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- Release Notes for Ext JS 3.3.1
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- <h1>
- Release Notes for <a href="http://www.sencha.com/products/js/">Ext JS</a> 3.3.1
- </h1>
- <p class="notes">
- Release Date: November 30, 2010<br>
- Current Version: 3.3.1 (rev 7296/265)<br>
- Previous Version: 3.3.0 (rev 7233/263)
- </p>
- <h2 class="new">
- Changes
- </h2>
- <h3>
- Forms
- </h3>
+ <title>
+ Ext JS Release Notes
+ </title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="welcome/release-notes.css" media="all">
+ <a href="http://www.sencha.com/" id="logo" name="logo">Ext JS - JavaScript Framework</a>
+<div id="releases">
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0.7
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: October 19, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.7
+ Bugs Fixed
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2023] - Failed test: Verify the data in the grid columns when user resize the columns and
+ click on next navigation button continously
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2471] - "Group by this field" in Remote Summary Grid gives JS error
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3326] - Ext.grid.View docs for stripeRows says the default is "false" but it's really
+ "true"
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3469] - Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing beforeedit event is fired with incorrect parameters
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3492] - Form grid access examples has incorrect columns size on IE7 and IE6
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3574] - Using Ext.grid.RowNumberer's xtype incorrectly sets the columns width
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3588] - Vertical Scroll Bar Disappears in Locking Grid
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3750] - Hidden columns cause header misalignment
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3777] - Bottom rows missing on buffered grid when page size and record count are close in
+ size
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3903] - Grid Scrolling does not work when setting the viewConfig.cls property
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3908] - Grid LoadMask fails to disappear after store load when there is more than 1 grid on
+ the page
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3912] - AbstractView.onItemDeselect can sometimes cause an exception if the record node is
+ no longer rendered
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3983] - Initially hidden columns don't work with column grouping
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4017] - Mouse scrolling on a grid scrolls both horizontally and vertically
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4041] - Locking grid doesn't substract width of hidden locked columns
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4044] - Instantiating grids at the wrong time causes scroll bars to silently disappear
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4064] - TreeViewDragDrop doesn't clean up after itself
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4068] - Ext.grid.column.Action doesn't prefix actionIdRe
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4075] - Menu icon missing in Grouping Grid
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4130] - LoadMask does not get removed from grid that is on inactive tab
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4145] - The gridscroller doesn't destroy when the grid destroyed
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4203] - Tree nodes disappear and can't be brought back</li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Panel / Window
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3968] - autoDestroy parameter of Panel.removeDocked() is not optional
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3926] - Ext.window.Window adds close tools on each use / won't close on ESC key
+ closable:true
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3498] - setting hidden configuration parameter to true while collapsed is set to true gives
+ error on render
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4006] - collapsed panel will not expand
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4050] - Accordion fires expand/collapse events to early
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4051] - activeOnTop not implemented in Accordion
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4209] - accordion grid panels that scroll vertically have a blank space on the right
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4239] - initially collapsed panels without a fixed width are too wide</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2536] - store.removeAll() does not remove grid.verticalScroller
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3575] - TreeStore doesn't clear dirty flag on updated record
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3705] - Store#loadData modifes data array passed into the method
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3988] - Subtle bug in Json Reader forces server to enclose single record in array
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4007] - Ext-data-Store.loadData change param type: [object, object] changes to [model, model]
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4026] - Ext.data.Store.indexOfId does not work, it returns -1 for valid ids.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4028] - Ext.util.Filter with property and value=null causes error
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4042] - TreeStore ignores autoLoad: false
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4043] - node.removeAll() leaves childnodes in the NodeHash
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4062] - Manipulating a new record fails
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4078] - Ext.data.Connection.isLoading() always returns false, with no parameter
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3035] - ComboBox submit the wrong content
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3298] - combobox setValue doesn't as expected
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3314] - Hidden field is always dirty
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3373] - Multiple classes in field's fieldCls causes JS error
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3405] - getFieldValues in the compat layer is marked as deprecated but is not deprecated.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3444] - KeyMap does only accept keycodes, not characters
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3916] - Ext.form.field.File style missing from my-ext-theme.scss
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3917] - RadioGroup setValue is unable to handle boolean true/false
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3923] - formBind no longer functions
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3982] - Datepicker showmonth picker problem
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3996] - IE8 Windowed combo field does not gain focus if tooltip is visible
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3997] - Upload Filefield (buttonOnly) in Toolbar: not rendered like other buttons
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4003] - Grid row editor shows hidden fields of grid - it should not show a hidden field
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4027] - Ext.picker.Time calls new Date(...) with non-standard parameter
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4063] - Form tries to validate field that doesn't exist
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4079] - Ext.form.field.Date do not send post with empty value
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2498] - Ext.picker.Color should allow its renderTpl to be overridden
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3910] - fieldset checkboxToggle - add inputValue and uncheckedValue</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3745] - Theme viewer - Duplicate Check box is displayed in the Window panel (Plain Field set) when
+ click on
+ expand/collapse button.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3692] - Displaying java script error while user trying to search with special characters in live
+ search
+ grid.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1152] - No animation when clicking on the multi-line prompt in the Window example
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3890] - Charts - Complex Dashboard -Displaying JS error upon increasing the field values under the
+ company
+ details
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3891] - Drag and Drop - Displaying JS error upon drag the date field into price column
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3943] - Keyboard Feed Viewer - Highlighted color is not displaying correctly in IE 6
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3946] - Forms - Binding a grid to a form - Missing Horizontal and Vertical Scroll bars in IE 6.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3978] - ComponentDragger exception when Window has nothing rendered in the header
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3992] - Layout Manager : VBox Layout - Displaying JS error while minimizing the browser after
+ selecting
+ "Flex :Even/Align :Center" button
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4082] - Portal Demo Displaying JS Error when click on Expand / Collapse button in Navigation /
+ Setting
+ accordions
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4083] - Direct Form - Displaying JS Error when click on Expand / Collapse button in Basic
+ information /
+ Phone Numbers /Location Information accordion windows
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4084] - Feed Viewer - Displaying JS Error when click on Cancel button in the add feed pop-up window
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4112] - Webdesktop : Displaying JS error upon clicking "OK" & "Cancel " buttons in change settings
+ menu.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4114] - Ajax with XML Forms : [IE 6.0] - Displaying JS error upon clicking on "Load" & "Submit"
+ buttons in
+ XML forms.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4169] - Desktop example windows open minimized to the task bar; cannot be opened
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4254] - Resizable Sencha Logo - Sencha Logo is not resizing while trying to resize from any
+ side/corner of
+ the component in IE 8 & IE 7.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4256] - Draggable Tiger Components - Draggable Tiger image is partially visible and complete image
+ is not
+ displaying in IE 8 & IE 7
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4259] - Ext JS 3 & 4 on one Page - By default four square colored small boxes are displaying in the
+ main
+ Page
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4269] - Line Chart - Chart is not displaying after disabling all the legend items and then
+ maximizing the
+ chart
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3748] - LoadMask on a Tab stays visible even if we switch tabs.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3627] - Ext.tab.Tab setIconCls not working properly
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3904] - Error when closing tabs created dynamically
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4065] - Remove + add tabs to tabpanel only works with one tab</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3779] - Message Box Dialog - Page is grayed out and not allowed to update the page when quickly
+ double-clicking on Icon Show button.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3560] - API Docs for Ext.window.MessageBox.show() example broken as of 4.0.2a. Should use
+ instead of Ext.window.MessageBox.OKCANCEL
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1159] - No animation on progress bar
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3909] - Ext.MessageBox has an incorrect translation
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4037] - ProgressBar in a toolbar does not update progress when hidden</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3914] - Ext.chart.axis Title bug
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3915] - Pie Chart rendering bug
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4025] - Charting Time Axis with a Column Series is misaligned
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4060] - Line Chart doesn't show labels</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3366] - The autoRender Component configuration does not work as documented.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3707] - Fix issue with event bubbling
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3459] - Ext.fx.Anim throws 'Ext.fx.cubicBezier is not a function'
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3894] - Setting the Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL value still causes s.gif to be loaded from
+ www.sencha.com in
+ IE6/IE7 causing a security warning
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3900] - Menu uses BLANK_IMAGE_URL too early
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3913] - Toolbar overflow button icon
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3927] - Ext.Layer.setOpacity does not affect associated shadow
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3942] - If you do not supply a center region to a border layout, you get a cryptic error
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4023] - Extra and missing borders in various components
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4036] - Colormenu select event fires twice on click/select
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4049] - Regular expression references wrong class name in sandbox mode in Action.js
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4055] - Ext.util.HashMap add method not counting length correctly when replacing
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4074] - Ext.Date.defaultFormat is used at define time in Ext.grid.column.Date
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4200] - LoadMask with { useMsg: false } no longer suppresses message element
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4230] - Ext.destroyMembers is not called correctly</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3736] - In IE quirks mode, a menu containing a ButtonGroup attains an incorrect width.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3720] - The button icons are not centered in quirk mode
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4057] - allowDepress doesn't work on splitbutton
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4071] - Splitbutton w/ tooltip won't open menu
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4072] - Open button menu suppresses the focus event of an unrelated field
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-4272] - button[enableToggle] must NOT still be pressed after being clicked twice
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ <h1>
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0.6
+ </h1>
+ <p class="notes">
+ Release Date: August 30, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.6
+ </p>
+ <h2>
+ Bugs Fixed
+ </h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Grid
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2231] - Fixed a styling bug with grids with rowbody that would cause columns to lay out
+ incorrectly with custom CSS
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3246] - Fixed a bug where specifying a single grid Feature would fail as it expects an
+ array
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3415] - Fixed a bug where right clicking would incorrectly deselect all selected nodes
+ (affects Windows machines only)
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3466] - Fixed a bug where selection does not work with grid row editor and Firefox 5 / IE 9
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3586] - Grid header drag resizes wrong header</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3591] - Checkbox column not re-added after grid reconfigure</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3605] - Fixed a JavaScript error when user mouse hover on the first column in the grid.
+ (Grid plugins example)
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3642] - Scrollbars don't appear when a custom renderer increases the height of the rows in
+ a tree
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3644] - Column lines are not displaying properly in the grid.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3645] - Summary Grid example -Vertical scroll bar is disappearing when Toggle Summary
+ button is clicked.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3658] - Paging scroller doesn't function with up/page up</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3660] - hideGroupedHeader does not work</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3661] - Grouping doesn't remember selections</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3668] - Loading data doesn't invoke grid's vertical scrollbar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3715] - Horizontal scrollbar doesn't show on empty grid</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3717] - Fixed a bad scrollbar in dd/dnd_grid_to_grid.html</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3725] - Grid with locked columns not syncing header heights</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3732] - Property Grid - Page is not loaded properly. Empty space is created in between
+ column header and rows in the grid.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3733] - Drag and Drop : Grid to From Dnd - Horizontal scroll bar is not displaying after
+ increasing the column size in data grid.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3753] - Locked grid with checkbox selection model inserts header twice</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3754] - Cannot create locked grid with all unlocked columns</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3784] - Auto height grid.Panel first header cell is blank; Fixed with doComponentLayout
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3785] - Fixed height grid.Panel doesn't show scrollbars when resizing the columns; Fixed
+ with doComponentLayout
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3786] - Fixed height grid.Panel bottom scrollbar covers last row; cannot scroll it
+ completely into view
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3514] - Failed test: Verify horizontal and Vertical scrolling in checkbox selection Grid
+ plugin
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Form
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3490] - Fixed a bug where Slider width is too narrow on Safari 3.2</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3491] - Some form examples don't render correctly on safari 3.2</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3648] - FileField's reset does not reset the textual input field.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3669] - Unable to reselect a combo value</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3673] - Fieldset title are not rendered with firefox 3.6.17</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3678] - Fixed a bug where Checkbox's checkChange event didn't fire using keyboard</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3713] - Fixed a bug where BoundList doesn't allow custom itemCls</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3759] - Slider destroy code incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3774] - Editor bug -- unconditional use of field.inputEl</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3597] - Can't enter spaces into fields inside menus</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Charts and Drawing
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-933] - Axis title "Number of Hits" lacks padding with Firefox 3.5 and 3.0</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3647] - Mixed charts - Bar graph is crossing the maximum limit of Y -Axis (Number of Hits)
+ when click on the reload button couple of times.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Data
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3325] - Fixed a bug where the 'presence' validation would incorrectly return false for
+ numeric zero values
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3522] - [4.0.2] beginEdit leads to 'update' event not fired on Store</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3593] - Fixed a bug with record.validate() and length validator when value is null</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3662] - The "isLoading()" method of Ext.data.TreeStore returns true even after loading has
+ completed
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3757] - Ext.data.Store modifies the original config object passed in</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>General
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-459] - Improved docs for maskRe, stripCharsRe, regex, and regexText</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3037] - Fixed a bug where an error would be thrown if a Tab's width is greater than the
+ configured maxTabWidth
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3460] - Checkboxes now correctly remove themselves from the CheckboxManager when destroyed
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3474] - Fixed sandboxing bugs where Fieldset, TriggerField and Menu would not be correctly
+ wrapped in CSS scoping divs
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3537] - Ext.destroyMembers was being called incorrectly in some components</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3598] - Unable to select text in field in menu in FF</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3638] - Fixed a number of issues with Load Masks</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3646] - Complex Dashboard - Company Detail caption is not displaying in FF 3.6 browser.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3674] - Custom Grid Filters Example was throwing a JavaScript error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3718] - There is no padding between fields in statusbar/statusbar-advanced.html</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3724] - Accordion layout does not properly hide toolbar when button is clicked to
+ expand/collapse its parent
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3726] - Ensure owning Container is laid out after an autosized Component is laid out.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3740] - Portal Demo - Displaying Java script error when click on Legend items in the Stock
+ Portlets
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3768] - variable $toolbar-border-color was ignored</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Sandbox
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3681] - Vertical panel header text color incorrect in sandbox mode</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3683] - Window resize not visible in sandbox mode</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3688] - Can't vertically resize window in sandbox mode</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3689] - Window constrain fails in sandbox mode</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3695] - Grid's AbstractSummary feature had been hard-coding base CSS prefix so sandboxing
+ would not work
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3702] - Fixed a bug where the JSONP callbacks would use the normal Ext namespace instead of
+ the sandbox namespace in sandbox mode
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3714] - Tooltip positioning incorrect in sandbox mode</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ <h1>
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0.5
+ </h1>
+ <p class="notes">
+ Release Date: July 24, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.5
+ </p>
+ <h2>
+ Bugs Fixed
+ </h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Grid
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2442] - Grouped Grid Header does not handle flex column show/hide well (layout issues)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2464] - Not possible to access the properties of the columns (locked=true)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2471] - "Group by this field" in Remote Summary Grid gives JS error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2543] - Cell Editing, intra-row change of focus.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2572] - Grid column header menu trigger gets stuck when there's no header menu</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2573] - Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop should honor disabled flag</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3377] - Grid deferRowRender causes defer shim to be set on store listeners</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3457] - Grid needs a viewready event which fires when the DOM rows become available.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3485] - Locking grid example is throwing an Hard JS error "Cannot call method 'removeCls'
+ of undefined"
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3489] - Grid layout is incorrect in form dashboard example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3492] - Form grid access examples has incorrect columns size on IE7 and IE6</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3494] - Grid mask in custom-form example size is not equal to grid body</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3562] - grid/form-grid.html must select the first row on page load</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Window
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1732] - Progress Dialog window locked up if you reopen it after closing it</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1994] - Strange Ext.window.Window rendering issue in WebKit browsers when placed over Java
+ applet
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2511] - Ghosted windows should not be stateful</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Form
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2425] - HTMLEditor corrupted when changing background color of selection</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3035] - [4.0.1]ComboBox submit the wrong content</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3298] - [4.0.2] combobox setValue doesn't as expected</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3330] - Setting the editable combobox to a value that is not in the list results in empty
+ val
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3413] - Highlight during trigger click</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3414] - validateedit does not have new values</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3418] - No way to get reference to field.Picker from BoundList</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3495] - The Loading Mask in custom form example is not constraint to grid body.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3520] - RowExpander doesn't work on ExtJs 4.0.2 (ext-all-debug.js) but worked on
+ (ext-all.js)
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3561] - form/combos.html example: combobox unobtrusive select transformation doesn't work
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Tree
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2197] - Failed test: Verify the tree panel when user click's on Expand All button.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2200] - Failed test: Verify the panel after user click's on Tree expander button</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2204] - Dblclick expand/collapse in check-tree example causes JS error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2276] - Collapsing a tree panel w/collapsed nodes throws JS error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3362] - expandPath fails when a node is already loading</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Layouts
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2431] - Accordion is missing a border when collapsed</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2547] - Child components not rendered.sized in initially collapsed, uncontained Panel.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3295] - 4.0.2 only - layout fit grid scrollbar when used does not scroll content</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3410] - Collapsing/expanding of flexed panels doesn't work</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3541] - Cannot hide collapsed regions in a border layout</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Charts and Drawing
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3045] - Add check in DrawComponent to ensure we have a valid surface before continuing
+ execution
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3456] - Printing legends in IE causes orange rectangles appear.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Data
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1897] - Ext.data.Store buffered issue - error thrown if records are not available on the
+ server
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3351] - processResponse is wrong in Ext.data.proxy.Server</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3464] - Direct exception events don't fire on the provider.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3471] - Boolean field data type is not being converted properly.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3540] - indexOfTotal fails if the index is 0</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>General
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1638] - ComboBox should select the configured value upon first load of the Store.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2405] - Docked items added after render don't render correctly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2434] - Infinite scrolling is buggy on safari 3.X (the grid doesn't render the first rows)
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2549] - Collapsed Tabpanel misses the bottom border</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2565] - A button with a menu defined is only showing the menu when the mouse is over the
+ arrow but in 3.x the menu showed as soon as the mouse was anywhere over the button
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2577] - Class aliases that use a period as a separator break DOM/CQ selection</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2628] - Ext.tab.Bar - minTabWidth has no effect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3284] - data-qtitle not consistently rendered.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3327] - [4.0.2] Plugins instantiated too early in AbstractComponent</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3412] - Toolbar with overflow doesn't include menu in refItems</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3453] - AbstractComponent calls constructPlugins too early</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3470] - scrollByDeltaX() incorrectly using the vertical scroller</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3483] - Some examples renders a blank page</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3486] - Animated DataView throw and hard js error "Cannot call method animate of null"</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3487] - Animated DataView example throw and hard js error "Cannot call method animate of
+ null"
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3488] - MultiSelect and Key-Feed-Viewer examples are throwing an hard js error 'Cannot call
+ method addCls of null'
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3490] - Sliders width is too narrow on Safari 3.2</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3491] - Some form examples don't render correctly on safari 3.2</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3496] - The theme index example is automatically scrolled on IE.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3539] - LoadMask beforeLoad causes a crash</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>
+ Improvements
+ </h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1999] - Improved Themes Example Performance</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3323] - [4.0] Ext.tab.Panel history feature missing</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1907] - Refactored the renderSelectors functionality to use local element IDs instead of CSS
+ selectors so that render selector performance is improved
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2575] - Ext core class namespaces made consistent in the API docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1887] - Tree now supports horizontal scrolling</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2436] - dynamic_form field alignment</li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ <h1>
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0.4
+ </h1>
+ <p class="notes">
+ Release Date: June 29, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.4
+ </p>
+ <h2>
+ Bugs Fixed
+ </h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Grid
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1032] - Grid CheckColumn 1px to left in header</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2122] - Cell Editing doesn't allow for custom autoSize</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2124] - Grid: RowExpander Plugin adds additional columns</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2251] - Action Column doesn't allow alt text per action</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2351] - Implement the more intuitive resizable: false on grid Columns. fixed is deprecated.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2381] - grid/array-grid.html Actions icons should be moved up of 1 pixel</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2460] - Regression in Sorting buffered Grid (First row is chopped off)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2428] - Unable to set cell editor dynamically</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2466] - Buffered scrolling broken in latest Chrome</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2496] - Grid crashes when removing it from a tab panel</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2501] - Grid applyState smashes column minWidth and has JS errors for locking grids</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2564] - Grid missing horizontal scrollbar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2574] - $grid-row-cell-background variable unused</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3029] - Reconfigure fails when no columns are passed</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3299] - (IE7) Grid body alignement is incorrect in form-grid example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3309] - Grid reconfigure breaks columns layout</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3363] - Grid header is too narrow on IE6/IE7/IE9</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Tree
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1887] - Tree does not allow horizontal scrolling</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2207] - Dblclick expand/collapse in XML Tree example causes JS error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2276] - Collapsing a tree panel w/collapsed nodes throws JS error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2517] - getNode needs a rendered check</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2518] - NodeInterface missing getPath</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Forms
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2104] - Fieldset display strange in IE</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2130] - Specify labelCls messes up height on TextField</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2165] - JS error when selecting item in combo box</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2167] - JS error when selecting multiple items in combo box</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2168] - JS error when selecting item in combo box</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2169] - Cannot select item in combo after entering invalid text</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2210] - Failed test: Verify the Submit button in the xml form</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2338] - Checkbox group/checkbox in fieldset too low</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2349] - examples/form/form-grid-access.html loses its description text</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2366] - ComboBox should have getStore method</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2380] - form/checkout.html The disabled Street Address field is lighter than other fields
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2459] - Checkbox select gives commitFn is not a function</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2470] - Combo doesn't send queryParam on page change</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2522] - Field crashes if destroyed when focused</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2523] - DatePicker has undefined var</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2527] - File field crashes when reset on unrendered field.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2529] - Combo does not adjust list height to fit viewport</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2531] - Slider crashes when calling setMinValue/setMaxValue when it's not rendered</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2546] - TextField filterKeys not applied when using alt + gr key</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2553] - The "formBind" config does not work for buttons defined in a Form Panel's "buttons"
+ config
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2499] - Date picker month selector animation issues (including runtime error)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3028] - Combo in editor always tries to force selection</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Tabs
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1034] - When there's only one tab in a TabPanel, and it's active by default, the tab
+ selector in the tab strip is not set to the active state.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2542] - Ext.tab.Panel styling issues</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3300] - TabBar background color is incorrect (no gradients) in all browsers except chrome
+ and firefox
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Panel
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2506] - Panel header should set overflow hidden for text</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3311] - Collapsed panel layout error inside a viewport</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolbars and Buttons
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2185] - Add textAlign cfg to Ext.button.Button</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2387] - toolbar/toolbars example, the title of ButtonGroup is not centered anymore</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2475] - Button icons are not well aligned on ie6 only</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2513] - Scrolling menu in Basic Toolbar example fails</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2544] - ButtonGroup renders blue with gray style in Ext 4.0.2</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Window
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1667] - Improper Resize Handles Position / Offset in IEs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1732] - Progress Dialog window locking</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2193] - Failed test: Verify Window resize using Drag and Drop</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2505] - When you set modal:true on a window and renderTo it to a panel, it masks the whole
+ body, not the panel
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Charts
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2508] - Chart doesn't support not being passed a config object</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2521] - Destroying unrendered chart causes error</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Miscellaneous
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1066] - Calling Container.add() with a floating component does not render that component
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1086] - Theme Example: Progress Bar's Right Pixel Border changes color while animating</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1659] - Text hidden when column is short</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2074] - Failed test: Verify that East panel expands when clicked on the expand button at
+ left side of the center panel
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2101] - Shadows not shown on certain floating items such as Menu and ComboBox list.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2132] - Expand sets height before anim on Panel using VBoxLayout</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2192] - Failed test: Verify pane resize using resize bar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2226] - Failed test: Verify the user is able to select option from options drop down under
+ ItemSelectorTest table
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2252] - Need to fix DomQuery for non document rooted queries</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2284] - Web Desktop, System Status Window is slow on IE (causes script warning)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2332] - Fix build warning for nested-loading MVC app</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2391] - Ext.core.DomHelper should be aliased to Ext.DomHelper for backwards compat</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2394] - Center region of border layout should have overflow:auto</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2411] - Format.number can return -0</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2500] - Gray theme has not styled button group</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2507] - reader.Array doesn't work with a 0 mapping.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2509] - Tool ignores tooltip option</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2510] - Button tooltipType title doesn't work</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2520] - Menu strict typo</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2519] - Store should give a warning if model isn't defined</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2526] - AbstractContainer, child/down selector should be optional</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2530] - Show event fires too early for animated component</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2532] - Store does not consistently pass all event parameters to beforeload event</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2537] - Box layout doesn't destroy innerCt</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2839] - Component destroy event fires too late</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3027] - Hidden tools get ghosted</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-3310] - Accordion layout does not handle grid properly</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0.2
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: June 9, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.2
+ Bugs Fixed
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-864] - Grid filtering doesn't support specifying filters on feature</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1149] - Grouping Grid - text element in the group should be indented</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1715] - Row height gets modified while searching</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1720] - When rendering new buffered rows, row height changes, IE6/7</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1760] - Grid: enableColumnResize should prevent css indicator of showing resizable behavior</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1750] - PropertyGrid keyboard navigation</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1789] - Editing fails after reconfigure</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1806] - Grid with multi-select and DD deselects rows</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1810] - Unlocked columns don't align correctly in IE9</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1812] - beforeselect event not relayed to grid</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1874] - Grid Performance is too slow in IE</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1968] - Ext.table.Panel: enableColumnHide</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1934] - Hiding subcolumn causes width to display incorrectly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1969] - IE 8 & 9: Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing and PagingToolbar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1971] - Javascript error during cell editing</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2061] - Grid vertical scrollbar is reset when when the grid panel is collapsed and then expanded
