<body onload="prettyPrint(); highlight();">
- <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-form-field-Spinner-method-constructor'><span id='Ext-form-field-Spinner'>/**
-</span></span> * @class Ext.form.field.Spinner
+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-form-field-Spinner'>/**
+</span> * @class Ext.form.field.Spinner
* @extends Ext.form.field.Trigger
* <p>A field with a pair of up/down spinner buttons. This class is not normally instantiated directly,
* instead it is subclassed and the {@link #onSpinUp} and {@link #onSpinDown} methods are implemented
* <p>By default, pressing the up and down arrow keys will also trigger the onSpinUp and onSpinDown methods;
* to prevent this, set <tt>{@link #keyNavEnabled} = false</tt>.</p>
- * @constructor
- * Creates a new Spinner field
- * @param {Object} config Configuration options
- * @xtype spinnerfield
Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Spinner', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger',