X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/7a654f8d43fdb43d78b63d90528bed6e86b608cc..HEAD:/docs/api/Ext.Array.html diff --git a/docs/api/Ext.Array.html b/docs/api/Ext.Array.html deleted file mode 100644 index 15b3662d..00000000 --- a/docs/api/Ext.Array.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,278 +0,0 @@ -Ext.Array | Ext JS 4.0 Documentation -
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- - - - - -

A set of useful static methods to deal with arrays; provide missing methods for older browsers.

Defined By


clean( -Array array) - : Array

Filter through an array and remove empty item as defined in Ext.isEmpty

- -

@see Ext.Array.filter


Filter through an array and remove empty item as defined in Ext.isEmpty

- -

@see Ext.Array.filter



  • array : Array


  • Array   


clone( -Array array) - : Array
Clone a flat array without referencing the previous one. Note that this is different -from Ext.clone since it doesn't ...

Clone a flat array without referencing the previous one. Note that this is different -from Ext.clone since it doesn't handle recursive cloning. It's simply a convenient, easy-to-remember method -for Array.prototype.slice.call(array)



  • array : Array

    The array



  • Array   

    The clone array

contains( -Array array, Mixed item) - : Boolean

Checks whether or not the given array contains the specified item


Checks whether or not the given array contains the specified item



  • array : Array

    The array to check

  • item : Mixed

    The item to look for



  • Boolean   

    True if the array contains the item, false otherwise

difference( -Array array, Array array) - : Array

Perform a set difference A-B by subtracting all items in array B from array A.


Perform a set difference A-B by subtracting all items in array B from array A.



  • array : Array


  • array : Array




  • Array   


every( -Array array, Function fn, Object scope) - : Boolean
Executes the specified function for each array element until the function returns a falsy value. -If such an item is f...

Executes the specified function for each array element until the function returns a falsy value. -If such an item is found, the function will return false immediately. -Otherwise, it will return true.



  • array : Array
  • fn : Function

    Callback function for each item

  • scope : Object

    Callback function scope



  • Boolean   

    True if no false value is returned by the callback function.

filter( -Array array, Function fn, Object scope) - : Array

Creates a new array with all of the elements of this array for which -the provided filtering function returns true.


Creates a new array with all of the elements of this array for which -the provided filtering function returns true.



  • array : Array
  • fn : Function

    Callback function for each item

  • scope : Object

    Callback function scope



  • Array   


flatten( -Array array) - : Array

Recursively flattens into 1-d Array. Injects Arrays inline.


Recursively flattens into 1-d Array. Injects Arrays inline.



  • array : Array

    The array to flatten



  • Array   

    The new, flattened array.

forEach( -Array array, Function fn, Object scope) - : void
Iterates an array and invoke the given callback function for each item. Note that this will simply -delegate to the na...

Iterates an array and invoke the given callback function for each item. Note that this will simply -delegate to the native Array.prototype.forEach method if supported. -It doesn't support stopping the iteration by returning false in the callback function like -each. However, performance could be much better in modern browsers comparing with -each



  • array : Array

    The array to iterate

  • fn : Function

    The function callback, to be invoked these arguments:

    - -
    • item: {Mixed} The item at the current index in the passed array
    • -
    • index: {Number} The current index within the array
    • -
    • allItems: {Array} The array itself which was passed as the first argument
    • -
    - -
  • scope : Object

    (Optional) The execution scope (this) in which the specified function is executed.



  • void    -
from( -Array/Mixed value, Boolean newReference) - : Array
Converts a value to an array if it's not already an array; returns: - - -An empty array if given value is undefined or n...

Converts a value to an array if it's not already an array; returns:

- -
  • An empty array if given value is undefined or null
  • -
  • Itself if given value is already an array
  • -
  • An array copy if given value is iterable (arguments, NodeList and alike)
  • -
  • An array with one item which is the given value, otherwise
  • -
- -


  • value : Array/Mixed

    The value to convert to an array if it's not already is an array

  • newReference : Boolean

    (Optional) newReference True to clone the given array and return a new reference if necessary, -defaults to false



  • Array   


include( -Array array, Mixed item) - : Array

Push an item into the array only if the array doesn't contain it yet


Push an item into the array only if the array doesn't contain it yet



  • array : Array

    The array

  • item : Mixed

    The item to include



  • Array   

    The passed array itself

indexOf( -Array array, Mixed item, Number from) - : Number
Get the index of the provided item in the given array, a supplement for the -missing arrayPrototype.indexOf in Interne...

Get the index of the provided item in the given array, a supplement for the -missing arrayPrototype.indexOf in Internet Explorer.



  • array : Array

    The array to check

  • item : Mixed

    The item to look for

  • from : Number

    (Optional) The index at which to begin the search



  • Number   

    The index of item in the array (or -1 if it is not found)

intersect( -Array array) - : Array

Merge multiple arrays into one with unique items that exist in all of the arrays.


