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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-layout-container-Border'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.layout.container.Border
* @extends Ext.layout.container.Container
* <p>This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple
// Delegate this operation to the shadow "V" or "H" box layout, and then down to any embedded layout.
+ me.fixHeightConstraints();
if (me.embeddedContainer) {
me.splitters.west.ownerCt = me.embeddedContainer;
+ // These spliiters need to be constrained by components one-level below
+ // the component in their vobx. We update the min/maxHeight on the helper
+ // (embeddedContainer) prior to starting the split/drag. This has to be
+ // done on-the-fly to allow min/maxHeight of the E/C/W regions to be set
+ // dynamically.
+ Ext.each([me.splitters.north, me.splitters.south], function (splitter) {
+ if (splitter) {
+ splitter.on('beforedragstart', me.fixHeightConstraints, me);
+ }
+ });
// The east or west region wanted a percentage
if (horizontalFlex) {
regions.center.flex -= horizontalFlex;
me.borderLayoutInitialized = true;
setupState: function(comp){
var getState = comp.getState;
comp.getState = function(){
comp.addStateEvents(['collapse', 'expand', 'resize']);
-<span id='Ext-layout.container.Border-method-createItems'> /**
+<span id='Ext-layout-container-Border-method-createItems'> /**
</span> * Create the items collection for our shadow/embedded containers
* @private
// Mini collapse means that the splitter is the placeholder Component
if (comp.collapseMode == 'mini') {
comp.placeholder = resizer;
+ resizer.collapsedCls = comp.collapsedCls;
// Arrange to hide/show a region's associated splitter when the region is hidden/shown
return resizer;
+ // Private
+ // Propogates the min/maxHeight values from the inner hbox items to its container.
+ fixHeightConstraints: function () {
+ var me = this,
+ ct = me.embeddedContainer,
+ maxHeight = 1e99, minHeight = -1;
+ if (!ct) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ct.items.each(function (item) {
+ if (Ext.isNumber(item.maxHeight)) {
+ maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, item.maxHeight);
+ }
+ if (Ext.isNumber(item.minHeight)) {
+ minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, item.minHeight);
+ }
+ });
+ ct.maxHeight = maxHeight;
+ ct.minHeight = minHeight;
+ },
// Hide/show a region's associated splitter when the region is hidden/shown
onRegionVisibilityChange: function(comp){
this.splitters[comp.region][comp.hidden ? 'hide' : 'show']();
-<span id='Ext-layout.container.Border-method-getPlaceholder'> /**
+<span id='Ext-layout-container-Border-method-getPlaceholder'> /**
</span> * <p>Return the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder} Component to which the passed child Panel of the layout will collapse.
* By default, this will be a {@link Ext.panel.Header Header} component (Docked to the appropriate border). See {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder}.
* config to customize this.</p>
baseCls: comp.baseCls + '-header',
ui: comp.ui,
indicateDrag: comp.draggable,
- cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-placeholder ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-' + comp.collapseDirection + '-placeholder',
+ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-placeholder ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-' + comp.collapseDirection + '-placeholder ' + comp.collapsedCls,
listeners: comp.floatable ? {
click: {
fn: function(e) {
if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7 || (Ext.isIEQuirks)) && !horiz) {
placeholder.width = 25;
- placeholder[horiz ? 'tools' : 'items'] = [{
- xtype: 'tool',
- client: comp,
- type: 'expand-' + oppositeDirection,
- handler: me.onPlaceHolderToolClick,
- scope: me
- }];
+ if (!comp.hideCollapseTool) {
+ placeholder[horiz ? 'tools' : 'items'] = [{
+ xtype: 'tool',
+ client: comp,
+ type: 'expand-' + oppositeDirection,
+ handler: me.onPlaceHolderToolClick,
+ scope: me
+ }];
+ }
placeholder = me.owner.createComponent(placeholder);
if (comp.isXType('panel')) {
return placeholder;
-<span id='Ext-layout.container.Border-method-onRegionTitleChange'> /**
+<span id='Ext-layout-container-Border-method-onRegionTitleChange'> /**
</span> * @private
* Update the placeholder title when panel title has been set or changed.
-<span id='Ext-layout.container.Border-method-onRegionIconChange'> /**
+<span id='Ext-layout-container-Border-method-onRegionIconChange'> /**
</span> * @private
* Update the placeholder iconCls when panel iconCls has been set or changed.
-<span id='Ext-layout.container.Border-method-calculateChildBox'> /**
+<span id='Ext-layout-container-Border-method-calculateChildBox'> /**
</span> * @private
* Calculates the size and positioning of the passed child item. Must be present because Panel's expand,
* when configured with a flex, calls this method on its ownerCt's layout.
-<span id='Ext-layout.container.Border-method-onBeforeRegionCollapse'> /**
+<span id='Ext-layout-container-Border-method-onBeforeRegionCollapse'> /**
</span> * @private
* Intercepts the Panel's own collapse event and perform's substitution of the Panel
* with a placeholder Header orientated in the appropriate dimension.
onBeforeRegionCollapse: function(comp, direction, animate) {
var me = this,
compEl = comp.el,
+ width,
miniCollapse = comp.collapseMode == 'mini',
shadowContainer = comp.shadowOwnerCt,
shadowLayout = shadowContainer.layout,
placeholder = comp.placeholder,
- placeholderBox,
- targetSize = shadowLayout.getLayoutTargetSize(),
sl = me.owner.suspendLayout,
scsl = shadowContainer.suspendLayout,
isNorthOrWest = (comp.region == 'north' || comp.region == 'west'); // Flag to keep the placeholder non-adjacent to any Splitter
if (!placeholder.rendered) {
shadowLayout.renderItem(placeholder, shadowLayout.innerCt);
+ // The inserted placeholder does not have the proper size, so copy the width
+ // for N/S or the height for E/W from the component. This fixes EXTJSIV-1562
+ // without recursive layouts. This is only an issue initially. After this time,
+ // placeholder will have the correct width/height set by the layout (which has
+ // already happened when we get here initially).
+ if (comp.region == 'north' || comp.region == 'south') {
+ placeholder.setCalculatedSize(comp.getWidth());
+ } else {
+ placeholder.setCalculatedSize(undefined, comp.getHeight());
+ }
// Jobs to be done after the collapse has been done
function afterCollapse() {
// Reinstate automatic laying out.
me.owner.suspendLayout = sl;
shadowContainer.suspendLayout = scsl;
compEl.setLeftTop(-10000, -10000);
- // Horrible workaround for https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJSIV-1562
- if (Ext.isIE) {
- placeholder.setCalculatedSize(placeholder.el.getWidth());
- }
return false;
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