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2062] - Call to grid.reconfigure on a rendered grid that initially has no columns configured
+ results in the first row being hidden behind the column headers if the grid does not contain enough data to
+ require scrollbars, different behavior with larger data set
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1997] - Grid vertical scrollbar error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2008] - Grid vscrollbar can double count height of hscrollbar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2376] - Grid cells don't show modified state if initial value is falsey</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2379] - Property grid example is broken (no body rendered)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2382] - In grid/binding example the scrollbar column has disappeared</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2383] - grid/grid-plugins.html throw an hard js error on ie6/7</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2384] - grid/group-header scrollbar is off by 4 pixels (only ie9)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2372] - tree/xml-tree.html throw an hard js error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2435] - Xml Tree does not show expand/collapse icons</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2373] - Row height is too small in direct/direct-grid.html</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2122] - Cell Editing doesn't allow for custom autoSize</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2248] - Grid Load performance</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2430] - RowExpander plugin unwanted padding on IE</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1868] - Cell Editing doesn't work on locked view</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2066] - Grid's horizontal scrollbar can get out of sync</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2244] - CheckboxModel's version of onSelectChange ignores suppressEvent parameter</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2131] - Can't use grouping summary indexes multiple times</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2466] - Buffered scrolling broken in latest Chrome</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-692] - Need to style menu in access theme</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-972] - Indentation in both upper/bottom border lines in tree beside the scrollbar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1053] - IE6 tree quicktips look ugly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1887] - Tree does not allow horizontal scrolling</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1933] - Tree crashes on expand</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2009] - NodeInterface should use a bool type for checked</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2001] - Expandable attribute ignored</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1883] - Need a way to veto node collapse/expand events</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2354] - TreePanel.selectPath does not work with custom separator</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1747] - IE Quirks : combo dropdown list is not aligned properly in Advanced Dataview example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-992] - IE9 strict vertical and horizontal scrollbar in HTMLEDITOR</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1073] - Date Picker styling</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1080] - Date Picker / Time picker</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1668] - TimeField should reserved custom entry on pressing Enter (after keyboard navigation)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1753] - Disabled text in field labels does not display properly in IE6</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2010] - Combo fires change event twice when selecting a value</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2100] - TextArea emptyText incorrect color</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2436] - dynamic_form field alignment</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1066] - Calling Container.add() with a floating component does not render that component</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1098] - Mini-collapse panel does not have a mouse over state</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1157] - Row editor had gradient background in 3.3, now has flat color</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1182] - High Contrast Theme Has Standard Contract Menus</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1202] - Icons of mixed sizes are unaligned</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1320] - Shadows in lower left/right corners, at times, looks too square.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1472] - Black background in charting examples in quirks mode</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1473] - 2x larger font size in quirks mode versus strict for the spotlight example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1553] - The qtip is clipped in the registration example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1560] - Title artifact behind collapsed panel header</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1646] - Problem with relayout + floating</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1726] - Esc Key Handling is inconsistent between browsers</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1727] - Placing a date picker inside of a menu has a black border around the menu</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1734] - The background of the custom progress bar in progress bar example must be white.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2055] - Compat layer throwing error with grid</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1729] - Tab icons cut off</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1746] - Restful Proxy example uses background-image w/PNG (bad for IE6) on buttons</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1793] - Sandboxing Ext3/Ext4 can cause id clashes</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1815] - Problem with discontinuous values</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1873] - Compat - tbar in grid appears under headers</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1884] - Proxy status repair goes behind window</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1928] - Paging toolbar in BoundList has double border</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1941] - body not scoped</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1965] - renderTpl used even when it doesn't exist</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1973] - HashMap keyFn not supported</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1990] - State doesn't allow stateId to be set in the prototype</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2003] - Missing btn mixin</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2004] - Frame ignores any ui</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2065] - Ext.Element#scrollTo broken when animate=true with grid view when store is reloaded</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2067] - DatePicker month/year selection cannot be done when showToday = false</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2089] - Memento class missing in built SDK</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2095] - 404 for tip-bg.gif file</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2099] - closeText not copied</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2129] - Set tpl config has no affect on ComboBox</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2249] - Ext.isObject fails with anything with a nodeType property</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2268] - Difficult/unintuitive to disable load mask on a grid/view</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2314] - selectRange doesn't cause UI to update</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2337] - Examples fonts and body padding are wrong in 4.0.2</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2349] - examples/form/form-grid-access.html loses its description text</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2385] - portal/portal.html throws a hard error on IE6 (only)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2387] - toolbar/toolbars example, the title of ButtonGroup is not centered anymore</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2411] - Format.number can return -0</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2454] - Ext.Ajax not taking the XHR.status into consideration</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1090] - Theme Example: "Display topics" only shows when hitting refresh</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1094] - Theme Example: Month Selectors in Date Picker do not have hover state</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1618] - Forum search example the combo list isn't positioned correctly with IE Quirks</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1168] - Status bar example - alignment of "loading" animation is not correct</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1313] - Forum Browser has 1px white border on inside right edge of the tree</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1189] - Forms example inside layout browser is inconsistent with 3.3</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1117] - Forum example missing search box on top right</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1124] - Feed viewer - cannot click on the body of left panel if it's minimized</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1133] - Paging grid example - text should be better spaced</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1137] - Paging grid example - disabled arrows on the bottom toolbar should be gray, not blue</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1140] - Portal example - setting icon is clipped</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1097] - Theme example - missing list view</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1099] - Theme example: Tab scroller - scroll arrows should not show active cursor if it's disabled
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1101] - Theme example - grid panel does not have multiple pages</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1107] - Theme example - text field is missing color and highlight in toolbar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1114] - Theme Browser: Column When Selected doesn't have a gradient</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1169] - Advanced status bar example - alignment is incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1696] - Desktop example - In notepad, scrolling appears</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1707] - Desktop example - window drag/drop does not work</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1719] - Tab scroller menu example - garbage text on top of tab on safari 5</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1725] - Tips in Tips Example is Clipped</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2370] - The Panel "Location Information" has disappeared from direct/direct-form example</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1130] - Panel body text should be 11px</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1956] - Panel collapse/expand breaks auto height</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1632] - The icon in disabled buttons does not get disabled in IE6</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2374] - Several buttons issues</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1723] - Window re-sizing incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1738] - Opera 10.6: Resizing windows snaps to minHeight</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1732] - Progress Dialog window locking</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1774] - Window constrained into tabpanel not re-showing after toggling between tabs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1980] - Ext.Msg.show() bombs out in FF 4.01 Mac</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1981] - Ext.Msg.setIcon() doesn't display icon at correct location in messagebox</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2369] - Window title aren't aligned properly in all browsers</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2105] - Window title truncated</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1770] - Line Chart values incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1951] - Charts post-processes and removes the output of a custom renderer</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2368] - Highlighting in the Pie chart example can 'stick' sometimes leaving slices mid animation
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1963] - Line drawn between two points of equal value sometimes incorrect when smooth config is set
+ to true
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1964] - Line Chart with all data values set to 0 fails to render properly, error thrown</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1978] - Time axis configured with fromDate, toDate and constrain fails to render properly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1979] - Chart Legend should use defined colorSet array, currently uses default colorArrayStyle</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2246] - Legend should automatically use same colors as chart series, even when the color(s) are
+ specified via style fill config
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2335] - Wrong store index passed in line renderers</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2350] - charts/Charts.html js hard error in Safari</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2355] - Unable to set custom fill style on line chart</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1808] - setViewBox doesn't work with VML</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1858] - collectData hardcodes use of the 'data' property to extract field values. Should use the
+ 'persistanceProperty' of the Model
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1896] - Ext.data.Model#persistanceProperty should be spelled persistenceProperty</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1966] - Ext.data.Store memory leak</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1953] - Ext.grid.property.Store problems</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1975] - Generated Getter in BelongsToAssociation does not cache result</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2388] - writer/writer.html examples throws a hard error on ie6/ie7</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2405] - Docked items added after render don't render correctly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2431] - Accordion is missing a border when collapsed</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1900] - Accordion layout with tree initially collapsed does not layout correctly when activated
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1970] - Ext.layout.Table rowspan bug</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2098] - defaultAnchor ignored</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1967] - Multiple Controllers cannot listen to same event on same Component</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2331] - Fix build warning for simple MVC app</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2332] - Fix build warning for nested-loading MVC app</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2000] - Ext.core.Element.boxWrap() missing CSS</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2006] - Ext.core.Element.frame does nothing</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2063] - Ext.util.Animate methods don't get copied to CompositeElement</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2002] - Menu doesn't resize when text is changed</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2186] - Menu.alignTo is not working in some cases.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2386] - Close button on tabs has disappeared</li>
+ </ul>
+ New Features
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1936] - Make ComboBox work better with existing filters</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2093] - Stateful Tree & Grid components do not fully restore state when in Border Layout</li>
+ General Improvements
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-141] - Fix all coding style violations</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1321] - Feed Viewer's blogs list should be a Tree</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1957] - Ext.resizer.Resizer widthIncrement addition</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1999] - Themes Example Performance</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2123] - Event options object secretly passed to every listener</li>
+ Documentation Updates
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-763] - Inadequate documentation for class AbsractPlugin</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-765] - Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-780] - Ext.util.Grouper docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-781] - Ext.util.Region</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1976] - Ext.app.Controller#control is undocumented</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2103] - Fix missing sprite attribute property documentation</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2134] - closeAction default is 'hide' but docs say it's 'destroy'</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2348] - Layout Browser example API doc links are broken</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-2352] - constrainTo not documented on Ext.window.Window</li>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0.1
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: May 17, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.1
+ Bugs Fixed
+ <li>Charts and Drawing
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-144] - Grouped Stacked Negative 0 point not aligned properly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-148] - Pie chart labels should be along the centerline of the text, not the baseline.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1769] - Draggable sprite broken</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1811] - Problem with hiding items via legend with grouped bar chart</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1822] - setAttributes - scale only works on first item</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1878] - Line chart scaling incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1892] - Pie chart is not rendering it's shadow properly on initial render</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Panel
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-237] - Vertical alignment of the Panel title is not consistent between quirks and strict HTML
+ modes
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-963] - Vertical headers lack proper centering</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1102] - When panel collapse animates, there's some flashing</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1814] - Panel doesn't fire close event in TabPanel</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Examples
- <li>Added a null check before trying to access getGroupValue.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-482] - Logos example has a few cosmetic issues</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1001] - Form is missing in Safari 3.2 with form/form-grid-access.html</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1083] - Themes Example: Progress bar doesn't show any text</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1118] - Portal Drag and Drop IE 6 & 7</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1121] - feed viewer - highlight on mouse over incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1141] - Sliding Pager Extension Example: There's no Panel Resizing at the bottom of the grid
- <li>Ext.form.updateRecord() now checks for null value from getValue().
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1142] - FeedViewer: apply sensible minWidth on feeds panel</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1165] - Summary Grid: Need an Icon in the Panel</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1172] - Grid Plugin Example: No Checkbox Plugin in the bottom example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1173] - Grid Filtering Local: ID Column should have a smaller width</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1180] - Rest proxy example - notification is missing when updating</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1193] - Combo Box Example: State name Combo Boxes are too wide</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1204] - Ext.Action Example should port the existing Action Example over</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1211] - Double clicking in Manager Details header doesn't always open the combo box</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1460] - Panel resizer ux not working properly or styled correctly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1474] - Black background in desktop/desktop.html example in quirks mode</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1481] - form/xml-form is broken in Safari 3.2 with transitional DOCTYPE</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1496] - Desktop cascading doesn't set correct z index</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1499] - Desktop example's accordion window does not react to clicking the refresh icon</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1535] - Array grid example advertised as stateful. But it does not remember column state</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1860] - Nested Loading example is using widget.header alias which is reserver for standard
+ Panel Headers
- <li>Ext.form.updateRecord() now checks for null value from getValue().
- </li>Combobox now returns correct value when non-unique display fields are used.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1861] - Portal example is having to synchronously load Ext.layout.component.Body.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1919] - Error in charts/draw code on portal example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1922] - Error in grid multiple sorting example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1923] - Error on editor example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1924] - FormDashboard chart example fieldset is too short</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1927] - Text rotation example missing text</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolbars
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-939] - Artifact in search toolbar only with Chrome 5</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-980] - Background color in bottom toolbar should be blue</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1109] - disabled text color in buttons is too light</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1865] - Toolbar with removeAll() crashes when used with overflow</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Layout
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1846] - Infinite loop, IE Border layout</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1867] - Resizers on border layout do not constrain during drag</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1931] - collapsedCls not applied in border layout</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1845] - hideCollapseTool ignored in border layout/panel</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1780] - Collapsing large grid in border layout fails</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Windows
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1708] - Desktop example - windows don't move or resize</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1737] - Opera 10.6: Windows cannot be moved vertically</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1751] - Ext.Window Maximize doesnt account for browser window resize</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1792] - Window fails with preventHeader: true</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1945] - Window doesn't constrain properly when animating</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Styling
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1269] - Checkbox in header does not line up with checkbox in the data rows</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1271] - Arrow is not vertically centered in the overflow toolbar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1317] - Slightly rounded corners on menu item highlights</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1322] - Window header color is different to 3.x</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1417] - The text "Powered by" in logo is not legible</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1516] - Menus are not in access-theme colors for the access example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1540] - Disabled buttons are really hard to read</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1764] - Accessibility theme missing images</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1841] - $panel-border-radius does not work</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1825] - Button mixin in SASS is inconsistant with other UI mixins - quick fix</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1826] - Window does not adhere to $base-color</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1842] - 2 issues with button variables, not working correctly.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1851] - Errors when building template my-ext-theme.scss</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1854] - Remove breaking comments from layout/_layout.scss</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1862] - ui theme does not apply to window drag & drop proxy</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1918] - Can't set overflow hidden on component style</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Form
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1758] - Checkbox field does not report correct value</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1775] - combo box autoSelect attribute non-functional</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1781] - Combo Picker doesn't shift when window resizes</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1798] - serializeForm tries to call .format</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1809] - Html encoding issues on forms with standard submit</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1834] - Keyup doesn't fire on combo</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1838] - Checkbox getModelData incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1839] - Fieldset doesn't render items when collapsed</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1847] - Weird form field height display</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1849] - Performance issues when adding multiple items to a form</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1857] - Combo - Allow exclusion of queryParam</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1869] - DisplayField alignment incorrect</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1899] - field.Date refocuses on blur when picker is expanded</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1902] - NumberField ignores disableKeyFilter</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1942] - NumberField doesn't return number type when value is 0.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1943] - Checkbox should check for undefined uncheckedValue</li>
- <h3>
- </h3>
+ </li>
+ <li>Grid / Tree
- <li>Remove :hover pseudo on color-palette.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1689] - Selection model selectAll/deselectAll fire selectionchange event for every record</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1757] - Grid loses row striping after editing</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1762] - Grid: CellEditing problems destroying</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1767] - ActionColumn fails when creating a global handler</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1771] - Deselect doesnt fire in multi select mode</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1773] - itemmousenter/itemmouseleave fire on every mouseover/mouseout event bubbled from
+ *within* a View item
- <li>Update CSS to fix tab panel under IE8.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1778] - PropertyGrid crashes on destroy</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1782] - PropertyGrid crashes when removing from store</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1788] - Cell Editor doesn't update context</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1794] - Crash when rootVisible false</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1800] - RowNumberer incompatible with groupingSummary</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1802] - Editor doesn't hide on grid scroll - FF</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1819] - Grid in accordion layout doesn't show headers</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1824] - PropertyGrid has no alias</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1831] - Checkbox Selection model missing alias.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1848] - Row Editor doesn't work with grid filtering</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1871] - PropertyGrid doesn't update source correctly</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1872] - PropertyStore refers to wrong object</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1875] - Tree doesn't allow string store id.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1881] - PreviewPlugin overwrites features</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1926] - Safari: scrolling via wheel in grid also scrolls the page</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1932] - NodeInterface callback params incorrect.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1939] - ProgressBar Pager fails with empty store</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1958] - View DD contains redundant check</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>General
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-988] - ToolTip/QuickTip steals shadow from modal window</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1003] - Accessibility Theme has several glitches (IE9 Quirks)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1047] - Validation change steals focus in Safari (3.? and 4 at least)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1217] - Localization files are missing a bunch of strings - NL, DE, etc</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1218] - Validation looks wrong in a frame panel with checkboxes</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1295] - TextField focus method does not focus, DelayedTask at fault?</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1510] - The close button in accordion does a refresh instead.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1528] - The previous/next buttons do not always un-focus after clicking on it and moving the
+ mouse away
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1562] - Collapse icon does not relocate after resizing the browser window</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1648] - Checkbox selection doesn't fire selection change</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1650] - Programmatically disabled before rendered prevents enabling</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1654] - Using Quicktips on Frameset only page cause hard error</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1736] - IE6 - Slider doesn't show up</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1756] - Disabled text in forms have regressed in IE 6</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1766] - Image Component crashes when rendered in IE</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1779] - beforetabchange returning false doesn't stop tab changing.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1784] - Warn statements need to wrapped to check of the existence of the console</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1790] - Observable shouldn't fail when removing an event that doesn't exist</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1807] - Application fails when no controllers are specified</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1813] - Store Can't read grouping info when specified on the class definition</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1817] - Removed unused code: getSortState</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1818] - NodeInterface destroy shadows Model destroy</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1852] - JSBuilder doesn't build .jsb3 files correctly if using relative paths</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1853] - JSBuilder not producing build correctly.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1856] - WebKit browsers lose selection in TEXTAREA elements</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1864] - Store cannot set filters via prototype properties</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1880] - Change autoCreateViewport to be false by default on Ext.app.App</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1888] - Ext.Error.raise embeds an alert in IE or FF w/o Firebug (not good for many uses)</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1889] - Splitter dragging doesn't work with iframes</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1890] - Record raw property set too late</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1895] - Ext.Array#include doesn't return anything, but docs say it does</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1896] - Ext.data.Model#persistanceProperty should be spelled persistenceProperty</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<h2>Documentation Improvements</h2>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-739] - Improved Ext.fx.Animator docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-751] - Improved Ext.grid.GridPanel docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-769] - Improved Ext.tip.ToolTip docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1074] - Improved Ext.app.Controller docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1227] - Improved Ext.chart.Mask</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1229] - Added docs for Ext.grid.property.Grid</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1238] - Add documentation to tabPanel private methods</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1293] - Documented Store.removeAll</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1421] - Documented the Organizer example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1433] - Better docs for Ext.app.Application</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1891] - documented loadMask configuration property of Ext.Component and descendants</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1894] - Documented Ext.draw.Sprite events not documented</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1898] - Removed Ext.getModel from data guide</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1901] - Documented Ext.CompositeElement documents methods without names</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1903] - Bad reference to Ext.panel.Panel#frame for more documentation</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1904] - Added missing image: guides/tree/simple-tree.png</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-43] - Documented the fact that attributes are transformed to model fields</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1485] - SDK Bootstrapping Guide and Build Tools for Developers</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1248] - More docs for Surface</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1244] - Added docs for Gauge AXIS</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1796] - Character Encoding issues on deployed docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1906] - a typo / encoding issue in the getting started guide</li>
+<h2>General Improvements</h2>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1961] - Added callbackName option to Ext.data.JsonP.request</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-853] - Tooltips: Renamed initTarget to setTarget</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1536] - Added a vertical toolbar example</li>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0 Final
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: April 26, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0
+ New In This Release
+ <li>New Features
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-919] - CheckHeader fires an additional change event</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1291] - Charts draw undefined values</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1352] - Floating should allow Component as an argument to alignTo</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<li>Bug Fixes
+<li>[EXTJSIV-2] - Normalize text baseline calculation for FireFox 3.0 and 3.5</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-495] - Forum search example - search does not work</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-513] - DragSelector does not maintain selection in IE</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-528] - Improve class loader performance</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-571] - autoHeight Box layouts</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-672] - Active tab has dark line beneath in access theme</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-697] - Element loses event Listener</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-788] - Grid in accordion layout displays scrollbars</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-820] - Ext.util.Format.usMoney is not inserting commas into the returned string</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-826] - When removing + then adding grid summary, it does not add x-grid-cell-first</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-860] - Row editing shadow issue</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-863] - IE Header menu issue</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-869] - Changing Collapsed Titles in a Border Layout</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-871] - form-grid example layout in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-873] - menu shows a small rectangle when it has no items</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-876] - Grid Menu allows hiding all columns</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-901] - updateRecord w/ radio group</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-902] - FieldContainer misses clearInvalid</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-910] - Need to know when Surface is rendered</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-912] - IE6 & 7, FF4: Grid Header misaligned with the gridview</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-932] - Gauge series needs docs.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-936] - Trigger field is not flushed using the access theme in IE 6 and 7</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-975] - Font styles are inconsistent across components</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-976] - TreeSelectionModel does not use checkbox images</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-977] - Ext.isFunction return true with a NodeList in Safari 3-4</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-979] - CSS styling wrong after collapsing Navigation panel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-981] - Resizing failure with layout-browser.html --> Table</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-983] - Border line is missing beneath the grid header row</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-984] - Bottom scrollbar is not flushed with the right scrollbar</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-986] - Grid state does not save column width</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-993] - IE9 Strict Rendering issue with form.fieldset</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-994] - IE9 Strict Border layout issue</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-995] - IE7: Artifact in top-left corner of framed panel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-996] - Field/Trigger placement in top toolbar needs to move down 1 pixel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-999] - Both framing and flushing trigger button issues seen in IE 7</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1000] - DatePicker Month title color is black</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1002] - IE9 Strict Collapsible button in Ext.form.Fieldset aren't displayed correctly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1004] - Group header grid example is broken</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1005] - Locking Grid Lock/Unlock throw an error</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1007] - IE9 Strict - RowEditor scrolls the grid view when starting an edit</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1008] - Splitter's calculated collapse directions are wrong. 'up' should be 'top', 'down' should be bottom.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1010] - Check/Radio example, white background</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1011] - IE 9 Quirks Pie chart example Pie parts border issue</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1012] - NumberField - Bottom trigger doesn't hover</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1013] - IE9 Quirks Message Box Multi-line prompt: Input width is too large</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1014] - ItemSelector button icons missing</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1015] - IE9 Strict Tree Checkbox are not correctly positioned</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1016] - Grey background on drag drop indicator on IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1017] - IE9 Drag and Drop in TreePanel does not work correctly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1020] - Clipping of letters in vertical header titles</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1021] - IE9 Custom Styles progress bar doesn't show XP style</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1022] - Wrong font for vertical header titles with IE 9</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1023] - The minButtonWidth is applied to non-buttons in fbar</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1025] - Tree shifts after expand/collapse animation in all IEs</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1028] - Grid: Promote from Markup example doesn't work in IE6 &7</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1029] - Added an Associations example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1031] - draw/Logos Example the window is too big</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1033] - Safari 5 Mac Tabs rendering glitch</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1036] - Grid Window in Desktop example permanently loses scrollbars during window resize</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1039] - IE 6 &7 Only: After resizing flexed column very wide</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1040] - statusbar/statusbar-demo.html toolbar items alignment issue</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1042] - Clicking constrained windows does not bring constraining window to top</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1044] - Gap between box elements in keynav example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1045] - examples/layout/snap-windows.html throws "Attempting to extend from a class which has not been
+ loaded on the page."
