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- <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><div id="cls-Ext.layout.BoxLayout"></div>/**
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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">/*!
+ * Ext JS Library 3.2.1
+ * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
+ * licensing@extjs.com
+ * http://www.extjs.com/license
+ */
+<div id="cls-Ext.layout.BoxLayout"></div>/**
* @class Ext.layout.BoxLayout
* @extends Ext.layout.ContainerLayout
* <p>Base Class for HBoxLayout and VBoxLayout Classes. Generally it should not need to be used directly.</p>
constructor : function(config){
Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
- if(Ext.isString(this.defaultMargins)){
+ if (Ext.isString(this.defaultMargins)) {
this.defaultMargins = this.parseMargins(this.defaultMargins);
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Runs the child box calculations and caches them in childBoxCache. Subclasses can used these cached values
+ * when laying out
+ */
+ onLayout: function(container, target) {
+ Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, container, target);
+ var items = this.getVisibleItems(container),
+ tSize = this.getLayoutTargetSize();
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @property layoutTargetLastSize
+ * @type Object
+ * Private cache of the last measured size of the layout target. This should never be used except by
+ * BoxLayout subclasses during their onLayout run.
+ */
+ this.layoutTargetLastSize = tSize;
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @property childBoxCache
+ * @type Array
+ * Array of the last calculated height, width, top and left positions of each visible rendered component
+ * within the Box layout.
+ */
+ this.childBoxCache = this.calculateChildBoxes(items, tSize);
+ this.updateInnerCtSize(tSize, this.childBoxCache);
+ this.updateChildBoxes(this.childBoxCache.boxes);
+ // Putting a box layout into an overflowed container is NOT correct and will make a second layout pass necessary.
+ this.handleTargetOverflow(tSize, container, target);
+ },
+ <div id="method-Ext.layout.BoxLayout-updateChildBoxes"></div>/**
+ * Resizes and repositions each child component
+ * @param {Array} boxes The box measurements
+ */
+ updateChildBoxes: function(boxes) {
+ for (var i = 0, length = boxes.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var box = boxes[i],
+ comp = box.component;
+ if (box.dirtySize) {
+ comp.setSize(box.width, box.height);
+ }
+ // Don't set positions to NaN
+ if (isNaN(box.left) || isNaN(box.top)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ comp.setPosition(box.left, box.top);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Called by onRender just before the child components are sized and positioned. This resizes the innerCt
+ * to make sure all child items fit within it. We call this before sizing the children because if our child
+ * items are larger than the previous innerCt size the browser will insert scrollbars and then remove them
+ * again immediately afterwards, giving a performance hit.
+ * Subclasses should provide an implementation.
+ * @param {Object} currentSize The current height and width of the innerCt
+ * @param {Array} calculations The new box calculations of all items to be laid out
+ */
+ updateInnerCtSize: Ext.emptyFn,
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * This should be called after onLayout of any BoxLayout subclass. If the target's overflow is not set to 'hidden',
+ * we need to lay out a second time because the scrollbars may have modified the height and width of the layout
+ * target. Having a Box layout inside such a target is therefore not recommended.
+ * @param {Object} previousTargetSize The size and height of the layout target before we just laid out
+ * @param {Ext.Container} container The container
+ * @param {Ext.Element} target The target element
+ */
+ handleTargetOverflow: function(previousTargetSize, container, target) {
+ var overflow = target.getStyle('overflow');
+ if (overflow && overflow != 'hidden' &&!this.adjustmentPass) {
+ var newTargetSize = this.getLayoutTargetSize();
+ if (newTargetSize.width != previousTargetSize.width || newTargetSize.height != previousTargetSize.height){
+ this.adjustmentPass = true;
+ this.onLayout(container, target);
+ }
+ }
+ delete this.adjustmentPass;
+ },
// private
isValidParent : function(c, target){
return this.innerCt && c.getPositionEl().dom.parentNode == this.innerCt.dom;
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Returns all items that are both rendered and visible
+ * @return {Array} All matching items
+ */
+ getVisibleItems: function(ct) {
+ var ct = ct || this.container,
+ t = ct.getLayoutTarget(),
+ cti = ct.items.items,
+ len = cti.length,
+ i, c, items = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if((c = cti[i]).rendered && this.isValidParent(c, t) && c.hidden !== true && c.collapsed !== true){
+ items.push(c);
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
// private
renderAll : function(ct, target){
Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.renderAll.call(this, ct, this.innerCt);
- onLayout : function(ct, target){
- this.renderAll(ct, target);
- },
getLayoutTargetSize : function(){
var target = this.container.getLayoutTarget(), ret;
if (target) {
ret = target.getViewSize();
+ // IE in strict mode will return a width of 0 on the 1st pass of getViewSize.
