- <div id="cfg-Ext.data.HttpProxy-restful"></div>/**\r
- * @cfg {Boolean} restful\r
- * <p>If set to <tt>true</tt>, a {@link Ext.data.Record#phantom non-phantom} record's\r
- * {@link Ext.data.Record#id id} will be appended to the url (defaults to <tt>false</tt>).</p><br>\r
- * <p>The url is built based upon the action being executed <tt>[load|create|save|destroy]</tt>\r
- * using the commensurate <tt>{@link #api}</tt> property, or if undefined default to the\r
- * configured {@link Ext.data.Store}.{@link Ext.data.Store#url url}.</p><br>\r
- * <p>Some MVC (e.g., Ruby on Rails, Merb and Django) support this style of segment based urls\r
- * where the segments in the URL follow the Model-View-Controller approach.</p><pre><code>\r
- * someSite.com/controller/action/id\r
- * </code></pre>\r
- * Where the segments in the url are typically:<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>\r
- * <li>The first segment : represents the controller class that should be invoked.</li>\r
- * <li>The second segment : represents the class function, or method, that should be called.</li>\r
- * <li>The third segment : represents the ID (a variable typically passed to the method).</li>\r
- * </ul></div></p>\r
- * <p>For example:</p>\r
- * <pre><code>\r
-api: {\r
- load : '/controller/load',\r
- create : '/controller/new', // Server MUST return idProperty of new record\r
- save : '/controller/update',\r
- destroy : '/controller/destroy_action'\r
-// Alternatively, one can use the object-form to specify each API-action\r
-api: {\r
- load: {url: 'read.php', method: 'GET'},\r
- create: 'create.php',\r
- destroy: 'destroy.php',\r
- save: 'update.php'\r
- */\r