--- /dev/null
+ * Ext JS Library 3.0.0
+ * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
+ * licensing@extjs.com
+ * http://www.extjs.com/license
+ */
+ * @class Ext.Slider\r
+ * @extends Ext.BoxComponent\r
+ * Slider which supports vertical or horizontal orientation, keyboard adjustments,\r
+ * configurable snapping, axis clicking and animation. Can be added as an item to\r
+ * any container. Example usage:\r
+new Ext.Slider({\r
+ renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
+ width: 200,\r
+ value: 50,\r
+ increment: 10,\r
+ minValue: 0,\r
+ maxValue: 100\r
+ */\r
+Ext.Slider = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, {\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Number} value The value to initialize the slider with. Defaults to minValue.\r
+ */\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Boolean} vertical Orient the Slider vertically rather than horizontally, defaults to false.\r
+ */\r
+ vertical: false,\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Number} minValue The minimum value for the Slider. Defaults to 0.\r
+ */\r
+ minValue: 0,\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Number} maxValue The maximum value for the Slider. Defaults to 100.\r
+ */\r
+ maxValue: 100,\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Number/Boolean} decimalPrecision.\r
+ * <p>The number of decimal places to which to round the Slider's value. Defaults to 0.</p>\r
+ * <p>To disable rounding, configure as <tt><b>false</b></tt>.</p>\r
+ */\r
+ decimalPrecision: 0,\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Number} keyIncrement How many units to change the Slider when adjusting with keyboard navigation. Defaults to 1. If the increment config is larger, it will be used instead.\r
+ */\r
+ keyIncrement: 1,\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Number} increment How many units to change the slider when adjusting by drag and drop. Use this option to enable 'snapping'.\r
+ */\r
+ increment: 0,\r
+ // private\r
+ clickRange: [5,15],\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Boolean} clickToChange Determines whether or not clicking on the Slider axis will change the slider. Defaults to true\r
+ */\r
+ clickToChange : true,\r
+ /**\r
+ * @cfg {Boolean} animate Turn on or off animation. Defaults to true\r
+ */\r
+ animate: true,\r
+ /**\r
+ * True while the thumb is in a drag operation\r
+ * @type boolean\r
+ */\r
+ dragging: false,\r
+ // private override\r
+ initComponent : function(){\r
+ if(!Ext.isDefined(this.value)){\r
+ this.value = this.minValue;\r
+ }\r
+ Ext.Slider.superclass.initComponent.call(this);\r
+ this.keyIncrement = Math.max(this.increment, this.keyIncrement);\r
+ this.addEvents(\r
+ /**\r
+ * @event beforechange\r
+ * Fires before the slider value is changed. By returning false from an event handler,\r
+ * you can cancel the event and prevent the slider from changing.\r
+ * @param {Ext.Slider} slider The slider\r
+ * @param {Number} newValue The new value which the slider is being changed to.\r
+ * @param {Number} oldValue The old value which the slider was previously.\r
+ */\r
+ 'beforechange',\r
+ /**\r
+ * @event change\r
+ * Fires when the slider value is changed.\r
+ * @param {Ext.Slider} slider The slider\r
+ * @param {Number} newValue The new value which the slider has been changed to.\r
+ */\r
+ 'change',\r
+ /**\r
+ * @event changecomplete\r
+ * Fires when the slider value is changed by the user and any drag operations have completed.\r
+ * @param {Ext.Slider} slider The slider\r
+ * @param {Number} newValue The new value which the slider has been changed to.\r
+ */\r
+ 'changecomplete',\r
+ /**\r
+ * @event dragstart\r
+ * Fires after a drag operation has started.\r
+ * @param {Ext.Slider} slider The slider\r
+ * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event fired from Ext.dd.DragTracker\r
+ */\r
+ 'dragstart',\r
+ /**\r
+ * @event drag\r
+ * Fires continuously during the drag operation while the mouse is moving.\r
+ * @param {Ext.Slider} slider The slider\r
+ * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event fired from Ext.dd.DragTracker\r
+ */\r
+ 'drag',\r
+ /**\r
+ * @event dragend\r
+ * Fires after the drag operation has completed.\r
+ * @param {Ext.Slider} slider The slider\r
+ * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event fired from Ext.dd.DragTracker\r
+ */\r
+ 'dragend'\r
+ );\r
+ if(this.vertical){\r
+ Ext.apply(this, Ext.Slider.Vertical);\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ // private override\r
+ onRender : function(){\r
+ this.autoEl = {\r
