to the formatted value.

- - -

This defaults to false, but may be overridden in a locale file.

- -
The number of decimal places that the currency function displays. - - -This defaults to 2, but may be overridden in a lo...

The number of decimal places that the currency function displays.

- - -

This defaults to 2, but may be overridden in a locale file.

- -

The currency sign that the currency function displays.

- - -

This defaults to $, but may be overridden in a locale file.

- -

The currency sign that the currency function displays.

- - -

This defaults to $, but may be overridden in a locale file.

- -
The character that the number function uses as a decimal point. - - -This defaults to ., but may be overridden in a loca...

The character that the number function uses as a decimal point.

- - -

This defaults to ., but may be overridden in a locale file.

- -

Truncate a string and add an ellipsis ('...') to the end if it exceeds the specified length. -See Ext.String.ellipsis.


Truncate a string and add an ellipsis ('...') to the end if it exceeds the specified length. -See Ext.String.ellipsis.


Formats to a string. See Ext.String.format


Formats to a string. See Ext.String.format


Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') from their HTML character equivalents. -See Ext.string.htmlDecode.


Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') from their HTML character equivalents. -See Ext.string.htmlDecode.

Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') to their HTML character equivalents for literal display in web pag...

Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') to their HTML character equivalents for literal display in web pages. -See Ext.String.htmlEncode.


Adds left padding to a string. See Ext.String.leftPad


Adds left padding to a string. See Ext.String.leftPad

The character that the number function uses as a thousand separator. - - -This defaults to ,, but may be overridden in a...

The character that the number function uses as a thousand separator.

- - -

This defaults to ,, but may be overridden in a locale file.

- -

Trims any whitespace from either side of a string. See Ext.String.trim.


Trims any whitespace from either side of a string. See Ext.String.trim.

Defined By


currency( -Number/String value, String sign, Number decimals, Boolean end) - : String

Format a number as a currency


Format a number as a currency



  • value : Number/String

    The numeric value to format

  • sign : String

    The currency sign to use (defaults to currencySign)

  • decimals : Number

    The number of decimals to use for the currency (defaults to currencyPrecision)

  • end : Boolean

    True if the currency sign should be at the end of the string (defaults to currencyAtEnd)



  • String   

    The formatted currency string

date( -String/Date value, String format) - : String

Formats the passed date using the specified format pattern.


Formats the passed date using the specified format pattern.



  • value : String/Date

    The value to format. If a string is passed, it is converted to a Date by the Javascript -Date object's parse() method.

  • format : String

    (Optional) Any valid date format string. Defaults to Ext.Date.defaultFormat.



  • String   

    The formatted date string.

dateRenderer( -String format) - : Function

Returns a date rendering function that can be reused to apply a date format multiple times efficiently


Returns a date rendering function that can be reused to apply a date format multiple times efficiently




  • Function   

    The date formatting function

defaultValue( -Mixed value, String defaultValue) - : String

Checks a reference and converts it to the default value if it's empty


Checks a reference and converts it to the default value if it's empty



  • value : Mixed

    Reference to check

  • defaultValue : String

    The value to insert of it's undefined (defaults to "")



  • String    -
escapeRegex( -String str) - : String

Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression


Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression



  • str : String


  • String    -
fileSize( -Number/String size) - : String

Simple format for a file size (xxx bytes, xxx KB, xxx MB)


Simple format for a file size (xxx bytes, xxx KB, xxx MB)



  • size : Number/String

    The numeric value to format



  • String   

    The formatted file size

lowercase( -String value) - : String

Converts a string to all lower case letters


Converts a string to all lower case letters



  • value : String

    The text to convert



  • String   

    The converted text

It does simple math for use in a template, for example: - -var tpl = new Ext.Template('{value} * 10 = {value:math("* 10...

It does simple math for use in a template, for example:

- -
var tpl = new Ext.Template('{value} * 10 = {value:math("* 10")}');
- -


  • Function   

    A function that operates on the passed value.

nl2br( -String The) - : String

Converts newline characters to the HTML tag <br/>


Converts newline characters to the HTML tag <br/>



  • The : String

    string value to format.



