* @cfg {Array} stateEvents\r
* An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state.\r
* Defaults to:<pre><code>\r
- * stateEvents: ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange']\r
+ * stateEvents: ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange', 'groupchange']\r
* </code></pre>\r
* <p>These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or\r
* custom events (e.g., <tt>['click', 'customerchange']</tt>).</p>\r
* <p>See {@link Ext.Component#stateful} for an explanation of saving and restoring\r
* Component state.</p>\r
- stateEvents : ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange'],\r
+ stateEvents : ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange', 'groupchange'],\r
<div id="cfg-Ext.grid.GridPanel-view"></div>/**\r
* @cfg {Object} view The {@link Ext.grid.GridView} used by the grid. This can be set\r
* before a call to {@link Ext.Component#render render()}.\r
* @param {Object} sortInfo An object with the keys field and direction\r
+ <div id="event-Ext.grid.GridPanel-groupchange"></div>/**\r
+ * @event groupchange\r
+ * Fires when the grid's grouping changes (only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView})\r
+ * @param {Grid} this\r
+ * @param {String} groupField A string with the grouping field, null if the store is not grouped.\r
+ */\r
+ 'groupchange',\r
<div id="event-Ext.grid.GridPanel-reconfigure"></div>/**\r
* @event reconfigure\r
* Fires when the grid is reconfigured with a new store and/or column model.\r
applyState : function(state){\r
var cm = this.colModel,\r
- cs = state.columns;\r
+ cs = state.columns,\r
+ store = this.store,\r
+ s,\r
+ c,\r
+ oldIndex;\r
+ \r
for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){\r
- var s = cs[i],\r
- c = cm.getColumnById(s.id);\r
+ s = cs[i];\r
+ c = cm.getColumnById(s.id);\r
c.hidden = s.hidden;\r
c.width = s.width;\r
- var oldIndex = cm.getIndexById(s.id);\r
+ oldIndex = cm.getIndexById(s.id);\r
if(oldIndex != i){\r
cm.moveColumn(oldIndex, i);\r
- if(state.sort && this.store){\r
- this.store[this.store.remoteSort ? 'setDefaultSort' : 'sort'](state.sort.field, state.sort.direction);\r
+ if(store){\r
+ s = state.sort;\r
+ if(s){\r
+ store[store.remoteSort ? 'setDefaultSort' : 'sort'](s.field, s.direction);\r
+ }\r
+ s = state.group;\r
+ if(store.groupBy){\r
+ if(s){\r
+ store.groupBy(s);\r
+ }else{\r
+ store.clearGrouping();\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
var o = Ext.apply({}, state);\r
delete o.columns;\r
getState : function(){\r
- var o = {columns: []};\r
+ var o = {columns: []},\r
+ store = this.store,\r
+ ss,\r
+ gs;\r
+ \r
for(var i = 0, c; (c = this.colModel.config[i]); i++){\r
o.columns[i] = {\r
id: c.id,\r
o.columns[i].hidden = true;\r
- if(this.store){\r
- var ss = this.store.getSortState();\r
+ if(store){\r
+ ss = store.getSortState();\r
o.sort = ss;\r
+ if(store.getGroupState){\r
+ gs = store.getGroupState();\r
+ if(gs){\r
+ o.group = gs;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
return o;\r