- // private
- parseCodes : {
- /*
- * Notes:
- * g = {Number} calculation group (0 or 1. only group 1 contributes to date calculations.)
- * c = {String} calculation method (required for group 1. null for group 0. {0} = currentGroup - position in regex result array)
- * s = {String} regex pattern. all matches are stored in results[], and are accessible by the calculation mapped to 'c'
- */
- d: {
- g:1,
- c:"d = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{2})" // day of month with leading zeroes (01 - 31)
- },
- j: {
- g:1,
- c:"d = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{1,2})" // day of month without leading zeroes (1 - 31)
- },
- D: function() {
- for (var a = [], i = 0; i < 7; a.push(utilDate.getShortDayName(i)), ++i); // get localised short day names
- return {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"(?:" + a.join("|") +")"
- };
- },
- l: function() {
- return {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"(?:" + utilDate.dayNames.join("|") + ")"
- };
- },
- N: {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"[1-7]" // ISO-8601 day number (1 (monday) - 7 (sunday))
- },
- S: {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"(?:st|nd|rd|th)"
- },
- w: {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"[0-6]" // javascript day number (0 (sunday) - 6 (saturday))
- },
- z: {
- g:1,
- c:"z = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{1,3})" // day of the year (0 - 364 (365 in leap years))
- },
- W: {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"(?:\\d{2})" // ISO-8601 week number (with leading zero)
- },
- F: function() {
- return {
- g:1,
- c:"m = parseInt(Ext.Date.getMonthNumber(results[{0}]), 10);\n", // get localised month number
- s:"(" + utilDate.monthNames.join("|") + ")"
- };
- },
- M: function() {
- for (var a = [], i = 0; i < 12; a.push(utilDate.getShortMonthName(i)), ++i); // get localised short month names
- return Ext.applyIf({
- s:"(" + a.join("|") + ")"
- }, utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("F"));
- },
- m: {
- g:1,
- c:"m = parseInt(results[{0}], 10) - 1;\n",
- s:"(\\d{2})" // month number with leading zeros (01 - 12)
- },
- n: {
- g:1,
- c:"m = parseInt(results[{0}], 10) - 1;\n",
- s:"(\\d{1,2})" // month number without leading zeros (1 - 12)
- },
- t: {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"(?:\\d{2})" // no. of days in the month (28 - 31)
- },
- L: {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"(?:1|0)"
- },
- o: function() {
- return utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("Y");
- },
- Y: {
- g:1,
- c:"y = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{4})" // 4-digit year
- },
- y: {
- g:1,
- c:"var ty = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n"
- + "y = ty > Ext.Date.y2kYear ? 1900 + ty : 2000 + ty;\n", // 2-digit year
- s:"(\\d{1,2})"
- },
- /*
- * In the am/pm parsing routines, we allow both upper and lower case
- * even though it doesn't exactly match the spec. It gives much more flexibility
- * in being able to specify case insensitive regexes.
- */
- a: {
- g:1,
- c:"if (/(am)/i.test(results[{0}])) {\n"
- + "if (!h || h == 12) { h = 0; }\n"
- + "} else { if (!h || h < 12) { h = (h || 0) + 12; }}",
- s:"(am|pm|AM|PM)"
- },
- A: {
- g:1,
- c:"if (/(am)/i.test(results[{0}])) {\n"
- + "if (!h || h == 12) { h = 0; }\n"
- + "} else { if (!h || h < 12) { h = (h || 0) + 12; }}",
- s:"(AM|PM|am|pm)"
- },
- g: function() {
- return utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("G");
- },
- G: {
- g:1,
- c:"h = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{1,2})" // 24-hr format of an hour without leading zeroes (0 - 23)
- },
- h: function() {
- return utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("H");
- },
- H: {
- g:1,
- c:"h = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{2})" // 24-hr format of an hour with leading zeroes (00 - 23)
- },
- i: {
- g:1,
- c:"i = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{2})" // minutes with leading zeros (00 - 59)
- },
- s: {
- g:1,
- c:"s = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n",
- s:"(\\d{2})" // seconds with leading zeros (00 - 59)
- },
- u: {
- g:1,
- c:"ms = results[{0}]; ms = parseInt(ms, 10)/Math.pow(10, ms.length - 3);\n",
- s:"(\\d+)" // decimal fraction of a second (minimum = 1 digit, maximum = unlimited)
- },
- O: {
- g:1,
- c:[
- "o = results[{0}];",
- "var sn = o.substring(0,1),", // get + / - sign
- "hr = o.substring(1,3)*1 + Math.floor(o.substring(3,5) / 60),", // get hours (performs minutes-to-hour conversion also, just in case)
- "mn = o.substring(3,5) % 60;", // get minutes
- "o = ((-12 <= (hr*60 + mn)/60) && ((hr*60 + mn)/60 <= 14))? (sn + Ext.String.leftPad(hr, 2, '0') + Ext.String.leftPad(mn, 2, '0')) : null;\n" // -12hrs <= GMT offset <= 14hrs
- ].join("\n"),
- s: "([+\-]\\d{4})" // GMT offset in hrs and mins
- },
- P: {
- g:1,
- c:[
- "o = results[{0}];",
- "var sn = o.substring(0,1),", // get + / - sign
- "hr = o.substring(1,3)*1 + Math.floor(o.substring(4,6) / 60),", // get hours (performs minutes-to-hour conversion also, just in case)
- "mn = o.substring(4,6) % 60;", // get minutes
- "o = ((-12 <= (hr*60 + mn)/60) && ((hr*60 + mn)/60 <= 14))? (sn + Ext.String.leftPad(hr, 2, '0') + Ext.String.leftPad(mn, 2, '0')) : null;\n" // -12hrs <= GMT offset <= 14hrs
- ].join("\n"),
- s: "([+\-]\\d{2}:\\d{2})" // GMT offset in hrs and mins (with colon separator)
- },
- T: {
- g:0,
- c:null,
- s:"[A-Z]{1,4}" // timezone abbrev. may be between 1 - 4 chars
- },
- Z: {
- g:1,
- c:"zz = results[{0}] * 1;\n" // -43200 <= UTC offset <= 50400
- + "zz = (-43200 <= zz && zz <= 50400)? zz : null;\n",
- s:"([+\-]?\\d{1,5})" // leading '+' sign is optional for UTC offset
- },
- c: function() {
- var calc = [],
- arr = [
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("Y", 1), // year
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("m", 2), // month
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("d", 3), // day
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("h", 4), // hour
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("i", 5), // minute
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("s", 6), // second
- {c:"ms = results[7] || '0'; ms = parseInt(ms, 10)/Math.pow(10, ms.length - 3);\n"}, // decimal fraction of a second (minimum = 1 digit, maximum = unlimited)
- {c:[ // allow either "Z" (i.e. UTC) or "-0530" or "+08:00" (i.e. UTC offset) timezone delimiters. assumes local timezone if no timezone is specified
- "if(results[8]) {", // timezone specified
- "if(results[8] == 'Z'){",
- "zz = 0;", // UTC
- "}else if (results[8].indexOf(':') > -1){",
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("P", 8).c, // timezone offset with colon separator
- "}else{",
- utilDate.formatCodeToRegex("O", 8).c, // timezone offset without colon separator
- "}",
- "}"
- ].join('\n')}
- ];
- for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) {
- calc.push(arr[i].c);
- }