+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> \r
<title>The source code</title>\r
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* @extends Ext.FlashComponent\r
* The Ext.chart package provides the capability to visualize data with flash based charting.\r
* Each chart binds directly to an Ext.data.Store enabling automatic updates of the chart.\r
+ * To change the look and feel of a chart, see the {@link #chartStyle} and {@link #extraStyle} config options.\r
* @constructor\r
* @xtype chart\r
Ext.chart.Chart = Ext.extend(Ext.FlashComponent, {\r
refreshBuffer: 100,\r
+ \r
+ <div id="cfg-Ext.chart.Chart-backgroundColor"></div>/**\r
+ * @cfg {String} backgroundColor\r
+ * @hide\r
+ */\r
<div id="cfg-Ext.chart.Chart-chartStyle"></div>/**\r
* @cfg {Object} chartStyle\r
- * Sets styles for this chart. Contains a number of default values. Modifying this property will override\r
- * the base styles on the chart.\r
+ * Sets styles for this chart. This contains default styling, so modifying this property will <b>override</b>\r
+ * the built in styles of the chart. Use {@link #extraStyle} to add customizations to the default styling. \r
chartStyle: {\r
padding: 10,\r
<div id="cfg-Ext.chart.Chart-extraStyle"></div>/**\r
* @cfg {Object} extraStyle\r
* Contains extra styles that will be added or overwritten to the default chartStyle. Defaults to <tt>null</tt>.\r
+ * For a detailed list of the options available, visit the YUI Charts site \r
+ * at <a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/charts/#basicstyles">http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/charts/#basicstyles</a><br/>\r
+ * Some of the options availabe:<br />\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;list-style-type:inherit;">\r
+ * <li><b>padding</b> - The space around the edge of the chart's contents. Padding does not increase the size of the chart.</li>\r
+ * <li><b>animationEnabled</b> - A Boolean value that specifies whether marker animations are enabled or not. Enabled by default.</li>\r
+ * <li><b>font</b> - An Object defining the font style to be used in the chart. Defaults to <tt>{ name: 'Tahoma', color: 0x444444, size: 11 }</tt><br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>name</b> - font name</li>\r
+ * <li><b>color</b> - font color (hex code, ie: "#ff0000", "ff0000" or 0xff0000)</li>\r
+ * <li><b>size</b> - font size in points (numeric portion only, ie: 11)</li>\r
+ * <li><b>bold</b> - boolean</li>\r
+ * <li><b>italic</b> - boolean</li>\r
+ * <li><b>underline</b> - boolean</li>\r
+ * </ul>\r
+ * </li>\r
+ * <li><b>border</b> - An object defining the border style around the chart. The chart itself will decrease in dimensions to accomodate the border.<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>color</b> - border color (hex code, ie: "#ff0000", "ff0000" or 0xff0000)</li>\r
+ * <li><b>size</b> - border size in pixels (numeric portion only, ie: 1)</li>\r
+ * </ul>\r
+ * </li>\r
+ * <li><b>background</b> - An object defining the background style of the chart.<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>color</b> - border color (hex code, ie: "#ff0000", "ff0000" or 0xff0000)</li>\r
+ * <li><b>image</b> - an image URL. May be relative to the current document or absolute.</li>\r
+ * </ul>\r
+ * </li>\r
+ * <li><b>legend</b> - An object defining the legend style<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>display</b> - location of the legend. Possible values are "none", "left", "right", "top", and "bottom".</li>\r
+ * <li><b>spacing</b> - an image URL. May be relative to the current document or absolute.</li>\r
+ * <li><b>padding, border, background, font</b> - same options as described above.</li>\r
+ * </ul></li>\r
+ * <li><b>dataTip</b> - An object defining the style of the data tip (tooltip).<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>padding, border, background, font</b> - same options as described above.</li>\r
+ * </ul></li>\r
+ * <li><b>xAxis and yAxis</b> - An object defining the style of the style of either axis.<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>color</b> - same option as described above.</li>\r
+ * <li><b>size</b> - same option as described above.</li>\r
+ * <li><b>showLabels</b> - boolean</li>\r
+ * <li><b>labelRotation</b> - a value in degrees from -90 through 90. Default is zero.</li>\r
+ * </ul></li>\r
+ * <li><b>majorGridLines and minorGridLines</b> - An object defining the style of the style of the grid lines.<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>color, size</b> - same options as described above.</li>\r
+ * </ul></li></li>\r
+ * <li><b>zeroGridLine</b> - An object defining the style of the style of the zero grid line.<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>color, size</b> - same options as described above.</li>\r
+ * </ul></li></li>\r
+ * <li><b>majorTicks and minorTicks</b> - An object defining the style of the style of ticks in the chart.<br/>\r
+ * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:26px;list-style-type:circle;">\r
+ * <li><b>color, size</b> - same options as described above.</li>\r
+ * <li><b>length</b> - the length of each tick in pixels extending from the axis.</li>\r
+ * <li><b>display</b> - how the ticks are drawn. Possible values are "none", "inside", "outside", and "cross".</li>\r
+ * </ul></li></li>\r
+ * </ul>\r