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1048] - Inaccurate lastComponentSize returned</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1049] - Grid filters are lost when clicking Add Columns in Custom Grid Filters Example (local filtering)
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1050] - Feedviewer "view post" has no margin/padding</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1051] - Stateful grid doesn't work in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1052] - Multi line message box doesn't show a scrollbar (IE6)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1054] - Portal dragging breaks</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1055] - DataView dragged selection not applying in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1056] - Adding more rows after scrolling to the bottom of grid view causes the row editor to disappear</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1057] - Quickly trigger window show / hide while it's still animating screws layout / visibility checking
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1058] - Resizing window while it's being masked does not resize the masking layer</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1059] - Error using GridViewDragDrop plugin</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1062] - Menu items don't layout to full width</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1063] - Window.show() no longer does a toFront() as in 3.x</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1064] - Vertical toolbar separators are vertical but should be horizontal.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1067] - Toolbar enableOverflow property not respected</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1071] - Tree getRecords doesn't work correctly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1075] - collapseAll shouldn't collapse root if rootVisible is true</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1076] - Possible missing variables</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1078] - Shadows look odd on non-white backgrounds</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1079] - Theme example is missing some components</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1084] - Tab height/tabbar height is not consistent with 3.3</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1085] - Tab panel and panel headers need to be the same size</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1087] - API Change: Ext.tab.TabPanel renamed to Ext.tab.Panel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1088] - Toolbar Buttons when against the Left side of the gutter need more padding</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1089] - In theme example, tree panel is not in the accordion panel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1091] - In theme example, paging toolbar does not display default page number</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1092] - Grid Shifts on Header Trigger Click</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1093] - Theme example: scrollable tab indicator is off by a pixel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1095] - Theme example - missing multi-trigger field inside GridPanel toolbar</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1100] - Button config renders incorrectly - "submit" seems off center</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1103] - Padding on toolbar buttons is two pixels at the bottom and one pixel at the top. Should be two
+ pixels on both.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1104] - Framed panel does not have bottom border when headerPosition:top</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1106] - iconCls not honored on Ext.grid.column.Action</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1108] - pressed state buttons have a background in the corners?</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1110] - Split button and menu button: Text and arrow have too much space in between</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1111] - Error when using tab in Writer Example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1115] - FeedViewer Add Feed Window is too small</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1116] - Accordion panel - accordion titles have more padding on bottom than top</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1119] - In the list of examples, it's impossible to close a set of examples</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1120] - Border Layout collapsed vertical header has dark black bold text</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1122] - Feed View Looses Scroll Bar</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1123] - Live Grid Search Example does not have screenshot</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1125] - When changing feeds, tabs have the wrong size</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1126] - RowEditor edging for buttons in IE</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1128] - Feed viewer - add feed dialogue box is missing several elements</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1129] - TextField 1px taller than other fields</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1131] - Image Viewer Example: Unable to edit album names in the tree</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1132] - Panel header has 1 pixel white on left and right</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1136] - Paging Grid Example: JsonPProxy in the header isn't the name of the class in the code</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1138] - Paging Example: disablePagingSelection:true is not respected</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1139] - Portal example - if all components are in one column, cannot drag to 3rd column</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1143] - Property grid does not have an indicator to show it's a property grid</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1144] - Property Grid Example is too large -- should fit the size to make it look more like a property grid
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1146] - Editor Grid Example: Clicking from Common Name in an editor to Light doesn't invoke an editor</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1147] - Grid editing example - resizing the column while editing behaves incorrectly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1148] - Custom Grid Filters: Menu is lost on refresh of view</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1150] - GroupTextTPL is not implemented</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1153] - Row Editing: When editing a row, pixels are missing from the bottom left and bottom right box</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1154] - Row Editing: Single click doesn't move the row editor</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1155] - Row Editing plugin/example needs to be more like 3.3</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1156] - Row Editing: Scrolling and row editor in the wrong place when clicking "Add Plant"</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1160] - No loading indication when you open up a node</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1161] - Empty Tree has +/- button</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1163] - Grouped Grid Example: Missing Collapsable on the Panel and Clear Grouping on the bottom</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1164] - Tool missing disabledCls</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1166] - Summary Grid Example: Button needs to be fixed</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1167] - Status bar example - clock shows up randomly when you start typing</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1174] - Need a Remote Filtering Example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1175] - Grid Filtering Example: No Date Column</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1176] - Clean up main example page</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1177] - Grid Filtering Example: No Boolean Filtering</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1179] - Data Writer example appears to not work</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1181] - grouped header grid example - crash chrome when dragging a header into it's children</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1183] - Grid Multiple Sorting is missing a splitter after sorting order</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1185] - Tab Scroller Menu Plugin: Misalignment on top of overflow tabs</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1186] - Message Box Confirm Dialog needs more spacing between Yes/No buttons</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1188] - Tree Open Animation is incorrect</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1190] - Incorrect default body padding?</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1191] - Layout browser -> Center layout. Auto height not expanding to body contents</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1192] - Complex Layout Example: On load, property grid is selected, but "A Tab" is rendered</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1194] - In a combo box, hitting space inside combobox presents user with a big gray box</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1195] - Need an Combo Box Example with Transforms</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1196] - Combo with Templates and Ajax draws the searching box incorrectly on first load</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1197] - Need an example of a fieldset side by side</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1198] - Wrong Collapse Indicator in Checkbox Radio Groups</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1199] - Bring Back Flash Component (if necessary)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1200] - Combobox in a Menu Dropdown is Flush with Left Edge</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1201] - Submenu is Lost when Resizing Window</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1203] - Ext.Action Example should port the existing Action Example over</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1205] - Cannot read property 'afteredit' of undefined</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1209] - Advanced DataView Example: Animation poofs, it doesn't zoom back to the grid when selecting an item
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1210] - History Example doesn't work</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1214] - Progress bar example needs a blue background</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1216] - Panel Example "Panel as Child" is missing border for header in first child</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1219] - Portal columns disappear when removing all portlets (regression)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1220] - Numeric Axis shows extra</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1222] - Rename Ext.container.Viewport isViewPort property to isViewport</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1223] - GroupGrid does not scroll if using paginggridscroller</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1231] - ComboBox's bound list: Shadow persists when Store is filtered to zero matches and the list shrinks
+ to zero height.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1232] - DatePicker as dropdown from a DateField should dismiss when you press ESC</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1233] - API DOC Browser Class links issue</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1235] - Testing: Ext.tip.Tip spec fails in IE6-8</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1237] - Move Rob's framing command over to use jarred's new tool</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1239] - Need to implement .x-small-editor sizing for form fields</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1240] - Regression on rotated labels (check the area select example in test/ui)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1243] - Fix a bug where NodeInterface decorate would always override data fields in your Model, even if
+ they already existed.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1245] - ComboBox selectOnTab does not work if the field has a value.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1246] - Accordion layout fails with hidden items</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1247] - MessageBox doesn't work with animateTarget</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1249] - Grid column resize indicators don't show when used inside border layout</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1250] - Combo with no value returns empty array</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1251] - Phantom records should not be added to removed</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1252] - Border Layout collapseMode mini positioning incorrect</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1253] - Tree needs checkchange event</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1254] - Grouping needs to refresh the scroller on grid expand/collapse</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1255] - MessageBox reacts to enter keypress even when hidden</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1257] - Unable to control whether or not the checkbox is shown for certain rows with CheckboxModel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1258] - Setting border false on grid, headerCt still keeps borders</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1260] - DirectProxy doesn't accept string paramOrder</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1261] - Reconfigure breaks when used with locked columns</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1263] - Window body is slightly different color than window frame</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1264] - The grid-plugins example takes a long time in IE 6 to display the grids and scrollbars</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1265] - Tabs are broken with draw/Logos.html in IE 8.0</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1266] - Row Editing broken when not specifying an editor</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1267] - Framing for the access example is broken in some browsers</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1268] - Grouping Feature - Events provide no context, aren't fired on the grid</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1272] - Add extra string methods to Ext.util.Format so they can be used with templates</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1273] - Dragging and Dropping Panels in the Portal Example lose Tools</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1274] - Identify and fix transitory Table View memory leak in IE6 &IE7</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1279] - Nested Windows not hiding themselves when floatParent (tab) hides.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1280] - Window that is a child of TabPanel doesn't get hidden when Tab is switched, not hiding itself when
+ its floatParent hides.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1281] - DataView#ItemOver tracking does not always detect onItemMouseLeave</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1282] - Specifying groupable:false on a column definition has no effect</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1283] - Identify and Fix transient memory leak in the HtmlEditor</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1284] - Borders are no longer correct.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1285] - Messagebox text not wrapping properly.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1286] - Fieldsets too large in HBox layout in Firefox</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1288] - Chart axes and line not aligned</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1289] - RowEditor - option to prevent moving editor to new row when there are pending changes</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1290] - setClosable on Tab will not remove element</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1292] - beforeshow recursion and error</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1296] - Several tree examples are failing in IE (all versions)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1297] - Hard Error: Not implemented error seen with IE 8</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1298] - ComboBox dropdown has horrible rendering artifacts in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1299] - ComboBox triggerAction:'all' not working after list has been filtered</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1301] - PropertyGrid throws error when editing</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1303] - Model constructor needs to support array data</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1304] - ButtonGroup styling is not perfect. issue with header</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1305] - TreePanel.selectPath fails</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1306] - RowEditing example - migrate 3.3 example so it is the same</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1307] - RowEditing - make animation speed more like 3.3 by default</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1308] - Sub-menu menu is not aligned properly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1309] - Menus are misaligned in buttons</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1310] - Disabling form does not disable radios and check boxes</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1311] - Tab scroller arrows are not correctly aligned</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1312] - Central tab panel in the themes example has tabs that are too wide</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1314] - Forum browser has 2px blue border on left edge of grid</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1315] - Collapse icons disappear when moving a portlet</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1316] - Panel expand icon is positioned 1px/2px too low</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1318] - Gap between buttons in a window is too small</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1319] - Locking grid borders are wrong</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1323] - Menu Submenus can get out of alignment</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1324] - Status Bar breaks easily</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1325] - Status bar date too low</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1326] - QuickTips close button missing a bottom border</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1327] - Floater.js should not reopen a floating component based solely on its visible state prior to hiding
+ its floatParent
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1329] - Vertical header text in IE9 is the wrong font</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1330] - RowEditor is missing panel frame corners on bottom left/right of buttons</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1332] - Application.getController not using Ext.Loader</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1333] - Locking grid doesn't get viewConfig from the GridPanel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1334] - Tip + Window issues</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1335] - Stroke opacity in VML</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1336] - RowExpander removes other features</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1338] - Grid doesn't disable properly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1339] - Store needs clear event - should be fired after a removeAll</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1340] - Area chart showing incorrect values</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1341] - TabPanel without borders has odd looking headers</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1342] - ColorPicker selected class not correct in CSS</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1344] - Grid Editing with checkbox editor shows cell contents</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1345] - Editor revertInvalid doesn't default to true like the docs say</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1346] - Bad global variable detected by test reporter in AbstractComponent</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1347] - Browser resizer interferes with textarea</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1350] - RowEditor should disable its update button when there are validation errors</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1353] - Desktop Example does not work with dynamic loader (only ext-all)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1354] - Can't assign idProperty when creating implicit fields</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1355] - Can't destroy grid with DD</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1356] - Collapsed grid crashes when expanded</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1357] - Combo needs a hiddenName property</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1358] - RowEditor - very quick grid view scroll prior to full rendering results in an error</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1359] - Framed buttons (IE 6-8) lose their styles when focused or mouseovered</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1361] - on tree.Panel the scroller element still has a border when bodyBorder is set to 0</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1365] - Transparency is not working in the slicer tool</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1367] - There is no styling for overflowHandler Scroller for Toolbar (used by Desktop example)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1371] - Radio buttons look like stars for the access theme</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1372] - Tooltips with more than text configuration do not work reliably on Chrome, Safari and IE</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1373] - Default window background is incorrect?</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1374] - Button group needs more right margin</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1376] - htmleditor font combo stays above all content in IE6 (only)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1377] - Grid column dropped into wrong place when inserting into a locked area</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1378] - Locking grid: crashes when you drag a column to the first column index</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1379] - Make upgrade guide clear that form submission must now use the API</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1381] - Create a test for toolbars in every situation</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1382] - Masking behavior not correct in theme viewer example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1383] - Vertical text is cut off if the panel is collapsed</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1385] - Icon in tree has incorrect padding</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1386] - Double triggers seem in example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1387] - Double pixel border on the left side of the accordion panel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1388] - Need to add a UI test to make sure a framed grid can have rounded corners</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1393] - Pie chart needs to deal with 0 values</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1394] - Portlet z-index issues when dragging</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1395] - Tree doesn't setup all dependencies</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1397] - Locking doesn't provide a centralized view</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1399] - RowEditor buttons &grid scroller have an issue in Opera 11.01 only</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1400] - menu.Manager::get, variable undefined</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1402] - Sprite doesn't clean up draggable</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1403] - SplitButton - overArrow flag gets stuck</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1404] - GridPanel should have getStore method</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1405] - Button onMenuTriggerOver/Out is not accurate</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1407] - RowNumberer - needs a better way to determine the row number</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1408] - Organizer example: Dropping the same image into an album twice throws a hard error</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1409] - RowEditor throws an error when starting a new edit after a previously failed validation</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1410] - RowEditor must update its error summary tooltip for changes to the same field</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1411] - Access theme needs image for number field trigger buttons</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1416] - Adding a docked:top toolbar tp a headerPosition:right panel/window causes a bug</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1418] - Inconsistent look for accordions header titles between browsers</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1419] - Inconsistent direction from dark to light for gradient colors in the Logos example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1422] - TabPanel has incorrect bottom border</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1423] - Divider line in toolbar is not vertically centered, also doesn't look correct</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1426] - No gap between the accordion headers in Safari 4.0</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1427] - GridEditing: Column to use editor, field or some other name</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1429] - The >> button is not vertically centered in the overflow toolbar examples</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1430] - overItemCls not working</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1432] - Trailing comma in forum/forum.html example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1436] - Grid sorting icons slightly mispositioned</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1438] - Grid column header text slightly mispositioned in all IEs</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1439] - Window buttons have an ugly border in IE6 and IE7</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1440] - Rest proxy doesn't respect api config</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1441] - Vertical toolbar separators margin is incorrect. Seems to get more on the bottom</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1442] - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'bringToFront' of undefined</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1444] - Vertical toolbars need to have no margin on the bottom, not the right</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1445] - li style disc not set when using styleHtmlContent</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1446] - /core gets doubled up in the distributed package</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1447] - Form DirectLoad callback fires twice</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1448] - Borders need help</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1449] - Grid Locking and Sorting not in SYNC FF4</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1450] - Accordion bottom border incorrect</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1451] - Legend renders incorrectly in Chart FF4.0</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1452] - Drag and Drop broken in FF4 organizer example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1453] - Vertical header text in FF is the wrong font</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1455] - theme example doesn't select a theme on first load, it seems.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1456] - ComboBox remains open after selection in grid cell editing</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1457] - createBuffered ignores scope</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1458] - File field crashes when you use disabled: true</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1461] - Highlight on charts uses the same window shadow?</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1462] - Legend doesn't renable a value FF4</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1463] - Menu issues on FF when messing with charts</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1464] - Flicker on Animation of Window Showing and incorrect initial position of windows</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1465] - ComboBox in a menu does not react correctly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1466] - Leaves a menu up when using the color picker in an overflow</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1467] - Status bar too short</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1468] - Selection range implemented poorly</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1469] - ComboBox with remote search example does not act intuitively</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1470] - Remove Simple MVC example from examples</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1475] - Vertical separators in toolbars are missing in quirks mode in IE (all versions)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1477] - Left border is missing in draw/Sencha.html example in strict/transitional modes in IE 6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1478] - Broken form/check-radio.html example in IE 6 &7 in strict/transitional DOCTYPE modes</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1479] - Zero top/bottom padding in toolbar for the search field -- all browsers affected</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1482] - Ext.draw.CompositeSprite.setStyle problem</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1483] - The forum/forum.html example is broken in IE 6 with strict/transitional DOCTYPEs</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1486] - Tree header shows a 1px border when no column headers, works for grid</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1487] - Toolbar separators are not visible in quirks.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1488] - Web Desktop needs to have a blue background</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1489] - Desktop example windows don't open smoothly, can't be closed</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1490] - Desktop example taskbar buttons not well aligned</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1491] - Remove extra bordering on the grid window on Desktop example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1492] - Accordion text and border colors incorrect</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1493] - Remove border around desktop's example's accordion window toolbar</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1494] - Extra padding between cells in IE 6/7 (first grid) when using strict or transitional DOCTYPEs.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1495] - Desktop example accordion breaks layout</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1497] - Desktop example's Notepad window has a double border</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1498] - Desktop example's logo has too high z-index</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1500] - Desktop example is not listed in the examples page</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1505] - Menu doesn't fire deactivate</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1506] - The theme viewer example is failing in Safari on Snow Leopard</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1507] - Menu Checkbox hideOnClick</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1508] - Accordion is broken in desktop example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1509] - Resizing the portal example fails in Safari on Snow Leopard</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1512] - Drag &Drop broken with the organizer example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1513] - Tabs are broken with Webkit in the key feed viewer example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1514] - Clicking on tabs creates a big dark-blue border box around it in Safari on Snow Leopard</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1515] - Border line is missing for content area in new tabs</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1517] - Scrollbar does not reappear after expanding a collapsed grid in example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1518] - Combo-box in Cell Editing Grid Example is Failing with Safari on Snow Leopard</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1519] - Scrollbar disappears after unchecking "Show in Groups" and checking again "Show in Groups"</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1520] - ZIndexManager: Dynamic Load depends on Ext.window.Window</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1521] - Collapsing invisible root node of tree w/vertical scrollbar throws null reference exception</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1525] - Previous pull-down menus do not unhighlight when clicking on the next one</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1526] - Custom Grid Filters: Object doesn't support this property or method</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1527] - The bottom toolbar in the Calendar component just doesn't look right</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1529] - Height in toolbar is not tall enough to clearly show the icon after searching</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1530] - Last row in charting tooltip is clipped</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1531] - Blank spot seen in examples page with IE 8.0</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1532] - Vertical header SVG element too small, clips text</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1534] - x-column-header-open class not being removed from column header when column menu hides.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1538] - Scrollbar is missing when loading 20 items -- all items are clipped</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1539] - Transparency is not working for panels on a gray background</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1541] - Patient data is lost after drag &drop and sorting on a grid column</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1542] - Sencha icon on Desktop example has black underline (the shadow) in IE6-8</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1543] - Panel acts like it has a X+Y value set when rendered in a autoScroll div</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1547] - Buttons in DatePicker are not vertically centered -- has zero padding below the buttons</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1548] - Custom Layout under Checkbox Groups is blank</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1549] - Buttons do not unhighlight after clicking on them and moving the mouse away from it</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1550] - Nested Panels not laying out child grids until resize occurs</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1554] - The header looks bad after collapsing the window</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1555] - Last column header needs right border</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1556] - Remove Associations example from examples</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1559] - Need to include appropriate video in Desktop example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1561] - Double borders initially, then single border when clicking on the next header</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1562] - Collapse icon does not relocate after resizing the browser window</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1563] - onReady Handling is Different than in 3.3</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1565] - Tooltip is clipped for the Toolbar with Menus example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1566] - The close button has no effect on the panel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1571] - JS error in when deleting a row in restful example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1572] - Split buttons stay highlighted after clicking and moving the mouse away from it</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1573] - Several border lines are missing in the feed-viewer example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1574] - emptyText in the fields are not vertically centered in IE 6/7/8</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1575] - Right side of tab bar is not flushed in IE 7 &IE 6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1576] - The grid header in the 2nd grid is taller than the header in the first grid</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1578] - Double border-lines around frame</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1579] - Double border-lines around bottom toolbar</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1581] - Grid editor's input fields now have incorrect padding since a recent change to grid cell padding
+ style.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1582] - Last grid in grid-plugins example should enable remove button if a row is selected.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1583] - Framed Panel's body border color wrong.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1584] - Horizontal splitter too tall in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1585] - htmleditor body stays visible when containing window is minimized in IE6-8</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1586] - Border line is missing beneath the panel header -- all browsers</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1587] - Border line is missing above all three panel headers including sides -- all browsers</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1588] - Tree in accordion window of desktop example has double border</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1590] - Scatter chart doesn't render with a Time axis</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1591] - IE6 tooltip width aren't calculated properly on ie6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1592] - Accordion items bottom border doesn't fit the accordion width (IE6)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1594] - Scrollers at any level under a panel with no borders has no borders.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1596] - Organizer Example: the left tree panel must be scrollable</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1597] - Modal layer does not block access to select elements on page n IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1598] - Ext.core.Element needs to be aliased to Ext.Element for backwards compability</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1599] - MsgBox prompt right margin is almost nothing in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1600] - Window always tries to call toFront on mousedown, even with floating:false</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1602] - Link to new vertical toolbar example is broken in examples page</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1604] - Row expander doesn't work with IE Quirk</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1605] - Menu with single item has way too much bottom padding in IE6 and a little too much in IE8</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1606] - Inaccurate Ext.Loader error message thrown when files have been loaded but the corresponding
+ classes are not defined
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1607] - StatusBar example clips iconCls in IE (all versions)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1608] - Mouse wheel scroll through expanded combo generates JS error in IE6 and IE7</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1609] - Cell editing: When you move a column while you're editing an error is thrown and field is still
+ visible
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1610] - Grouping Header: Columns with flex 1 move bug</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1611] - Header/Column alignment issue</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1612] - Clicking in htmleditor of Notepad window in desktop example does not raise the window to the top
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1613] - Bar Chart in Chrome renders bars below the axis</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1614] - Double click on a bar chart keep it highlighted in Form Dashboard example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1616] - Body mask does not mask select input in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1617] - IE6 resizable west handler height change only after resizing</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1619] - Slider shows duplicate tooltip</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1620] - Items don't re-layout when expanded</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1621] - Fix SVG and VML classes to match our naming conventions</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1624] - Stack overflow (out of memory) reported by IE 6/7/8 with the portal example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1625] - Garbage Collector wrongly removes listeners for iframe document</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1627] - Hard Error: Object has no method 'getField'</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1628] - Support dynamic framing on IE.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1629] - disabled text in toolbar buttons don't look disabled in modern browsers (non-IE)</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1633] - No padding (left/right) for text in document body</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1636] - View source links get mixed when classes have same name</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1639] - Statusbar steals focus</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1642] - Boxreorderer crashes when mousing down on the toolbar</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1644] - examples/app/simple/simple.html Editing window always stretch its width to 100% of the viewport in
+ all IEs, but not other browsers.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1645] - Can't save a second time in writer example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1653] - Loader paths incorrect</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1655] - Component animation not working</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1661] - The Card (TabPanel)'s bar is shown having a white background. Normally is blue in this example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1662] - A borderline is shown falsely in the fit layout inside the layout-browser example</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1663] - Ext.grid.Section not used</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1664] - Grid sorting menus are grayed out -- doesn't look right</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1670] - TemplateColumn doesn't use associated data</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1671] - Listeners not cleared when setting null target</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1673] - Grid window vscroll border off by 1 on right and bottom</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1675] - Border line is seen in panels -- was never there before -- first time</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1678] - Component animation, when animating only one size dimension throws "Warning, size detected as NaN
+ on Element.addUnits."
