- onRemove : function(ct, c) {
- // If a single form Field, remove it
- if (this.isField(c)) {
- Ext.destroy(c.container.up('.x-form-item'));
- this.form.remove(c);
- // If a Container, remove any Fields it might contain
- } else if (c.findByType) {
- Ext.each(c.findBy(this.isField), this.form.remove, this.form);
+ onRemove: function(c){
+ Ext.FormPanel.superclass.onRemove.call(this, c);
+ this.processRemove(c);
+ },
+ onRemoveEvent: function(ct, c){
+ if(ct !== this){
+ this.processRemove(c);
+ }
+ },
+ // private
+ processRemove: function(c){
+ if(!this.destroying){
+ // If a single form Field, remove it
+ if(this.isField(c)){
+ this.form.remove(c);
+ // If a Container, its already destroyed by the time it gets here. Remove any references to destroyed fields.
+ }else if (c.findBy){
+ Ext.each(c.findBy(this.isField), this.form.remove, this.form);
+ /*
+ * This isn't the most efficient way of getting rid of the items, however it's the most
+ * correct, which in this case is most important.
+ */
+ this.form.cleanDestroyed();
+ }