- * Ext JS Library 3.2.1
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
- * licensing@extjs.com
- * http://www.extjs.com/license
- */
- * Tests Ext.data.Store functionality
- * @author Ed Spencer
- */
-(function() {
- var suite = Ext.test.session.getSuite('Ext.form.BasicForm'),
- assert = Y.Assert;
- function buildForm(config) {
- config = config || {};
- Ext.applyIf(config, {
- });
- return new Ext.form.BasicForm(null, config);
- };
- var itemIdCount = 0;
- //creates a duck object simulating a form field
- function buildFormItem(options) {
- itemIdCount ++;
- options = options || {};
- Ext.applyIf(options, {
- valid: true,
- dirty: false,
- id : itemIdCount
- });
- return (function(itemId, config) {
- return Ext.apply(config || {}, {
- isFormField: true,
- itemId : itemId,
- getName: function() {
- return config.name || config.id;
- },
- getItemId: function() {
- return itemId;
- },
- validate: function() {
- return config.valid;
- },
- isDirty: function() {
- return config.dirty;
- },
- setValue: function() {
- return true;
- }
- });
- })(itemIdCount, options);
- };
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'initialization with an element',
- setUp: function() {
- //create a fake form element to test that initEl is called
- this.el = Ext.getBody().createChild({tag: 'form'});
- },
- tearDown: function() {
- Ext.destroy(this.el);
- },
- testItemsCreated: function() {
- var form = buildForm();
- assert.isTrue(form.items instanceof Ext.util.MixedCollection);
- },
- testInitsEl: function() {
- var BasicForm = Ext.form.BasicForm,
- proto = BasicForm.prototype;
- var wasCalled = false,
- oldInitEl = proto.initEl;
- proto.initEl = function() {
- wasCalled = true;
- };
- var form = new BasicForm(this.el, {});
- assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
- //cleanup
- proto.initEl = oldInitEl;
- },
- testGetEL: function() {
- var form = new Ext.form.BasicForm(this.el, {});
- assert.areEqual(this.el, form.getEl());
- },
- testGetsFormClass: function() {
- var form = new Ext.form.BasicForm(this.el, {});
- assert.isTrue(this.el.hasClass('x-form'));
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'validations',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm();
- this.validItem = buildFormItem({valid: true});
- this.invalidItem = buildFormItem({valid: false});
- },
- testAllValid: function() {
- this.form.add(this.validItem);
- assert.isTrue(this.form.isValid());
- },
- testSomeInvalid: function() {
- this.form.add(this.validItem, this.invalidItem);
- assert.isFalse(this.form.isValid());
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'dirtiness',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm();
- this.cleanItem = buildFormItem({dirty: false});
- this.dirtyItem = buildFormItem({dirty: true});
- },
- testAllClean: function() {
- this.form.add(this.cleanItem);
- assert.isFalse(this.form.isDirty());
- },
- testSomeDirty: function() {
- this.form.add(this.cleanItem, this.dirtyItem);
- assert.isTrue(this.form.isDirty());
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'performing actions'
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'submission'
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'loading, resetting and updating records',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm();
- this.item1 = buildFormItem({id: 'name'});
- this.item2 = buildFormItem({id: 'email'});
- this.item3 = buildFormItem({id: 'phone'});
- this.form.add(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3);
- },
- testReset: function() {
- var resetCount = 0;
- var reset = function() {
- resetCount ++;
- };
- this.item1.reset = reset;
- this.item2.reset = reset;
- this.item3.reset = reset;
- this.form.reset();
- assert.areEqual(3, resetCount);
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'finding fields',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm();
- this.item1 = buildFormItem({id: 'name', dataIndex: 'someDataIndex'});
- this.item2 = buildFormItem({id: 'email'});
- this.item3 = buildFormItem({id: 'phone', name: 'phone number'});
- this.form.add(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3);
- },
- testfindByItemId: function() {
- assert.areEqual(this.item3, this.form.findField(this.item3.itemId));
- },
- testFindById: function() {
- assert.areEqual(this.item2, this.form.findField('email'));
- },
- testFindByDataIndex: function() {
- assert.areEqual(this.item1, this.form.findField('someDataIndex'));
- },
- testFindByName: function() {
- assert.areEqual(this.item3, this.form.findField('phone number'));
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'marking invalid',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm();
- this.item1 = buildFormItem({id: 'name'});
- this.item2 = buildFormItem({id: 'email'});
