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-</span></span> * @class Ext.form.field.Hidden
- * @extends Ext.form.field.Base
- * <p>A basic hidden field for storing hidden values in forms that need to be passed in the form submit.</p>
- * <p>This creates an actual input element with type="submit" in the DOM. While its label is
- * {@link #hideLabel not rendered} by default, it is still a real component and may be sized according to
- * its owner container's layout.</p>
- * <p>Because of this, in most cases it is more convenient and less problematic to simply
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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-form-field-Hidden'>/**
+</span> * A basic hidden field for storing hidden values in forms that need to be passed in the form submit.
+ *
+ * This creates an actual input element with type="submit" in the DOM. While its label is
+ * {@link #hideLabel not rendered} by default, it is still a real component and may be sized according
+ * to its owner container's layout.
+ *
+ * Because of this, in most cases it is more convenient and less problematic to simply
* {@link Ext.form.action.Action#params pass hidden parameters} directly when
- * {@link Ext.form.Basic#submit submitting the form}.</p>
- * <p>Example:</p>
- * <pre><code>new Ext.form.Panel({
- title: 'My Form',
- items: [{
- xtype: 'textfield',
- fieldLabel: 'Text Field',
- name: 'text_field',
- value: 'value from text field'
- }, {
- xtype: 'hiddenfield',
- name: 'hidden_field_1',
- value: 'value from hidden field'
- }],
- buttons: [{
- text: 'Submit',
- handler: function() {
- this.up('form').getForm().submit({
- params: {
- hidden_field_2: 'value from submit call'
- }
- });
- }
- }]
- * <p>Submitting the above form will result in three values sent to the server:
- * <code>text_field=value+from+text+field&hidden_field_1=value+from+hidden+field&<br>hidden_field_2=value+from+submit+call</code></p>
+ * {@link Ext.form.Basic#submit submitting the form}.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * new Ext.form.Panel({
+ * title: 'My Form',
+ * items: [{
+ * xtype: 'textfield',
+ * fieldLabel: 'Text Field',
+ * name: 'text_field',
+ * value: 'value from text field'
+ * }, {
+ * xtype: 'hiddenfield',
+ * name: 'hidden_field_1',
+ * value: 'value from hidden field'
+ * }],
+ *
+ * buttons: [{
+ * text: 'Submit',
+ * handler: function() {
+ * this.up('form').getForm().submit({
+ * params: {
+ * hidden_field_2: 'value from submit call'
+ * }
+ * });
+ * }
+ * }]
+ * });
+ *
+ * Submitting the above form will result in three values sent to the server:
+ *
+ * text_field=value+from+text+field&hidden;_field_1=value+from+hidden+field&hidden_field_2=value+from+submit+call
- * @constructor
- * Create a new Hidden field.
- * @param {Object} config Configuration options
- *
- * @xtype hiddenfield
Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Hidden', {
this.formItemCls += '-hidden';
+<span id='Ext-form-field-Hidden-method-isEqual'> /**
+</span> * @private
+ * Override. Treat undefined and null values as equal to an empty string value.
+ */
+ isEqual: function(value1, value2) {
+ return this.isEqualAsString(value1, value2);
+ },
// These are all private overrides
initEvents: Ext.emptyFn,
markInvalid : Ext.emptyFn,
clearInvalid : Ext.emptyFn
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