--- /dev/null
+ * Ext JS Library 3.0.0
+ * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
+ * licensing@extjs.com
+ * http://www.extjs.com/license
+ */
+ * @class Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor
+ * @extends Ext.Panel
+ * Plugin (ptype = 'roweditor') that adds the ability to rapidly edit full rows in a grid.
+ * A validation mode may be enabled which uses AnchorTips to notify the user of all
+ * validation errors at once.
+ *
+ * @ptype roweditor
+ */
+Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
+ floating: true,
+ shadow: false,
+ layout: 'hbox',
+ cls: 'x-small-editor',
+ buttonAlign: 'center',
+ baseCls: 'x-row-editor',
+ elements: 'header,footer,body',
+ frameWidth: 5,
+ buttonPad: 3,
+ clicksToEdit: 'auto',
+ monitorValid: true,
+ focusDelay: 250,
+ errorSummary: true,
+ defaults: {
+ normalWidth: true
+ },
+ initComponent: function(){
+ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+ this.addEvents(
+ /**
+ * @event beforeedit
+ * Fired before the row editor is activated.
+ * If the listener returns <tt>false</tt> the editor will not be activated.
+ * @param {Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor} roweditor This object
+ * @param {Number} rowIndex The rowIndex of the row just edited
+ */
+ 'beforeedit',
+ /**
+ * @event validateedit
+ * Fired after a row is edited and passes validation.
+ * If the listener returns <tt>false</tt> changes to the record will not be set.
+ * @param {Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor} roweditor This object
+ * @param {Object} changes Object with changes made to the record.
+ * @param {Ext.data.Record} r The Record that was edited.
+ * @param {Number} rowIndex The rowIndex of the row just edited
+ */
+ 'validateedit',
+ /**
+ * @event afteredit
+ * Fired after a row is edited and passes validation. This event is fired
+ * after the store's update event is fired with this edit.
+ * @param {Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor} roweditor This object
+ * @param {Object} changes Object with changes made to the record.
+ * @param {Ext.data.Record} r The Record that was edited.
+ * @param {Number} rowIndex The rowIndex of the row just edited
+ */
+ 'afteredit'
+ );
+ },
+ init: function(grid){
+ this.grid = grid;
+ this.ownerCt = grid;
+ if(this.clicksToEdit === 2){
+ grid.on('rowdblclick', this.onRowDblClick, this);
+ }else{
+ grid.on('rowclick', this.onRowClick, this);
+ if(Ext.isIE){
+ grid.on('rowdblclick', this.onRowDblClick, this);
+ }
+ }
+ // stopEditing without saving when a record is removed from Store.
+ grid.getStore().on('remove', function() {
+ this.stopEditing(false);
+ },this);
+ grid.on({
+ scope: this,
+ keydown: this.onGridKey,
+ columnresize: this.verifyLayout,
+ columnmove: this.refreshFields,
+ reconfigure: this.refreshFields,
+ destroy : this.destroy,
+ bodyscroll: {
+ buffer: 250,
+ fn: this.positionButtons
+ }
+ });
+ grid.getColumnModel().on('hiddenchange', this.verifyLayout, this, {delay:1});
+ grid.getView().on('refresh', this.stopEditing.createDelegate(this, []));
+ },
+ refreshFields: function(){
+ this.initFields();
+ this.verifyLayout();
+ },
+ isDirty: function(){
+ var dirty;
+ this.items.each(function(f){
+ if(String(this.values[f.id]) !== String(f.getValue())){
+ dirty = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }, this);
+ return dirty;
+ },
+ startEditing: function(rowIndex, doFocus){
+ if(this.editing && this.isDirty()){
+ this.showTooltip('You need to commit or cancel your changes');
+ return;
+ }
+ this.editing = true;
+ if(typeof rowIndex == 'object'){
+ rowIndex = this.grid.getStore().indexOf(rowIndex);
+ }
+ if(this.fireEvent('beforeedit', this, rowIndex) !== false){
+ var g = this.grid, view = g.getView();
+ var row = view.getRow(rowIndex);
+ var record = g.store.getAt(rowIndex);
+ this.record = record;
+ this.rowIndex = rowIndex;
+ this.values = {};
+ if(!this.rendered){
+ this.render(view.getEditorParent());
+ }
+ var w = Ext.fly(row).getWidth();
+ this.setSize(w);
+ if(!this.initialized){
+ this.initFields();
+ }
+ var cm = g.getColumnModel(), fields = this.items.items, f, val;
+ for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
+ val = this.preEditValue(record, cm.getDataIndex(i));
+ f = fields[i];
+ f.setValue(val);
+ this.values[f.id] = val || '';
+ }
+ this.verifyLayout(true);
+ if(!this.isVisible()){
+ this.setPagePosition(Ext.fly(row).getXY());
+ } else{
+ this.el.setXY(Ext.fly(row).getXY(), {duration:0.15});
+ }
+ if(!this.isVisible()){
+ this.show().doLayout();
+ }
+ if(doFocus !== false){
