--- /dev/null
+ * Ext JS Library 3.2.0
+ * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
+ * licensing@extjs.com
+ * http://www.extjs.com/license
+ */
+ * Tests Ext.data.Store functionality
+ * @author Ed Spencer
+ */
+(function() {
+ var suite = Ext.test.session.getSuite('Ext.data.GroupingStore'),
+ assert = Y.Assert;
+ //a shared setup function used by several of the suites
+ var defaultSetup = function(config) {
+ config = config || {};
+ Ext.applyIf(config, {
+ proxy : new Ext.data.MemoryProxy({}),
+ reader: new Ext.data.ArrayReader({}, [
+ {name: 'name', type: 'string'},
+ {name: 'email', type: 'string'},
+ {name: 'greatness', type: 'int'},
+ {name: 'group', type: 'string'},
+ {name: 'old', type: 'boolean'}
+ ]),
+ storeId: 'myStore',
+ remoteSort : false,
+ remoteGroup: false,
+ groupField : 'group',
+ sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}
+ });
+ var store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore(config);
+ store.loadData([
+ ['Ed Spencer', 'ed@extjs.com', 100, 'code', false],
+ ['Abe Elias', 'abe@extjs.com', 70, 'admin', false],
+ ['Aaron Conran', 'aaron@extjs.com', 5, 'admin', true],
+ ['Tommy Maintz', 'tommy@extjs.com', -15, 'code', true]
+ ]);
+ return store;
+ };
+ suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
+ name: 'constructor',
+ testAppliesGroupField: function() {
+ var GroupingStore = Ext.data.GroupingStore,
+ proto = GroupingStore.prototype,
+ oldFunc = proto.applyGroupField,
+ wasCalled = false;
+ proto.applyGroupField = function() {
+ wasCalled = true;
+ };
+ var store = new GroupingStore();
+ assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
+ proto.applyGroupField = oldFunc;
+ }
+ }));
+ suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
+ name: 'clear grouping',
+ testUnsetsGroupField: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup();
+ store.groupField = 'abc';
+ store.clearGrouping();
+ assert.isFalse(store.groupField);
+ },
+ testLocalGroupingAppliesSort: function() {
+ var GroupingStore = Ext.data.GroupingStore,
+ proto = GroupingStore.prototype,
+ oldFunc = proto.sort,
+ wasCalled = false;
+ proto.sort = function() {
+ wasCalled = true;
+ };
+ var store = defaultSetup({remoteGroup: false});
+ store.clearGrouping();
+ assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
+ proto.sort = oldFunc;
+ },
+ testLocalGroupingFiresEvent: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup({remoteGroup: false}),
+ fired = false;
+ store.on('datachanged', function() {
+ fired = true;
+ }, this);
+ store.clearGrouping();
+ assert.isTrue(fired);
+ },
+ testRemoteGroupingReloads: function() {
+ var GroupingStore = Ext.data.GroupingStore,
+ proto = GroupingStore.prototype,
+ oldFunc = proto.reload,
+ wasCalled = false;
+ proto.reload = function() {
+ wasCalled = true;
+ };
+ var store = defaultSetup({remoteGroup: true});
+ store.clearGrouping();
+ assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
+ proto.reload = oldFunc;
+ },
+ testRemoteGroupingDeletesBaseParams: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup({remoteGroup: true});
+ //these params should be deleted
+ Ext.apply(store.baseParams, {
+ groupBy : 'abc',
+ groupDir: 'ASC'
+ });
+ store.clearGrouping();
+ assert.isUndefined(store.baseParams.groupBy);
+ assert.isUndefined(store.baseParams.groupDir);
+ },
+ testRemoteGroupingDeletesLastOptions: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup({remoteGroup: true});
+ //these params should be deleted
+ store.lastOptions = store.lastOptions || {};
+ store.lastOptions.params = store.lastOptions.params || {};
+ Ext.apply(store.lastOptions.params, {
+ groupBy : 'abc',
+ groupDir: 'ASC'
+ });
+ store.clearGrouping();
+ assert.isUndefined(store.lastOptions.params.groupBy);
+ assert.isUndefined(store.lastOptions.params.groupDir);
+ }
+ }));
+ suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
+ name: 'group by',
+ testForceRegroup: function() {
+ var GroupingStore = Ext.data.GroupingStore,
+ proto = GroupingStore.prototype,
+ oldFunc = proto.applyGroupField,
+ callCount = 0;
+ proto.applyGroupField = function() {
+ callCount++;
+ };
+ var store = defaultSetup({sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}});
+ store.groupBy('name', 'DESC');
+ var currentCallCount = callCount;
+ //this should activate another group operation
+ store.groupBy('name', 'DESC', true);
+ //cleanup
+ proto.applyGroupField = oldFunc;
+ assert.areEqual(currentCallCount + 1, callCount);
+ },
+ //if we already group by this field and direction, it should not group again
+ testNoForceRegroup: function() {
+ var GroupingStore = Ext.data.GroupingStore,
