- var mapwin;\r
- var button = Ext.get('show-btn');\r
- button.on('click', function(){\r
- // create the window on the first click and reuse on subsequent clicks\r
- if(!mapwin){\r
- mapwin = new Ext.Window({\r
- layout: 'fit',\r
- title: 'GMap Window',\r
- closeAction: 'hide',\r
- width:400,\r
- height:400,\r
- x: 40,\r
- y: 60,\r
- items: {\r
- xtype: 'gmappanel',\r
- zoomLevel: 14,\r
- gmapType: 'map',\r
- mapConfOpts: ['enableScrollWheelZoom','enableDoubleClickZoom','enableDragging'],\r
- mapControls: ['GSmallMapControl','GMapTypeControl','NonExistantControl'],\r
- setCenter: {\r
- geoCodeAddr: '4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA, 02215-3409, USA',\r
- marker: {title: 'Fenway Park'}\r
- },\r
- markers: [{\r
- lat: 42.339641,\r
- lng: -71.094224,\r
- marker: {title: 'Boston Museum of Fine Arts'},\r
- listeners: {\r
- click: function(e){\r
- Ext.Msg.alert('Its fine', 'and its art.');\r
- }\r
- }\r
- },{\r
- lat: 42.339419,\r
- lng: -71.09077,\r
- marker: {title: 'Northeastern University'}\r
- }]\r
- }\r
- });\r
- \r
- }\r
- \r
- mapwin.show();\r
- \r
- });\r
- \r
+ var mapwin;
+ var button = Ext.get('show-btn');
+ button.on('click', function(){
+ // create the window on the first click and reuse on subsequent clicks
+ if(!mapwin){
+ mapwin = new Ext.Window({
+ layout: 'fit',
+ title: 'GMap Window',
+ closeAction: 'hide',
+ width:400,
+ height:400,
+ x: 40,
+ y: 60,
+ items: {
+ xtype: 'gmappanel',
+ zoomLevel: 14,
+ gmapType: 'map',
+ mapConfOpts: ['enableScrollWheelZoom','enableDoubleClickZoom','enableDragging'],
+ mapControls: ['GSmallMapControl','GMapTypeControl','NonExistantControl'],
+ setCenter: {
+ geoCodeAddr: '4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA, 02215-3409, USA',
+ marker: {title: 'Fenway Park'}
+ },
+ markers: [{
+ lat: 42.339641,
+ lng: -71.094224,
+ marker: {title: 'Boston Museum of Fine Arts'},
+ listeners: {
+ click: function(e){
+ Ext.Msg.alert('Its fine', 'and its art.');
+ }
+ }
+ },{
+ lat: 42.339419,
+ lng: -71.09077,
+ marker: {title: 'Northeastern University'}
+ }]
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ mapwin.show();
+ });