-]</code></pre></div></div></td><td class="msource"><a href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults" ext:member="#defaults" ext:cls="Ext.Container">Container</a></td></tr><tr class="config-row expandable inherited"><td class="micon"><a href="#expand" class="exi"> </a></td><td class="sig"><a id="Ext.ToolTip-delegate"></a><b><a href="source/ToolTip.html#cfg-Ext.ToolTip-delegate">delegate</a></b> : String<div class="mdesc"><div class="short">Optional. A DomQuery
-selector which allows selection of individual elements within the
-target element to trigger sh...</div><div class="long"><p>Optional. A <a href="output/Ext.DomQuery.html" ext:cls="Ext.DomQuery">DomQuery</a>\r
-selector which allows selection of individual elements within the\r
-<code><a href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#Ext.ToolTip-target" ext:member="target" ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip">target</a></code> element to trigger showing and hiding the\r
-ToolTip as the mouse moves within the target.</p>\r
-<p>When specified, the child element of the target which caused a show\r
-event is placed into the <code><a href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#Ext.ToolTip-triggerElement" ext:member="triggerElement" ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip">triggerElement</a></code> property\r
-before the ToolTip is shown.</p>\r
-<p>This may be useful when a Component has regular, repeating elements\r
-in it, each of which need a Tooltip which contains information specific\r
-to that element. For example:</p><pre><code><b>var</b> myGrid = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.gridPanel(gridConfig);\r
-myGrid.on(<em>'render'</em>, <b>function</b>(grid) {\r
- <b>var</b> store = grid.getStore(); <i>// Capture the Store.\r</i>
- <b>var</b> view = grid.getView(); <i>// Capture the GridView.\r</i>
- myGrid.tip = <b>new</b> Ext.ToolTip({\r
- target: view.mainBody, <i>// The overall target element.\r</i>
- delegate: <em>'.x-grid3-row'</em>, <i>// Each grid row causes its own seperate show and hide.\r</i>
- trackMouse: true, <i>// Moving within the row should not hide the tip.\r</i>
- renderTo: document.body, <i>// Render immediately so that tip.body can be\r</i>
- <i>// referenced prior to the first show.\r</i>
- listeners: { <i>// Change content dynamically depending on which element\r</i>
- <i>// triggered the show.\r</i>
- beforeshow: <b>function</b> updateTipBody(tip) {\r
- <b>var</b> rowIndex = view.findRowIndex(tip.triggerElement);\r
- tip.body.dom.innerHTML = <em>'Over Record ID '</em> + store.getAt(rowIndex).id;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- });\r
+]</code></pre></div></div></td><td class="msource"><a href="output/Ext.Container.html#defaults" ext:member="#defaults" ext:cls="Ext.Container">Container</a></td></tr><tr class="config-row expandable inherited"><td class="micon"><a href="#expand" class="exi"> </a></td><td class="sig"><a id="Ext.ToolTip-delegate"></a><b><a href="source/ToolTip.html#cfg-Ext.ToolTip-delegate">delegate</a></b> : String<div class="mdesc"><div class="short">Optional. A DomQuery
+selector which allows selection of individual elements within the
+target element to trigger show...</div><div class="long"><p>Optional. A <a href="output/Ext.DomQuery.html" ext:cls="Ext.DomQuery">DomQuery</a>
+selector which allows selection of individual elements within the
+<code><a href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#Ext.ToolTip-target" ext:member="target" ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip">target</a></code> element to trigger showing and hiding the
+ToolTip as the mouse moves within the target.</p>
+<p>When specified, the child element of the target which caused a show
+event is placed into the <code><a href="output/Ext.ToolTip.html#Ext.ToolTip-triggerElement" ext:member="triggerElement" ext:cls="Ext.ToolTip">triggerElement</a></code> property
+before the ToolTip is shown.</p>
+<p>This may be useful when a Component has regular, repeating elements
+in it, each of which need a Tooltip which contains information specific
+to that element. For example:</p><pre><code><b>var</b> myGrid = <b>new</b> Ext.grid.gridPanel(gridConfig);
+myGrid.on(<em>'render'</em>, <b>function</b>(grid) {
+ <b>var</b> store = grid.getStore(); <i>// Capture the Store.</i>
+ <b>var</b> view = grid.getView(); <i>// Capture the GridView.</i>
+ myGrid.tip = <b>new</b> Ext.ToolTip({
+ target: view.mainBody, <i>// The overall target element.</i>
+ delegate: <em>'.x-grid3-row'</em>, <i>// Each grid row causes its own seperate show and hide.</i>
+ trackMouse: true, <i>// Moving within the row should not hide the tip.</i>
+ renderTo: document.body, <i>// Render immediately so that tip.body can be</i>
+ <i>// referenced prior to the first show.</i>
+ listeners: { <i>// Change content dynamically depending on which element</i>
+ <i>// triggered the show.</i>
+ beforeshow: <b>function</b> updateTipBody(tip) {
+ <b>var</b> rowIndex = view.findRowIndex(tip.triggerElement);
+ tip.body.dom.innerHTML = <em>'Over Record ID '</em> + store.getAt(rowIndex).id;
+ }
+ }
+ });