+ cls: 'x-slider ' + (this.vertical ? 'x-slider-vert' : 'x-slider-horz'),\r
+ cn:{cls:'x-slider-end',cn:{cls:'x-slider-inner',cn:[{cls:'x-slider-thumb'},{tag:'a', cls:'x-slider-focus', href:"#", tabIndex: '-1', hidefocus:'on'}]}}\r
+ };\r
+ Ext.Slider.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);\r
+ this.endEl = this.el.first();\r
+ this.innerEl = this.endEl.first();\r
+ this.thumb = this.innerEl.first();\r
+ this.halfThumb = (this.vertical ? this.thumb.getHeight() : this.thumb.getWidth())/2;\r
+ this.focusEl = this.thumb.next();\r
+ this.initEvents();\r
+ },\r
+ // private override\r
+ initEvents : function(){\r
+ this.thumb.addClassOnOver('x-slider-thumb-over');\r
+ this.mon(this.el, {\r
+ scope: this,\r
+ mousedown: this.onMouseDown,\r
+ keydown: this.onKeyDown\r
+ });\r
+ this.focusEl.swallowEvent("click", true);\r
+ this.tracker = new Ext.dd.DragTracker({\r
+ onBeforeStart: this.onBeforeDragStart.createDelegate(this),\r
+ onStart: this.onDragStart.createDelegate(this),\r
+ onDrag: this.onDrag.createDelegate(this),\r
+ onEnd: this.onDragEnd.createDelegate(this),\r
+ tolerance: 3,\r
+ autoStart: 300\r
+ });\r
+ this.tracker.initEl(this.thumb);\r
+ this.on('beforedestroy', this.tracker.destroy, this.tracker);\r
+ },\r
+ // private override\r
+ onMouseDown : function(e){\r
+ if(this.disabled) {return;}\r
+ if(this.clickToChange && e.target != this.thumb.dom){\r
+ var local = this.innerEl.translatePoints(e.getXY());\r
+ this.onClickChange(local);\r
+ }\r
+ this.focus();\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ onClickChange : function(local){\r
+ if(local.top > this.clickRange[0] && local.top < this.clickRange[1]){\r
+ this.setValue(Ext.util.Format.round(this.reverseValue(local.left), this.decimalPrecision), undefined, true);\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ onKeyDown : function(e){\r
+ if(this.disabled){e.preventDefault();return;}\r
+ var k = e.getKey();\r
+ switch(k){\r
+ case e.UP:\r
+ case e.RIGHT:\r
+ e.stopEvent();\r
+ if(e.ctrlKey){\r
+ this.setValue(this.maxValue, undefined, true);\r
+ }else{\r
+ this.setValue(this.value+this.keyIncrement, undefined, true);\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ case e.DOWN:\r
+ case e.LEFT:\r
+ e.stopEvent();\r
+ if(e.ctrlKey){\r
+ this.setValue(this.minValue, undefined, true);\r
+ }else{\r
+ this.setValue(this.value-this.keyIncrement, undefined, true);\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ e.preventDefault();\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ doSnap : function(value){\r
+ if(!this.increment || this.increment == 1 || !value) {\r
+ return value;\r
+ }\r
+ var newValue = value, inc = this.increment;\r
+ var m = value % inc;\r
+ if(m != 0){\r
+ newValue -= m;\r
+ if(m * 2 > inc){\r
+ newValue += inc;\r
+ }else if(m * 2 < -inc){\r
+ newValue -= inc;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return newValue.constrain(this.minValue, this.maxValue);\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ afterRender : function(){\r
+ Ext.Slider.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);\r
+ if(this.value !== undefined){\r
+ var v = this.normalizeValue(this.value);\r
+ if(v !== this.value){\r
+ delete this.value;\r
+ this.setValue(v, false);\r
+ }else{\r
+ this.moveThumb(this.translateValue(v), false);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ getRatio : function(){\r
+ var w = this.innerEl.getWidth();\r
+ var v = this.maxValue - this.minValue;\r
+ return v == 0 ? w : (w/v);\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ normalizeValue : function(v){\r
+ v = this.doSnap(v);\r
+ v = Ext.util.Format.round(v, this.decimalPrecision);\r
+ v = v.constrain(this.minValue, this.maxValue);\r
+ return v;\r
+ },\r
+ /**\r
+ * Programmatically sets the value of the Slider. Ensures that the value is constrained within\r
+ * the minValue and maxValue.\r
+ * @param {Number} value The value to set the slider to. (This will be constrained within minValue and maxValue)\r
+ * @param {Boolean} animate Turn on or off animation, defaults to true\r
+ */\r
+ setValue : function(v, animate, changeComplete){\r
+ v = this.normalizeValue(v);\r
+ if(v !== this.value && this.fireEvent('beforechange', this, v, this.value) !== false){\r
+ this.value = v;\r
+ this.moveThumb(this.translateValue(v), animate !== false);\r
+ this.fireEvent('change', this, v);\r
+ if(changeComplete){\r
+ this.fireEvent('changecomplete', this, v);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ translateValue : function(v){\r
+ var ratio = this.getRatio();\r
+ return (v * ratio)-(this.minValue * ratio)-this.halfThumb;\r
+ },\r
