- <title>The source code</title>\r
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- <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><div id="cls-Ext.data.Store"></div>/**
+ <title>The source code</title>
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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">/*!
+ * Ext JS Library 3.0.3
+ * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
+ * licensing@extjs.com
+ * http://www.extjs.com/license
+ */
+<div id="cls-Ext.data.Store"></div>/**
* @class Ext.data.Store
* @extends Ext.util.Observable
* <p>The Store class encapsulates a client side cache of {@link Ext.data.Record Record}
var r = new myStore.recordType(defaultData, ++recId); // create new record
myStore.{@link #insert}(0, r); // insert a new record into the store (also see {@link #add})
* </code></pre>
+ * <p><u>Writing Data</u></p>
+ * <p>And <b>new in Ext version 3</b>, use the new {@link Ext.data.DataWriter DataWriter} to create an automated, <a href="http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/writer/writer.html">Writable Store</a>
+ * along with <a href="http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/restful/restful.html">RESTful features.</a>
* @constructor
* Creates a new Store.
* @param {Object} config A config object containing the objects needed for the Store to access data,
Ext.apply(this, config);
this.paramNames = Ext.applyIf(this.paramNames || {}, this.defaultParamNames);
if(this.url && !this.proxy){
this.recordType = this.reader.recordType;
- this.reader.onMetaChange = this.onMetaChange.createDelegate(this);
+ //this.reader.onMetaChange = this.onMetaChange.createDelegate(this);
+ this.reader.onMetaChange = this.reader.onMetaChange.createSequence(this.onMetaChange, this);
if (this.writer) { // writer passed
this.writer.meta = this.reader.meta;
* @event clear
* Fires when the data cache has been cleared.
* @param {Store} this
+ * @param {Record[]} The records that were cleared.
<div id="event-Ext.data.Store-exception"></div>/**
<div id="event-Ext.data.Store-beforewrite"></div>/**
* @event beforewrite
- * @param {DataProxy} this
+ * @param {Ext.data.Store} store
* @param {String} action [Ext.data.Api.actions.create|update|destroy]
* @param {Record/Array[Record]} rs
* @param {Object} options The loading options that were specified. Edit <code>options.params</code> to add Http parameters to the request. (see {@link #save} for details)
<div id="event-Ext.data.Store-write"></div>/**
* @event write
* Fires if the server returns 200 after an Ext.data.Api.actions CRUD action.
- * Success or failure of the action is available in the <code>result['successProperty']</code> property.
- * The server-code might set the <code>successProperty</code> to <tt>false</tt> if a database validation
- * failed, for example.
+ * Success of the action is determined in the <code>result['successProperty']</code>property (<b>NOTE</b> for RESTful stores,
+ * a simple 20x response is sufficient for the actions "destroy" and "update". The "create" action should should return 200 along with a database pk).
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store
* @param {String} action [Ext.data.Api.actions.create|update|destroy]
* @param {Object} result The 'data' picked-out out of the response for convenience.
scope: this,
add: this.createRecords,
remove: this.destroyRecord,
- update: this.updateRecord
+ update: this.updateRecord,
+ clear: this.onClear
* internally be set to <tt>false</tt>.</p>
restful: false,
<div id="cfg-Ext.data.Store-paramNames"></div>/**
* @cfg {Object} paramNames
* <p>An object containing properties which specify the names of the paging and
* the parameter names to use in its {@link #load requests}.
paramNames : undefined,
<div id="cfg-Ext.data.Store-defaultParamNames"></div>/**
* @cfg {Object} defaultParamNames
* Provides the default values for the {@link #paramNames} property. To globally modify the parameters
* Destroys the store.
destroy : function(){
- if(this.storeId){
- Ext.StoreMgr.unregister(this);
+ if(!this.isDestroyed){
+ if(this.storeId){
+ Ext.StoreMgr.unregister(this);
+ }
+ this.clearData();
+ this.data = null;
+ Ext.destroy(this.proxy);
+ this.reader = this.writer = null;
+ this.purgeListeners();
+ this.isDestroyed = true;
- this.data = null;
- Ext.destroy(this.proxy);
- this.reader = this.writer = null;
- this.purgeListeners();
<div id="method-Ext.data.Store-add"></div>/**
remove : function(record){
var index = this.data.indexOf(record);
if(index > -1){
+ record.join(null);
* Remove all Records from the Store and fires the {@link #clear} event.