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1683] - Border lines are missing top and sides with examples/state/state.html</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1684] - Field widths were the same before, not now with statusbar/statusbar-advanced.html</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1685] - Form validation super slow</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1687] - The supplied RowExpander's event are not very useful.</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1688] - idProperty not working on ArrayReader</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1690] - Grid scrollbars have double border</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1691] - Configuring tooltips on line chart with trackMouse: false throws error</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1692] - Hard Error: New desktop example. Click on About Ext JS in start menu in IE 8 and then close the
+ video window
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1693] - Main example pointer page needs to be updated</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1695] - Desktop example - accordion widow hit the refresh while collapsed</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1697] - Desktop example - in notepad, increase/decrease font only works 1 time</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1698] - Desktop example - in notepad, font color/background doesn't work</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1699] - Theme example - toggle enable button doesn't look disabled</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1700] - About window - open more than one time</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1701] - Mask should not displayed in collapsed panel</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1702] - Theme viewer needs to reload when changing to access theme</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1704] - Selecting a tree node throws an error</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1705] - Dragging multiple elements in organizer example does not work in IE7</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1706] - Portal example - moving the portlet is really slow</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1710] - Fix accessibility theme</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1714] - Grid row editing is completely broken</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1718] - RowEditor display broken</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1721] - Grid plugin example - select all, down arrow, throws exception</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1722] - Date picker - typing text into date field throws exception</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1724] - Key feed viewer throws exception at loading. IE6 only</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1728] - Ext Toolbar Action Example - Change Text throws exception</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1731] - Window drag/drop leaks iframe shim in IE 6.0</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1741] - Sliding pager does not display in IE6</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1742] - Missing "-debug" in regex check of ext-debug.js</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1744] - ZINdexManager: unregister this.list is null</li>
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1748] - MessageBoxWindow autosizing probably needs a fudge factor to avoid unwanted word wrapping.</li>
+ <li>Enhancements
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-174] - Implement getChecked on TreeView and TreePanel as soon as Tree filtering is implemented.
- <li>Fix TwinTriggerField rendering in WebKit browsers.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-854] - Improve chart renderer API</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-904] - Optimization to make Component tpls not be compiled until needed</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1112] - Consider cleaning up the panel/panel example, bad examples</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1256] - Improve performance of loading big trees. Support appending and inserting parents with
+ inline children.
- <li>Add missing sort indicator image for the gray theme (for listview).
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1262] - Rename insert to insertChild on NodeInterface for consistency.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1351] - Initial hidden config doesn't hide tab</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1364] - Support folderSort on TreePanel. Support passing a store configuration.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1380] - When extending, the requires config doesn't accept wildcards.</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1412] - Add beforedestroy and destroy events to Sprites</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1413] - Document remove/removeAll methods in Surface. Add optional boolean to destroy sprites
+ upon removal.
- <li>Fix border layout collapsed icon position for IE in quirks mode.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1414] - draggable option on a Sprite will now call initDraggable when it is added to a surface.
- <li>Pivot panel now works with the gray theme.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-105] - Added Bubble Panel Example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-117] - Added Web Desktop Example</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-218] - Theme Builder / Page Slicer - Packaged for Windows, OS X, and Linux</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-221] - Fixed transitory XHR memory leak in IE6 & IE7</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-839] - Created App Builder script</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-875] - JSON.decode "safe" mode implemented</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1234] - Panel implements iconchange event</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1275] - Ext.tab.TabBar renamed to Ext.tab.Bar</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1276] - Ext.AbstractDataView renamed to Ext.view.AbstractView and Ext.DataView renamed to
+ Ext.view.View
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1277] - Ext.AbstractContainer renamed to Ext.container.AbstractContainer and Ext.AbstractPanel
+ renamed to Ext.panel.AbstractPanel
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1363] - Package EXT JS 4 SDK Tools download for all OSes</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1389] - Generated distributable binaries for PhantomJS that work cross-platform</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1415] - The remove method on a sprite will now only remove it from a surface. The destroy
+ method will no longer remove and destroy the sprite.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1603] - New thumbnail for the Tree Selections example</li>
- <h3>
- Data
- </h3>
+ </li>
+ <li>Documentation Improvements
- <li>For XmlReader, added the ability to use a function for a mapping, same as JsonReader.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-724] - Ext.data.NodeStore docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-729] - Ext.direct.Event docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-730] - Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-731] - Ext.direct.JsonProvider docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-732] - Ext.direct.RemotingEvent docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-733] - Ext.direct.RemotingMethod docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-734] - Ext.draw.Component docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-735] - Ext.draw.Sprite docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-736] - Ext.draw.SpriteGroup docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-737] - Ext.draw.Surface docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-738] - Ext.fx.Anim docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-740] - Ext.fx.Easing docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-741] - Ext.grid.column.Column docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-742] - Ext.grid.column.Template docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-744] - Ext.grid.feature.Feature docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-745] - Ext.grid.feature.Grouping docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-746] - Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-747] - Ext.grid.feature.Summary docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-749] - Ext.grid.ColumnLayout docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-752] - Ext.grid.GridView docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-756] - There is no class documentation for "version".</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-757] - Inadequate documentation for ModelMgr</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-758] - Ext.layout.container.Anchor docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-759] - Inadequate documentation for ComponentLoader</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-764] - Ext.panel.Tool docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-770] - Inadequate documentation in util.route</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-776] - Ext.util.Cookies docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-779] - Ext.util.Format docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-782] - Ext.util.Stateful docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-783] - Ext.view.TableView docs</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1068] - Links in the tree link to 404 pages</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1069] - Link back to doc index</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1070] - Ext.app.Application.autoCreateViewport type</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1077] - Link bad in Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1221] - Error in example in Ext.grid.RowNumberer Doc</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1224] - Architecture & MVC Guide, links are not created</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1225] - Class System Guide has PI wrong</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1226] - Class tree not loading</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1228] - Search for Panel does not show Ext.grid.Panel</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1230] - Search for 'quick' results in old Ext.tip.QuickTips also</li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-1241] - Fix misc documentation issues</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 Beta 3
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: April 14, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0beta3
+ New In This Release
+ <li>New Examples
+ <div style="margin-left: 2em">
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/app/feed-viewer/feed-viewer.html">MVC Feed Viewer</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/app/nested-loading/nested-loading.html">MVC Nested Data</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/data/associations.html">Lazy Loading Data Associations</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/property.html">Property Grid</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/transform-dom.html">HTML Table to ExtJS Grid</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+<li>Bug Fixes
+<li>[EXTJSIV-664][EXTJSIV-645] Fix Organizer and GroupTabs examples
+<li>Header icon and vertical title text should no longer be focusable
+<li>[EXTJSIV-550] Fix Column layout to accurately arrange columns, taking scrollbars into account
+<li>Fixed inheritableStatics for full inheritance tree
+<li>Removed focus line from buttons in IE
+<li>[EXTJSIV-177] Fixed disabled toolbar buttons
+<li>[EXTJSIV-676] Removed icon cls's from buttons in themes examples
+<li>Add additional CSS class when border is set to false for the HeaderContainer
+<li>[EXTJSIV-650] Fix double border issue with tree items
+<li>[EXTJSIV-696] TreeStore nodes no longer use a fixed id
+<li>[EXTJSIV-688] Fixed focus issue with datepicker
+<li>[EXTJSIV-683] Fixed collapsed vertical panel header image
+<li>[EXTJSIV-678] Fixed css issue with the history example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-603] Work around the brutal IE9 Strict mode subpixel rounding bug which can cause wrapping issues (similar
+ to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458617)
+<li>[EXTJSIV-700] XTemplate should now handle dot (.) syntax for date objects as well. Since a date will yield a typeof
+ of "object", we can't distinguish it from other "object" types; so we use the object prototype toString, in
+ Ext.isDate
+<li>[EXTJSIV-671] TablePanel will not stop the mousewheel browser event when its reached the end of the scroll
+ height/width. Also, the grid will only scroll when scrolling above the scroller and the view (not the headers, panel
+ header, etc.)
+<li>[EXTJSIV-677] Editor shouldn't be hiding/showing its field, merely itself. This fixes positioning issues as well as
+ the editor being still visible and floating over content, making it impossible to click to the things underneath of
+ it
+<li>[EXTJSIV-702] RowEditor should vertically align itself to a row based on its y offset to its top-most static parent,
+ not just its immediate parent (table)
+<li>[EXTJSIV-704] Prevent duplicate tabchange events from firing
+<li>[EXTJSIV-705] Fix problem with Shadow class calculations
+<li>[EXTJSIV-706] Fix issue when destroying a grid
+<li>[EXTJSIV-698] Prevent error in WebKit when destroying a HtmlEditor if its iframe has already been removed from the
+ document
+<li>[EXTJSIV-713] TableView now only makes the table unselectable, not the entire gridview element
+<li>[EXTJSIV-442] Allow scrolling of the locked section of locked Grids/Trees
+<li>[EXTJSIV-720] Series now follows the standard Observable mixin pattern
+<li>[EXTJSIV-603] Fix Ext.core.Element createChild to support table first child insertion in IE
+<li>[EXTJSIV-789] Fix issue with window hide callback scope
+<li>[EXTJSIV-790] Fix an issue with not being able to specify a cls on a tree
+<li>Fixed the checkChangeEvents in IE6
+<li>[EXTJSIV-682] Remove a Gecko 3 hack that is no longer necessary
+<li>[EXTJSIV-689] Fix bug in OS X where grid/tree scrollers would stop responding.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-648][EXTJSIV-684] Auto-width fields must set the width of their outer element to match the total width of
+ their internal contents, to prevent wrapping of the pieces during layout operations which would cause calculated
+ heights to be too tall. Re-added the getBodyNaturalWidth method to support this, and changed the implementations
+ where possible to avoid querying element sizes for optimum speed
+<li>[EXTJSIV-709] Grid row height will be preserved even if the row is empty
+<li>[EXTJSIV-804] Fix cycle button initial positioning in example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-710] Fix ItemSelector button behaviours
+<li>[EXTJSIV-797] Handle forceSelection in multiSelect ComboBoxes
+<li>[EXTJSIV-675] Grid and Tree will now remove/add the scrollOffset spacing when it is necessary
+<li>[EXTJSIV-817] Fix TablePanel applyState to not setWidth on an unrendered component
+<li>[EXTJSIV-192] Allow button layout to run when its text has changed; this allows min/maxWidth to be applied based on
+ the new text length
+<li>[EXTJSIV-553] Fix dragging out of group header
+<li>[EXTJSIV-275] Fixed position of monthpicker on datepicker
+<li>[EXTJSIV-802] Fix Summary Grid Example padding
+<li>[EXTJSIV-826] Ensure that x-grid-cell-first and x-grid-cell-last css classes are added to the TableView markup at
+ creation time
+<li>[EXTJSIV-590] Infinite Scrolling can now scroll all the way to the bottom in IE9 strict mode
+<li>[EXTJSIV-822] Support unstyled configuration on Panel
+<li>[EXTJSIV-833] Fix bug where old selection would jump into focus when performing a multi select on a
+ dataview/grid/tree that was out of view
+<li>[EXTJSIV-808] Increase default css button padding (6px)
+<li>[EXTJSIV-809] Add Ext.ns() to the Ext.direct remoting echo
+<li>[EXTJSIV-828] Fix issue when dragging/dropping onto the same grid
+<li>[EXTJSIV-841] Fix duplicate method name in plugin
+<li>[EXTJSIV-842] When show is called on the tab, set it to active. Also ensure listeners are cleaned up when the tab is
+ removed
+<li>[EXTJSIV-850] Fix issue when using treenode with leaf: false and children
+<li>[EXTJSIV-635] Prevent two LoadMask indicators showing up when using the Locking plugin and dynamic loading
+<li>Fix a bug in ComponentQuery.query.is method where it would start searching within a root for a query that contained
+ the root itself
+<li>[EXTJSIV-801] Fixed issue with rotated axis text
+<li>[EXTJSIV-11] Made vertical heights and spacing of form fields consistent in all browsers
+<li>[EXTJSIV-846] Fix combineErrors option in FieldContainer, and prevent prepending of colon to errors for fields
+ without a fieldLabel
+<li>[EXTJSIV-825] Fix issue with grouptabs titles seen with IE 7
+<li>[EXTJSIV-819] Fixed auto-height sizing in Body component layout
+<li>[EXTJSIV-820] Fix issue with Ext.util.Format.usMoney not inserting commas into the returned string
+<li>[EXTJSIV-862] Fix up shadow/positioning issues in the data view editor example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-876] Fix an issue where all grid columns can be hidden via the menu
+<li>[EXTJSIV-879] Move sync to be the last operation for add/remove methods on the store
+<li>[EXTJSIV-640] Ensure we keep track of the number of fields in the reader. Since the tree decorates the model, it can
+ cause problems when running the extractor functions
+<li>[EXTJSIV-857] Fix Window autoShow
+<li>[EXTJSIV-577] Fix up styling to prevent unneeded scrollbar
+<li>[EXTJSIV-234] Fix up margins on DatView example
+<li>Fix issues with the file upload example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-649] Work around quirks mode inability to display margins
+<li>[EXTJSIV-837] Fixed Tab Scroller Menu Plugin improper access to class prototype from an instance
+<li>[EXTJSIV-883] Fix all examples which references setIconClass to setIconCls
+<li>[EXTJSIV-639] Workaround for IE's inability to size position:absolute elements to their content width
+<li>[EXTJSIV-849] Fixes for editable:false state on ComboBox and other Picker fields
+<li>[EXTJSIV-890] Fix toolbar separator in Direct example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-796] Dock layouts within a fit layout will now properly layout
+<li>[EXTJSIV-867] Fix bug where injected grouping menu would be lost after a refresh of the Grid
+<li>[EXTJSIV-1] Fix SVG rendering bug in Safari 3.2
+<li>[EXTJSIV-914] Fix bug where attempting to sort a header with no dataIndex would throw an error
+<li>[EXTJSIV-871] Fix GridPanel to only add its View after the Grid has achieved its final laid out size
+<li>[EXTJSIV-892] Added workaround for persistent button element padding in Windows Safari
+<li>[EXTJSIV-905] Fixed handling of file upload fields to allow uploads across multiple submits
+<li>[EXTJSIV-843] Fix masking on containers with layout auto
+<li>[EXTJSIV-906] Ensure the snapshot is kept up to date when receiving a response from the server
+<li>[EXTJSIV-908] Ensure filtering is set when there's at least one filter
+<li>[EXTJSIV-371] Fix CellEditing tab navigation in WebKit
+<li>[EXTJSIV-639] Take frame size into account when sizing vertical docks according to content
+<li>[EXTJSIV-921] Fix vertical centering of multi-line button text
+<li>[EXTJSIV-930] Fix validation of Number field when changing from an invalid string to an empty string
+<li>[EXTJSIV-902] Add markInvalid and clearInvalid methods to Ext.form.Field mixin interface; implement them in
+ CheckboxGroup to prevent errors when Ext.form.Basic tries to call them
+<li>[EXTJSIV-909] Fix marker strokes disappearing on highlight
+<li>[EXTJSIV-954] Fixed issue when using disabled: true in a Slider config
+<li>[EXTJSIV-870] Fixed forceSelection so that it re-selects the last selection rather than clearing the value when the
+ entered value does not match. Fixed remote stores so that the combobox's value is not cleared when the store loads.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-931] The findRecord method now does an exact search rather than substring search
+<li>[EXTJSIV-962] Ext.Direct grid money column align: 'right'.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-940] Make the button layout's test for html tags in button text a little smarter. Fixes error in
+ LiveSearchGridPanel in IE6
+<li>[EXTJSIV-639] Fix for panel collapse left/right when frame is true
+<li>[EXTJSIV-872] MessageBox Window prompt now processes the "OK" button when you press return in the prompt field
+<li>The setSrc now correctly changes the src attribute of the dom property of the Et.core.Element
+<li>[EXTJSIV-918] RowExpander will not select rows when expanding via the icon by default. This is configurable via the
+ selectRowOnExpand configuration. Fixed a bug with expandOnDblClick configuration
+<li>[EXTJSIV-964] Resizable Panels are no longer resizable when they are collapsed
+<li>[EXTJSIV-144] Fix issue with stacked negative bar/column chart axis
+<li>[EXTJSIV-948] Disable rendering of sprites into the surface if they are not attached to a surface yet
+<li>[EXTJSIV-969] roundToDecimal has to be explicitly set to false in order to render non numbers in a Numeric axis
+<li>Decouple Ext.Function.createBuffered from Ext.util.DelayedTask
+<li>[EXTJSIV-946] Fix an issue where cursors where still being displayed on resizable handles, even if they were
+ disabled
+<li>[EXTJSIV-965] Fixed Gauge align axis bug
+<li>[EXTJSIV-912] Resolve misalignment of headers and gridview in IE 6, 7 and 9.
+<li>[EXTJSIV-973] Fix bug that occurred when there were less records in total than the pageSize when using a
+ PagingScroller
+ <li>Performance Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Optimized Class, ClassManager, and Loader for better performance
+ </li>
+ <li>Optimized Class preprocessors
+ </li>
+ <li>Optimized Array for better performance
+ </li>
+ <li>Optimized Object for better performance
+ </li>
+ <li>Optimized Base for better performance
+ </li>
+ <li>Optimized Ext (core methods) for better performance
+ </li>
+ <li>EventObject's pageX/pageY now performs its calculations only when needed
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove unnecessary closure and callback from Model
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed onpropertychange listener from the input before layout and restore it after, to prevent
+ excessive firing due to attribute/style changes during layout. The was causing a large performance issue
+ IE fields (~300% faster rendering, ~3000% faster resizing).
- <li>Cleanup variables in store.