+ // Use getStyleSize to verify the 0 width, the adjustment pass will then work properly
+ // with getViewSize
+ if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict && ret.width == 0){
+ ret = target.getStyleSize();
+ }
ret.width -= target.getPadding('lr');
ret.height -= target.getPadding('tb');
align : 'left', // left, center, stretch, strechmax
type: 'vbox',
<div id="cfg-Ext.layout.VBoxLayout-pack"></div>/**
* @cfg {String} pack
* Controls how the child items of the container are packed together. Acceptable configuration values
* side of container</div></li>
* </ul></div>
<div id="cfg-Ext.layout.VBoxLayout-flex"></div>/**
* @cfg {Number} flex
* This configuation option is to be applied to <b>child <tt>items</tt></b> of the container managed
* <tt>flex = undefined</tt> will not be 'flexed' (the initial size will not be changed).
- // private
- onLayout : function(ct, target){
- Ext.layout.VBoxLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, ct, target);
- var cs = this.getRenderedItems(ct), csLen = cs.length,
- c, i, cm, ch, margin, cl, diff, aw, availHeight,
- size = this.getLayoutTargetSize(),
- w = size.width,
- h = size.height - this.scrollOffset,
- l = this.padding.left,
- t = this.padding.top,
- isStart = this.pack == 'start',
- extraHeight = 0,
- maxWidth = 0,
- totalFlex = 0,
- usedHeight = 0,
- idx = 0,
- heights = [],
- restore = [];
- // Do only width calculations and apply those first, as they can affect height
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- cm = c.margins;
- margin = cm.top + cm.bottom;
- // Max height for align
- maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right);
- }
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * See parent documentation
+ */
+ updateInnerCtSize: function(tSize, calcs) {
+ var innerCtHeight = tSize.height,
+ innerCtWidth = calcs.meta.maxWidth + this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
- var innerCtWidth = maxWidth + this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
- switch(this.align){
- case 'stretch':
- this.innerCt.setSize(w, h);
- break;
- case 'stretchmax':
- case 'left':
- this.innerCt.setSize(innerCtWidth, h);
- break;
- case 'center':
- this.innerCt.setSize(w = Math.max(w, innerCtWidth), h);
- break;
+ if (this.align == 'stretch') {
+ innerCtWidth = tSize.width;
+ } else if (this.align == 'center') {
+ innerCtWidth = Math.max(tSize.width, innerCtWidth);
- var availableWidth = Math.max(0, w - this.padding.left - this.padding.right);
- // Apply widths
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- cm = c.margins;
- if(this.align == 'stretch'){
- c.setWidth(((w - (this.padding.left + this.padding.right)) - (cm.left + cm.right)).constrain(
- c.minWidth || 0, c.maxWidth || 1000000));
- }else if(this.align == 'stretchmax'){
- c.setWidth((maxWidth - (cm.left + cm.right)).constrain(
- c.minWidth || 0, c.maxWidth || 1000000));
- }else if(isStart && c.flex){
- c.setWidth();
- }
+ //we set the innerCt size first because if our child items are larger than the previous innerCt size
+ //the browser will insert scrollbars and then remove them again immediately afterwards
+ this.innerCt.setSize(innerCtWidth || undefined, innerCtHeight || undefined);
+ },
- }
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Calculates the size and positioning of each item in the VBox. This iterates over all of the rendered,
+ * visible items and returns a height, width, top and left for each, as well as a reference to each. Also
+ * returns meta data such as maxHeight which are useful when resizing layout wrappers such as this.innerCt.