extraStyle: null,\r
+ <div id="cfg-Ext.chart.Chart-seriesStyles"></div>/**\r
+ * @cfg {Object} seriesStyles\r
+ * Contains styles to apply to the series after a refresh. Defaults to <tt>null</tt>.\r
+ */\r
+ seriesStyles: null,\r
+ \r
<div id="cfg-Ext.chart.Chart-disableCaching"></div>/**\r
* @cfg {Boolean} disableCaching\r
* True to add a "cache buster" to the end of the chart url. Defaults to true for Opera and IE.\r
- 'itemdragend'\r
+ 'itemdragend',\r
+ <div id="event-Ext.chart.Chart-beforerefresh"></div>/**\r
+ * @event beforerefresh\r
+ * Fires before a refresh to the chart data is called. If the beforerefresh handler returns\r
+ * <tt>false</tt> the {@link #refresh} action will be cancelled.\r
+ * @param {Chart} this\r
+ */\r
+ 'beforerefresh',\r
+ <div id="event-Ext.chart.Chart-refresh"></div>/**\r
+ * @event refresh\r
+ * Fires after the chart data has been refreshed.\r
+ * @param {Chart} this\r
+ */\r
+ 'refresh'\r
this.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(this.store);\r
* @param styles {Array} Initializer for all Chart series styles.\r
setSeriesStyles: function(styles){\r
+ this.seriesStyles = styles;\r
var s = [];\r
Ext.each(styles, function(style){\r
bindStore : function(store, initial){\r
if(!initial && this.store){\r
- this.store.un("datachanged", this.refresh, this);\r
- this.store.un("add", this.delayRefresh, this);\r
- this.store.un("remove", this.delayRefresh, this);\r
- this.store.un("update", this.delayRefresh, this);\r
- this.store.un("clear", this.refresh, this);\r
if(store !== this.store && this.store.autoDestroy){\r
+ }else{\r
+ this.store.un("datachanged", this.refresh, this);\r
+ this.store.un("add", this.delayRefresh, this);\r
+ this.store.un("remove", this.delayRefresh, this);\r
+ this.store.un("update", this.delayRefresh, this);\r
+ this.store.un("clear", this.refresh, this);\r
- this.setStyles(Ext.apply(this.extraStyle || {}, this.chartStyle));\r
+ this.setStyles(Ext.apply({}, this.extraStyle, this.chartStyle));\r
refresh : function(){\r
- var styleChanged = false;\r
- // convert the store data into something YUI charts can understand\r
- var data = [], rs = this.store.data.items;\r
- for(var j = 0, len = rs.length; j < len; j++){\r
- data[j] = rs[j].data;\r
- }\r
- //make a copy of the series definitions so that we aren't\r
- //editing them directly.\r
- var dataProvider = [];\r
- var seriesCount = 0;\r
- var currentSeries = null;\r
- var i = 0;\r
- if(this.series){\r
- seriesCount = this.series.length;\r
- for(i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++){\r
- currentSeries = this.series[i];\r
- var clonedSeries = {};\r
- for(var prop in currentSeries){\r
- if(prop == "style" && currentSeries.style !== null){\r
- clonedSeries.style = Ext.encode(currentSeries.style);\r
- styleChanged = true;\r
- //we don't want to modify the styles again next time\r
- //so null out the style property.\r
- // this causes issues\r
- // currentSeries.style = null;\r
- } else{\r
- clonedSeries[prop] = currentSeries[prop];\r
- }\r
- }\r
- dataProvider.push(clonedSeries);\r
- }\r
+ if(this.fireEvent('beforerefresh', this) !== false){\r
+ var styleChanged = false;\r
+ // convert the store data into something YUI charts can understand\r
+ var data = [], rs = this.store.data.items;\r
+ for(var j = 0, len = rs.length; j < len; j++){\r
+ data[j] = rs[j].data;\r
+ }\r
+ //make a copy of the series definitions so that we aren't\r
+ //editing them directly.\r
+ var dataProvider = [];\r
+ var seriesCount = 0;\r
+ var currentSeries = null;\r
+ var i = 0;\r
+ if(this.series){\r
+ seriesCount = this.series.length;\r
+ for(i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++){\r
+ currentSeries = this.series[i];\r
+ var clonedSeries = {};\r
+ for(var prop in currentSeries){\r
+ if(prop == "style" && currentSeries.style !== null){\r
+ clonedSeries.style = Ext.encode(currentSeries.style);\r
+ styleChanged = true;\r
+ //we don't want to modify the styles again next time\r
+ //so null out the style property.\r
+ // this causes issues\r
+ // currentSeries.style = null;\r
+ } else{\r
+ clonedSeries[prop] = currentSeries[prop];\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ dataProvider.push(clonedSeries);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ if(seriesCount > 0){\r
+ for(i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++){\r
+ currentSeries = dataProvider[i];\r
+ if(!currentSeries.type){\r
+ currentSeries.type = this.type;\r
+ }\r
+ currentSeries.dataProvider = data;\r
+ }\r
+ } else{\r
+ dataProvider.push({type: this.type, dataProvider: data});\r
+ }\r
+ this.swf.setDataProvider(dataProvider);\r
+ if(this.seriesStyles){\r
+ this.setSeriesStyles(this.seriesStyles);\r
+ }\r
+ this.fireEvent('refresh', this);\r
- if(seriesCount > 0){\r
- for(i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++){\r
- currentSeries = dataProvider[i];\r
- if(!currentSeries.type){\r
- currentSeries.type = this.type;\r
- }\r
- currentSeries.dataProvider = data;\r
- }\r
- } else{\r
- dataProvider.push({type: this.type, dataProvider: data});\r
- }\r
- this.swf.setDataProvider(dataProvider);\r
createFnProxy : function(fn, old){\r
onDestroy: function(){\r
- delete window[this.tipFnName];\r
+ this.bindStore(null);\r
+ var tip = this.tipFnName;\r
+ if(!Ext.isEmpty(tip)){\r
+ delete window[tip];\r
+ }\r
Ext.reg('chart', Ext.chart.Chart);\r