+ <li>Fixed an issue in the detection of improper native array sorting (bugs in Chrome 5 and Safari 3) which
+ caused the framework to always use a non-native sort. Resulting in a ~500% improvement when sorting
+ (drastic improvement with large data sets such as those used in the BufferedGrid example)
+ </li>
+ <li>Optimized XTemplate compilation to occur at render time
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue with framing templates not being put onto the prototype after compilation and being
+ compiled for every component instance
- <h3>
- Date
- </h3>
+ </li>
+ <li>Enhancements
- <li>Fix a that causes date parsing to fail when AM/PM is included before the time part.
+ <li>MVC examples added (feed viewer and nested data), new application architecture guide added
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-661] Ported FeedViewer example to the new MVC structure
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-72] Implemented PropertyGrid as Ext.grid.property.Grid and associated classes in
+ Ext.grid.property
+ </li>
+ <li>Replaced Javascript 'new' with Ext.create throughout library and examples
+ </li>
+ <li>Added onClassExtended callback for the extend pre-processor
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Model class to use onClassExtended and onAfterClass extended instead of postprocessors
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-669] Reinstate the validateOnBlur config option for form fields
+ </li>
+ <li>Added alternateClassName for Ext.form.action.Action
+ </li>
+ <li>Added minor tick example for lines and minor ticks capability for chart axes
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-407] Added basic drag and drop capabilities to sprites
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-685] Added an 'uncheckedValue' config to Ext.form.Checkbox, which allows specifying a value to
+ be submitted in the form when the checkbox is unchecked
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-42] Added href/hrefTarget support for tree nodes
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-644] Remove duplicate code in ElementLoader
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-691] Lockable is now a mixin for any grid
+ </li>
+ <li>Model can now be defined on the store prototype
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-655] RowEditing will work with fields/editors that are object configs with no xtype specified
+ (defaults to textfield), or straight xtype strings (wraps into an object config accordingly)
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-175] Implement expandAll/collapseAll/selectPath/expandPath on tree
+ </li>
+ <li>Cell editing now works with Trees
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement configuration option to disable dblclick toggling on Tree nodes
+ </li>
+ <li>Add standard Ext.Error class to handle error messages
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-711] Add 'scrollToLoadBuffer' configuration to PagingScrollbar. This is the time in
+ milliseconds to buffer load requests when scrolling the PagingScrollbar
+ </li>
+ <li>Element getWidth and getHeight now allows the return of precise measurements (subpixel) for browsers
+ which support subpixels
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-646] Add getHeader method to Panel
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-794] Fix tree destroy issue
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Ext.Version with extra value checking and docs
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-791] Allow Component.setLoading method to accept a message String as its first argument
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-708] Fix issue when showing tooltips on a scrolled document
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-805] Fix up unstyled css prefix. Also move setting the baseCls before calling the superclass
+ method
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-803] HeaderContainer ColumnLayout fixes for resetting scrollLeft/scrollTop
+ </li>
+ <li>Added beforeComponentLayout template method to Component
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.DomHelper insertHtml now supports TextNodes properly
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-792] TabPanel will now activate the firstTab by default if no activeTab property is passed
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-690] Set the default minButtonWidth for all Panels to 75 to match Ext3; made minButtonWidth
+ apply as defaults for buttons added via 'fbar' and 'buttons' configs only; updated docs to make
+ minButtonWidth clearer
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-553] Make Header resizing work with flexed Headers, minWidth and forceFit
+ </li>
+ <li>RowEditor is no longer a floating component managed by the zindex manager
+ </li>
+ <li>Chart's factory method for axes is now implemented the same as the series factory method. In addition
+ series and axis types are no longer case sensitive
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-799] Create a processView method in axes that perform aggregation and filtering operations on
+ stores to return a substore to be rendered by the axes
+ </li>
+ <li>Move fadeIn, fadeOut, scale, shift, and pause back into Element. Mark methods for deprecation where
+ appropriate
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-357] Implement support for Drag and Drop of Headers between Locked and Unlocked sections in
+ Grids and Trees
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-844] Allow template to accept member functions/properties when passing an array
+ </li>
+ <li>Add a static create method to Base.js so that you can do Class.create() on any class
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-553] Group headers must have their minWidths synched when child headers are hidden or shown
+ </li>
+ <li>Support inline data on Model definition
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-814] Add setTitle methods to chart axes and series to allow changing titles programmatically
+ </li>
+ <li>Support delayed binding of Stores to DataViews
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-534] PagingScroller will now track the virtualScrollTop and is able to restore it when
+ synchronizing views
+ </li>
+ <li>TreePanel and GridPanel now relay events from their underlying View such as itemclick, itemcontextmenu,
+ etc
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-834] Ext.grid.feature.Grouping tracks expanded/collapsed state after refreshing the view
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-866] Animations will default to 'px' if no units are specified for height, width, top, and left
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-807] Add dynamic grouping to Stores
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-827][EXTJSIV-861] VML now supports image type
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-819] Fix double-margin bug in IE6 for items floated by Column layout
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-793] Fix collapsed Panel still being visible in Accordion layout
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-703] Fix Collapsible border layout not auto collapsing when focus
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-877] Default column.Action to sortable: false
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-174] Implemented getChecked on TreeView and TreePanel
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-878] Fixed an issue when maximizing containers in an ownerCt
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-848] Added a `decimals` option in the Numeric axis that will round to the specified decimals
+ the values in the axis
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-832][EXTJSIV-472] Buttons and tabs: add a span inside the button element to receive the icon
+ styling; prevents the icon from shifting to the northwest when the button is in active state in IE.
+ Other buttons/tabs CSS cleanup as required
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-855] Automatically create an expanded root node if rootVisible is set to false and no root node
+ has been defined
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-816] Added an insert method on NodeInterface
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-869] Added an onRegionTitleChange method to BorderLayout which will update the a header's text
+ whenever a titlechange event is fired
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-829] Support sending back expanded true in Node data. If no children are specified on that
+ node, automatically load the node. Also fixed some bugs related to quickly expanding and collapsing
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-728] Allow the tree to use a proxy as specified on the Model
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-695] Add JsonP class and hook up ScriptTagProxy to use it
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-873] Menu will not show itself if there are no items
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-920] Ext.grid.feature.Grouping disabled configuration will now uncheck the grouping menu item
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-928] Implement qtips on Tree Nodes. Change QuickTips to use the data-qtip attribute instead of
+ ext:qtip. This allows DomQuery to target elements with qtips. This allows us to set qtips on any element
+ on the page instead of just the front most elements
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Ext.Base.borrow method to Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-967] Remove layout.Manager and override the static create method on Ext.layout.Layout to be
+ like a factory method for any type of layout
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-875] Ext.JSON now supports a 'safe' mode
- <h3>
- Grid
- </h3>
+ </li>
+<li>API Changes
+<li>Aliased Ext.value to Ext.valueOf and deprecate the old one
+<li>isLoading method hoisted to AbstractStore so that it is available on TreeStore and Store
+<li>Rename DragDropMgr -> DragDropManager
+<li>Rename ModelMgr -> ModelManager
+<li>Rename TaskMgr -> TaskManager
+<li>Rename ComponentMgr -> ComponentManager
+<li>Rename PluginMgr -> PluginManager
+<li>Rename StoreMgr -> StoreManager
+<li>Rename FocusMgr -> FocusManager
+<li>Rename WindowMgr -> WindowManager
+<li>Rename themeMgr -> themeManager
+<li>Rename ButtonToggleMgr -> ButtonToggleManager
+<li>Rename Ext.menu.MenuMgr -> Ext.menu.manager
+<li>Remove ReaderMgr
+<li>Remove WriterMgr
+<li>In all documentation and examples, Ext.define is now used to define Models, not Ext.regModel
+<li>Move field implementation classes into Ext.form.field.* namespace
+<li>Animate mixin's hasActiveFx renamed to getActiveAnimation and stopFx renamed to stopAnimation
+<li>Removed 'tip' and 'quicktip' xtypes as they should not be added as widgets. QuickTipManager is a singleton. and
+ 'tooltip' is a widget
+<li>Replaced all superclass syntax with callParent where possible throughout library and examples
+<li>[EXTJSIV-853] Rename ToolTip initTarget to setTarget
+<li>Ext.data.JsonReader -> Ext.data.reader.Json
+<li>Ext.data.ArrayReader -> Ext.data.reader.Array
+<li>Ext.data.Reader -> Ext.data.reader.Reader
+<li>Ext.data.XmlReader -> Ext.data.reader.Xml
+<li>Ext.data.AjaxProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.Ajax
+<li>Ext.data.ClientProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.Client
+<li>Ext.data.DirectProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.Direct
+<li>Ext.data.LocalStorageProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.LocalStorage
+<li>Ext.data.RestProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.Rest
+<li>Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.ScriptTag
+<li>Ext.data.ServerProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.Server
+<li>Ext.data.SessionStorageProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.SessionStorage
+<li>Ext.data.WebStorageProxy -> Ext.data.proxy.WebStorage
+<li>Ext.data.XmlWriter -> Ext.data.writer.Xml
+<li>Ext.data.Writer -> Ext.data.writer.Writer
+<li>Ext.chart.Callouts -> Ext.chart.Callout
+<li>Ext.chart.Labels -> Ext.chart.Label
+<li>Ext.chart.Highlights -> Ext.chart.Highlight
+<li>Ext.chart.Tips -> Ext.chart.Tip
+<li>Ext.chart.Shapes -> Ext.chart.Shape
+<li>Ext.data.Proxy -> Ext.data.proxy.Proxy
+<li>Ext.draw.SpriteGroup -> Ext.draw.SpriteComposite
+<li>Ext.fx.PropHandler -> Ext.fx.PropertyHandler
+<li>Ext.fx.target.SpriteGroup -> Ext.fx.target.CompositeSprite
+<li>Ext.data.proxy.ScriptTag -> Ext.data.proxy.JsonP
+<li>Ext.grid.HeaderContainer -> Ext.grid.header.Container
+<li>Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone -> Ext.grid.header.DragZone
+<li>Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone -> Ext.grid.header.DropZone
+<li>Ext.grid.HeaderReorderer -> Ext.grid.header.Reorderer
+<li>Ext.grid.GridPanel -> Ext.grid.Panel
+<li>Ext.menu.DateMenu -> Ext.menu.DatePicker
+<li>Ext.menu.ColorMenu -> Ext.menu.ColorPicker
+<li>Ext.menu.MenuManager -> Ext.menu.Manager
+<li>Ext.panel.TablePanel -> Ext.panel.Table
+<li>Ext.resizer.ResizeHandle -> Ext.resizer.Handle
+<li>Ext.grid.CellEditing -> Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing
+<li>Ext.grid.Editing -> Ext.grid.plugin.Editing
+<li>Ext.grid.GridView -> Ext.grid.View
+<li>Ext.grid.GridViewDropZone -> Ext.grid.ViewDropZone
+<li>Ext.grid.GridPanel -> Ext.grid.Panel
+<li>Ext.grid.RowEditing -> Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing
+<li>Ext.grid.HeaderReorderer -> Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderReorderer
+<li>Ext.grid.HeaderResizer -> Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer
+<li>Ext.grid.GridViewDragDrop -> Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop
+<li>Ext.ImageComponent -> Ext.Img
+<li>Ext.layout.Container -> Ext.layout.container.Container
+<li>Ext.layout.AbstractContainer -> Ext.layout.container.AbstractContainer
+<li>Ext.layout.Component -> Ext.layout.component.Component
+<li>Ext.layout.component.SliderField -> Ext.layout.component.field.Slider
+<li>Ext.layout.component.form.Field -> Ext.layout.component.field.Field
+<li>Ext.layout.component.form.File -> Ext.layout.component.field.File
+<li>Ext.layout.component.form.HtmlEditor -> Ext.layout.component.field.HtmlEditor
+<li>Ext.layout.component.form.Text -> Ext.layout.component.field.Text
+<li>Ext.layout.component.form.TextArea -> Ext.layout.component.field.TextArea
+<li>Ext.layout.component.form.Trigger -> Ext.layout.component.field.Trigger
+<li>Ext.tip.QuickTips -> Ext.tip.QuickTipManager
+<li>Ext.toolbar.PagingToolbar -> Ext.toolbar.Paging
+<li>Ext.tree.SelectionModel -> Ext.selection.TreeModel
+<li>Ext.tree.TreeColumn -> Ext.tree.Column
+<li>Ext.tree.TreePanel -> Ext.tree.Panel
+<li>Ext.tree.TreeView -> Ext.tree.View
+<li>Ext.tree.TreeViewDragZone -> Ext.tree.ViewDragZone
+<li>Ext.tree.TreeViewDropZone -> Ext.tree.ViewDropZone
+<li>Ext.view.TableView -> Ext.view.Table
+<li>Ext.Container.getIndexOfHeader -> Ext.Container.getHeaderIndex
+<li>Ext.Container.getHeaderByIndex -> Ext.Contrainer.getHeaderAtIndex
+<li>Ext,grid.feature.Feature.getTplFragments -> Ext.grid.feature.Feature.getFragmentTpl
+<li>Ext.grid.feature.Grouping.getTplFragments -> Ext.grid.feature.Grouping.getFragmentTpl
+<li>Ext,grid.feature.GroupingSummary.getTplFragments -> Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary.getFragmentTpl
+<li>Ext,grid.feature.Summary.getTplFragments -> Ext.grid.feature.Summary.getFragmentTpl
+<li>Ext,grid.header.Container.getTplFragments -> Ext.grid.header.Container.getFragmentTpl
+<li>Ext.layout.container.Border.getPlaceHolder -> Ext.layout.container.Border.getPlaceholder
+<li>Ext.version.getSimplified -> Ext.version.getShortVersion
+<li>Ext.version.simplified -> Ext.version.shortVersion
+<li>Ext.Object.keyOf -> Ext.Object.getKey
+<li>Ext.String.parseQueryString -> Ext.Object.fromQueryString
+<li>Ext.Version.isSmallerThan -> Ext.Version.isLessThan
+<li>Ext.draw.Surface.newInstance -> Ext.draw.Surface.create
+<li>Ext.util.Inflector.isUncountable -> Ext.util.Inflector.isTransnumeral
+<li>Ext.draw.Surface.positionSpriteInList -> Ext.draw.Surface.normalizeSpriteCollection
+<li>Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection.removeByKey -> Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection.removeAtKey
+<li>Ext.util.HashMap.removeByKey -> Ext.util.HashMap.RemoveAtKey
+<li>Ext.FocusManager.removeWhitelistXType -> Ext.FocusManager.removeWhitelistByXType
+<li>Ext.data.Connection.setupOptions -> Ext.data.Connection.setOptions
+<li>Ext.FocusManager.removeWhitelistXType -> Ext.FocusManager.removeXTypeFromWhitelist
+<li>Ext.FocusManager.addWhitelistXtype -> Ext.FocusManager.addXTypeToWhitelist
+<li>Ext.form.Labelable.applyFieldDefaults -> Ext.form.Lableable.setFieldDefaults
+<li>Ext.form.field.areValuesEqual -> Ext.form.field.isEqual
+<li>Ext.ClassManager.assignNamespace -> Ext.ClassManager.setNamespace
+<li>Ext.menu.Menu.canActivateItem -> Ext.menu.Menu.isActivatable
+<li>Ext.form.Panel.checkChanges -> Ext.form.Panel.checkChange
+<li>Ext.form.Basic.checkDirtyChange -> Ext.form.Basic.checkDirty
+<li>Ext.form.FormPanel -> Ext.form.Panel
+<li>Ext.chart.LegendItem.createSprites -> Ext.chart.LegendItem.createLegend
+<li>Ext.chart.axis.Axis.drawLabels -> Ext.chart.axis.Axis.drawLabel
+<li>Ext.Loader.exist -> Ext.Loader.isCreated
+<li>Ext.grid.header.Container.getColumnsMenu -> Ext.grid.header.Container.getColumnMenu
+<li>Ext.form.field.File.buttonCfg -> Ext.form.field.File.buttonConfig
+<li>Ext.data.proxy.Server.dirParam -> Ext.data.proxy.Server.directionParam
+<li>Ext.grid.feature.Grouping.groupHdTpl -> Ext.grid.feature.Grouping.groupHeaderTpl
+<li>Ext.draw.Surface.implOrder -> Ext.draw.Surface.enginePriority
+<li>Ext.draw.Component.implOrder -> Ext.draw.Component.enginePriority
+<li>Ext.charts.Series.markerCfg -> Ext.chart.Series.markerConfig
+<li>FocusManager.placeHolder -> FocusManager.placeholder
+<li>Panel.placeHolder -> Panel.placeholder
+<li>Border.placeHolder -> Border.placeholder
+<li>Ext.chart.series.Bar.xpadding -> Ext.chart.series.Bar.xPadding
+<li>Ext.chart.series.Bar.ypadding -> Ext.chart.series.Bar.yPadding
+ <li>Documentation Changes
- <li>Fix issues relating to correctly restoring grid state.
+ <li>Added many guides, screenshots, and videos from the Sencha Blog and other sources to the documentation
+ application
+ </li>
+ <li>API documentation screenshots and example updates for (Ext.window.Window, Ext.window.MessageBox,
+ Ext.toolbar.Toolbar, Ext.toolbar.TextItem, Ext.toolbar.Spacer, Ext.toolbar.Separator, Ext.toolbar.Fill,
+ Ext.tab.Panel, Ext.slider.Tip, Ext.slider.Single,Ext.slider.Multi, Ext.resizer.Resizer,
+ Ext.layout.container.Table, Ext.layout.container.Fit, Ext.layout.container.Column,
+ Ext.layout.container.Card, Ext.layout.container.Border, Ext.layout.container.Accordion,
+ Ext.layout.container.Absolute, Ext.form.FormPanel, Ext.form.BaseField, Ext.form.Checkbox,
+ Ext.form.CheckboxGroup, Ext.form.ComboBox, Ext.form.Date, Ext.form.Display, Ext.form.FieldContainer,
+ Ext.form.FieldSet, Ext.form.File, Ext.form.FormPanel, Ext.form.HtmlEditor, Ext.form.Label,
+ Ext.form.Number, Ext.form.Radio, Ext.form.RadioGroup, Ext.form.Text, Ext.form.TextArea, Ext.form.Time
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated AbstractComponent
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-806] Updated AbstractDataView
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated AbstractMixedCollection
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated AbstractPanel
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Application
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Array
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Axis
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Base
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Cartesian
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-748] Add CellEditing
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Chart Labels
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Chart LineSeries
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Class
+ </li>
+ <li>Update ClassManager
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Controller
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Direct
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-721] Update Direct proxy
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-734] Add DrawComponent
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Ext
+ </li>
+ <li>Added EventBus
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Gauge Chart
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Grid Panel
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Grid Scroller
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-644] Updated Loader
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-723] Update NodeInterface
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Object
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Observable
+ </li>
+ <li>Added PropertyGrid
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated field.Number
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-754] Add RowEditing
+ </li>
+ <li>Added RowNumberer
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Sortable
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Sprite
- <li>For GridView, update the event to ensure it passes the grid, not the view.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-726] Add Tree
- <li>rowsinserted event now properly fires after the insert is complete.