  • String   

    The string with embedded <br/> tags in place of newlines.

number( -Number v, String format) - : String
Formats the passed number according to the passed format string. - - -The number of digits after the decimal separator c...

Formats the passed number according to the passed format string.

- - -

The number of digits after the decimal separator character specifies the number of -decimal places in the resulting string. The local-specific decimal character is used in the result.

- - -

The presence of a thousand separator character in the format string specifies that -the locale-specific thousand separator (if any) is inserted separating thousand groups.

- - -

By default, "," is expected as the thousand separator, and "." is expected as the decimal separator.

- - -

New to Ext4

- - -

Locale-specific characters are always used in the formatted output when inserting -thousand and decimal separators.

- - -

The format string must specify separator characters according to US/UK conventions ("," as the -thousand separator, and "." as the decimal separator)

- - -

To allow specification of format strings according to local conventions for separator characters, add -the string /i to the end of the format string.

- - -
examples (123456.789): -
-0 - (123456) show only digits, no precision
-0.00 - (123456.78) show only digits, 2 precision
-0.0000 - (123456.7890) show only digits, 4 precision
-0,000 - (123,456) show comma and digits, no precision
-0,000.00 - (123,456.78) show comma and digits, 2 precision
-0,0.00 - (123,456.78) shortcut method, show comma and digits, 2 precision
-To allow specification of the formatting string using UK/US grouping characters (,) and decimal (.) for international numbers, add /i to the end. -For example: 0.000,00/i -
- -


  • v : Number

    The number to format.

  • format : String

    The way you would like to format this text.



  • String   

    The formatted number.

numberRenderer( -String format) - : Function

Returns a number rendering function that can be reused to apply a number format multiple times efficiently


Returns a number rendering function that can be reused to apply a number format multiple times efficiently



  • format : String

    Any valid number format string for number



  • Function   

    The number formatting function

parseBox( -Number|String v) - : Object
Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations -(e.g. 10, ...

Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations -(e.g. 10, "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" and "10 10 10 10" are all valid options and would return the same result)



  • v : Number|String

    The encoded margins



  • Object   

    An object with margin sizes for top, right, bottom and left

plural( -Number value, String singular, [String plural]) - : void
Selectively do a plural form of a word based on a numeric value. For example, in a template, -{commentCount:plural("Co...

Selectively do a plural form of a word based on a numeric value. For example, in a template, -{commentCount:plural("Comment")} would result in "1 Comment" if commentCount was 1 or would be "x Comments" -if the value is 0 or greater than 1.



  • value : Number

    The value to compare against

  • singular : String

    The singular form of the word

  • plural : String

    (optional) The plural form of the word (defaults to the singular with an "s")



  • void    -
round( -Number/String value, Number precision) - : Number

Rounds the passed number to the required decimal precision.


Rounds the passed number to the required decimal precision.



  • value : Number/String

    The numeric value to round.

  • precision : Number

    The number of decimal places to which to round the first parameter's value.



  • Number   

    The rounded value.

stripScripts( -Mixed value) - : String

Strips all script tags


Strips all script tags



  • value : Mixed

    The text from which to strip script tags



  • String   

    The stripped text

stripTags( -Mixed value) - : String

Strips all HTML tags


Strips all HTML tags



  • value : Mixed

    The text from which to strip tags



  • String   

    The stripped text

substr( -String value, Number start, Number length) - : String

Returns a substring from within an original string


Returns a substring from within an original string



  • value : String

    The original text

  • start : Number

    The start index of the substring

  • length : Number

    The length of the substring



  • String   

    The substring

undef( -Mixed value) - : Mixed

Checks a reference and converts it to empty string if it is undefined


Checks a reference and converts it to empty string if it is undefined



  • value : Mixed

    Reference to check



  • Mixed   

    Empty string if converted, otherwise the original value

uppercase( -String value) - : String

Converts a string to all upper case letters


Converts a string to all upper case letters



  • value : String

    The text to convert



  • String   

    The converted text

usMoney( -Number/String value) - : String

Format a number as US currency


Format a number as US currency



  • value : Number/String

    The numeric value to format



  • String   

    The formatted currency string

\ No newline at end of file