+ * @param {Array} visibleItems The array of all rendered, visible items to be calculated for
+ * @param {Object} targetSize Object containing target size and height
+ * @return {Object} Object containing box measurements for each child, plus meta data
+ */
+ calculateChildBoxes: function(visibleItems, targetSize) {
+ var visibleCount = visibleItems.length,
+ padding = this.padding,
+ topOffset = padding.top,
+ leftOffset = padding.left,
+ paddingVert = topOffset + padding.bottom,
+ paddingHoriz = leftOffset + padding.right,
+ width = targetSize.width - this.scrollOffset,
+ height = targetSize.height,
+ availWidth = Math.max(0, width - paddingHoriz),
- // Height calculations
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- // Total of all the flex values
- totalFlex += c.flex || 0;
- // Don't run height calculations on flexed items
- if (!c.flex) {
- // Render and layout sub-containers without a flex or height, once
- if (!c.height && !c.hasLayout && c.doLayout) {
- c.doLayout();
+ isStart = this.pack == 'start',
+ isCenter = this.pack == 'center',
+ isEnd = this.pack == 'end',
+ nonFlexHeight= 0,
+ maxWidth = 0,
+ totalFlex = 0,
+ //used to cache the calculated size and position values for each child item
+ boxes = [],
+ //used in the for loops below, just declared here for brevity
+ child, childWidth, childHeight, childSize, childMargins, canLayout, i, calcs, flexedHeight, horizMargins, stretchWidth;
+ //gather the total flex of all flexed items and the width taken up by fixed width items
+ for (i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++) {
+ child = visibleItems[i];
+ childHeight = child.height;
+ childWidth = child.width;
+ canLayout = !child.hasLayout && Ext.isFunction(child.doLayout);
+ // Static height (numeric) requires no calcs
+ if (!Ext.isNumber(childHeight)) {
+ // flex and not 'auto' height
+ if (child.flex && !childHeight) {
+ totalFlex += child.flex;
+ // Not flexed or 'auto' height or undefined height
+ } else {
+ //Render and layout sub-containers without a flex or width defined, as otherwise we
+ //don't know how wide the sub-container should be and cannot calculate flexed widths
+ if (!childHeight && canLayout) {
+ child.doLayout();
+ }
+ childSize = child.getSize();
+ childWidth = childSize.width;
+ childHeight = childSize.height;
+ }
+ }
+ childMargins = child.margins;
+ nonFlexHeight += (childHeight || 0) + childMargins.top + childMargins.bottom;
+ // Max width for align - force layout of non-layed out subcontainers without a numeric width
+ if (!Ext.isNumber(childWidth)) {
+ if (canLayout) {
+ child.doLayout();
+ }
+ childWidth = child.getWidth();
- ch = c.getHeight();
- } else {
- ch = 0;
+ maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, childWidth + childMargins.left + childMargins.right);
+ //cache the size of each child component
+ boxes.push({
+ component: child,
+ height : childHeight || undefined,
+ width : childWidth || undefined
+ });
- cm = c.margins;
- // Determine how much height is available to flex
- extraHeight += ch + cm.top + cm.bottom;
- }
- // Final avail height calc
- availHeight = Math.max(0, (h - extraHeight - this.padding.top - this.padding.bottom));
- var leftOver = availHeight;
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- if(isStart && c.flex){
- ch = Math.floor(availHeight * (c.flex / totalFlex));
- leftOver -= ch;
- heights.push(ch);
+ //the height available to the flexed items
+ var availableHeight = Math.max(0, (height - nonFlexHeight - paddingVert));
+ if (isCenter) {
+ topOffset += availableHeight / 2;
+ } else if (isEnd) {
+ topOffset += availableHeight;
- }
- if(this.pack == 'center'){
- t += availHeight ? availHeight / 2 : 0;
- }else if(this.pack == 'end'){
- t += availHeight;
- }
- idx = 0;
- // Apply heights
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- cm = c.margins;
- t += cm.top;
- aw = availableWidth;
- cl = l + cm.left // default left pos
- // Adjust left pos for centering
- if(this.align == 'center'){
- if((diff = availableWidth - (c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right)) > 0){
- cl += (diff/2);
- aw -= diff;
+ //temporary variables used in the flex height calculations below
+ var remainingHeight = availableHeight,