+ reverseValue : function(pos){\r
+ var ratio = this.getRatio();\r
+ return (pos+this.halfThumb+(this.minValue * ratio))/ratio;\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ moveThumb: function(v, animate){\r
+ if(!animate || this.animate === false){\r
+ this.thumb.setLeft(v);\r
+ }else{\r
+ this.thumb.shift({left: v, stopFx: true, duration:.35});\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ focus : function(){\r
+ this.focusEl.focus(10);\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ onBeforeDragStart : function(e){\r
+ return !this.disabled;\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ onDragStart: function(e){\r
+ this.thumb.addClass('x-slider-thumb-drag');\r
+ this.dragging = true;\r
+ this.dragStartValue = this.value;\r
+ this.fireEvent('dragstart', this, e);\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ onDrag: function(e){\r
+ var pos = this.innerEl.translatePoints(this.tracker.getXY());\r
+ this.setValue(Ext.util.Format.round(this.reverseValue(pos.left), this.decimalPrecision), false);\r
+ this.fireEvent('drag', this, e);\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ onDragEnd: function(e){\r
+ this.thumb.removeClass('x-slider-thumb-drag');\r
+ this.dragging = false;\r
+ this.fireEvent('dragend', this, e);\r
+ if(this.dragStartValue != this.value){\r
+ this.fireEvent('changecomplete', this, this.value);\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ // private\r
+ onResize : function(w, h){\r
+ this.innerEl.setWidth(w - (this.el.getPadding('l') + this.endEl.getPadding('r')));\r
+ this.syncThumb();\r
+ },\r
+ \r
+ //private\r
+ onDisable: function(){\r
+ Ext.Slider.superclass.onDisable.call(this);\r
+ this.thumb.addClass(this.disabledClass);\r
+ if(Ext.isIE){\r
+ //IE breaks when using overflow visible and opacity other than 1.\r
+ //Create a place holder for the thumb and display it.\r
+ var xy = this.thumb.getXY();\r
+ this.thumb.hide();\r
+ this.innerEl.addClass(this.disabledClass).dom.disabled = true;\r
+ if (!this.thumbHolder){\r
+ this.thumbHolder = this.endEl.createChild({cls: 'x-slider-thumb ' + this.disabledClass}); \r
+ }\r
+ this.thumbHolder.show().setXY(xy);\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ \r
+ //private\r
+ onEnable: function(){\r
+ Ext.Slider.superclass.onEnable.call(this);\r
+ this.thumb.removeClass(this.disabledClass);\r
+ if(Ext.isIE){\r
+ this.innerEl.removeClass(this.disabledClass).dom.disabled = false;\r
+ if (this.thumbHolder){\r
+ this.thumbHolder.hide();\r
+ }\r
+ this.thumb.show();\r
+ this.syncThumb();\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ \r
+ /**\r
+ * Synchronizes the thumb position to the proper proportion of the total component width based\r
+ * on the current slider {@link #value}. This will be called automatically when the Slider\r
+ * is resized by a layout, but if it is rendered auto width, this method can be called from\r
+ * another resize handler to sync the Slider if necessary.\r
+ */\r
+ syncThumb : function(){\r
+ if(this.rendered){\r
+ this.moveThumb(this.translateValue(this.value));\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ /**\r
+ * Returns the current value of the slider\r
+ * @return {Number} The current value of the slider\r
+ */\r
+ getValue : function(){\r
+ return this.value;\r
+ }\r
+Ext.reg('slider', Ext.Slider);\r
+// private class to support vertical sliders\r
+Ext.Slider.Vertical = {\r
+ onResize : function(w, h){\r
+ this.innerEl.setHeight(h - (this.el.getPadding('t') + this.endEl.getPadding('b')));\r
+ this.syncThumb();\r
+ },\r
+ getRatio : function(){\r
+ var h = this.innerEl.getHeight();\r
+ var v = this.maxValue - this.minValue;\r
+ return h/v;\r
+ },\r
+ moveThumb: function(v, animate){\r
+ if(!animate || this.animate === false){\r
+ this.thumb.setBottom(v);\r
+ }else{\r
+ this.thumb.shift({bottom: v, stopFx: true, duration:.35});\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ onDrag: function(e){\r
+ var pos = this.innerEl.translatePoints(this.tracker.getXY());\r
+ var bottom = this.innerEl.getHeight()-pos.top;\r
+ this.setValue(this.minValue + Ext.util.Format.round(bottom/this.getRatio(), this.decimalPrecision), false);\r
+ this.fireEvent('drag', this, e);\r
+ },\r
+ onClickChange : function(local){\r
+ if(local.left > this.clickRange[0] && local.left < this.clickRange[1]){\r
+ var bottom = this.innerEl.getHeight()-local.top;\r
+ this.setValue(this.minValue + Ext.util.Format.round(bottom/this.getRatio(), this.decimalPrecision), undefined, true);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
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