- <div id="method-Ext.Container-bubble"></div>/**
- * Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
- * function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
- * will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
- * the bubble is stopped.
- * @param {Function} fn The function to call
- * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)
- * @param {Array} args (optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)
- * @return {Ext.Container} this
- */
- bubble : function(fn, scope, args){
- var p = this;
- while(p){
- if(fn.apply(scope || p, args || [p]) === false){
- break;
- }
- p = p.ownerCt;
- }
- return this;
- },