+ remainingFlex = totalFlex;
+ //calculate the height of each flexed item, and the left + top positions of every item
+ for (i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++) {
+ child = visibleItems[i];
+ calcs = boxes[i];
+ childMargins = child.margins;
+ horizMargins = childMargins.left + childMargins.right;
+ topOffset += childMargins.top;
+ if (isStart && child.flex && !child.height) {
+ flexedHeight = Math.ceil((child.flex / remainingFlex) * remainingHeight);
+ remainingHeight -= flexedHeight;
+ remainingFlex -= child.flex;
+ calcs.height = flexedHeight;
+ calcs.dirtySize = true;
+ }
+ calcs.left = leftOffset + childMargins.left;
+ calcs.top = topOffset;
+ switch (this.align) {
+ case 'stretch':
+ stretchWidth = availWidth - horizMargins;
+ calcs.width = stretchWidth.constrain(child.minWidth || 0, child.maxWidth || 1000000);
+ calcs.dirtySize = true;
+ break;
+ case 'stretchmax':
+ stretchWidth = maxWidth - horizMargins;
+ calcs.width = stretchWidth.constrain(child.minWidth || 0, child.maxWidth || 1000000);
+ calcs.dirtySize = true;
+ break;
+ case 'center':
+ var diff = availWidth - calcs.width - horizMargins;
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ calcs.left = leftOffset + horizMargins + (diff / 2);
+ }
- }
- c.setPosition(cl, t);
- if(isStart && c.flex){
- ch = Math.max(0, heights[idx++] + (leftOver-- > 0 ? 1 : 0));
- c.setSize(aw, ch);
- }else{
- ch = c.getHeight();
+ topOffset += calcs.height + childMargins.bottom;
- t += ch + cm.bottom;
- }
- // Putting a box layout into an overflowed container is NOT correct and will make a second layout pass necessary.
- if (i = target.getStyle('overflow') && i != 'hidden' && !this.adjustmentPass) {
- var ts = this.getLayoutTargetSize();
- if (ts.width != size.width || ts.height != size.height){
- this.adjustmentPass = true;
- this.onLayout(ct, target);
+ return {
+ boxes: boxes,
+ meta : {
+ maxWidth: maxWidth
- }
- delete this.adjustmentPass;
+ };
* <li><b><tt>stretchmax</tt></b> : <div class="sub-desc">child items are stretched vertically to
* the height of the largest item.</div></li>
- align : 'top', // top, middle, stretch, strechmax
- type: 'hbox',
+ align: 'top', // top, middle, stretch, strechmax
+ type : 'hbox',
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * See parent documentation
+ */
+ updateInnerCtSize: function(tSize, calcs) {
+ var innerCtWidth = tSize.width,
+ innerCtHeight = calcs.meta.maxHeight + this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom;
+ if (this.align == 'stretch') {
+ innerCtHeight = tSize.height;
+ } else if (this.align == 'middle') {
+ innerCtHeight = Math.max(tSize.height, innerCtHeight);
+ }
+ this.innerCt.setSize(innerCtWidth || undefined, innerCtHeight || undefined);
+ },
<div id="cfg-Ext.layout.HBoxLayout-pack"></div>/**
* @cfg {String} pack
* Controls how the child items of the container are packed together. Acceptable configuration values
* <tt>flex = undefined</tt> will not be 'flexed' (the initial size will not be changed).
- // private
- onLayout : function(ct, target){
- Ext.layout.HBoxLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, ct, target);
- var cs = this.getRenderedItems(ct), csLen = cs.length,
- c, i, cm, cw, ch, diff, availWidth,
- size = this.getLayoutTargetSize(),
- w = size.width - this.scrollOffset,
- h = size.height,
- l = this.padding.left,
- t = this.padding.top,
- isStart = this.pack == 'start',
- isRestore = ['stretch', 'stretchmax'].indexOf(this.align) == -1,
- extraWidth = 0,
- maxHeight = 0,
- totalFlex = 0,
- usedWidth = 0;
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- // Total of all the flex values
- totalFlex += c.flex || 0;
- // Don't run width calculations on flexed items
- if (!c.flex) {
- // Render and layout sub-containers without a flex or width, once
- if (!c.width && !c.hasLayout && c.doLayout) {
- c.doLayout();
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Calculates the size and positioning of each item in the HBox. This iterates over all of the rendered,
+ * visible items and returns a height, width, top and left for each, as well as a reference to each. Also
+ * returns meta data such as maxHeight which are useful when resizing layout wrappers such as this.innerCt.
