- <title>The source code</title>
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-<div id="cls-Ext.layout.BorderLayout"></div>/**
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+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><div id="cls-Ext.layout.BorderLayout"></div>/**
* @class Ext.layout.BorderLayout
* @extends Ext.layout.ContainerLayout
* <p>This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region region}: 'south', // position for region
{@link Ext.BoxComponent#height height}: 100,
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#split split}: true, // enable resizing
- {@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}: 75, // defaults to {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#minHeight 50}
+ {@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}: 75, // defaults to {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#minHeight 50}
{@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}: 150,
{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#margins margins}: '0 5 5 5'
// private
rendered : false,
+ targetCls: 'x-border-layout-ct',
// private
onLayout : function(ct, target){
var collapsed;
- target.addClass('x-border-layout-ct');
var items = ct.items.items;
collapsed = [];
for(var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
c.collapsed = false;
c.render(target, i);
- c.getDomPositionEl().addClass('x-border-panel');
+ c.getPositionEl().addClass('x-border-panel');
this[pos] = pos != 'center' && c.split ?
new Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion(this, c.initialConfig, pos) :
this.rendered = true;
- var size = target.getViewSize();
+ var size = target.getViewSize(false);
if(size.width < 20 || size.height < 20){ // display none?
this.restoreCollapsed = collapsed;
collapsible : false,
<div id="cfg-Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-split"></div>/**
* @cfg {Boolean} split
- * <p><tt>true</tt> to create a {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion SplitRegion} and
+ * <p><tt>true</tt> to create a {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion SplitRegion} and
* display a 5px wide {@link Ext.SplitBar} between this region and its neighbor, allowing the user to
* resize the regions dynamically. Defaults to <tt>false</tt> creating a
* {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region Region}.</p><br>
* <p><b>Notes</b>:</p><div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
- * <li>this configuration option is ignored if <tt>region='center'</tt></li>
+ * <li>this configuration option is ignored if <tt>region='center'</tt></li>
* <li>when <tt>split == true</tt>, it is common to specify a
* <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}</tt> and <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}</tt>
* for the {@link Ext.BoxComponent BoxComponent} representing the region. These are not native
* configs of {@link Ext.BoxComponent BoxComponent}, and are used only by this class.</li>
* <li>if <tt>{@link #collapseMode} = 'mini'</tt> requires <tt>split = true</tt> to reserve space
- * for the collapse tool</tt></li>
- * </ul></div>
+ * for the collapse tool</tt></li>
+ * </ul></div>
<div id="cfg-Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region-floatable"></div>/**
* @cfg {Number} minWidth
* <p>The minimum allowable width in pixels for this region (defaults to <tt>50</tt>).
* <tt>maxWidth</tt> may also be specified.</p><br>
- * <p><b>Note</b>: setting the <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}</tt> /
- * <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}</tt> supersedes any specified
+ * <p><b>Note</b>: setting the <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}</tt> /
+ * <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}</tt> supersedes any specified
* <tt>minWidth</tt> / <tt>maxWidth</tt>.</p>
* @cfg {Number} minHeight
* The minimum allowable height in pixels for this region (defaults to <tt>50</tt>)
* <tt>maxHeight</tt> may also be specified.</p><br>
- * <p><b>Note</b>: setting the <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}</tt> /
- * <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}</tt> supersedes any specified
+ * <p><b>Note</b>: setting the <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}</tt> /
+ * <tt>{@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}</tt> supersedes any specified
* <tt>minHeight</tt> / <tt>maxHeight</tt>.</p>
// private
onExpandClick : function(e){
- this.afterSlideIn();
- this.panel.el.setStyle('z-index', 100);
+ var el = this.panel.getEl();
+ this.originalZIndex = el.getStyle('z-index');
+ el.setStyle('z-index', 100);
this.isCollapsed = true;
// private
beforeExpand : function(animate){
+ if(this.isSlid){
+ this.afterSlideIn();
+ }
var c = this.getCollapsedEl();
if(this.position == 'east' || this.position == 'west'){
- this.panel.el.setStyle('z-index', 1);
+ this.panel.el.setStyle('z-index', this.originalZIndex);
this.state.collapsed = false;
+ this.collapsedEl.on(this.autoHideHd);
if(this.autoHide !== false){
this.el.un("mouseout", this.autoHideHd.mouseout);
this.el.un("mouseover", this.autoHideHd.mouseover);
+ this.collapsedEl.un("mouseout", this.autoHideHd.mouseout);
+ this.collapsedEl.un("mouseover", this.autoHideHd.mouseover);
return [0, cm.top+cm.bottom+c.getHeight()];
+ },
+ destroy : function(){
+ Ext.destroy(this.miniCollapsedEl, this.collapsedEl);
// inherit docs
destroy : function() {
- Ext.destroy(
- this.miniSplitEl,
- this.split,
- this.splitEl
- );
+ Ext.destroy(this.miniSplitEl, this.split, this.splitEl);
+ Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.superclass.destroy.call(this);
-Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['border'] = Ext.layout.BorderLayout;</pre>
+Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['border'] = Ext.layout.BorderLayout;</pre> \r
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