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-727] Update TreeStore
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Desktop Example to be re-implemented</li>
+ <li>Ext.data.BufferStore will be removed and its methods moved up into Ext.data.Store</li>
+ <li>Grid promote from markup script sometimes fails in IE6 and IE7</li>
+ <li>TreePanel has some DnD issues in IE9</li>
+ <li>Several classes missing adequate documentation</li>
+ <li>Small rendering glitches on tabs in Mac Safari 5</li>
+ <li>Buttons can be cropped when sizing a Window to a very small width (e.g. under 150px)</li>
+ <li>Grids can sometimes lose scrollbars when their container is resized</li>
+ <li>Vertical panel headers use the wrong font in IE9</li>
+ <li>Grid state does not save column widths</li>
+ <li>TriggerFields are not aligned flushed to the edge in IE6 and IE7</li>
+ <li>Grid filtering feature doesn't support setting filters via config</li>
+ <li>TreePanel is missing documentation. A guide will be release separately before GA</li>
+ <li>Menu styling in access theme has some imperfections</li>
+ <li>Simple Tasks example is missing</li>
+ <li>Calendar components have not been fully ported yet</li>
+ <li>Tree Filtering will be implemented before GA</li>
+ <li>KeyNav example has inconsistent spacing in some IE versions</li>
+ <li>Tab is not marked selected if it is the only tab in a TabPanel and is set active by default</li>
+ <li>Hovering over the bottom spinner of a NumberField does not highlight it</li>
+ <li>Several small IE9 rendering issues</li>
+ <li>Some slight font inconsistencies between components</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 Beta 2
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: April 6, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0beta2
+ New In This Release
+ <li>New Examples
+ <div style="margin-left: 2em">
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/charts/Gauge.html">Gauge Chart example</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/buffer-grid.html">Buffered Grid example</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/themes/index.html">Theme example</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+<li>Bug Fixes
+<li>Fix tabs mouseover in GroupTabPanel examples
+<li>Fix double rendering when quickly expanding / collapsing tree nodes
+<li>[EXTJSIV-466] Ensure cls config is applied to MessageBoxWindow
+<li>Fix issue where box layout margins could be improperly calculated
+<li>[EXTJSIV-470] Remove the permanent CheckHeader editor and place it only on the row editing example
+<li>Fix Tree keyboard navigation
+<li>Don't show loading indicator when trying to expand an already expanded tree node
+<li>[EXTJSIV-504] Fix alignment of fieldset legend checkbox
+<li>[EXTJSIV-502] Remove persistent scrollbar from Ext.form.Textarea and Ext.form.HtmlEditor source editor
+<li>[EXTJSIV-213] Fix BoxReorderer issues
+<li>[EXTJSIV-537] Fix an issue that allows multiple selection on the chart
+<li>[EXTJSIV-529] Element.highlight() fx function will now function properly, and can handle Anim callbacks
+<li>[EXTJSIV-539] We no longer allow the tb text field to be orderable in the multisort example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-540] Buttons will no longer show mouseover effects when disabled
+<li>[EXTJSIV-545] Fix duplicate id bug in grid -> grid DD example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-417] Fixed issue with field heights
+<li>[EXTJSIV-492] Fix application of overCls when the delegate option is used
+<li>[EXTJSIV-513] Ensure that mouseup when dragging the drag selector, and the subsequent click event does not clear
+ selections in the DataView
+<li>[EXTJSIV-474] Fix ghosting of Windows during drag on IE < 9
+<li>[EXTJSIV-213] Fix multiple-sorting issue with BoxReorderer, ensure smooth component reordering, Improve
+ reorderable-tabs examples
+<li>[EXTJSIV-501] Fix the ability to update floating Components while hidden, and have them run their
+ ComponentLayout upon show
+<li>[EXTJSIV-530] Fixed bootstrap-release.js to test window.location.hostname instead of window.location.host
+<li>[EXTJSIV-540] Always attempt to remove the overCls when the mouse leaves the component. If a component is
+ disabled while the mouse is still over it, then the overCls will be stuck on until the component is re-enabled
+<li>Grid DD Example update so columns aren't crammed together
+<li>[EXTJSIV-531] Fix MessageBox progress bar display
+<li>[EXTJSIV-434] Prevent IE6-7 from giving focus to the HtmlEditor iframe when setting its contentEditable=true
+<li>[EXTJSIV-464] Menu should pass its minWidth down to its child components so it is accounted for in the Box
+ layout. This visually affects all examples that use menus which were only as wide as they needed to be
+<li>[EXTJSIV-138] Fix no borders on forum search example
+<li>Fixed column headers in IE
+<li>[EXTJSIV-561] Fix an issue when creating a tab panel with no items
+<li>Fix Loader's path resolution
+<li>[EXTJSIV-557] Locking grid resize indicator shows up regardless of which section you drag from
+<li>[EXTJSIV-507] Fix gecko3 issue with the first tab in a tabbar
+<li>[EXTJSIV-356] Prevent selection from scrolling into view when the selection model is refreshed
+<li>[EXTJSIV-568] RowEditor disables the view's keynav so that editors will get full default key events
+<li>[EXTJSIV-339] Fixed problematic curly braces in nestedIdRe in AbstractSummaryFeature
+<li>[EXTJSIV-375] Complete syncing of row heights, after sorting make sure that the scrollTop is synchronized
+<li>Correct syncRowHeight default config
+<li>[EXTJSIV-568] Don't allow RowEditor to hijack space
+<li>[EXTJSIV-409] Add extra path parameter to ensure cookie clearing works
+<li>[EXTJSIV-7] Fixed shift that appears in IE with large number scaling when you specify viewPort in a Draw
+ Component
+<li>[EXTJSIV-558] Fixed an issue where setting a date in a model caused the record to become dirty
+<li>[EXTJSIV-575] Fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'apply' of undefined, due to previous
+ onDisable/onEnable changes
+<li>[EXTJSIV-449] TableView should not steal the focus when a header is resized. The header layouts occurred when a
+ scrollbar was being added and removed by the TablePanel, causing any previously focused item to lose focus, with
+ focusing going to the TableView. So, a "search filter text box", for example, would lose focus at random points
+<li>[EXTJSIV-167] Fix IE9 Center Layout
+<li>Fix Ext.form.Combobox select event firing
+<li>[EXTJSIV-546] Dont allow a parent folder to be dropped on a folder inside itself
+<li>[EXTJSIV-524] Make sure you can extend Ext.TreePanel and create an instance without passing a configuration
+<li>Properly relay View events on the TreePanel
+<li>[EXTJSIV-190] Fix Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu event monitoring
+<li>[EXTJSIV-535] Fix Multi sorting grid column reorder indicator
+<li>[EXTJSIV-537] Fix issue where FormDashboard allows multiple chart selection
+<li>[EXTJSIV-162] Fix TableView/Features collectData implementation
+<li>[EXTJSIV-544] Fix Bar display when data is of the same value for more than one record
+<li>[EXTJSIV-515] Clear groupers when disabling the Grouping Feature
+<li>[EXTJSIV-565] Fix radial axis labels problem
+<li>[EXTJSIV-469] Correct layout recursion back into an already-running ComponentLayout
+<li>[EXTJSIV-565] Fix maxValue in drawSeries
+<li>[EXTJSIV-590] The PagingScroller now calculates rowHeight based off of markup
+<li>[EXTJSIV-241] Fix bug in event wrapper ordering which meant that delayed or buffered single:true events threw
+ errors
+<li>[EXTJSIV-583] Fix sorting padding issue with grid headers
+<li>[EXTJSIV-510] Added grid headers and special cell backgrounds
+<li>[EXTJSIV-597] Fix issue where Ext.tab.Panel wouldn't enable tabs
+<li>[EXTJSIV-588] Fix an issue when using scripts: true when loading a component
+<li>[EXTJSIV-321] Record associated data now also handles parent models
+<li>[EXTJSIV-566] Fix issues with returning exceptions from DirectProxy
+<li>[EXTJSIV-585] Fix an issue where Ext.MessgaeBox was dependent on having a title
+<li>[EXTJSIV-586] Fix an issue when using reset and formBind, the bound item will now be updated correctly
+<li>[EXTJSIV-591] Fix warning when destroying border layout
+<li>Fix detection of changes to form fields in IE9 standards mode by making it use the modern events set
+<li>Fix vertical alignment of checkbox/radio buttons in IE9 standards mode
+<li>Fix errors when expand/collapse methods are called after a Picker component is destroyed
+<li>[EXTJSIV-605] Fix an issue where undefined will be set on the editor when resetting
+<li>[EXTJSIV-569] Fix bug with nodes being inserted in the wrong location in the NodeStore
+<li>[EXTJSIV-607] Fix z-index of border floated region
+<li>[EXTJSIV-372] Fix an issue with flickering when using cell editing in FF on Linux
+<li>[EXTJSIV-608] Fix issue when creating records at a remote source
+<li>[EXTJSIV-450] FocusManager will only add tabIndex to DOM nodes that really need them for programmatic focusing.
+ This will ensure default tabIndicies will remain in tact
+<li>[EXTJSIV-589] CellEditing now fires beforeedit, validateedit and afteredit appropriately
+<li>[EXTJSIV-610] CellModel will now call its base Model's doSelect and doDeselect functions so it is maintaining
+ the selected record along with the selected position (row/column)
+<li>[EXTJSIV-418] CheckColumn now will handle the Enter/Space keys for toggling its select state
+<li>[EXTJSIV-609] CellModel fires its select/deselect events now
+<li>[EXTJSIV-560] Remove focused cls on items in a TableView when deselecting them
+<li>[EXTJSIV-614] Prevent combobox dropdown from getting closed before the selectOnTab handler has a chance to fire
+ in WebKit
+<li>[EXTJSIV-622] When IE9 positions an element offscreen via offsets, the offsetWidth is inaccurately reported. For
+ IE9 only, we render on screen before removing. Fixes an issue with Ext.getScrollBarWidth
+<li>[EXTJSIV-439] Changed images for the DataView examples to gif for IE6
+<li>[EXTJSIV-615] Fix an issue when using an idProperty other than "id"
+<li>RowEditor will handle resize, move, show, and hide of columns properly before the editor is brought up for the
+ first time
+<li>[EXTJSIV-480] Table layout: added work around for a bug in Opera 10.5 where it makes table cells wider than they
+ should be if their child element has border-box sizing and horizontal padding
+<li>[EXTJSIV-641] Fix an issue with creating items into a local storage object
+<li>[EXTJSIV-440][EXTJSIV-633] Fix Ext.ux.AnimatedDataView cross-browser issue
+<li>CellEditing will complete an edit before grabbing critical information about the next edit, since the view is
+ refreshed upon edit completion
+<li>[EXTJSIV-371] CellEditing and CellModel will continue cell editing on tabs even across cells with no editor, and
+ stop when the editing ends via a non-tab exit point such as blurring the field
+<li>[EXTJSIV-606] Constrained Windows no longer lose their center positioning
+<li>[EXTJSIV-508] Give a visual indication of a selected/focused tree node in the check-tree example
+<li>[EXTJSIV-508] Tree selection model handles enter/space to check any checkbox tree nodes
+<li>[EXTJSIV-663] Ensure ServerProxy checks if the value is defined as opposed to just truthy
+<li>[EXTJSIV-593] Numeric axis is now aware of chart substores, that way it can update when grouping/ungrouping time
+ axis
+<li>[EXTJSIV-401][EXTJSIV-496] Rework active/inactive tab styling to be consistent across all browsers and avoid the
+ floating border strip
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-73] Optimized class system performance - round 1
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a simple Gauge Chart
+ </li>
+ <li>Add Ext.Array.sort which is a guaranteed stable sort
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-556] Implement a buffered grid example loading thousands records and buffering the rendering.
+ Required minor changes to PagingScroller, BufferStore and related classes
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-193] Put iconCls and tools into ghosted windows
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-471] RowEditing will now scroll the buttons into view when they are out of sight due to being near
+ the bottom. Also will enforce row selection and keeping a row in view when starting an edit for smoother
+ animations
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-426] Remove redundant validation for allowBlank in Ext.form.Text
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-427] Date and Time would always return null from getValue if the raw value could not be parsed as a
+ date; this was resulting in such values being treated as valid during validation and not being seen as
+ dirty. Changed so that getValue will return the raw value if it cannot be parsed. Also added logic to
+ attempt parsing of the 'value' config during init so that originalValue is a valid Date object for dirty
+ comparison
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-448] Implement readOnly and setReadOnly for Checkbox and Radio fields
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-416] Give fields within fieldset an anchor so they get a width in IE6
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-530] Added port number support to localhost detection
+ </li>
+ <li>Add required classes to Chart LiveUpdate example
+ </li>
+ <li>Increase LiveSearchGridPanel reactiveness
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-529] Element.getColor() will properly accept an empty string as a prefix, which is needed for color
+ animations
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-529] Enable afterRepair fx on dd.DragZone and TreeViewDragZone
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-38] TreeViewDropZone will now highlight successfully dropped nodes
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-38] Use the selectedItemCls setting on TableView prototype to handle the quick remove/add of that
+ cls when highlighting a repair
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-38] TreeViewDragZone will highlight all records that were dragged, for the case of multiselect tree
+ sel model
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-185] Removed .png slicer images + changing to gif (we <3 IE6)
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-346] adding gif versions of icons for treegrid example
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-475] LoadMask may now be configured with a Component to mask as an alternative to just an element.
+ If configured with a Component, it masks the Component's contentTarget. If the Component changes size during
+ loading, the mask's message is recentered. DataView configures its LoadMask by passing itself if it is
+ standalone, or its owning Container if it is inside a Container
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-478] Added the empty cls to all browsers, not just browsers that do not support `placeholder`. this
+ is because of a styling issue in webkit
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-540] Button over when disabled will not apply the hover background linear gradient anymore.
+ disabled classes now get cascaded priority over background-image
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-457] The DragZone was triggering a selection change on mousedown, which was resulting in duplicate
+ selection calls when the DataView was configured to select on click. Moved the former from the mousedown
+ handler to the start of the drag to avoid duplicate selection
+ </li>
+ <li>Improved some Loader's alias functions for performance
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-258][EXTJSIV-259]Refactor Shadow for floating Components
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-551] Menu should not fire click, mouseover, or mouseleave events when its disabled. Menu items will
+ not get any interaction when the menu is disabled
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu will only activate items that can be activated, however, always deactivate the active item when
+ applicable
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-502] Add comment in HtmlEditor explaining how forcing documentMode in the Web Developer Tools will
+ override the mode used by the iframe, causing scrollbars in IE8
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-543] Horizontal scrolling does not rely on having records within the body of the grid. It is
+ calculated off of the headercontainer instead
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-547] Added in browser check for Opera for Mousewheel. Found additional information about Opera and
+ its' mousewheel implementation here:
+ http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/javascript-tutorial-the-scroll-wheel To quote the important
+ parts... "The weirdness comes in because IE and Firefox have very different names for the scroll event. In
+ Internet Explorer, the event is called onmousewheel, while in Firefox the event is called DOMMouseScroll. To
+ make it even worse, Opera uses the Internet Explorer event name (without the 'on' part, so just mousewheel),
+ but Opera needs to use the Firefox way of attaching event listeners."
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-564] Implement index support in selectRange rather than requiring the developer to pass a record
+ instance
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated grid row selection stuff to support IE better
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-447] Add fieldStyle config and setFieldStyle method to Ext.form.BaseField, to allow direct
+ manipulation of the inputEl CSS style
+ </li>
+ <li>Legacy code in the widgets directory removed
+ </li>
+ <li>RowEditor offsets itself by using bottom instead of top, in case of tall rows
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-567] Table State implementation now restores width and visibility
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-532] Add tooltip support on Radar series
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-559][EXTJSIV-373]Provide accurate repair position for Header Drag Zones
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-358] HeaderContainer will disable checkbox in column menu when there is only a single header
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-582] Add Ext.Error custom error reporting class
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-574] Add an alias for all series and handle custom series creation and adding them in an imperative
+ way
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-514] Reimplement rendering of Checkbox and Radio to use a custom image rather than native controls,
+ for greater styling control and consistency across browsers
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-241] Lots of cleanup on Component destroy method
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-599] Make node loaded a field in NodeInterface. When appending a child to a node, mark it as loaded
+ </li>
+ <li>Add the ability to pass a url to the load method on a Store with a ServerProxy defined on it
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-394] Added itemTpl support for DataView
+ </li>
+ <li>Add method to allow destroying the field layout's singleton QuickTip instance
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-604] Allow height to be set on text fields
+ </li>
+ <li>The footer toolbar's (fbar/buttons cfg) spacer shouldn't be focusable anymore
+ </li>
+ <li>Button now has a visual state when focused, which currently mirrors the mouseover state. Also removed a
+ focus/blur method in Button that was unnecessary
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-450] FormPanel will provide default tab stops for its fields and buttons, so that all fields are
+ tabbed through first, and then buttons second
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-450] AbstractPanel and AbstractDock will return/render docked items in their visual representative
+ order, respectively. Docked items have a default weighting, so that they are returned/rendered in (t,l,r,b)
+ order. In the case of a Dock layout, the top/left items are rendered before any existing DOM nodes in the
+ render target (body el, in the case of a Panel), and right/bottom items are rendered after the existing DOM
+ nodes. This keeps our DOM nodes in order of their visual representation to support tab stops, ARIA readers,
+ etc. Also, getDockedItems/getRefItems of AbstractPanel will return the same type of ordering by default to
+ support logical ordering of ComponentQuery's and FocusManager navigation
+ </li>
+ <li>Move FocusManager's tabIndex whitelist to the prototype so it's not defined over and over again for each
+ call to setFocus
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-418] Added keydown event handling to DataView
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-600] Allow form fields to display all errors returned from getErrors at once, rather than only
+ displaying the first
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-304] Grid reconfigure method implemented
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-498] Changed DataView to store the internal record IDs on the view DOM nodes for lookup by record
+ and vice versa. This matters since blockRefresh's can happen and the store becomes out of sync with the DOM
+ nodes, such as was the case with the Animated DataView plugin
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-483] Implement expanded cls for rows inside collectData instead of getRowClass. This allows the
+ user to override getRowClass without them having to worry about expanded state
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-628] Added remove and destroy methods in Sprite.
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-55] Add boxLabelAlign config to allow the user to place the boxLabel before or after the
+ checkbox/radio
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-517] Optimized buffering of requests in PagingScroller
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-596] border:false on a Window removes borders from the body. The Window itself remains framed
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-523] Use the verticalScrollers calculated height when available rather than the raw dom
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-315] Updated access theme to have better styling across all components
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-613] Move extraParams onto the object instead of being per request
+ </li>
+ <li>RowEditor now transitions the error summary tip properly on back-to-back invalid records
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove the inline unselectable cls, and instead call unselectable() on the table view's el after it's been
+ rendered. This fixes a selection problem in Chrome when double clicking in a grid
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-527] Add a workaround for the WebKit MarginRight bug with Anchor Layouts to make them much faster
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-527] Componentlayout.afterLayout will now only be called when a ComponentLayout occurs
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-527] Ensure Card.setActiveItem calls onLayout properly
+ </li>
+ <li>Moved all locking behavior out of the LockingGridPanel subclass
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-660] Add startDay to Date Field
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-653] Added DirectStore shortcut
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>API Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-276] The "headers" config in GridPanel has been renamed to the 3.x compatible "columns". All
+ supporting classes are now named XxxxxColumn and are in the Ext.grid.column package. Column xtypes are the
+ same as they were in 3.x
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-562] Added hideEmptyLabel config which automatically collapses the label space when fieldLabel is
+ empty. Made this the default behavior everywhere; this is a slight change from the old form layout which
+ defaulted to maintaining the space unless hideLabel=false
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-59] Rename some methods in Menu to be consistent with framework standards
+ </li>
+ <li>Modified field layout to avoid setting styles when not needed. The fieldLabel element's styles are now
+ applied during render in the template and not in the layout. Fields whose size are not managed by a
+ container no longer set their internal element sizes during layout this can result in wrapping since fields
+ are floated
+ </li>
+ <li>Add inverse iteration support to Ext.Array.each
+ </li>
+ <li>Rename hlColor to repairHighlightColor for Tree DragSource
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-38] TreeViewDDPlugin now has "nodeHighlightColor" which is used on repairs and drops, if
+ applicable. Passing it as the "repairHighlightColor" to the drag zone in this commit. Will be passed to drop
+ zone as "dropHighlightColor"
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-38] Renamed hlDrop to nodeHighlightOnDrop and nodeHighlightOnRepair on the TreeViewDDPlugin class.
+ They are routed to the TreeViewDragZone and TreeViewDropZone as repairHighlight and dropHighlight
+ respectively
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-552] Rename MessageBoxWindow to MessageBox
+ </li>
+ <li>Move all locales package from core to extjs
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-548] Add allowDrag config option on NodeInterface. Set it to false by default for root nodes
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-549] Change the names for the relayed events from TreeStore to TreePanel so that they don't collide
+ with Panel's events
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-602] Put GridViewDDPlugin and TreeViewDDPlugin into proper namespaces (Ext.grid.plugin)
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-269] Renamed enableCacheBuster to disableCaching, added disableCachingParam config
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-581] Fixed up the API for TreeStore, TreeView and TreePanel. Also fixed some bugs related to
+ changing the root node dynamically, loading data after TreePanel has already been created and expanding a
+ node while its loading
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-598] We no longer use the global QuickTips singleton for form error tips. We now create a QuickTip
+ singleton just for the field layout, with the proper baseCls for framing, and register it to respond to an
+ 'errorqtip' property
+ </li>
+ <li>[EXTJSIV-534] Refactor Lockable into mixin
+ </li>
+ <li>AbstractSummaryFeature, ChunkingFeature, GroupingFeature, RowSummaryFeature, RowBodyFeature, RowWrapFeature,
+ and SummaryFeature moved to the Ext.grid.feature namespace
+ </li>
+ <li>Rename locked from Header/Column to ddLock so that it doesnt conflict with the new locking functionality
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Compatibility Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Removed compat reversing of El.down/El.child - There are too many places in Ext itself that use these calls,
+ and reversing them in the compat layer to match 3.x behavior breaks some Ext 4 code. This will have to
+ remain a documented breaking change in the migration guide
+ </li>
+ <li>Set up compat code for TreePanel, AsyncTreeNode, TreeLoader and TreeSorter
+ </li>
+ <li>Moved deprecated TreePanel members to the compat file
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Documentation Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Guide section added to documentation. Class System and Drawing/Charting Guides added
+ </li>
+ <li>File field updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Model.fields updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Component updated
+ </li>
+ <li>FocusManager updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Viewport updated
+ </li>
+ <li>FormPanel updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ActionHeader updated
+ </li>
+ <li>GridViewDDPlugin updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ColumnLayout updated
+ </li>
+ <li>DateMenu updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Panel updated
+ </li>
+ <li>TabPanel updated
+ </li>
+ <li>TreeViewDDPlugin updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Animate updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ClassLoader updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Animator updated
+ </li>
+ <li>BsicForm updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Label field updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Labelable updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Text field updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ElementLoader updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Sortable updated
+ </li>
+ <li>AbstractComponent updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Locales updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Number updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Tab updated
+ </li>
+ <li>TabPanel updated
+ </li>
+ <li>StateProvider updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Editing updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Panel updated
+ </li>
+ <li>CheckboxModel (selection) updated
+ </li>
+ <li>TreePanel updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Class updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ClassManager updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Array updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Anim updated
+ </li>
+ <li>FieldSet updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Grid Column updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Application updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Controller updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ControllerManager updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ModelManager updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Router updated
+ </li>
+ <li>BufferStore updated
+ </li>
+ <li>JSON Writer updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Charts updated
+ </li>
+ <li>DrawComponent updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolbar updated
+ </li>
+ <li>DataView updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Floating updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Resizer updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Store updated
+ </li>
+ <li>ComponentDragger updated
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>MVC Example applications and guide
+ </li>
+ <li>Collapsed vertical headers need to be restyled in IE
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolips in IE8 have too much padding on the header which can cause it to clip text
+ </li>
+ <li>Tab Scroller is not working properly in FF < 4
+ </li>
+ <li>GridFilter example is not laying out properly on first render
+ </li>
+ <li>Deprecated (methods slated for deprecation) and Since (what version methods were introduced) implemented
+ within the documentation
+ </li>
+ <li>Column Layout has some performance issues which will be addressed in the next release
+ </li>
+ <li>API naming consistency implementation
+ </li>
+ <li>Field Layout performance has improved, but is not where it should be for IE
+ </li>
+ <li>IE9 Strict mode subpixel rounding can cause wrapping issues (similar to
+ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458617)
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 Beta 1
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: March 30, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0beta1
+ New In This Release
+<li>New Examples
+ <div style="margin-left: 2em">
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/core/spotlight.html">Spotlight example</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/direct/direct-grid.html">Ext.Direct Grid Integration</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/form/form-grid-access.html">Binding a Grid to a Form</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/cell-editing.html">Grid Cell Editing</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/group-header-grid.html">Grid Grouping</a>
+ </li>
- <h3>
- Misc
- </h3>
- <li>Added changelog.html to distribution.
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/group-summary-grid.html">Grid Grouping with Summaries</a>
- <li>Removed redundant field labels from CompositeField example.
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/infinite-scroll.html">Grid 'Infinite' Scrolling</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/live-search-grid.html">Live Search Grid</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/locking-grid.html">Grid Locking</a>
- <li>In case of an action, defaults are now applied to the initialConfig and not to the action itself.
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/remote-group-summary-grid.html">Grid Remote Group Summary</a>
- <li>Container's resizeEvent event is now removed on destroy.
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid/row-editing.html">Grid Row Editing</a>
- <li>Fix an issue where rows would be selected by the editor even if checkOnly was set to true.
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/layout/column.html">Column Layout</a>
- <li>A disabled spinner will no longer spin.
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/menu/action-grid.html">Actions</a>
- <li>Added missing panel tools: x-tool-(prev|next|expand|collapse).