removeAll : function(){
- this.data.clear();
+ var items = [];
+ this.each(function(rec){
+ items.push(rec);
+ });
+ this.clearData();
this.modified = [];
- this.fireEvent('clear', this);
+ this.fireEvent('clear', this, items);
+ },
+ // private
+ onClear: function(store, records){
+ Ext.each(records, function(rec, index){
+ this.destroyRecord(this, rec, index);
+ }, this);
<div id="method-Ext.data.Store-insert"></div>/**
this.lastOptions = o;
+ // private
+ clearData: function(){
+ this.data.each(function(rec) {
+ rec.join(null);
+ });
+ this.data.clear();
+ },
<div id="method-Ext.data.Store-load"></div>/**
* <p>Loads the Record cache from the configured <tt>{@link #proxy}</tt> using the configured <tt>{@link #reader}</tt>.</p>
* <br><p>Notes:</p><div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
var doRequest = true;
if (action === 'read') {
+ Ext.applyIf(options.params, this.baseParams);
doRequest = this.fireEvent('beforeload', this, options);
else {
- // if Writer is configured as listful, force single-recoord rs to be [{}} instead of {}
+ // if Writer is configured as listful, force single-record rs to be [{}] instead of {}
+ // TODO Move listful rendering into DataWriter where the @cfg is defined. Should be easy now.
if (this.writer.listful === true && this.restful !== true) {
rs = (Ext.isArray(rs)) ? rs : [rs];
// Send request to proxy.
var params = Ext.apply({}, options.params, this.baseParams);
if (this.writer && this.proxy.url && !this.proxy.restful && !Ext.data.Api.hasUniqueUrl(this.proxy, action)) {
- params.xaction = action;
+ params.xaction = action; // <-- really old, probaby unecessary.
- // Note: Up until this point we've been dealing with 'action' as a key from Ext.data.Api.actions. We'll flip it now
- // and send the value into DataProxy#request, since it's the value which maps to the DataProxy#api
+ // Note: Up until this point we've been dealing with 'action' as a key from Ext.data.Api.actions.
+ // We'll flip it now and send the value into DataProxy#request, since it's the value which maps to
+ // the user's configured DataProxy#api
this.proxy.request(Ext.data.Api.actions[action], rs, params, this.reader, this.createCallback(action, rs), this, options);
return doRequest;
var actions = Ext.data.Api.actions;
return (action == 'read') ? this.loadRecords : function(data, response, success) {
// calls: onCreateRecords | onUpdateRecords | onDestroyRecords
- this['on' + Ext.util.Format.capitalize(action) + 'Records'](success, rs, data);
+ this['on' + Ext.util.Format.capitalize(action) + 'Records'](success, rs, [].concat(data));
// If success === false here, exception will have been called in DataProxy
if (success === true) {
this.fireEvent('write', this, action, data, response, rs);
// @protected onDestroyRecords proxy callback for destroy action
onDestroyRecords : function(success, rs, data) {
// splice each rec out of this.removed
- rs = (rs instanceof Ext.data.Record) ? [rs] : rs;
+ rs = (rs instanceof Ext.data.Record) ? [rs] : [].concat(rs);
for (var i=0,len=rs.length;i<len;i++) {
this.removed.splice(this.removed.indexOf(rs[i]), 1);
this.data = this.snapshot;
delete this.snapshot;
- this.data.clear();
+ this.clearData();
this.totalLength = t;
// private
- onMetaChange : function(meta, rtype, o){
- this.recordType = rtype;
- this.fields = rtype.prototype.fields;
+ onMetaChange : function(meta){
+ this.recordType = this.reader.recordType;
+ this.fields = this.recordType.prototype.fields;
delete this.snapshot;
- if(meta.sortInfo){
- this.sortInfo = meta.sortInfo;
+ if(this.reader.meta.sortInfo){
+ this.sortInfo = this.reader.meta.sortInfo;
}else if(this.sortInfo && !this.fields.get(this.sortInfo.field)){
delete this.sortInfo;
+ if(this.writer){
+ this.writer.meta = this.reader.meta;
+ }
this.modified = [];
this.fireEvent('metachange', this, this.reader.meta);
-</pre> \r
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