- * Ext JS Library 2.2.1\r
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC.\r
- * licensing@extjs.com\r
- * \r
- * http://extjs.com/license\r
- */\r
-Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = 'images/s.gif';\r
- \r
-Task = Ext.data.Record.create([\r
- {name: 'taskId', type:'string'},\r
- {name: 'title', type:'string'},\r
- {name: 'category', type:'string'},\r
- {name: 'description', type:'string'},\r
- {name: 'dueDate', type:'date', dateFormat: 'Y-m-d H:i:s'},\r
- {name: 'completed', type:'boolean'}\r
-Task.nextId = function(){\r
- // if the time isn't unique enough, the addition \r
- // of random chars should be\r
- var t = String(new Date().getTime()).substr(4);\r
- for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){\r
- t += s.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*26));\r
- }\r
- return t;\r
-// The main grid's store\r
-TaskStore = function(conn){\r
- TaskStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, {\r
- sortInfo:{field: 'dueDate', direction: "ASC"},\r
- groupField:'dueDate',\r
- taskFilter: 'all',\r
- reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({\r
- idProperty: 'taskId'\r
- }, Task)\r
- });\r
- this.proxy = new Ext.data.SqlDB.Proxy(conn, 'task', 'taskId', this);\r
- if(window.google){ // google needs the table created\r
- this.proxy.on('beforeload', this.prepareTable, conn);\r
- }\r
- this.addEvents({newcategory: true});\r
-Ext.extend(TaskStore, Ext.data.GroupingStore, {\r
- applyFilter : function(filter){\r
- if(filter !== undefined){\r
- this.taskFilter = filter;\r
- }\r
- var value = this.taskFilter;\r
- if(value == 'all'){\r
- return this.clearFilter();\r
- }\r
- return this.filterBy(function(item){\r
- return item.data.completed === value;\r
- });\r
- },\r
- addTask : function(data){\r
- this.suspendEvents();\r
- this.clearFilter();\r
- this.resumeEvents();\r
- this.loadData([data], true);\r
- this.suspendEvents();\r
- this.applyFilter();\r
- this.applyGrouping(true);\r
- this.resumeEvents();\r
- this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);\r
- this.fireEvent('newcategory', data.category);\r
- },\r
- prepareTable : function(){\r
- try{\r
- this.createTable({\r
- name: 'task',\r
- key: 'taskId',\r
- fields: Task.prototype.fields\r
- });\r
- }catch(e){console.log(e)}\r
- }\r
-// The store for Categories\r
-CategoryStore = function(){\r
- CategoryStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, {\r
- expandData: true,\r
- data: [],\r
- fields:[{name: 'text', type:'string'}],\r
- sortInfo:{field:'text', direction:'ASC'},\r
- id: 0\r
- });\r
-Ext.extend(CategoryStore, Ext.data.SimpleStore, {\r
- init : function(store){\r
- var cats = store.collect('category', false, true);\r
- this.loadData(cats);\r
- },\r
- addCategory : function(cat){\r
- if(cat && this.indexOfId(cat) === -1){\r
- this.clearFilter(true);\r
- this.loadData([cat], true);\r
- this.applySort();\r
- }\r
- }\r
-// Grid column plugin that does the complete/active button in the left-most column\r
-CompleteColumn = function(){\r
- var grid;\r
- function getRecord(t){\r
- var index = grid.getView().findRowIndex(t);\r
- return grid.store.getAt(index);\r
- }\r
- function onMouseDown(e, t){\r
- if(Ext.fly(t).hasClass('task-check')){\r
- e.stopEvent();\r
- var record = getRecord(t);\r
- record.set('completed', !record.data.completed);\r
- grid.store.applyFilter();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- function onMouseOver(e, t){\r
- if(Ext.fly(t).hasClass('task-check')){\r
- Ext.fly(t.parentNode).addClass('task-check-over');\r
- }\r
- }\r
- function onMouseOut(e, t){\r
- if(Ext.fly(t).hasClass('task-check')){\r
- Ext.fly(t.parentNode).removeClass('task-check-over');\r
- }\r
- }\r
- Ext.apply(this, {\r
- width: 22,\r
- header: '<div class="task-col-hd"></div>',\r
- menuDisabled:true,\r
- fixed: true,\r
- id: 'task-col',\r
- renderer: function(){\r
- return '<div class="task-check"></div>';\r
- },\r
- init : function(xg){\r
- grid = xg;\r
- grid.on('render', function(){\r
- var view = grid.getView();\r
- view.mainBody.on('mousedown', onMouseDown);\r
- view.mainBody.on('mouseover', onMouseOver);\r
- view.mainBody.on('mouseout', onMouseOut);\r
- });\r
- }\r
- });\r
\ No newline at end of file