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/tabs/tab-scroller-menu.html">Overflow Tabs to a Menu</a>
- <h3>
- Locale
- </h3>
- <li>For French, Ext.util.Format.plural now considers 0 to be singular.
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/tree/check-tree.html">Tree with CheckBox selection</a>
- <li>Adds startDay to DateField.prototype for locale files having startDay already defined for DatePicker.prototype.
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/tree/two-trees.html">Drag and Drop between Trees</a>
- <li>Added Amharic (Ethopian) language support ext-lang-am.js.
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/view/animated-dataview.html">Animated DataView</a>
- </body>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/view/multisort/multisort.html">MultiSort DataView</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/grid-filtering/grid-filter-local.html">Locally Filtered Grid</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/restful/restful.html">RESTful Store with GridPanel and RowEditor</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/locale/dutch-form.html">Localization (static)</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/locale/multi-lang.html">Localization (dynamic)</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/state/state.html">Browser State</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/writer/writer.html">Data.writer</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<li>Bug Fixes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Fixed an issue where menu items would not respect the cls property
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed improper variable in RemotingProvider
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed param logic in DirectProxy
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed an issue when reloading stores with different data sets
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a finite check for a DrawComponent's bounding box
+ </li>
+ <li>Pass the correct parameter to ServerProxy.afterRequest
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix indexOf reference in ListMenu
+ </li>
+ <li>When a date is chosen for a date filter, hide its parent menu
+ </li>
+ <li>Add autocomplete="off" to Button template to prevent Firefox from remembering its disabled state between
+ page reloads
+ </li>
+ <li>Prevent NumericFilter's menu fields from getting focused when mousing over them
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix form submission when using direct
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed an issue where phantom records were being duplicated in the store when returned from a remote data
+ source
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed an issue when clearing a client data proxy
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed Model dependencies
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed redundant requires in Component
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix to make sure initExtCss always executes after Ext.supports.init
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issues where the expander icons are hidden when lines: false is used
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure that the grid doesn't trigger a sort on the store when it renders
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix setValue method and initial value config on HtmlEditor
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed recursive cloning of a non "plain" object (the constructor of which is !== Object)
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure a layout isn't triggered if the container is destroying
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed the styling of forms in a toolbar
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed Window restore issue
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed Grid dependencies
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Accordion layout when initially layed out with no child items
+ </li>
+ <li>Updating $font-size dynamic variable's to use ceil to fix sub-pixel (ex: 10.4px) font-sizes
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed multiple issues with rotated labels on category axis
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix TabPanel dependencies
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix typo in alternateClassName definitions
+ </li>
+ <li>If the panel has a re-expander, make sure the title is set when setTitle is called
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where panels would not be collapsed initially when not in a container
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow the combo store to be bound using a single flat array
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix autoCreated Store setup in StoreManager
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix unreachable code in Ext.getDom
+ </li>
+ <li>Properly clear managedListeners array in Observable
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix problem with the animate config option replacing the animate method
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed grid scroll options 'horizontal' and 'none'
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix problem with autoHeighting TabPanels by their child items
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix menu box overflow handler on IE
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed stacked bar chart axis calculation issue
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix scaling re-calculation issue for Bar, Line, Scatter series
+ </li>
+ <li>Fire change event when ComboBox value is changed
+ </li>
+ <li>Update alignment of ComboBox dropdown when its content changes, so it can flip from below to above or vice
+ versa as the user types
+ </li>
+ <li>Clear selection in ComboBox.BoundList if it no longer matches the value in the field, so that the old value
+ can be re-selected
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug with ComboBox where the value in the field would be blanked out while the user was typing with
+ typeAhead:true
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix ComboBox scrolling selected item into view when list is expanded
+ </li>
+ <li>Set ComboBox selection in list when it is first created, if the ComboBox has an initial 'value' config
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Scatter series shadow issue
+ </li>
+ <li>Don't reinsert a node into the NodeStore if its new parent is not part of the NodeStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed issue with Element.destroy not being properly called resulting in memory problems for IE
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed Ext.require() not firing callbacks after a failure
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed Ext.Loader.getPath() not returning properly value for unknown namespace
+ </li>
+ <li>Forced setting the Axis minimum and maximum values specified by the configuration
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed cropped window titles in various browsers
+ </li>
+ <li>Firefox fix for getNextId method in WebStorageProxy
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed an issue with the id not being sent when calling load directly on the model
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug in previousNode and nextNode. They were not being checked before walking up the hierarchy and
+ therefore triggered a cousin to always be returned
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed discontinuous tree selection
+ </li>
+ <li>Field component onLayout was being run while the field was hidden but not after, so trigger width was always
+ calcualted as zero. Changed order so layout occurs after show
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix reset method on sliders
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix application of emptyText in IE when ComboBox value is set
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix the setTitle text in windows with vertical headers
+ </li>
+ <li>Make empty ComboBox list item hoverable/clickable in IE quirks mode
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixes Sprite item Bounding Box offset in Opera
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix "Member not found" error in IE by preventing native event object from getting passed and used across the
+ specialkey buffered listener
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix individual record update in Ext.grid.GroupingFeature
+ </li>
+ <li>Surface has now the ability to add in instances of Sprite and configuration objects
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure datachanged event is fired when filtering the Store without sorters
+ </li>
+ <li>Adjust alignment styles for checkboxes and radios to match Ext3
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed checkbox spacing + positioning in IE
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug in DataView Draggable where items in the ghost dataview would not be correctly removed
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix vertical clipping of CheckboxGroup columns without fixed widths in IE quirks mode
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug with Radial Axis scaling
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when retrieving the previous sibling of a component
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix sorter issue with DirectProxy
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix setReadOnly method in HtmlEditor
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue with looking up a store by id
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix problem hiding modal mask after modal window hide
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix support for passing a dom element as a target to an animation
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Locking GridPanel implemtented
+ </li>
+ <li>Accessibility theme added
+ </li>
+ <li>Numeric Axis majorTickSteps added to set the number of major ticks between a `maximum` and a `minimum` value
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement the animate configuration option on TreePanel
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement singleExpand on TreePanel
+ </li>
+ <li>Store aggregation functions moved to the prototype
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented checked field in NodeInterface. Have renderer add a checkbox if a value other then null is set
+ in checked
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented state support as a mixin
+ </li>
+ <li>Added html to each tab in the history example to make it clearer which tab is currently activated
+ </li>
+ <li>Refactored the GridFilters plugin UX as FiltersFeature, a Ext.grid.Feature subclass, and ported it to work
+ with the new Ext4 grid architecture. Reworked the grid-filters example to match
+ </li>
+ <li>Inject the TableView instance into each grid filter, even if it is an already instantiated Filter rather
+ than a filter config object
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow month picker items to wrap properly when inside components with white-space:nowrap like menus
+ </li>
+ <li>Refactoring a Theming so it is easier to customize
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated the themes example to include more components
+ </li>
+ <li>Added HTTP error info to the data operation when a request fails
+ </li>
+ <li>Added load event in preference of read event on TreeStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Grid headers now support grouping in which a header may be configured with a nested headers config object as
+ well as a text/header string
+ </li>
+ <li>The Ext 3.x class ActionColumn has been implemented in 4.x as ActionHeader
+ </li>
+ <li>Cleaned all locale packages files
+ </li>
+ <li>Introduced a new getAssociatedData method on Model to make it easier to aggregate model data
+ </li>
+ <li>Added window state management
+ </li>
+ <li>Added state support for border layout
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed extraneous layout in Card.setActiveItem
+ </li>
+ <li>Made Ext.override proxy to Ext.Base.override if the class was created with Ext.define
+ </li>
+ <li>added Ext.Base.getName method
+ </li>
+ <li>Add animateTarget to show/hide of floating Components (such as Windows and Tooltips, or anything else that
+ floats
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow the aggregation function to be called with the grouped parameter for consistency
+ </li>
+ <li>Added total summary and group summary support for the grid
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix combos example to make getInnerTpl work properly - now must be part of listConfig
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Ext.form.File, a custom field widget for file uploads
+ </li>
+ <li>Properly set class on field error quicktips
+ </li>
+ <li>Added grid state support
+ </li>
+ <li>Relay view and tree events to the TreePanel and TreeStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a new LocalStorage state provider
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow the model to be defined in the store prototype
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Sutherland–Hodgman algorithm and use it for our render label axis implementation
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented animate config option
+ </li>
+ <li>Styled invalid form qtips
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Tree sorting
+ </li>
+ <li>Add additional check in setStyle to ensure the dom node still exists before setting style on it
+ </li>
+ <li>FocusManager enhancements to support Containers being able to subscribe for keyboard navigation
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Ext.menu.DatePicker class
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Ext.menu.ColorPicker class
+ </li>
+ <li>Cleanup FocusManager's handling of component add/destroy when enabled
+ </li>
+ <li>Convert TabBar to use FocusManager.subscribe instead of its own KeyNav
+ </li>
+ <li>Grid Header needs to give visual indication when it is focused, which will show the menu trigger. This
+ supports key navigation on grid headers and the ability to press down to open the header menu. The menu
+ needs the trigger to be shown since it aligns itself to the trigger
+ </li>
+ <li>Add deep copy operation to NodeInterface
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow Ext.form.Basic#markInvalid to accept a Ext.data.Errors object
+ </li>
+ <li>Added logic to reduce/increase the number of columns in the shadowCt to match the number of items if
+ columns:'auto'
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated MVC to work with dynamic loading
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented CheckBox selection for Trees
+ </li>
+ <li>Prevent ComboBox from querying and expanding list on keyup if readOnly=true.
+ </li>
+ <li>HeaderDropZone will intelligently move a Header within the same container rather than add/remove, which will
+ perform better as well as prevent add/remove events from firing unnecessarily on the HeaderContainer
+ </li>
+ <li>Trigger fields no longer reserve space for trigger when it is hidden due to readOnly=true
+ </li>
+ <li>Number field value can no longer be modified by up/down arrows or mousewheel when readOnly=true
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented scrolling while dragging
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Grid Editing support as a plugin
+ </li>
+ <li>Clean html entities when setting text to an Surface Sprite
+ </li>
+ <li>Enhanced htmlDecode and htmlEncode methods in Ext.String
+ </li>
+ <li>Scatter and Line series now skip records with undefined yValues
+ </li>
+ <li>ComboBox now automatically set queryMode='local' for auto-generated array stores
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.BaseField now rewraps the browser event object when firing the specialkey event, to prevent issues
+ with buffered specialkey listeners
+ </li>
+ <li>Extended the useNull option to apply to boolean/string types for data stores
+ </li>
+ <li>Added deferredRender back to Card Layout (currently defaulted to true for TabPanel)
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated FeedViewer to be smarter about how it opened many tabs at once
+ </li>
+ <li>Modify Proxy so batching is configurable
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow a store configuration to be passed to data bound objects
+ </li>
+ <li>Add beginEdit/cancelEdit/endEdit functionality to Model
+ </li>
+ <li>Added isValid to Model for a shortcut
+ </li>
+ <li>Added autoSave support for Data writers
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure writer always passes the id if we have a non phantom
+ </li>
+ <li>Made Tips constrain within their zIndexManager's client element. Change the constrain default to true
+ </li>
+ <li>Button will now use an anchor element when configured with an href
+ </li>
+ <li>Make Ext.form.Field.resetOriginalValue update the field's dirty state to match
+ </li>
+ <li>Automatically convert objects into records with NodeInterface
+ </li>
+ <li>Make ComboBox.getValue return the raw text field value if it does not match the display value from the last
+ list selection or setValue call. Allows submitting values that do not appear in the store
+ </li>
+ <li>Enhance the appendChild, removeChild, insertBefore code on the NodeInterface with suppressEvents
+ capabilities. This optimizes the performance of the initial Tree rendering drastically
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Grid RowEditing
+ </li>
+ <li>Basic.updateRecord() will now use the actual field data for updating the Model fields rather than the
+ submit-friendly string equivalent of the form field data. Certain string encodings are not compatible with
+ Model field covert methods if they are not in the exact/proper format, e.g. Date fields
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove Canvas support as it is not ready for release. SVG/VML still covers all desktop platforms.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>API Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Moved methods slated for deprecation to the compat layer
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a new ElementLoader class that is the superclass of ComponentLoader. The purpose of this class is to
+ replace Ext.Updater. Updater is removed and the load method now points to the new loader
+ </li>
+ <li>Move model creation into the model itself, essentially deprecates regModel
+ </li>
+ <li>Time axis now works with Dates and not formatted strings
+ </li>
+ <li>Move Ext.util.Date methods over to Ext.Date. Changed all references to Ext.Date in code, examples and tests
+ </li>
+ <li>Add workaround to Ext.core.Element#getWidth to avoid Gecko bug where it returns an offsetWidth that rounds
+ down the actual width due to <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458617" target="_blank">subpixel
+ font rendering</a>. This logic was previously in a couple of components, this commit moves that up to
+ Element.getWidth
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix AbstractPanel.bodyCls to also support array values
+ </li>
+ <li>Created an AbstractMixedCollection which MixedCollection extends from
+ </li>
+ <li>Sortable refactored as a mixin
+ </li>
+ <li>Refactored Sorting on MixedCollection, TreeStore, and TreePanel to use the new Sortable mixin
+ </li>
+ <li>Absolute Layout will now always use setItemSize even if an anchor property isn't specified
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure the page parameter gets sent on remote data loading
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove any trace of applyTo throughout the framework
+ </li>
+ <li>Updating the BoundList selection on setValue for ComboBox is now the default behavior
+ </li>
+ <li>Selection models are now consistent: Moved grid/CellSelectionModel.js to selection/CellModel.js,
+ grid/RowSelectionModel.js to selection/RowModel.js, and grid/CheckBoxSelectionModel to
+ selection/CheckBoxModel.js. Namespace moved to Ext.selection as well
+ </li>
+ <li>Set AjaxProxy as the default proxy
+ </li>
+ <li>Normalize store aliases to be store.name. Added the ability to specify a store configuration when creating a
+ data bound class. Note that this requires all of the stores to be looked up using StoreManager.lookup so
+ that we can determine whether we have received an id, a config or an instance
+ </li>
+ <li>Enhance DataView UI event handling
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove dependency of CellEditing on CellSelectionModel
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Compatibility Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Implemented compat layer for PagingToolbar and MemoryProxy
+ </li>
+ <li>Significant update to AbstractStore compat layer to handle different store/proxy/reader config setups
+ </li>
+ <li>Updates to compat layer for AbstractStore and MemoryProxy to support filtering correctly
+ </li>
+ <li>Aliased row[de]select to [de]select
+ </li>
+ <li>Tweaked message formatting in compat layer for deprecating events
+ </li>
+ <li>The bodyStyle config types from 3.x are all now fully supported on Panel
+ </li>
+ <li>Compat code was using Array.indexOf, which did not agree with IE6. Switched to use Ext.Array.indexOf
+ </li>
+ <li>Alias Panel.bodyCssClass config to bodyCls
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Slider compat override to convert the SliderTip plugin to tipText config
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Documentation Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Updated Ext.Date
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix the link to Ext Direct specification
+ </li>
+ <li>Correct spelling of 'resizable' and not 'resizeable'
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Controller
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Advanced DataView
+ </li>
+ <li>Update Ext.Window
+ </li>
+ <li>Added ActionHeader
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Ext.Base.override
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated AbstractDataView
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Draw.Component
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix ComboBox docs error
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Known Issues
+ <ul>
+ <li>Various styling fixes are ongoing
+ </li>
+ <li>Buttons are not part of the focusable items in a form
+ </li>
+ <li>Shadows to be implemented in the next release
+ </li>
+ <li>Tree Filtering and Editing to be implemented in the next release
+ </li>
+ <li>Performance and memory optimizations to be implemented in the next release
+ </li>
+ <li>Cleanup of API naming conventions to be implemented in the next release
+ </li>
+ <li>IE9 is not detected as supporting CSS3BorderRadius, which it only does in strict mode.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 PR5
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: March 18, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0pr5
+ New In This Release
+<li>New Examples
+ <div style="margin-left: 2em">
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/direct/named-arguments.html">Ext.Direct Named Arguments</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/form/registration.html">Registration Form</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/statusbar/statusbar-advanced.html">StatusBar</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/statusbar/statusbar-demo.html">Advanced StatusBar</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/tree/reorder.html">Tree Reporder</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/tree/xml-tree.html">XML Tree</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/tree/treegrid.html">TreeGrid</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<li>Bug Fixes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Fix bug on FF for Mac where an initial layout of boxes causes the innerCt to scroll, and it becomes stuck at
+ the scrollPosition. Manifesting in layout-browser example
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix the problem in IE where the margin-bottom of the last item was not being included in the "auto" height
+ of its Container
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue where dragging a child to become the last child in a folder would insert it in the wrong position
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where the sortType was not being honored when local sorting in a grid
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue when calling setProxy on a model subclass
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Ext.panel.Table hideHeaders configuration option
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix button layout in IE7 when minWidth is set
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix minButtonWidth in FormPanels
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug where StoreManager would not be able to create a Store from a store config object
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix layout/alignment issues in fieldset legends with IE
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix for IE6 repaint bug on right edge of framed panel
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix display of tooltip anchor arrow
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix scope for custom validator method
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix icon position of grid header when align:right
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue with dateRenderer when dealing with null values
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue with masking in IE6-9 Quirks and IE6 strict
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix problem with Panel's initial collapse state setting, and subsequent expansion by the Accordion layout
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix ComboBox setValue to handle empty values
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue with Line Series shadows which weren't refreshed when animations were not enabled on
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Refactored the Tree code. Working features as of this point are Tree rendering, expanding & collapsing,
+ drag and drop, loading a tree from memory, have multiple columns, keyboard navigation and selection model
+ </li>
+ <li>Added support for named arguments in Ext.Direct methods
+ </li>
+ <li>Every Record registers itself with the ModelManager
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Tree collapse and expand animations
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement loading nodes in a sorted TreeStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a lastframe event to the animation that only fires when the animation actually reaches its end
+ </li>
+ <li>Define getters for getting the computed height and width from an animations target to use as the from values
+ </li>
+ <li>Refactor Tree collapse and expand animations. This fixes quickly collapsing and expanding nodes
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a new transform option for Sorter
+ </li>
+ <li>Panel's getDockedItems now accepts a ComponentQuery selector string
+ </li>
+ <li>Add setSrc method to ImageComponent for changing the image src after initialization
+ </li>
+ <li>Added 'none' as a possible value for msgTarget, to prevent all error message rendering. Only fire
+ errorchange event when the error message actually changes
+ </li>
+ <li>Add hideGroupedHeader support to Ext.grid.GroupingFeature
+ </li>
+ <li>FormPanel and FieldContainer both contained logic to handle the addition and removal of Labelable and Field
+ instances within their items subtree; factored that common logic out into a FieldAncestor mixin for both to
+ use. The new mixin also adds new events 'fieldvaliditychange' and 'fielderrorchange' that allow listening
+ for changes at the parent container level
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow checkbox fields to display errors
+ </li>
+ <li>All the old config properties that controlled the dropdown list have been removed in favor of a single
+ listConfig object, which gets passed along to the BoundList's config. This is much simpler and provides
+ total control over all aspects of the list
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented valueNotFoundText
+ </li>
+ <li>Enhanced BoundList layout to handle min/max for both width and height
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement ComboBox pageSize option
+ </li>
+ <li>elasticOut and bounceIn easing added for animations
+ </li>
+ <li>Added support for rootVisible. Also moved the creation of the NodeStore from TreeStore to the TreeView
+ </li>
+ <li>Added support for the 'root' configuration option on TreeStore. It supports the 3.3 way of specifying root
+ and children. Automatically figures out whether to load children on expand from the server or memory. Also
+ removed requirement to specify a proxy on a TreeStore. Removed requirement to specify store on TreePanel and
+ support the 'root' config option on TreePanel automatically creating a TreeStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Modified TreeView so that it expands the root node if it's not visible
+ </li>
+ <li>Modified getSourceFiles to include support for writing XML documents
+ </li>
+ <li>Moved additional class for VML from javascript into the stylesheet
+ </li>
+ <li>Add in support for icon and iconCls on tree nodes
+ </li>
+ <li>Support loading flat json data while still loading children from the root property
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>API Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Refactored Tree to be able to decorate records with a Node API
+ </li>
+ <li>Reimplemented TreeStore and created new class called NodeStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Border layout is now responsible for performing a mini-collapse of a child Panel
+ </li>
+ <li>Panel now performs a collapse to leave its header (or a newly generated, injected header) visible. It does
+ not perform a mini-collapse
+ </li>
+ <li>Renamed FlatTreeView to TreeView
+ </li>
+ <li>Correct getRefItems implementation in light of ComponentQuery selector being available in getDockedItems
+ </li>
+ <li>Add boxLabelEl as render selector for checkbox fields
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.data.Model.id now assigns the new id to the record
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Compatibility Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Added an alias for Ext.data.Field
+ </li>
+ <li>Added an alert when there are compat errors and no console
+ </li>
+ <li>Added compat code for GridView & JsonStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Modified paging example to switch getRowClass to PreviewPlugin
+ </li>
+ <li>Added internal Ext 3 > 4 class mapping utility
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Documentation Refactors
+ <ul>
+ <li>Charting overview document
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext3 Legacy
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.TextArea
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Checkbox
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Radio
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Field
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.FieldContainer
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.FieldSet
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Panel
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Labelable
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Base
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Button
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Component#draggable
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.ComponentDragger
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Loader
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Array
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.TabPanel
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.TabPanel
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.BaseField
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.ComboBox
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Text
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Basic
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Toolbar
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.data.SortTypes
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.data.StoreManager
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.state.Manager
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.util.Animate
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Date
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Label
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Number
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Viewport
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Window
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.ComponentQuery
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Panel
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.FieldAncestor
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Container
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Component
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.grid.ViewDDPlugin
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Known Issues
+ <ul>
+ <li>Portal example not correct in IE6
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolbar menu overflow not styled in IE6
+ </li>
+ <li>Charts do not render properly in Safari 3.2
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu links (anchor tags) need styling
+ </li>
+ <li>Minor clipping of panel header text in Opera and IE6/7
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 Preview Release 4
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: March 15, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0pr4
+ New In This Release
+<li>New Examples
+ <div style="margin-left: 2em">
+ <ul>
+ <li>Miscellaneous
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/charts/FormDashboard.html">Grid/Form/Chart Combo</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/charts/TipsChart.html">Rich tooltips (Chart/Grid)</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/key-feed-viewer/feed-viewer.html">Accessible Feed Viewer using keyboard
+ navigation</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/keynav/keynav.html">Key Nav</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Drag and Drop
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/dd/dnd_grid_to_formpanel.html">Grid to form DnD</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/dd/field-to-grid-dd.html">Field to grid cell DnD</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/dd/dnd_grid_to_grid.html">Grid to Grid DnD</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/dd/dragdropzones.html">DataView to grid DnD</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Forms
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/form/contact-form.html">A common "contact us" popup form</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/form/checkout.html">A shopping cart checkout form</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/form/adv-vtypes.html">Advanced validations</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolbars
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/menu/menus.html">Simple toolbar with menus</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/toolbar/reorderable.html">Reorderable toolbar items</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Layouts
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/layout/accordion.html">Accordion layout example</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/layout/vbox.html">VBox layout manager examples</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Direct
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/direct/direct.html">Simple generic Direct example</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="examples/direct/direct-form.html">Form submission using Direct</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<li>Bug Fixes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Fix error in slideIn/slideOut when optional duration is not specified
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix and issue that can happen if only a single axis point is used in a bar chart
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure lastFocused is reset when refreshing the selection model
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix EventManager issues with mouseenter/mouseleave events
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix {memberExpression} selector parsing
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix up alias for ArrayStore
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix currency function to accept and convert a numeric String input value
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where legend items don't remember their state between reload
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix up allowEl option for within, it should be used as a fallback if the element isn't contained within the
+ parent
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix a highlighting issues with Pie
+ </li>
+ <li>Correct use of "float" keyword as object property name
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix buttons with noLinearGradients
+ </li>
+ <li>Change how field layout handles horizontal sizing when no set width is specified It now uses the
+ shrink-wrapped natural size of its body content plus label, rather than the width of the outermost element.
