+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @property lastOverflow
+ * @type Boolean
+ * Used internally to record whether the last layout caused an overflow or not
+ */
+ lastOverflow: false,
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @property tableHTML
+ * @type String
+ * String used to build the HTML injected to support the Toolbar's layout. The align property is
+ * injected into this string inside the td.x-toolbar-left element during onLayout.
+ */
+ tableHTML: [
+ '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-toolbar-ct">',
+ '<tbody>',
+ '<tr>',
+ '<td class="x-toolbar-left" align="{0}">',
+ '<table cellspacing="0">',
+ '<tbody>',
+ '<tr class="x-toolbar-left-row"></tr>',
+ '</tbody>',
+ '</table>',
+ '</td>',
+ '<td class="x-toolbar-right" align="right">',
+ '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-toolbar-right-ct">',
+ '<tbody>',
+ '<tr>',
+ '<td>',
+ '<table cellspacing="0">',
+ '<tbody>',
+ '<tr class="x-toolbar-right-row"></tr>',
+ '</tbody>',
+ '</table>',
+ '</td>',
+ '<td>',
+ '<table cellspacing="0">',
+ '<tbody>',
+ '<tr class="x-toolbar-extras-row"></tr>',
+ '</tbody>',
+ '</table>',
+ '</td>',
+ '</tr>',
+ '</tbody>',
+ '</table>',
+ '</td>',
+ '</tr>',
+ '</tbody>',
+ '</table>'
+ ].join(""),
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Create the wrapping Toolbar HTML and render/move all the items into the correct places
+ */
+ onLayout : function(ct, target) {
+ //render the Toolbar <table> HTML if it's not already present
+ if (!this.leftTr) {