-Ext.form.Action = function(form, options){
- this.form = form;
- this.options = options || {};
-<div id="prop-Ext.form.Action-CLIENT_INVALID"></div>/**
- * Failure type returned when client side validation of the Form fails
- * thus aborting a submit action. Client side validation is performed unless
- * {@link #clientValidation} is explicitly set to <tt>false</tt>.
- * @type {String}
- * @static
- */
-Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID = 'client';
-<div id="prop-Ext.form.Action-SERVER_INVALID"></div>/**
- * <p>Failure type returned when server side processing fails and the {@link #result}'s
- * <tt style="font-weight:bold">success</tt> property is set to <tt>false</tt>.</p>
- * <p>In the case of a form submission, field-specific error messages may be returned in the
- * {@link #result}'s <tt style="font-weight:bold">errors</tt> property.</p>
- * @type {String}
- * @static
- */
-Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID = 'server';
-<div id="prop-Ext.form.Action-CONNECT_FAILURE"></div>/**
- * Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting
- * to send a request to the remote server. The {@link #response} may be examined to
- * provide further information.
- * @type {String}
- * @static
- */
-Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE = 'connect';
-<div id="prop-Ext.form.Action-LOAD_FAILURE"></div>/**
- * Failure type returned when the response's <tt style="font-weight:bold">success</tt>
- * property is set to <tt>false</tt>, or no field values are returned in the response's
- * <tt style="font-weight:bold">data</tt> property.
- * @type {String}
- * @static
- */
-Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE = 'load';
-Ext.form.Action.prototype = {
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-url"></div>/**
- * @cfg {String} url The URL that the Action is to invoke.
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-reset"></div>/**
- * @cfg {Boolean} reset When set to <tt><b>true</b></tt>, causes the Form to be
- * {@link Ext.form.BasicForm.reset reset} on Action success. If specified, this happens
- * <b>before</b> the {@link #success} callback is called and before the Form's
- * {@link Ext.form.BasicForm.actioncomplete actioncomplete} event fires.
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-method"></div>/**
- * @cfg {String} method The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the
- * {@link Ext.form.BasicForm}'s method, or if that is not specified, the underlying DOM form's method.
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-params"></div>/**
- * @cfg {Mixed} params <p>Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's
- * {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#baseParams} and passed to the specified URL along with the Form's
- * input fields.</p>
- * <p>Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using {@link Ext#urlEncode}.</p>
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-timeout"></div>/**
- * @cfg {Number} timeout The number of seconds to wait for a server response before
- * failing with the {@link #failureType} as {@link #Action.CONNECT_FAILURE}. If not specified,
- * defaults to the configured <tt>{@link Ext.form.BasicForm#timeout timeout}</tt> of the
- * {@link Ext.form.BasicForm form}.
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-success"></div>/**
- * @cfg {Function} success The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved.
- * The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params">
- * <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li>
- * <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. The {@link #result}
- * property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li>
- * </ul>
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-failure"></div>/**
- * @cfg {Function} failure The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an
- * error ocurred in the Ajax communication.
- * The function is passed the following parameters:<ul class="mdetail-params">
- * <li><b>form</b> : Ext.form.BasicForm<div class="sub-desc">The form that requested the action</div></li>
- * <li><b>action</b> : Ext.form.Action<div class="sub-desc">The Action class. If an Ajax
- * error ocurred, the failure type will be in {@link #failureType}. The {@link #result}
- * property of this object may be examined to perform custom postprocessing.</div></li>
- * </ul>
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-scope"></div>/**
- * @cfg {Object} scope The scope in which to call the callback functions (The <tt>this</tt> reference
- * for the callback functions).
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-waitMsg"></div>/**
- * @cfg {String} waitMsg The message to be displayed by a call to {@link Ext.MessageBox#wait}
- * during the time the action is being processed.
- */
-<div id="cfg-Ext.form.Action-waitTitle"></div>/**
- * @cfg {String} waitTitle The title to be displayed by a call to {@link Ext.MessageBox#wait}
- * during the time the action is being processed.
- */
-<div id="prop-Ext.form.Action-type"></div>/**
- * The type of action this Action instance performs.
- * Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported.
- * @type {String}
- */
- type : 'default',
-<div id="prop-Ext.form.Action-failureType"></div>/**
- * The type of failure detected will be one of these: {@link #CLIENT_INVALID},
- * {@link #SERVER_INVALID}, {@link #CONNECT_FAILURE}, or {@link #LOAD_FAILURE}. Usage: