- * <p>It is possible to change a JsonReader's metadata at any time by including a <b><tt>metaData</tt></b>
- * property in the JSON data object. If the JSON data object has a <b><tt>metaData</tt></b> property, a
- * {@link Ext.data.Store Store} object using this Reader will reconfigure itself to use the newly provided
- * field definition and fire its {@link Ext.data.Store#metachange metachange} event. The metachange event
- * handler may interrogate the <b><tt>metaData</tt></b> property to perform any configuration required.
- * Note that reconfiguring a Store potentially invalidates objects which may refer to Fields or Records
- * which no longer exist.</p>
- * <p>The <b><tt>metaData</tt></b> property in the JSON data object may contain:</p>
- * <div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
- * <li>any of the configuration options for this class</li>
- * <li>a <b><tt>{@link Ext.data.Record#fields fields}</tt></b> property which the JsonReader will
- * use as an argument to the {@link Ext.data.Record#create data Record create method} in order to
- * configure the layout of the Records it will produce.</li>
- * <li>a <b><tt>{@link Ext.data.Store#sortInfo sortInfo}</tt></b> property which the JsonReader will
- * use to set the {@link Ext.data.Store}'s {@link Ext.data.Store#sortInfo sortInfo} property</li>
- * <li>any user-defined properties needed</li>
- * </ul></div>
- * <p>To use this facility to send the same data as the example above (without having to code the creation
- * of the Record constructor), you would create the JsonReader like this:</p><pre><code>
+ * <p>It is possible to change a JsonReader's metadata at any time by including
+ * a <b><tt>metaData</tt></b> property in the JSON data object. If the JSON data
+ * object has a <b><tt>metaData</tt></b> property, a {@link Ext.data.Store Store}
+ * object using this Reader will reconfigure itself to use the newly provided
+ * field definition and fire its {@link Ext.data.Store#metachange metachange}
+ * event. The metachange event handler may interrogate the <b><tt>metaData</tt></b>
+ * property to perform any configuration required.</p>
+ * <p>Note that reconfiguring a Store potentially invalidates objects which may
+ * refer to Fields or Records which no longer exist.</p>
+ * <p>To use this facility you would create the JsonReader like this:</p><pre><code>