- * Ext JS Library 3.2.1
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
- * licensing@extjs.com
- * http://www.extjs.com/license
- */
- * Tests Ext.data.Store functionality
- * @author Ed Spencer
- */
-(function() {
- var suite = Ext.test.session.getSuite('Ext.Slider'),
- assert = Y.Assert;
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'constructor and initComponent',
- setUp: function() {
- this.slider = new Ext.Slider();
- },
- testDefaultValues: function() {
- assert.areEqual(0, this.slider.minValue);
- assert.areEqual(0, this.slider.value);
- assert.areEqual(100, this.slider.maxValue);
- },
- testDefaultValueSet: function() {
- var slider = new Ext.Slider({minValue: 50});
- assert.areEqual(50, slider.value);
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'Changing value',
- setUp: function() {
- this.slider = new Ext.Slider({
- minValue: 30,
- values : [50, 70],
- maxValue: 90,
- renderTo: Ext.getBody()
- });
- this.slider.render();
- },
- tearDown: function() {
- this.slider.destroy();
- },
- testValueChanged: function() {
- this.slider.setValue(0, 60);
- assert.areEqual(60, this.slider.getValues()[0]);
- },
- testEventFired: function() {
- var executed = false,
- value, thumb;
- this.slider.on('change', function(slider, v, t) {
- executed = true;
- value = v;
- thumb = t;
- }, this);
- this.slider.setValue(0, 60);
- assert.isTrue(executed);
- assert.areEqual(60, value);
- assert.areEqual(this.slider.thumbs[0], thumb);
- },
- testThumbMoved: function() {
- var orig = this.slider.moveThumb,
- index, animate;
- this.slider.moveThumb = function(i, v, a) {
- index = i;
- animate = a;
- };
- this.slider.setValue(0, 60, false);
- assert.areEqual(0, index);
- assert.isFalse(animate);
- },
- testChangeComplete: function() {
- var executed = false,
- value, thumb;
- this.slider.on('changecomplete', function(slider, v, t) {
- executed = true;
- value = v;
- thumb = t;
- }, this);
- this.slider.setValue(0, 60, undefined, true);
- assert.isTrue(executed);
- assert.areEqual(60, value);
- assert.areEqual(this.slider.thumbs[0], thumb);
- },
- testSetMinValue: function() {
- this.slider.setMinValue(20);
- assert.areEqual(20, this.slider.minValue);
- assert.areEqual(50, this.slider.getValues()[0]);
- },
- testSetMaxValue: function() {
- this.slider.setMaxValue(110);
- assert.areEqual(110, this.slider.maxValue);
- assert.areEqual(50, this.slider.getValues()[0]);
- },
- testSetMinValueChangesValue: function() {
- this.slider.setMinValue(60);
- assert.areEqual(60, this.slider.getValues()[0]);
- assert.areEqual(70, this.slider.getValues()[1]);
- },
- testSetMaxValueChangesValue: function() {
- this.slider.setMaxValue(60);
- assert.areEqual(50, this.slider.getValues()[0]);
- assert.areEqual(60, this.slider.getValues()[1]);
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'Utility functions',
- setUp: function() {
- this.slider = new Ext.Slider({
- //the slider has 14px of total padding on the sides, so add this here to make the numbers easier
- width : 214,
- minValue: 100,
- maxValue: 500,
- renderTo: Ext.getBody()
- });
- this.slider.render();
- },
- tearDown: function() {
- this.slider.destroy();
- },
- testGetRatio: function() {
- assert.areEqual(0.5, this.slider.getRatio());
- },
- testTranslateValue: function() {
- },
- testReverseValue: function() {
- },
- testNormalizeValue: function() {
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'Snapping',
- setUp: function() {
- this.slider = new Ext.Slider({
- increment: 10,
- renderTo : Ext.getBody()
- });
- this.slider.render();
- },
- tearDown: function() {
- this.slider.destroy();
- },
- testSnapToFloor: function() {
- this.slider.setValue(0, 12);
- assert.areEqual(10, this.slider.doSnap(12));
- },
- testSnapToCeil: function() {
- assert.areEqual(20, this.slider.doSnap(18));
- assert.areEqual(20, this.slider.doSnap(15));
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'Adding and removing thumbs'
- }));
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