- <title>VBox Layout</title>\r
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- xtype:'button',\r
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- type:'vbox',\r
- padding:'5',\r
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- },{\r
- xtype:'button',\r
- text: 'Button 3',\r
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- xtype:'button',\r
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- xtype:'button',\r
- text: 'Flex + Stretch',\r
- handler: function(){\r
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- text: 'Pack: start',\r
- handler: function(){\r
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- xtype:'button',\r
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- }]\r
- });\r
- }\r
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- }]\r
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- </script>\r
+ <title>VBox Layout</title>
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+ Ext.onReady(function() {
+ var currentName;
+ var replace = function(config, name) {
+ var btns = Ext.getCmp('btns');
+ if (name && name != currentName) {
+ currentName = name;
+ btns.remove(0);
+ btns.add(Ext.apply(config));
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+ html: '<p style="padding:10px;color:#556677;font-size:11px;">Select a configuration to the right »</p>'
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+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4',
+ margins:'0'
+ }]
+ }, 'spaced');
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+ text: 'Multi-Spaced / Align: left',
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+ }]
+ }, 'multi spaced - align left');
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+ }]
+ }, 'align left');
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4'
+ }]
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+ xtype:'button',
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4'
+ }]
+ }, 'align stretch');
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+ xtype:'button',
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+ },
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+ items:[{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Jamie'
+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Aaron'
+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Tommy'
+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Ed '
+ }]
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+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Flex: Even / Align: center',
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+ },{
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+ flex:1
+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4',
+ flex:1,
+ margins:'0'
+ }]
+ }, 'align flex even');
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Flex: Ratio / Align: center',
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+ },{
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4',
+ flex:3,
+ margins:'0'
+ }]
+ }, 'align flex ratio');
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Flex + Stretch',
+ handler: function(){
+ replace({
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+ type:'vbox',
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+ },
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+ },{
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+ flex:3,
+ margins:'0'
+ }]
+ }, 'align flex + stretch');
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+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Pack: start / Align: center',
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+ },
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+ },{
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4'
+ }]
+ }, 'align pack start + align center');
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+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Pack: center / Align: center',
+ handler: function(){
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+ layout: {
+ type:'vbox',
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+ },
+ defaults:{margins:'0 0 5 0'},
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+ xtype:'button',
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4',
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+ }]
+ }, 'align pack center + align center');
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+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Pack: end / Align: center',
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
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+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 3'
+ },{
+ xtype:'button',
+ text: 'Button 4',
+ margins:'0'
+ }]
+ }, 'align pack end + align center');
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