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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-constructor'><span id='Ext-picker-Date'>/**
</span></span> * @class Ext.picker.Date
* @extends Ext.Component
* <p>A date picker. This class is used by the {@link Ext.form.field.Date} field to allow browsing and
ariaTitle: 'Date Picker',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-todayText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-todayText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} todayText
* The text to display on the button that selects the current date (defaults to <code>'Today'</code>)
todayText : 'Today',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-handler'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-handler'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Function} handler
* Optional. A function that will handle the select event of this picker.
* The handler is passed the following parameters:<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li><code>date</code> : Date <div class="sub-desc">The selected date.</div></li>
* </ul></div>
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-scope'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-scope'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Object} scope
* The scope (<code><b>this</b></code> reference) in which the <code>{@link #handler}</code>
* function will be called. Defaults to this DatePicker instance.
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-todayTip'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-todayTip'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} todayTip
* A string used to format the message for displaying in a tooltip over the button that
* selects the current date. Defaults to <code>'{0} (Spacebar)'</code> where
* the <code>{0}</code> token is replaced by today's date.
todayTip : '{0} (Spacebar)',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-minText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-minText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} minText
* The error text to display if the minDate validation fails (defaults to <code>'This date is before the minimum date'</code>)
minText : 'This date is before the minimum date',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-maxText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-maxText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} maxText
* The error text to display if the maxDate validation fails (defaults to <code>'This date is after the maximum date'</code>)
maxText : 'This date is after the maximum date',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-format'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-format'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} format
* The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be
* valid according to {@link Ext.Date#parse} (defaults to {@link Ext.Date#defaultFormat}).
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-disabledDaysText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-disabledDaysText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} disabledDaysText
* The tooltip to display when the date falls on a disabled day (defaults to <code>'Disabled'</code>)
disabledDaysText : 'Disabled',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-disabledDatesText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-disabledDatesText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} disabledDatesText
* The tooltip text to display when the date falls on a disabled date (defaults to <code>'Disabled'</code>)
disabledDatesText : 'Disabled',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-monthNames'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-monthNames'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Array} monthNames
* An array of textual month names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Ext.Date.monthNames)
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-dayNames'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-dayNames'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Array} dayNames
* An array of textual day names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Ext.Date.dayNames)
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-nextText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-nextText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} nextText
* The next month navigation button tooltip (defaults to <code>'Next Month (Control+Right)'</code>)
nextText : 'Next Month (Control+Right)',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-prevText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-prevText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} prevText
* The previous month navigation button tooltip (defaults to <code>'Previous Month (Control+Left)'</code>)
prevText : 'Previous Month (Control+Left)',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-monthYearText'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-monthYearText'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} monthYearText
* The header month selector tooltip (defaults to <code>'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)'</code>)
monthYearText : 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-startDay'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-startDay'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Number} startDay
* Day index at which the week should begin, 0-based (defaults to 0, which is Sunday)
startDay : 0,
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-showToday'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-showToday'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} showToday
* False to hide the footer area containing the Today button and disable the keyboard handler for spacebar
* that selects the current date (defaults to <code>true</code>).
showToday : true,
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-minDate'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-minDate'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Date} minDate
* Minimum allowable date (JavaScript date object, defaults to null)
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-maxDate'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-maxDate'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Date} maxDate
* Maximum allowable date (JavaScript date object, defaults to null)
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-disabledDays'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-disabledDays'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Array} disabledDays
* An array of days to disable, 0-based. For example, [0, 6] disables Sunday and Saturday (defaults to null).
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-disabledDatesRE'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-disabledDatesRE'> /**
</span> * @cfg {RegExp} disabledDatesRE
* JavaScript regular expression used to disable a pattern of dates (defaults to null). The {@link #disabledDates}
* config will generate this regex internally, but if you specify disabledDatesRE it will take precedence over the
* disabledDates value.
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-disabledDates'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-disabledDates'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Array} disabledDates
* An array of 'dates' to disable, as strings. These strings will be used to build a dynamic regular
* expression so they are very powerful. Some examples:
* escape the dot when restricting dates. For example: ['03\\.08\\.03'].
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-disableAnim'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-disableAnim'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} disableAnim True to disable animations when showing the month picker. Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.
disableAnim: true,
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-baseCls'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-baseCls'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} baseCls
* The base CSS class to apply to this components element (defaults to <tt>'x-datepicker'</tt>).
baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'datepicker',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-selectedCls'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-selectedCls'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} selectedCls
* The class to apply to the selected cell. Defaults to <tt>'x-datepicker-selected'</tt>
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-disabledCellCls'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-disabledCellCls'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} disabledCellCls
* The class to apply to disabled cells. Defaults to <tt>'x-datepicker-disabled'</tt>
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-longDayFormat'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-longDayFormat'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} longDayFormat
* The format for displaying a date in a longer format. Defaults to <tt>'F d, Y'</tt>
longDayFormat: 'F d, Y',
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-keyNavConfig'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-keyNavConfig'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Object} keyNavConfig Specifies optional custom key event handlers for the {@link Ext.util.KeyNav}
* attached to this date picker. Must conform to the config format recognized by the {@link Ext.util.KeyNav}
* constructor. Handlers specified in this object will replace default handlers of the same name.
