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-</span></span> * @class Ext.util.MixedCollection
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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-util-MixedCollection'>/**
+</span> * @class Ext.util.MixedCollection
* <p>
* Represents a collection of a set of key and value pairs. Each key in the MixedCollection
* must be unique, the same key cannot exist twice. This collection is ordered, items in the
console.log(biggerThanZero.getCount()); // prints 2
* </code></pre>
* </p>
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param {Boolean} allowFunctions Specify <tt>true</tt> if the {@link #addAll}
- * function should add function references to the collection. Defaults to
- * <tt>false</tt>.
- * @param {Function} keyFn A function that can accept an item of the type(s) stored in this MixedCollection
- * and return the key value for that item. This is used when available to look up the key on items that
- * were passed without an explicit key parameter to a MixedCollection method. Passing this parameter is
- * equivalent to providing an implementation for the {@link #getKey} method.
Ext.define('Ext.util.MixedCollection', {
extend: 'Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection',
sortable: 'Ext.util.Sortable'
+<span id='Ext-util-MixedCollection-method-constructor'> /**
+</span> * Creates new MixedCollection.
+ * @param {Boolean} allowFunctions Specify <tt>true</tt> if the {@link #addAll}
+ * function should add function references to the collection. Defaults to
+ * <tt>false</tt>.
+ * @param {Function} keyFn A function that can accept an item of the type(s) stored in this MixedCollection
+ * and return the key value for that item. This is used when available to look up the key on items that
+ * were passed without an explicit key parameter to a MixedCollection method. Passing this parameter is
+ * equivalent to providing an implementation for the {@link #getKey} method.
+ */
constructor: function() {
var me = this;
-<span id='Ext-util.MixedCollection-method-_sort'> /**
+<span id='Ext-util-MixedCollection-method-_sort'> /**
</span> * @private
* Performs the actual sorting based on a direction and a sorting function. Internally,
* this creates a temporary array of all items in the MixedCollection, sorts it and then writes
me.fireEvent('sort', me);
-<span id='Ext-util.MixedCollection-method-sortBy'> /**
+<span id='Ext-util-MixedCollection-method-sortBy'> /**
</span> * Sorts the collection by a single sorter function
* @param {Function} sorterFn The function to sort by
me.fireEvent('sort', me, items, keys);
-<span id='Ext-util.MixedCollection-method-reorder'> /**
+<span id='Ext-util-MixedCollection-method-reorder'> /**
</span> * Reorders each of the items based on a mapping from old index to new index. Internally this
* just translates into a sort. The 'sort' event is fired whenever reordering has occured.
* @param {Object} mapping Mapping from old item index to new item index
me.fireEvent('sort', me);
-<span id='Ext-util.MixedCollection-method-sortByKey'> /**
+<span id='Ext-util-MixedCollection-method-sortByKey'> /**
</span> * Sorts this collection by <b>key</b>s.
* @param {String} direction (optional) 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Defaults to 'ASC'.
* @param {Function} fn (optional) Comparison function that defines the sort order.
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