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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-constructor'><span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel'>/**
</span></span> * @class Ext.panel.AbstractPanel
* @extends Ext.container.Container
* <p>A base class which provides methods common to Panel classes across the Sencha product range.</p>
/* End Definitions */
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-cfg-baseCls'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-cfg-baseCls'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} baseCls
* The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to <code>'x-panel'</code>).
baseCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel',
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyPadding'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyPadding'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Number/String} bodyPadding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can either be
* a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string describing padding.
* Defaults to <code>undefined</code>.
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyBorder'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyBorder'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} bodyBorder
* A shortcut to add or remove the border on the body of a panel. This only applies to a panel which has the {@link #frame} configuration set to `true`.
* Defaults to <code>undefined</code>.
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyStyle'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyStyle'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String/Object/Function} bodyStyle
* Custom CSS styles to be applied to the panel's body element, which can be supplied as a valid CSS style string,
* an object containing style property name/value pairs or a function that returns such a string or object.
* </code></pre>
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyCls'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-cfg-bodyCls'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String/Array} bodyCls
* A CSS class, space-delimited string of classes, or array of classes to be applied to the panel's body element.
* The following examples are all valid:<pre><code>
renderTpl: ['<div class="{baseCls}-body<tpl if="bodyCls"> {bodyCls}</tpl> {baseCls}-body-{ui}<tpl if="uiCls"><tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-body-{parent.ui}-{.}</tpl></tpl>"<tpl if="bodyStyle"> style="{bodyStyle}"</tpl>></div>'],
// TODO: Move code examples into product-specific files. The code snippet below is Touch only.
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-cfg-dockedItems'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-cfg-dockedItems'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Object/Array} dockedItems
* A component or series of components to be added as docked items to this panel.
* The docked items can be docked to either the top, right, left or bottom of a panel.
var me = this;
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-event-bodyresize'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-event-bodyresize'> /**
</span> * @event bodyresize
* Fires after the Panel has been resized.
* @param {Ext.panel.Panel} p the Panel which has been resized.
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-getDockedComponent'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-getDockedComponent'> /**
</span> * Finds a docked component by id, itemId or position. Also see {@link #getDockedItems}
* @param {String/Number} comp The id, itemId or position of the docked component (see {@link #getComponent} for details)
* @return {Ext.Component} The docked component (if found)
return this.dockedItems.get(comp);
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-getComponent'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-getComponent'> /**
</span> * Attempts a default component lookup (see {@link Ext.container.Container#getComponent}). If the component is not found in the normal
* items, the dockedItems are searched and the matched component (if any) returned (see {@loink #getDockedComponent}). Note that docked
* items will only be matched by component id or itemId -- if you pass a numeric index only non-docked child components will be searched.
return component;
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-initBodyStyles'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-initBodyStyles'> /**
</span> * Parses the {@link bodyStyle} config if available to create a style string that will be applied to the body element.
* This also includes {@link bodyPadding} and {@link bodyBorder} if available.
* @return {String} A CSS style string with body styles, padding and border.
return styles.length ? styles.join(';') : undefined;
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-initBodyCls'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-initBodyCls'> /**
</span> * Parse the {@link bodyCls} config if available to create a comma-delimited string of
* CSS classes to be applied to the body element.
* @return {String} The CSS class(es)
return cls.length > 0 ? cls : undefined;
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-initRenderData'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-initRenderData'> /**
</span> * Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl.
* @return {Object} Object with keys and values that are going to be applied to the renderTpl
* @private
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-addDocked'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-addDocked'> /**
</span> * Adds docked item(s) to the panel.
* @param {Object/Array} component The Component or array of components to add. The components
* must include a 'dock' parameter on each component to indicate where it should be docked ('top', 'right',
item.onAdded(me, i);
- if (me.rendered) {
+ if (me.rendered && !me.suspendLayout) {
return items;
onDockedAdd : Ext.emptyFn,
onDockedRemove : Ext.emptyFn,
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-insertDocked'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-insertDocked'> /**
</span> * Inserts docked item(s) to the panel at the indicated position.
* @param {Number} pos The index at which the Component will be inserted
* @param {Object/Array} component. The Component or array of components to add. The components
this.addDocked(items, pos);
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-removeDocked'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-removeDocked'> /**
</span> * Removes the docked item from the panel.
* @param {Ext.Component} item. The Component to remove.
* @param {Boolean} autoDestroy (optional) Destroy the component after removal.
return item;
-<span id='Ext-panel.AbstractPanel-method-getDockedItems'> /**
+<span id='Ext-panel-AbstractPanel-method-getDockedItems'> /**
</span> * Retrieve an array of all currently docked Components.
* @param {String} cqSelector A {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery} selector string to filter the returned items.
* @return {Array} An array of components.
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