Merge multiple arrays into one with unique items that exist in all of the arrays.



  • array : Array




  • Array   


map( -Array array, Function fn, Object scope) - : Array

Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array.


Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array.



  • array : Array
  • fn : Function

    Callback function for each item

  • scope : Object

    Callback function scope



  • Array   


max( -Array|NodeList array, [Function comparisonFn]) - : Mixed

Returns the maximum value in the Array


Returns the maximum value in the Array



  • array : Array|NodeList

    The Array from which to select the maximum value.

  • comparisonFn : Function

    (optional) a function to perform the comparision which determines maximization.

    - -
                  If omitted the ">" operator will be used. Note: gt = 1; eq = 0; lt = -1


  • Mixed   

    maxValue The maximum value

mean( -Array array) - : Number

Calculates the mean of all items in the array


Calculates the mean of all items in the array



  • array : Array

    The Array to calculate the mean value of.



  • Number   

    The mean.

merge( -Array array) - : Array

Merge multiple arrays into one with unique items. Alias to union.


Merge multiple arrays into one with unique items. Alias to union.



  • array : Array




  • Array   


min( -Array|NodeList array, [Function comparisonFn]) - : Mixed

Returns the minimum value in the Array.


Returns the minimum value in the Array.



  • array : Array|NodeList

    The Array from which to select the minimum value.

  • comparisonFn : Function

    (optional) a function to perform the comparision which determines minimization.

    - -
                  If omitted the "<" operator will be used. Note: gt = 1; eq = 0; lt = -1


  • Mixed   

    minValue The minimum value

pluck( -Array|NodeList array, String propertyName) - : Array
Plucks the value of a property from each item in the Array. Example: - -Ext.Array.pluck(Ext.query("p"), "className"); /...

Plucks the value of a property from each item in the Array. Example:

- -
Ext.Array.pluck(Ext.query("p"), "className"); // [el1.className, el2.className, ..., elN.className]


  • array : Array|NodeList

    The Array of items to pluck the value from.

  • propertyName : String

    The property name to pluck from each element.



  • Array   

    The value from each item in the Array.

remove( -Array array, Mixed item) - : Array

Removes the specified item from the array if it exists


Removes the specified item from the array if it exists



  • array : Array

    The array

  • item : Mixed

    The item to remove



  • Array   

    The passed array itself

some( -Array array, Function fn, Object scope) - : Boolean
Executes the specified function for each array element until the function returns a truthy value. -If such an item is ...

Executes the specified function for each array element until the function returns a truthy value. -If such an item is found, the function will return true immediately. Otherwise, it will return false.



  • array : Array
  • fn : Function

    Callback function for each item

  • scope : Object

    Callback function scope



  • Boolean   

    True if the callback function returns a truthy value.

sort( -Array array, [Function sortFn]) - : Array

Sorts the elements of an Array. -By default, this method sorts the elements alphabetically and ascending.


Sorts the elements of an Array. -By default, this method sorts the elements alphabetically and ascending.



  • array : Array

    The array to sort.

  • sortFn : Function

    (optional) The comparison function.



  • Array   

    The sorted array.

sum( -Array array) - : Number

Calculates the sum of all items in the given array


Calculates the sum of all items in the given array



  • array : Array

    The Array to calculate the sum value of.



  • Number   

    The sum.

toArray( -Mixed iterable, Number start, Number end) - : Array
Converts any iterable (numeric indices and a length property) into a true array. - -function test() { - -var args = Ext.A...

Converts any iterable (numeric indices and a length property) into a true array.

- -

function test() {

- -
var args = Ext.Array.toArray(arguments),
-    fromSecondToLastArgs = Ext.Array.toArray(arguments, 1);
-alert(args.join(' '));
-alert(fromSecondToLastArgs.join(' '));
- -


- -

test('just', 'testing', 'here'); // alerts 'just testing here';

- -
                             // alerts 'testing here';
- -

Ext.Array.toArray(document.getElementsByTagName('div')); // will convert the NodeList into an array -Ext.Array.toArray('splitted'); // returns ['s', 'p', 'l', 'i', 't', 't', 'e', 'd'] -Ext.Array.toArray('splitted', 0, 3); // returns ['s', 'p', 'l', 'i']



  • iterable : Mixed

    the iterable object to be turned into a true Array.

  • start : Number

    (Optional) a zero-based index that specifies the start of extraction. Defaults to 0

  • end : Number

    (Optional) a zero-based index that specifies the end of extraction. Defaults to the last -index of the iterable value



  • Array   



Alias to merge.


Alias to merge.



  • void    -
unique( -Array array) - : Array

Returns a new array with unique items


Returns a new array with unique items



  • array : Array


  • Array   


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