+ proto = GroupingStore.prototype,
+ oldFunc = proto.applyGroupField,
+ callCount = 0;
+ proto.applyGroupField = function() {
+ callCount++;
+ };
+ var store = defaultSetup({sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}});
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ var currentCallCount = callCount;
+ //this should not activate another group operation
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ //cleanup
+ proto.applyGroupField = oldFunc;
+ assert.areEqual(currentCallCount, callCount);
+ },
+ testSetsGroupDir: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup({sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}});
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ assert.areEqual('name', store.groupField);
+ },
+ testSetsGroupField: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup({sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}});
+ store.groupBy('name', false, 'DESC');
+ assert.areEqual('DESC', store.groupDir);
+ },
+ testAppliesGroupField: function() {
+ var GroupingStore = Ext.data.GroupingStore,
+ proto = GroupingStore.prototype,
+ oldFunc = proto.applyGroupField,
+ wasCalled = false;
+ proto.applyGroupField = function() {
+ wasCalled = true;
+ };
+ var store = defaultSetup({sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}});
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ //cleanup
+ proto.applyGroupField = oldFunc;
+ assert.isTrue(wasCalled);
+ },
+ testReloadsIfRemote: function() {
+ var fired = false;
+ var store = defaultSetup({
+ remoteGroup: true,
+ sortInfo : {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}
+ });
+ //fake a remote load
+ store.load = function() {
+ fired = true;
+ };
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ assert.isTrue(fired);
+ },
+ testFiresDatachangedIfLocal: function() {
+ var fired = false,
+ store = defaultSetup({remoteGroup: false, sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}});
+ store.on('datachanged', function() {
+ fired = true;
+ }, this);
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ assert.isTrue(fired);
+ },
+ testFiresGroupchangeIfLocal: function() {
+ var fired = false,
+ store = defaultSetup({remoteGroup: false, sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}});
+ store.on('groupchange', function() {
+ fired = true;
+ }, this);
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ assert.isTrue(fired);
+ },
+ testFiresGroupchangeIfRemote: function() {
+ var fired = false;
+ var store = defaultSetup({
+ remoteGroup: true,
+ sortInfo : {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}
+ });
+ //fake a remote load
+ store.load = function() {
+ store.fireEvent('load', store);
+ };
+ store.on('groupchange', function() {
+ fired = true;
+ }, this);
+ store.groupBy('name');
+ assert.isTrue(fired);
+ },
+ testGroupOnSort: function() {
+ }
+ }));
+ suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
+ name: 'apply group field',
+ setUp: function() {
+ this.store = defaultSetup({
+ remoteGroup: true
+ });
+ this.store.groupField = 'abc';
+ this.store.groupDir = 'DESC';
+ this.store.lastOptions = {params: {}};
+ },
+ testSetsBaseParams: function() {
+ this.store.applyGroupField();
+ assert.areEqual('abc', this.store.baseParams.groupBy);
+ assert.areEqual('DESC', this.store.baseParams.groupDir);
+ },
+ testSetsLastOptionsGroupDir: function() {
+ this.store.applyGroupField();
+ assert.areEqual('DESC', this.store.lastOptions.params.groupDir);
+ },
+ testDeletesLastOptionsGroupBy: function() {
+ this.store.applyGroupField();
+ assert.isUndefined(this.store.lastOptions.params.groupBy);
+ }
+ }));
+ suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
+ name: 'apply sort'
+ }));
+ suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
+ name: 'apply grouping'
+ }));
+ //not really sure what this function does or why it does it. These tests just ensure
+ //that any refactoring does not break it
+ suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
+ name: 'get group state',
+ testReturnsGroupField: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup();
+ store.groupField = 'abc';
+ assert.areEqual('abc', store.getGroupState());
+ },
+ //if only sorting is on sortinfo
+ testReturnsSortInfoField: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup({groupOnSort: true});
+ store.groupField = 'abc';
+ store.sortInfo = {field: 'def'};
+ assert.areEqual('def', store.getGroupState());
+ },
+ //if no sorting is applied anywhere
+ testReturnsUndefined: function() {
+ var store = defaultSetup({groupOnSort: true});
+ store.groupField = 'abc';
+ store.sortInfo = {};
+ assert.isUndefined(store.getGroupState());
+ }
+ }));