+ this.doFocus.defer(this.focusDelay, this);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ stopEditing : function(saveChanges){
+ this.editing = false;
+ if(!this.isVisible()){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(saveChanges === false || !this.isValid()){
+ this.hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ var changes = {}, r = this.record, hasChange = false;
+ var cm = this.grid.colModel, fields = this.items.items;
+ for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
+ if(!cm.isHidden(i)){
+ var dindex = cm.getDataIndex(i);
+ if(!Ext.isEmpty(dindex)){
+ var oldValue = r.data[dindex];
+ var value = this.postEditValue(fields[i].getValue(), oldValue, r, dindex);
+ if(String(oldValue) !== String(value)){
+ changes[dindex] = value;
+ hasChange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(hasChange && this.fireEvent('validateedit', this, changes, r, this.rowIndex) !== false){
+ r.beginEdit();
+ for(var k in changes){
+ if(changes.hasOwnProperty(k)){
+ r.set(k, changes[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ r.endEdit();
+ this.fireEvent('afteredit', this, changes, r, this.rowIndex);
+ }
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ verifyLayout: function(force){
+ if(this.el && (this.isVisible() || force === true)){
+ var row = this.grid.getView().getRow(this.rowIndex);
+ this.setSize(Ext.fly(row).getWidth(), Ext.isIE ? Ext.fly(row).getHeight() + (Ext.isBorderBox ? 9 : 0) : undefined);
+ var cm = this.grid.colModel, fields = this.items.items;
+ for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
+ if(!cm.isHidden(i)){
+ var adjust = 0;
+ if(i === 0){
+ adjust += 0; // outer padding
+ }
+ if(i === (len - 1)){
+ adjust += 3; // outer padding
+ } else{
+ adjust += 1;
+ }
+ fields[i].show();
+ fields[i].setWidth(cm.getColumnWidth(i) - adjust);
+ } else{
+ fields[i].hide();
+ }
+ }
+ this.doLayout();
+ this.positionButtons();
+ }
+ },
+ slideHide : function(){
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ initFields: function(){
+ var cm = this.grid.getColumnModel(), pm = Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.prototype.parseMargins;
+ this.removeAll(false);
+ for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
+ var c = cm.getColumnAt(i);
+ var ed = c.getEditor();
+ if(!ed){
+ ed = c.displayEditor || new Ext.form.DisplayField();
+ }
+ if(i == 0){
+ ed.margins = pm('0 1 2 1');
+ } else if(i == len - 1){
+ ed.margins = pm('0 0 2 1');
+ } else{
+ ed.margins = pm('0 1 2');
+ }
+ ed.setWidth(cm.getColumnWidth(i));
+ ed.column = c;
+ if(ed.ownerCt !== this){
+ ed.on('focus', this.ensureVisible, this);
+ ed.on('specialkey', this.onKey, this);
+ }
+ this.insert(i, ed);
+ }
+ this.initialized = true;
+ },
+ onKey: function(f, e){
+ if(e.getKey() === e.ENTER){
+ this.stopEditing(true);
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ },
+ onGridKey: function(e){
+ if(e.getKey() === e.ENTER && !this.isVisible()){
+ var r = this.grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+ if(r){
+ var index = this.grid.store.indexOf(r);
+ this.startEditing(index);
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ensureVisible: function(editor){
+ if(this.isVisible()){
+ this.grid.getView().ensureVisible(this.rowIndex, this.grid.colModel.getIndexById(editor.column.id), true);
+ }
+ },
+ onRowClick: function(g, rowIndex, e){
+ if(this.clicksToEdit == 'auto'){
+ var li = this.lastClickIndex;
+ this.lastClickIndex = rowIndex;
+ if(li != rowIndex && !this.isVisible()){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.startEditing(rowIndex, false);
+ this.doFocus.defer(this.focusDelay, this, [e.getPoint()]);
+ },
+ onRowDblClick: function(g, rowIndex, e){
+ this.startEditing(rowIndex, false);
+ this.doFocus.defer(this.focusDelay, this, [e.getPoint()]);
+ },
+ onRender: function(){
+ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.el.swallowEvent(['keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress']);
+ this.btns = new Ext.Panel({
+ baseCls: 'x-plain',
+ cls: 'x-btns',
+ elements:'body',
+ layout: 'table',
+ width: (this.minButtonWidth * 2) + (this.frameWidth * 2) + (this.buttonPad * 4), // width must be specified for IE
+ items: [{
+ ref: 'saveBtn',
+ itemId: 'saveBtn',
+ xtype: 'button',
+ text: this.saveText || 'Save',
+ width: this.minButtonWidth,
+ handler: this.stopEditing.createDelegate(this, [true])
+ }, {
+ xtype: 'button',
+ text: this.cancelText || 'Cancel',
+ width: this.minButtonWidth,
+ handler: this.stopEditing.createDelegate(this, [false])
+ }]
+ });
+ this.btns.render(this.bwrap);
+ },
