X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/7a654f8d43fdb43d78b63d90528bed6e86b608cc..HEAD:/docs/api/Ext.form.action.Action.html diff --git a/docs/api/Ext.form.action.Action.html b/docs/api/Ext.form.action.Action.html deleted file mode 100644 index 93510214..00000000 --- a/docs/api/Ext.form.action.Action.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,396 +0,0 @@ -Ext.form.action.Action | Ext JS 4.0 Documentation -
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- - - - - -



The subclasses of this class provide actions to perform upon Forms.

- - -

Instances of this class are only created by a Form when -the Form needs to perform an action such as submit or load. The Configuration options -listed for this class are set through the Form's action methods: submit, -load and doAction

- - -

The instance of Action which performed the action is passed to the success -and failure callbacks of the Form's action methods (submit, -load and doAction), -and to the actioncomplete and -actionfailed event handlers.

- -
Defined By

Config Options

Other Configs

The function to call when a failure packet was received, or when an -error ocurred in the Ajax communication. -The func...

The function to call when a failure packet was received, or when an -error ocurred in the Ajax communication. -The function is passed the following parameters:

  • form : Ext.form.Basic
    The form that requested the action
  • -
  • action : Ext.form.action.Action
    The Action class. If an Ajax -error ocurred, the failure type will be in failureType. The result -property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.
  • -


The BasicForm instance that -is invoking this Action. Required.


The BasicForm instance that -is invoking this Action. Required.


Extra headers to be sent in the AJAX request for submit and load actions. See -Ext.data.Connection.headers.

- -

Extra headers to be sent in the AJAX request for submit and load actions. See -Ext.data.Connection.headers.

- -

The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the -BasicForm's method, or 'POST' if not specified.


The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the -BasicForm's method, or 'POST' if not specified.

Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's -Ext.form.Basic.baseParams and passed to the specified U...

Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's -Ext.form.Basic.baseParams and passed to the specified URL along with the Form's -input fields.

- - -

Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using Ext.Object.toQueryString.

- -
When set to true, causes the Form to be -reset on Action success. If specified, this happens -before the success callba...

When set to true, causes the Form to be -reset on Action success. If specified, this happens -before the success callback is called and before the Form's -actioncomplete event fires.

The scope in which to call the configured success and failure -callback functions (the this reference for the callback...

The scope in which to call the configured success and failure -callback functions (the this reference for the callback functions).


If set to true, the emptyText value will be sent with the form -when it is submitted. Defaults to true.


If set to true, the emptyText value will be sent with the form -when it is submitted. Defaults to true.

The function to call when a valid success return packet is received. -The function is passed the following parameters:...

The function to call when a valid success return packet is received. -The function is passed the following parameters:

  • form : Ext.form.Basic
    The form that requested the action
  • -
  • action : Ext.form.action.Action
    The Action class. The result -property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.
  • -

The number of seconds to wait for a server response before -failing with the failureType as CONNECT_FAILURE. If not sp...

The number of seconds to wait for a server response before -failing with the failureType as CONNECT_FAILURE. If not specified, -defaults to the configured timeout of the -form.


The URL that the Action is to invoke. Will default to the url -configured on the form.


The URL that the Action is to invoke. Will default to the url -configured on the form.


The message to be displayed by a call to Ext.window.MessageBox.wait -during the time the action is being processed.


The message to be displayed by a call to Ext.window.MessageBox.wait -during the time the action is being processed.


The title to be displayed by a call to Ext.window.MessageBox.wait -during the time the action is being processed.


The title to be displayed by a call to Ext.window.MessageBox.wait -during the time the action is being processed.

Defined By


Failure type returned when client side validation of the Form fails -thus aborting a submit action. Client side valida...

Failure type returned when client side validation of the Form fails -thus aborting a submit action. Client side validation is performed unless -Ext.form.action.Submit.clientValidation is explicitly set to false.

Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting -to send a request to the remote server. The ...

Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting -to send a request to the remote server. The response may be examined to -provide further information.

Failure type returned when the response's success -property is set to false, or no field values are returned in the re...

Failure type returned when the response's success -property is set to false, or no field values are returned in the response's -data property.

Failure type returned when server side processing fails and the result's -success property is set to false. - - -In the c...

Failure type returned when server side processing fails and the result's -success property is set to false.

- - -

In the case of a form submission, field-specific error messages may be returned in the -result's errors property.

- -
Add / override static properties of this class. - -Ext.define('My.cool.Class', { - ... -}); - -My.cool.Class.addStatics(...

Add / override static properties of this class.

