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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-grid-column-Template'>/**
-</span> * @class Ext.grid.column.Template
- * @extends Ext.grid.column.Column
+</span> * A Column definition class which renders a value by processing a {@link Ext.data.Model Model}'s
+ * {@link Ext.data.Model#persistenceProperty data} using a {@link #tpl configured}
+ * {@link Ext.XTemplate XTemplate}.
- * A Column definition class which renders a value by processing a {@link Ext.data.Model Model}'s
- * {@link Ext.data.Model#data data} using a {@link #tpl configured} {@link Ext.XTemplate XTemplate}.
- *
- * {@img Ext.grid.column.Template/Ext.grid.column.Template.png Ext.grid.column.Template grid column}
- *
- * ## Code
+ * @example
* Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
* storeId:'employeeStore',
* fields:['firstname', 'lastname', 'senority', 'department'],
* groupField: 'department',
* data:[
- * {firstname:"Michael", lastname:"Scott", senority:7, department:"Manangement"},
- * {firstname:"Dwight", lastname:"Schrute", senority:2, department:"Sales"},
- * {firstname:"Jim", lastname:"Halpert", senority:3, department:"Sales"},
- * {firstname:"Kevin", lastname:"Malone", senority:4, department:"Accounting"},
- * {firstname:"Angela", lastname:"Martin", senority:5, department:"Accounting"}
+ * { firstname: "Michael", lastname: "Scott", senority: 7, department: "Manangement" },
+ * { firstname: "Dwight", lastname: "Schrute", senority: 2, department: "Sales" },
+ * { firstname: "Jim", lastname: "Halpert", senority: 3, department: "Sales" },
+ * { firstname: "Kevin", lastname: "Malone", senority: 4, department: "Accounting" },
+ * { firstname: "Angela", lastname: "Martin", senority: 5, department: "Accounting" }
* ]
* });
* title: 'Column Template Demo',
* store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('employeeStore'),
* columns: [
- * {text: 'Full Name', xtype:'templatecolumn', tpl:'{firstname} {lastname}', flex:1},
- * {text: 'Deparment (Yrs)', xtype:'templatecolumn', tpl:'{department} ({senority})'}
+ * { text: 'Full Name', xtype: 'templatecolumn', tpl: '{firstname} {lastname}', flex:1 },
+ * { text: 'Deparment (Yrs)', xtype: 'templatecolumn', tpl: '{department} ({senority})' }
* ],
* height: 200,
* width: 300,
* renderTo: Ext.getBody()
* });
- *
- * @markdown
Ext.define('Ext.grid.column.Template', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.column.Column',
alternateClassName: 'Ext.grid.TemplateColumn',
<span id='Ext-grid-column-Template-cfg-tpl'> /**
-</span> * @cfg {String/XTemplate} tpl
- * An {@link Ext.XTemplate XTemplate}, or an XTemplate <i>definition string</i> to use to process a
- * {@link Ext.data.Model Model}'s {@link Ext.data.Model#data data} to produce a column's rendered value.
+</span> * @cfg {String/Ext.XTemplate} tpl
+ * An {@link Ext.XTemplate XTemplate}, or an XTemplate *definition string* to use to process a
+ * {@link Ext.data.Model Model}'s {@link Ext.data.Model#persistenceProperty data} to produce a
+ * column's rendered value.
constructor: function(cfg){
var me = this,