+ afterRender: function(){
+ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.positionButtons();
+ if(this.monitorValid){
+ this.startMonitoring();
+ }
+ },
+ onShow: function(){
+ if(this.monitorValid){
+ this.startMonitoring();
+ }
+ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor.superclass.onShow.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ onHide: function(){
+ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor.superclass.onHide.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.stopMonitoring();
+ this.grid.getView().focusRow(this.rowIndex);
+ },
+ positionButtons: function(){
+ if(this.btns){
+ var h = this.el.dom.clientHeight;
+ var view = this.grid.getView();
+ var scroll = view.scroller.dom.scrollLeft;
+ var width = view.mainBody.getWidth();
+ var bw = this.btns.getWidth();
+ this.btns.el.shift({left: (width/2)-(bw/2)+scroll, top: h - 2, stopFx: true, duration:0.2});
+ }
+ },
+ // private
+ preEditValue : function(r, field){
+ var value = r.data[field];
+ return this.autoEncode && typeof value === 'string' ? Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(value) : value;
+ },
+ // private
+ postEditValue : function(value, originalValue, r, field){
+ return this.autoEncode && typeof value == 'string' ? Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value) : value;
+ },
+ doFocus: function(pt){
+ if(this.isVisible()){
+ var index = 0;
+ if(pt){
+ index = this.getTargetColumnIndex(pt);
+ }
+ var cm = this.grid.getColumnModel();
+ for(var i = index||0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
+ var c = cm.getColumnAt(i);
+ if(!c.hidden && c.getEditor()){
+ c.getEditor().focus();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getTargetColumnIndex: function(pt){
+ var grid = this.grid, v = grid.view;
+ var x = pt.left;
+ var cms = grid.colModel.config;
+ var i = 0, match = false;
+ for(var len = cms.length, c; c = cms[i]; i++){
+ if(!c.hidden){
+ if(Ext.fly(v.getHeaderCell(i)).getRegion().right >= x){
+ match = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ startMonitoring : function(){
+ if(!this.bound && this.monitorValid){
+ this.bound = true;
+ Ext.TaskMgr.start({
+ run : this.bindHandler,
+ interval : this.monitorPoll || 200,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ stopMonitoring : function(){
+ this.bound = false;
+ if(this.tooltip){
+ this.tooltip.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ isValid: function(){
+ var valid = true;
+ this.items.each(function(f){
+ if(!f.isValid(true)){
+ valid = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return valid;
+ },
+ // private
+ bindHandler : function(){
+ if(!this.bound){
+ return false; // stops binding
+ }
+ var valid = this.isValid();
+ if(!valid && this.errorSummary){
+ this.showTooltip(this.getErrorText().join(''));
+ }
+ this.btns.saveBtn.setDisabled(!valid);
+ this.fireEvent('validation', this, valid);
+ },
+ showTooltip: function(msg){
+ var t = this.tooltip;
+ if(!t){
+ t = this.tooltip = new Ext.ToolTip({
+ maxWidth: 600,
+ cls: 'errorTip',
+ width: 300,
+ title: 'Errors',
+ autoHide: false,
+ anchor: 'left',
+ anchorToTarget: true,
+ mouseOffset: [40,0]
+ });
+ }
+ t.initTarget(this.items.last().getEl());
+ if(!t.rendered){
+ t.show();
+ t.hide();
+ }
+ t.body.update(msg);
+ t.doAutoWidth();
+ t.show();
+ },
+ getErrorText: function(){
+ var data = ['<ul>'];
+ this.items.each(function(f){
+ if(!f.isValid(true)){
+ data.push('<li>', f.activeError, '</li>');
+ }
+ });
+ data.push('</ul>');
+ return data;
+ }
+Ext.preg('roweditor', Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor);
+Ext.override(Ext.form.Field, {
+ markInvalid : function(msg){
+ if(!this.rendered || this.preventMark){ // not rendered
+ return;
+ }
+ msg = msg || this.invalidText;
+ var mt = this.getMessageHandler();
+ if(mt){
+ mt.mark(this, msg);
+ }else if(this.msgTarget){
+ this.el.addClass(this.invalidClass);
+ var t = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget);
+ if(t){
+ t.innerHTML = msg;
+ t.style.display = this.msgDisplay;
+ }
+ }
+ this.activeError = msg;
+ this.fireEvent('invalid', this, msg);
+ }
+Ext.override(Ext.ToolTip, {
+ doAutoWidth : function(){
+ var bw = this.body.getTextWidth();
+ if(this.title){
+ bw = Math.max(bw, this.header.child('span').getTextWidth(this.title));
+ }
+ bw += this.getFrameWidth() + (this.closable ? 20 : 0) + this.body.getPadding("lr") + 20;
+ this.setWidth(bw.constrain(this.minWidth, this.maxWidth));
+ // IE7 repaint bug on initial show
+ if(Ext.isIE7 && !this.repainted){
+ this.el.repaint();
+ this.repainted = true;
+ }
+ }