- this.item3 = buildFormItem({id: 'phone'});
- this.form.add(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3);
- },
- testMarkInvalidWithObject: function() {
- var wasCalled = false, message;
- this.item1.markInvalid = function(msg) {
- wasCalled = true;
- message = msg;
- };
- this.form.markInvalid({
- name: 'is a bad name'
- });
- assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
- assert.areEqual('is a bad name', message);
- },
- testMarkInvalidWithArray: function() {
- var wasCalled = false, message;
- this.item2.markInvalid = function(msg) {
- wasCalled = true;
- message = msg;
- };
- this.form.markInvalid([{id: 'email', msg: 'is the wrong format'}]);
- assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
- assert.areEqual('is the wrong format', message);
- },
- testClearInvalid: function() {
- var clearCount = 0;
- var clearInvalid = function() {
- clearCount ++;
- };
- this.item1.clearInvalid = clearInvalid;
- this.item2.clearInvalid = clearInvalid;
- this.item3.clearInvalid = clearInvalid;
- this.form.clearInvalid();
- assert.areEqual(3, clearCount);
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'setting values',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm({
- trackResetOnLoad: true
- });
- this.item1 = buildFormItem({name: 'name', getValue: function() {return 'ed'; }});
- this.item2 = buildFormItem({name: 'email'});
- this.item3 = buildFormItem({name: 'phone', getValue: function() {return '333';}});
- this.form.add(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3);
- },
- testSetByObject: function() {
- var called = false, value;
- this.item1.setValue = function(val) {
- wasCalled = true;
- value = val;
- };
- this.form.setValues({name: 'my name'});
- assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
- assert.areEqual('my name', value);
- },
- testSetByArray: function() {
- var called = false, value;
- this.item1.setValue = function(val) {
- wasCalled = true;
- value = val;
- };
- this.form.setValues([{id: 'name', value: 'my name'}]);
- assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
- assert.areEqual('my name', value);
- },
- testSavesOriginalValue: function() {
- this.form.setValues({'phone': '444'});
- assert.areEqual('333', this.item3.originalValue);
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'getting values',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm();
- this.item1 = buildFormItem({name: 'name', getValue: function() {return 'Edward';}});
- this.item2 = buildFormItem({name: 'email', getValue: function() {return 'ed@extjs.com';}});
- this.item3 = buildFormItem({name: 'phone', getValue: function() {return '333';}});
- this.form.add(this.item1, this.item2, this.item3);
- },
- testGetFieldValues: function() {
- var values = this.form.getFieldValues();
- assert.areEqual('Edward', values.name);
- assert.areEqual('ed@extjs.com', values.email);
- assert.areEqual('333', values.phone);
- },
- testGetFieldValuesWithArray: function() {
- //adding a second item with the same name should result in an array being returned
- this.item4 = buildFormItem({
- name : 'name',
- getValue: function() {return 200;}
- });
- this.form.add(this.item4);
- var values = this.form.getFieldValues();
- assert.areEqual(2, values.name.length);
- assert.areEqual('Edward', values.name[0]);
- assert.areEqual(200, values.name[1]);
- },
- testGetDirtyFieldValues: function() {
- this.item1.isDirty = function() {return true;};
- var values = this.form.getFieldValues(true);
- assert.areEqual('Edward', values.name);
- assert.isUndefined(values.email);
- assert.isUndefined(values.phone);
- },
- testGetValuesForSubmission: function() {
- //pending
- }
- }));
- suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
- name: 'adding and removing',
- setUp: function() {
- this.form = buildForm();
- this.item1 = buildFormItem({id: 'name'});
- this.item2 = buildFormItem({id: 'email'});
- this.item3 = buildFormItem({id: 'phone'});
- this.form.add(this.item1);
- },
- testAddField: function() {
- var count = this.form.items.getCount();
- this.form.add(this.item2);
- assert.areEqual(count + 1, this.form.items.getCount());
- },
- testAddMultipleFields: function() {
- var count = this.form.items.getCount();
- this.form.add(this.item2, this.item3);
- assert.areEqual(count + 2, this.form.items.getCount());
- },
- testAddReturnsForm: function() {
- assert.areEqual(this.form, this.form.add(this.item2));
- },
- testRemoveField: function() {
- var count = this.form.items.getCount();
- this.form.remove(this.item1);
- assert.areEqual(count - 1, this.form.items.getCount());
- },
- testRemoveReturnsForm: function() {
- assert.areEqual(this.form, this.form.remove(this.item1));
- }
- }));
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