+ * @param {Array} visibleItems The array of all rendered, visible items to be calculated for
+ * @param {Object} targetSize Object containing target size and height
+ * @return {Object} Object containing box measurements for each child, plus meta data
+ */
+ calculateChildBoxes: function(visibleItems, targetSize) {
+ var visibleCount = visibleItems.length,
+ padding = this.padding,
+ topOffset = padding.top,
+ leftOffset = padding.left,
+ paddingVert = topOffset + padding.bottom,
+ paddingHoriz = leftOffset + padding.right,
+ width = targetSize.width - this.scrollOffset,
+ height = targetSize.height,
+ availHeight = Math.max(0, height - paddingVert),
+ isStart = this.pack == 'start',
+ isCenter = this.pack == 'center',
+ isEnd = this.pack == 'end',
+ // isRestore = ['stretch', 'stretchmax'].indexOf(this.align) == -1,
+ nonFlexWidth = 0,
+ maxHeight = 0,
+ totalFlex = 0,
+ //used to cache the calculated size and position values for each child item
+ boxes = [],
+ //used in the for loops below, just declared here for brevity
+ child, childWidth, childHeight, childSize, childMargins, canLayout, i, calcs, flexedWidth, vertMargins, stretchHeight;
+ //gather the total flex of all flexed items and the width taken up by fixed width items
+ for (i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++) {
+ child = visibleItems[i];
+ childHeight = child.height;
+ childWidth = child.width;
+ canLayout = !child.hasLayout && Ext.isFunction(child.doLayout);
+ // Static width (numeric) requires no calcs
+ if (!Ext.isNumber(childWidth)) {
+ // flex and not 'auto' width
+ if (child.flex && !childWidth) {
+ totalFlex += child.flex;
+ // Not flexed or 'auto' width or undefined width
+ } else {
+ //Render and layout sub-containers without a flex or width defined, as otherwise we
+ //don't know how wide the sub-container should be and cannot calculate flexed widths
+ if (!childWidth && canLayout) {
+ child.doLayout();
+ }
+ childSize = child.getSize();
+ childWidth = childSize.width;
+ childHeight = childSize.height;
+ }
- cw = c.getWidth();
- } else {
- cw = 0;
- }
- cm = c.margins;
- // Determine how much width is available to flex
- extraWidth += cw + cm.left + cm.right;
- // Max height for align
- maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, c.getHeight() + cm.top + cm.bottom);
- }
- // Final avail width calc
- availWidth = Math.max(0, (w - extraWidth - this.padding.left - this.padding.right));
- var innerCtHeight = maxHeight + this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom;
- switch(this.align){
- case 'stretch':
- this.innerCt.setSize(w, h);
- break;
- case 'stretchmax':
- case 'top':
- this.innerCt.setSize(w, innerCtHeight);
- break;
- case 'middle':
- this.innerCt.setSize(w, h = Math.max(h, innerCtHeight));
- break;
- }
- var leftOver = availWidth,
- widths = [],
- restore = [],
- idx = 0,
- availableHeight = Math.max(0, h - this.padding.top - this.padding.bottom);
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- if(isStart && c.flex){
- cw = Math.floor(availWidth * (c.flex / totalFlex));
- leftOver -= cw;
- widths.push(cw);
- }
- }
+ childMargins = child.margins;
- if(this.pack == 'center'){
- l += availWidth ? availWidth / 2 : 0;
- }else if(this.pack == 'end'){
- l += availWidth;
- }
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- cm = c.margins;
- l += cm.left;
- c.setPosition(l, t + cm.top);
- if(isStart && c.flex){
- cw = Math.max(0, widths[idx++] + (leftOver-- > 0 ? 1 : 0));
- if(isRestore){
- restore.push(c.getHeight());
