- dropAllowed : "x-dd-drop-ok",
- <div id="cfg-Ext.dd.StatusProxy-dropNotAllowed"></div>/**
- * @cfg {String} dropNotAllowed
- * The CSS class to apply to the status element when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop").
+ constructor: function(config){
+ Ext.apply(this, config);
+ this.id = this.id || Ext.id();
+ this.proxy = Ext.createWidget('component', {
+ floating: true,
+ stateful: false,
+ id: this.id,
+ html: '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dd-drop-icon"></div>' +
+ '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dd-drag-ghost"></div>',
+ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dd-drag-proxy ' + this.dropNotAllowed,
+ shadow: !config || config.shadow !== false,
+ renderTo: document.body
+ });
+ this.el = this.proxy.el;
+ this.el.show();
+ this.el.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.VISIBILITY);
+ this.el.hide();
+ this.ghost = Ext.get(this.el.dom.childNodes[1]);
+ this.dropStatus = this.dropNotAllowed;
+ },
+<span id='Ext-dd-StatusProxy-cfg-dropAllowed'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} [dropAllowed="x-dd-drop-ok"]
+ * The CSS class to apply to the status element when drop is allowed.
+ */
+ dropAllowed : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dd-drop-ok',
+<span id='Ext-dd-StatusProxy-cfg-dropNotAllowed'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} [dropNotAllowed="x-dd-drop-nodrop"]
+ * The CSS class to apply to the status element when drop is not allowed.