<span id='Ext-util-Animate-method-animate'> /**
</span> * <p>Perform custom animation on this object.<p>
- * <p>This method is applicable to both the the {@link Ext.Component Component} class and the {@link Ext.core.Element Element} class.
+ * <p>This method is applicable to both the {@link Ext.Component Component} class and the {@link Ext.core.Element Element} class.
* It performs animated transitions of certain properties of this object over a specified timeline.</p>
* <p>The sole parameter is an object which specifies start property values, end property values, and properties which
* describe the timeline. Of the properties listed below, only <b><code>to</code></b> is mandatory.</p>
getActiveAnimation: function() {
return Ext.fx.Manager.getActiveAnimation(this.id);
-// Apply Animate mixin manually until Element is defined in the proper 4.x way
-Ext.applyIf(Ext.core.Element.prototype, Ext.util.Animate.prototype);</pre>
+}, function(){
+ // Apply Animate mixin manually until Element is defined in the proper 4.x way
+ Ext.applyIf(Ext.core.Element.prototype, this.prototype);
+ // We need to call this again so the animation methods get copied over to CE
+ Ext.CompositeElementLite.importElementMethods();