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-cfg-focusOnShow'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-cfg-focusOnShow'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} focusOnShow
* True to automatically focus the picker on show. Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.
clearTime(me.value, true) : clearTime(new Date());
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-event-select'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-event-select'> /**
</span> * @event select
* Fires when a date is selected
* @param {DatePicker} this DatePicker
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-initDisabledDays'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-initDisabledDays'> /**
</span> * Setup the disabled dates regex based on config options
* @private
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-setDisabledDates'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-setDisabledDates'> /**
</span> * Replaces any existing disabled dates with new values and refreshes the DatePicker.
* @param {Array/RegExp} disabledDates An array of date strings (see the {@link #disabledDates} config
* for details on supported values), or a JavaScript regular expression used to disable a pattern of dates.
return me;
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-setDisabledDays'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-setDisabledDays'> /**
</span> * Replaces any existing disabled days (by index, 0-6) with new values and refreshes the DatePicker.
* @param {Array} disabledDays An array of disabled day indexes. See the {@link #disabledDays} config
* for details on supported values.
return this.update(this.value, true);
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-setMinDate'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-setMinDate'> /**
</span> * Replaces any existing {@link #minDate} with the new value and refreshes the DatePicker.
* @param {Date} value The minimum date that can be selected
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return this.update(this.value, true);
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-setMaxDate'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-setMaxDate'> /**
</span> * Replaces any existing {@link #maxDate} with the new value and refreshes the DatePicker.
* @param {Date} value The maximum date that can be selected
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return this.update(this.value, true);
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-setValue'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-setValue'> /**
</span> * Sets the value of the date field
* @param {Date} value The date to set
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return this.update(this.value);
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-getValue'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-getValue'> /**
</span> * Gets the current selected value of the date field
* @return {Date} The selected date
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-setDisabledStatus'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-setDisabledStatus'> /**
</span> * Set the disabled state of various internal components
* @private
* @param {Boolean} disabled
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-getActive'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-getActive'> /**
</span> * Get the current active date.
* @private
* @return {Date} The active date
return this.activeDate || me.value;
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-runAnimation'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-runAnimation'> /**
</span> * Run any animation required to hide/show the month picker.
* @private
* @param {Boolean} isHide True if it's a hide operation
Ext.create('Ext.fx.Anim', options);
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-hideMonthPicker'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-hideMonthPicker'> /**
</span> * Hides the month picker, if it's visible.
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return me;
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-showMonthPicker'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-showMonthPicker'> /**
</span> * Show the month picker
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return me;
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-createMonthPicker'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-createMonthPicker'> /**
</span> * Create the month picker instance
* @private
* @return {Ext.picker.Month} picker
return picker;
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-onOkClick'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-onOkClick'> /**
</span> * Respond to an ok click on the month picker
* @private
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-onCancelClick'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-onCancelClick'> /**
</span> * Respond to a cancel click on the month picker
* @private
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-showPrevMonth'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-showPrevMonth'> /**
</span> * Show the previous month.
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return this.update(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.MONTH, -1));
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-showNextMonth'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-showNextMonth'> /**
</span> * Show the next month.
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return this.update(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.MONTH, 1));
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-showPrevYear'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-showPrevYear'> /**
</span> * Show the previous year.
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
this.update(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.YEAR, -1));
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-showNextYear'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-showNextYear'> /**
</span> * Show the next year.
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
this.update(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.YEAR, 1));
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-handleMouseWheel'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-handleMouseWheel'> /**
</span> * Respond to the mouse wheel event
* @private
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-handleDateClick'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-handleDateClick'> /**
</span> * Respond to a date being clicked in the picker
* @private
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-onSelect'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-onSelect'> /**
</span> * Perform any post-select actions
* @private
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-selectToday'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-selectToday'> /**
</span> * Sets the current value to today.
* @return {Ext.picker.Date} this
return me;
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-selectedUpdate'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-selectedUpdate'> /**
</span> * Update the selected cell
* @private
* @param {Date} date The new date
}, this);
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-fullUpdate'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-fullUpdate'> /**
</span> * Update the contents of the picker for a new month
* @private
* @param {Date} date The new date
me.monthBtn.setText(me.monthNames[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear());
-<span id='Ext-picker.Date-method-update'> /**
+<span id='Ext-picker-Date-method-update'> /**
</span> * Update the contents of the picker
* @private
* @param {Date} date The new date
proto.format = Ext.Date.defaultFormat;
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