- -
Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
-    ...
-    someProperty: 'someValue',      // My.cool.Class.someProperty = 'someValue'
-    method1: function() { ... },    // My.cool.Class.method1 = function() { ... };
-    method2: function() { ... }     // My.cool.Class.method2 = function() { ... };
Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class. - -Ext.define('Bank', { - -money: '$$$', -printMoney: functi...

Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class.

- -

Ext.define('Bank', {

- -
money: '$$$',
-printMoney: function() {
-    alert('$$$$$$$');
- -


- -

Ext.define('Thief', {

- -
- -


- -

Thief.borrow(Bank, ['money', 'printMoney']);

- -

var steve = new Thief();

- -

alert(steve.money); // alerts '$$$' -steve.printMoney(); // alerts '$$$$$$$'

Create a new instance of this Class. -Ext.define('My.cool.Class', { - -... - - -}); - -My.cool.Class.create({ - -someConfig: tr...

Create a new instance of this Class. -Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {

- -
- -


- -


- -
someConfig: true
- -


Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example: - -Ext.define('My.cool.Class', { - method1: function() { ... ...

Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:

- -
Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
-    method1: function() { ... },
-    method2: function() { ... }
-var test = new My.cool.Class();
-    method3: 'method1',
-    method4: 'method2'
-test.method3(); // test.method1()
-My.cool.Class.createAlias('method5', 'method3');
-test.method5(); // test.method3() -> test.method1()
The type of failure detected will be one of these: CLIENT_INVALID, -SERVER_INVALID, CONNECT_FAILURE, or -LOAD_FAILURE. ...

The type of failure detected will be one of these: CLIENT_INVALID, -SERVER_INVALID, CONNECT_FAILURE, or -LOAD_FAILURE. Usage:

- -
var fp = new Ext.form.Panel({
-buttons: [{
-    text: 'Save',
-    formBind: true,
-    handler: function(){
-        if(fp.getForm().isValid()){
-            fp.getForm().submit({
-                url: 'form-submit.php',
-                waitMsg: 'Submitting your data...',
-                success: function(form, action){
-                    // server responded with success = true
-                    var result = action.result;
-                },
-                failure: function(form, action){
-                    if (action.failureType === CONNECT_FAILURE) {
-                        Ext.Msg.alert('Error',
-                            'Status:'+action.response.status+': '+
-                            action.response.statusText);
-                    }
-                    if (action.failureType === SERVER_INVALID){
-                        // server responded with success = false
-                        Ext.Msg.alert('Invalid', action.result.errormsg);
-                    }
-                }
-            });
-        }
-    }
-    text: 'Reset',
-    handler: function(){
-        fp.getForm().reset();
-    }
- -
Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class. - -Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', { - constructor: function() ...

Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.

- -
Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {
-    constructor: function() {
-        ...
-    }
- My.awesome.Cat.implement({
-     meow: function() {
-        alert('Meowww...');
-     }
- });
- var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat;
- kitty.meow();
Override prototype members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via -Ext.Base.callOverridden - -Ext.define('...

Override prototype members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via -Ext.Base.callOverridden

- -
Ext.define('My.Cat', {
-    constructor: function() {
-        alert("I'm a cat!");
-        return this;
-    }
-    constructor: function() {
-        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");
-        var instance = this.callOverridden();
-        alert("Meeeeoooowwww");
-        return instance;
-    }
-var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
-                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
-                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"

The raw XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the action.


The raw XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the action.


The decoded response object containing a boolean success property and -other, action-specific properties.


The decoded response object containing a boolean success property and -other, action-specific properties.


Invokes this action using the current configuration.


Invokes this action using the current configuration.


The type of action this Action instance performs. -Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported.


The type of action this Action instance performs. -Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported.

Defined By


Action( -Object config) - : void




  • config : Object

    The configuration for this instance.



  • void    -
callOverridden( -Array/Arguments args) - : Mixed
Call the original method that was previously overridden with Ext.Base.override - -Ext.define('My.Cat', { - constructo...

Call the original method that was previously overridden with Ext.Base.override

- -
Ext.define('My.Cat', {
-    constructor: function() {
-        alert("I'm a cat!");
-        return this;
-    }
-    constructor: function() {
-        alert("I'm going to be a cat!");
-        var instance = this.callOverridden();
-        alert("Meeeeoooowwww");
-        return instance;
-    }
-var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
-                          // alerts "I'm a cat!"
-                          // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"


  • args : Array/Arguments

    The arguments, either an array or the arguments object



  • Mixed   

    Returns the result after calling the overridden method

Get the current class' name in string format. - -Ext.define('My.cool.Class', { - constructor: function() { - al...

Get the current class' name in string format.

- -
Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
-    constructor: function() {
-        alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts 'My.cool.Class'
-    }
-My.cool.Class.getName(); // 'My.cool.Class'


  • String   


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