+ nonFlexWidth += (childWidth || 0) + childMargins.left + childMargins.right;
+ // Max height for align - force layout of non-layed out subcontainers without a numeric height
+ if (!Ext.isNumber(childHeight)) {
+ if (canLayout) {
+ child.doLayout();
+ }
+ childHeight = child.getHeight();
- c.setSize(cw, availableHeight);
- }else{
- cw = c.getWidth();
+ maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, childHeight + childMargins.top + childMargins.bottom);
+ //cache the size of each child component
+ boxes.push({
+ component: child,
+ height : childHeight || undefined,
+ width : childWidth || undefined
+ });
- l += cw + cm.right;
- }
- idx = 0;
- for (i = 0 ; i < csLen; i++) {
- c = cs[i];
- cm = c.margins;
- ch = c.getHeight();
- if(isStart && c.flex){
- ch = restore[idx++];
+ //the width available to the flexed items
+ var availableWidth = Math.max(0, (width - nonFlexWidth - paddingHoriz));
+ if (isCenter) {
+ leftOffset += availableWidth / 2;
+ } else if (isEnd) {
+ leftOffset += availableWidth;
- if(this.align == 'stretch'){
- c.setHeight(((h - (this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom)) - (cm.top + cm.bottom)).constrain(
- c.minHeight || 0, c.maxHeight || 1000000));
- }else if(this.align == 'stretchmax'){
- c.setHeight((maxHeight - (cm.top + cm.bottom)).constrain(
- c.minHeight || 0, c.maxHeight || 1000000));
- }else{
- if(this.align == 'middle'){
- diff = availableHeight - (ch + cm.top + cm.bottom);
- ch = t + cm.top + (diff/2);
- if(diff > 0){
- c.setPosition(c.x, ch);
- }
+ //temporary variables used in the flex width calculations below
+ var remainingWidth = availableWidth,
+ remainingFlex = totalFlex;
+ //calculate the widths of each flexed item, and the left + top positions of every item
+ for (i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++) {
+ child = visibleItems[i];
+ calcs = boxes[i];
+ childMargins = child.margins;
+ vertMargins = childMargins.top + childMargins.bottom;
+ leftOffset += childMargins.left;
+ if (isStart && child.flex && !child.width) {
+ flexedWidth = Math.ceil((child.flex / remainingFlex) * remainingWidth);
+ remainingWidth -= flexedWidth;
+ remainingFlex -= child.flex;
+ calcs.width = flexedWidth;
+ calcs.dirtySize = true;
- if(isStart && c.flex){
- c.setHeight(ch);
+ calcs.left = leftOffset;
+ calcs.top = topOffset + childMargins.top;
+ switch (this.align) {
+ case 'stretch':
+ stretchHeight = availHeight - vertMargins;
+ calcs.height = stretchHeight.constrain(child.minHeight || 0, child.maxHeight || 1000000);
+ calcs.dirtySize = true;
+ break;
+ case 'stretchmax':
+ stretchHeight = maxHeight - vertMargins;
+ calcs.height = stretchHeight.constrain(child.minHeight || 0, child.maxHeight || 1000000);
+ calcs.dirtySize = true;
+ break;
+ case 'middle':
+ var diff = availHeight - calcs.height - vertMargins;
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ calcs.top = topOffset + vertMargins + (diff / 2);
+ }
+ leftOffset += calcs.width + childMargins.right;
- }
- // Putting a box layout into an overflowed container is NOT correct and will make a second layout pass necessary.
- if (i = target.getStyle('overflow') && i != 'hidden' && !this.adjustmentPass) {
- var ts = this.getLayoutTargetSize();
- if (ts.width != size.width || ts.height != size.height){
- this.adjustmentPass = true;
- this.onLayout(ct, target);
+ return {
+ boxes: boxes,
+ meta : {
+ maxHeight: maxHeight
- }
- delete this.adjustmentPass;
+ };
Ext.Container.LAYOUTS.hbox = Ext.layout.HBoxLayout;
-</pre> \r
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