In older versions ...</div><div class="long">URL to a 1x1 transparent gif image used by Ext to create inline icons with CSS background images.
In older versions of IE, this defaults to "" and you should change this to a URL on your server.
For other browsers it uses an inline data URL.</div></div></td><td class="msource">Ext</td></tr><tr class="property-row expandable "><td class="micon"><a href="#expand" class="exi"> </a></td><td class="sig"><a id="Ext-SSL_SECURE_URL"></a><b><a href="source/Ext.html#prop-Ext-SSL_SECURE_URL">SSL_SECURE_URL</a></b> : String<div class="mdesc"><div class="short">URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady src to prevent
In older versions ...</div><div class="long">URL to a 1x1 transparent gif image used by Ext to create inline icons with CSS background images.
In older versions of IE, this defaults to "" and you should change this to a URL on your server.
For other browsers it uses an inline data URL.</div></div></td><td class="msource">Ext</td></tr><tr class="property-row expandable "><td class="micon"><a href="#expand" class="exi"> </a></td><td class="sig"><a id="Ext-SSL_SECURE_URL"></a><b><a href="source/Ext.html#prop-Ext-SSL_SECURE_URL">SSL_SECURE_URL</a></b> : String<div class="mdesc"><div class="short">URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady src to prevent