+ This fixes layout issues when fields are used as hbox items, since the outer element has zero width during
+ initial layout. It also prevents fields from expanding to the full width of their container by default,
+ which is more consistent with the Ext3 behavior
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Box layout for when margins are specified in object for, but without all 4 properties. Default to zero
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove extraneous quote in GroupingFeature template
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when using autoHide and delegate with ToolTip
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Combo hiding when using the scroller in FireFox
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix specificity of .x-form-invalid-field selector for textareas so the proper styling is shown
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed width of slider tips, and tips in general, in IE quirks mode. Switches tips to use the table framing
+ so they don't expand to full viewport width. Removes the bad width-setting logic from Ext.slider.Tip so it
+ is properly handled by the layout class
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix box layout to correctly calculate middle alignment
+ </li>
+ <li>Correctly autosize the innerCt according to max component size (now takes innerCt's borders into account)
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when using a defaultValue with Boolean fields
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when saving/loading a model and the request fails
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix for improper font measurement in VML. Vertical header text should display more reliably. Still some work
+ to do on adjusting for the font baseline.
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure button does not show mouseover when disabled
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix call to cloneNode so it happens on the raw HTMLELement
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix up a typo in the RemotingProvider
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue with form submissions with uploads
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix typo that caused file uploads to fail
+ </li>
+ <li>An autosized Panel which has been collapsed should now expand back properly
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where the store would not reload when filters are cleared while using remoteFilter
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where Model.setProxy would not accept a Proxy instance
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix a problem in the ZIndexManager where if a modal Window showed another floating Component (such as the
+ BoundList of a Picker Field), the modal mask is hidden during the period that the Window is not at the
+ topmost position in the z-index stack. Now the modal mask is only hidden when there are no Modal floating
+ Components (usually modal Windows) displayed
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed some IE 6/7/8 styles in Menu. IE6 had a "slit" in the item separator that is no longer there. Browsers
+ without linear gradient support now use a nice looking background image for active items
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix for Menu in Opera 10, which does not report an element's width if it is not a part of a render box. We
+ have to temporarily add it to the body to perform a measurement
+ </li>
+ <li>Change ReloadChart example to bind to the correct (left) axis
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue where the bounding box cache in VML was not getting cleared when it's path changes
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix toolbar button spacing in IE7 strict mode
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue with split buttons where the arrow wasn't completely clickable
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix some issues with state track in Model
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Box Layout calculation effecting margins
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix endDrag call to afterBoxReflow
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue rendering bar chart categories in the wrong order
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when trying to position a floating component at 0,0
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix a chart display issue when using a single series in a vertical legend
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where the chart legend would move on redraw when using position: float
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure hidden fields don't have any effect on form display
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix vertical alignment of paging toolbar number field
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix a problem where Windows do no display an icon when configured with a valid iconCls
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug in ComponentQuery, when using {expression} matching. Only the first {expression} used would ever be
+ matched resulting in incorrect results.
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix styling of fieldset legends
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix height of text/trigger fields in IE quirks mode
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix spinner button sprite states when field is focused
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where viewports in IE6/7 would show a scrollbar by default
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix dependencies for Border Layout and Splitter classes
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when using non-string values in combo
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when using a belongsTo association and loading the parent object
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where RestProxy requests were being batched
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix sizes of Buttons in ButtonGroup
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue when using an itemId in a border layout region
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue where space was being reserved in IE7 for side error icon when there is no error
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix typo in throw error message in initframe
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Introduced a TreePanel capable of supporting multiple headers. Abstracted shared logic between the Tree and
+ Grid into a TablePanel class.
+ </li>
+ <li>Tab overflow implemented
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu overflow implemented
+ </li>
+ <li>Drag and Drop for Dataviews implemented
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented Tree and Grid drag and drop
+ </li>
+ <li>FocusManager implemented (Jarred ELABORATE)
+ </li>
+ <li>HTMLEditor implemented
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext Direct implemented, with a new DirectProxy
+ </li>
+ <li>Add support to ComponentQuery to accept member expression selectors in pseudo-class selectors
+ </li>
+ <li>Support member expression selectors for ComponentQuery in the same way as attribute selectors, by allowing
+ them to occur anywhere within a single selector chain to further filter the working group of items
+ </li>
+ <li>Added inheritable statics for Classes
+ </li>
+ <li>Refactor cleanup for Scatter Series
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure doLayout doesn't run a layout that is already in progress
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement pruneRemoved for Ext.selection.Model
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure selection model is refreshed when DataView is refreshed or records are added
+ </li>
+ <li>Create a reference to the Ext sandbox instance in generated functions
+ </li>
+ <li>Increment snap ends `to` argument properly
+ </li>
+ <li>Add feed viewer icon
+ </li>
+ <li>Box layout. Correct allocation of spare space to non-flexed items after a shortfall has caused a reduction
+ to minSize
+ </li>
+ <li>Button layout: Now sets the outer element width if a numeric width passed
+ </li>
+ <li>Added "focusable: false" to menu & toolbar separators so they are not candidates for gaining focus
+ </li>
+ <li>Updated Ext.menu.* to play nicely with Ext.FocusManager when enabled
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu: Constrain to within browser viewport and use box layout scroll overflow handler
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement disabled style for horizontal scroller
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement Ext.selection.TreeModel handling for left/right in the flattreeview. Turn it on in the TreePanel
+ </li>
+ <li>Enforce that user clicks expander to toggle a record
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure that collapsed region placeholders are z-indexed above slide-ins
+ </li>
+ <li>Border layout now honors the floatable: false config
+ </li>
+ <li>Menus no longer access elements that are not rendered
+ </li>
+ <li>MenuManager now uses Ext.Array.remove instead of calling remove on the Array instance
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure a region isn't floated if floatable: false is specified.
+ </li>
+ <li>DataView now ensures the selections get refreshed when the view does
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented button as a link when an href/url is configured
+ </li>
+ <li>Implementes initial collapse state to collapse when the outermost Container (usually a Viewport) has been
+ layed out, or, if no Container, on first component layout
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed legacy images file
+ </li>
+ <li>The framing method for non-CSS3 browsers which uses a table is necessary for proper width of floated
+ components in IE quirks mode. Some floated components, such as Tip, have Dock layout which requires being
+ able to insert docked items directly into the outermost element; this was failing when the outermost element
+ was the table element. Changed to have a div as the outermost element with the table as an immediate child
+ </li>
+ <li>Prevent validation when initializing the field value, rather than validating but then clearing errors
+ </li>
+ <li>Apply correct CSS classes to Panel headers within collapsed Panels so that bordering can be kept consistent
+ </li>
+ <li>Add rule for column layout child items. They must float:left
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement 3.x style Column layout where child items float across the Container (Note this API is not
+ finalized and may change)
+ </li>
+ <li>Labels for vertical axis are now hidden when they're too close to each other (or overlapping)
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented weighting on docked items by returning a sorted array based on a weight property in
+ AbstractPanel's getDockedItems method. Default weight is 0
+ </li>
+ <li>Addition code to ensure the data proxy gets its params correctly
+ </li>
+ <li>A parent menu's hide timer (on mouse leave) will be cancelled when hovering over a submenu
+ </li>
+ <li>Add x-quirks to when we're in quirks mode (!Ext.isStrict), useful for CSS that must know whether or not in
+ quirks mode, as x-border-box is applied on all browsers that aren't IE6/7 in both quirks and strict modes
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented hideHeaders and provide backwards compat layer for preventHeaders
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement fill:false in Accordion layout which means that expanded child Panels are not fitted within the
+ accordion Container, but assume their natural height. Implement multi:true which allows multiple items to be
+ opened at once when using fill:true. The opened Panels share available space by using the Box layout flex
+ config
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement a Component click event in Header. This is for use by Panel's titleCollapse configuration
+ </li>
+ <li>Accordion layout now propagates its Panel-specific configurations to child Panels
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement titleCollapse for Panel
+ </li>
+ <li>Added writeAllFields method to the data writers
+ </li>
+ <li>Add beforeselect event to DataViewModel
+ </li>
+ <li>Restored original fonts and font-weights in the default theme to be the same as of 3.3
+ </li>
+ <li>Class.override now adds an owner reference to methods that didn't exist in the superclass yet
+ </li>
+ <li>Users can now override the sortParam used when sorting a particular Header
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure we use the browser normalized array methods for DataView
+ </li>
+ <li>Add a findLayoutController method which goes up the ownerCt chain to find the highest currently active
+ layout so that afterlayout events may be tracked to fire when a final size has been arrived at
+ </li>
+ <li>Card layout now calls afterLayout on the card Container after card activation
+ </li>
+ <li>Refactor getWidth, getHeight, and getViewSize to account for IE quirks mode measurement issues when a
+ container is overflowed
+ </li>
+ <li>TabBar now scrolls the active tab into view upon set of active tab
+ </li>
+ <li>Added new isIEQuirks flag
+ </li>
+ <li>Tweak bar/column chart starting points so they don't overlap the axis
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure box layout takes border space of the innerCt into account when centering
+ </li>
+ <li>Tooltips no longer get focus when they call toFront()
+ </li>
+ <li>Users may now provide their own CSS rules for enabling overflow on other box layout Containers. Currently we
+ support Menu, Toolbar and TabBar overflowing.
+ </li>
+ <li>Window will now force the header creation if draggable is set to true
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a new Body Component layout for Components which maintain an inner body element which must synchronize
+ its size with the encapsulating element
+ </li>
+ <li>FieldSet now uses a Component layout to synchronize the size of its body element with the size available
+ within its main, encapsulating element
+ </li>
+ <li>Due to the use of the descendant selector for setting float/etc on field labels, fields nested within a
+ FieldContainer would always get the styles corresponding to the container's labelAlign, even if their own
+ labelAlign was different. Changed it so the label alignment className is now given directly to the label
+ element rather than the parent, so the CSS no longer has to use descendant selectors
+ </li>
+ <li>The Trigger component layout was setting the height of the input field based on the incoming requested
+ height; single-line input fields should always get their height from the CSS and ignore the layout's height
+ </li>
+ <li>Made AbstractDataView less strict in the type of parameter it accepts as a target for getRecord. It may now
+ be an HtmlElement or an Ext.Element
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a frameHeader config which turns on/off framing on the Panel Header
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a ComponentLayout for Editor
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure formBind is updated when the form is first created & when items are added/removed
+ </li>
+ <li>Added the ability to assign a custom reader for reading associations
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>API Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Added destroy method to Model
+ </li>
+ <li>Move getItemForPoint up to Series and implement isItemInPoint in each series
+ </li>
+ <li>Added static methods for DataView
+ </li>
+ <li>Containers calls to doLayout will call ComponentLayout instead of ContainerLayout when they don't have
+ dimensions (autosized)
+ </li>
+ <li>Change ComponentQuery's member expression filter function to use an "items" argument rather then accessing
+ arguments.callee.caller.arguments, to be ES5/strict compliant and more straightforward
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove the use of arguments.callee from EventManager.createListenerWrap, and instead give a named reference
+ to the return function. ES5/strict compliant, and works in all browsers
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure DataView uses getItemSelector() when firing events
+ </li>
+ <li>Changed $prefix in scss to include `x-` not just `x`
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove box scroller subclasses. There's only one now which handles perpendicular/parallel
+ </li>
+ <li>Box layouts: new properties for use by box layout overflow handlers
+ </li>
+ <li>All box layout overflow scrolling is handled by a single class: Scroller
+ </li>
+ <li>TabBar now removes header text item and tool spacer. Use scroller overflow handler
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a new preventDefault option to button
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove HorizontalMenu class. There is only one Menu overflow handler
+ </li>
+ <li>Move scroll-specific methods out of overflow handler base class into the Scroll handler
+ </li>
+ <li>Added extra menu-active cls with btn.ui into menuShow
+ </li>
+ <li>Added menu-active cls to css
+ </li>
+ <li>Add slider layout class as dependency
+ </li>
+ <li>Not all floating components should be automatically focused when they are brought to the front; this adds a
+ focusOnToFront config to control that behavior on a class or instance basis. Defaults to true, but is
+ overridden to false in Tip and in the BoundList instances created by ComboBox and Time fields, to prevent
+ losing field focus
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.grid.View renamed to Ext.view.Table
+ </li>
+ <li>Throw an error message when trying to bind to an event handler that doesn't exist
+ </li>
+ <li>Add a border to collapsed panel headers depending on their docked position
+ </li>
+ <li>Renamed the legacySortMode config to simpleSortMode
+ </li>
+ <li>Added new API config for Server proxy and subclasses
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed Class.extend method (not to be confused with Ext.extend)
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed unused getHead method from Ext.data
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Date.parseDate changed to Ext.Date.parse. Add deprecaton for the older parseDate API.
+ </li>
+ <li>Unified Element and Element.static addUnits method which checks for a valid number or unitized String and
+ throws a wraning message if a NaN is passed
+ </li>
+ <li>Changed "operation-complete" event in Batch to "operationcomplete"
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Compatibility Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Added Ext.lib.Ajax compat
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Ext.reg / ComponentManager.regiserType aliases
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed editor example's Panel.header reference
+ </li>
+ <li>Include css for message box example
+ </li>
+ <li>Alias Ext.lib.Dom.* to Element
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed registerType/reg aliases, added registerPlugin/preg
+ </li>
+ <li>Moved legacy-only fx methods to compat file
+ </li>
+ <li>Moved Component overrides from core-compat to compat
+ </li>
+ <li>Added console msg about setting showErrors flag
+ </li>
+ <li>Compat fix for loading stores with an inline data object
+ </li>
+ <li>Moved xtype aliases from core-compat to compat
+ </li>
+ <li>Added additional non-Core JS object prototype aliases
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Date compat overrides
+ </li>
+ <li>Additional msg for instance methods becoming statics
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Ext.extend to the compat file, fixed a null error if members arg is not passed
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Store.setDefaultSort compat override
+ </li>
+ <li>Added GridPanel and Model compat overrides
+ </li>
+ <li>Added applyTo message to Ext.Component
+ </li>
+ <li>Added Ext.Compat.breaking() to show breaking changes
+ </li>
+ <li>Added appropriate messaging for most of the compat configs
+ </li>
+ <li>Moved compat items from combobox into the compat file
+ </li>
+ <li>Renamed Ext.Base.extend -> Ext.Base.addStatics, deprecated Ext.Base.implement for Ext.Base.extend. In
+ short, from now on, use MyClass.addStatics for statics members, MyClass.extend for prototype members
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed tpl alias to implement the getInnerTpl method correctly
+ </li>
+ <li>Added isDef checks where needed to log messages only for defined configs
+ </li>
+ <li>Add compatibility for overriding Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget
+ </li>
+ <li>Add compatibility handler for old implicit column containers in the CheckboxGroup/RadioGroup items
+ </li>
+ <li>AbstractStore and Store overrides for reconfiguring reader/proxy config if needed
+ </li>
+ <li>Aliased store.url support
+ </li>
+ <li>Reader support for optional recordType 2nd arg to constructor
+ </li>
+ <li>XmlReader constructor override to alias configs
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>Known Issues
+ <ul>
+ <li>Portal example not correct in IE6
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolbar menu overflow not styled in IE6
+ </li>
+ <li>Charts do not render properly in Safari 3.2
+ </li>
+ <li>Minor styling issues with forms/tabs/buttons (primarily in IE6/7)
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu links still need styling
+ </li>
+ <li>Minor clipping of panel header text in Opera and IE6/7
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 PR3
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: March 3, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0pr3
+ New In This Release
+<li>Bug Fixes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Across the board documentation updates and fixes
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix and implement CycleButton
+ </li>
+ <li>Detect that getAttributeNS is only available in IE9 when it is in IE9 standards mode
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix type in formatContainsHourInfo
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix shrinking problem on the y axis with line charts
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed sandboxing for EventManager createListenerWrap, reported from
+ </li>
+ <li>Replaced all "new Function(...)" with Ext.functionFactory(...), which solves the sandboxing issues
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix reload of legends and hiding of pie slices shadows when changing the number of pie slices
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug in stateful where changes were not being tracked
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed up slideIn and slideOut animation
+ </li>
+ <li>The code to get viewport width had been changed incorrectly while looking at another layout issue. It's been
+ reverted to how it was before
+ </li>
+ <li>Various fixes for synchronous dynamic loading
+ </li>
+ <li>For data validations, fix inclusion and exclusion method by replacing array indexOf method that is not
+ supported in IE by Ext.Array.indexOf
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix that allow to run Dispatcher spec without context, more precisely without Ext.History object
+ </li>
+ <li>IE fix for Ext.data.store, use Ext.Array.indexOf instead of indexOf native Array method which is not
+ supported by IE
+ </li>
+ <li>IE fix for Ext.Number.toFixed
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix mouseenter and mouseleave events for SVG
+ </li>
+ <li>Specialized IE removeNode now specific to IE6 and IE7
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed the zero gap issue for barchart as well as a anti-aliasing in the legend
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix framing for components with no bottom or top corners
+ </li>
+ <li>Improved Ext.extend backwards compatibility
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix XHR bug with timeout requests
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix a bug that only allows string values to be used with the {.} operator
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug with onAvailable in AbstractManager
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug in HashMap detecting an existing key when adding a new item
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Array.merge now properly acts like a true union set operation
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix padding on toolbar-text
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix css issues with tabs
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix css issues with grid
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix accordion header styling to match 3.x
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix portal example to use recently implemented accordion layout
+ </li>
+ <li>Set the collapsed flag before re-layouting the fieldset, so it can be used in isVisible calculations
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix date picker when using dynamic loading
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix welcome html files
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix border styling for DatePicker
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix class definition to set prototype properties when the Ext.Date class has been loaded in DatePicker
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix tag error in the RotateText example
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix styling of MenuItems' icons, checked/unchecked style rules target the *icon*, not the element
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix defaultFocus config when a number
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix incorrect expand icon in header of collapsed Panel in Accordion layout
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug in Time field's parsing
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix ComponentQuery member expression feature (e.g. '{isHidden()}' ) so it works as expected
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix framed panels header when collapsed
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bottom tabsplit height with IE browsers
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix button padding when the icon is to the right
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix the width of grid sort indicators so they don't wrap as easily
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix arrow bottom buttons
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix form and triggerfield styling
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix styling issues with form/checkboxgroup
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix a bug with button, now using neutral color and not base
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix differently scaled buttons in a toolbar
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix cross browser issues with paging toolbar
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix for IE Ext.Array.toArray
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Component.animate to ensure the component is returned and optimize when not animating height or width
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix styling for bottom tabs
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix tips so they no longer focus themselves when shown. In IE, it was taking focus from form fields
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix stroke widths in VML
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>A plethora of updates to the backward compatibility legacy files and guide
+ </li>
+ <li>Implemented combineErrors and combineLabels features in FieldContainer
+ </li>
+ <li>Added server-side usage support for Ext4: hammerJS and nodeJS tested
+ </li>
+ <li>Selection Model will now maintain last focused element in the View
+ </li>
+ <li>Add the ability to be able to load a single record with data reader
+ </li>
+ <li>Change shortcut easing functions to match CSS ones and added easeInOut. Benchmarked to be 300% faster at a
+ minimum
+ </li>
+ <li>Add setItemSize method for Containers as a central method for all child item sizing
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement framing using background-position instead of background-image. This resolves the issue with the
+ browser making a request to a 404 page for each framed component that doesn't have any generated framing css
+ </li>
+ <li>Preliminary support for onClick added for charts
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement Chart Mask mixin. Allows for selection of an area of a chart. This will be mixed into Axes as well
+ for the next release.
+ </li>
+ <li>Add a new parseStyles method to transform a css string to an object with a bunch of properties. Use this new
+ method in applyStyles in DomHelper and also in AbstractComponent
+ </li>
+ <li>Add new function to check if the format contains date/day info (ie. not time) - used in TimeField
+ </li>
+ <li>Add withinBox method to Draw
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Array.intersect method added
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Array.difference method added
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.Array.union shortcut method for merge
+ </li>
+ <li>Begin clip-rect support in SVG and VML (incomplete)
+ </li>
+ <li>Change HashMap to no longer throw error when adding an existing key. Warn instead
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a cls into the rowexpander header cell and row cell for the first cell
+ </li>
+ <li>Added x-hidden cls for backward compatibility
+ </li>
+ <li>Update css for grids so it now uses css3 throughout
+ </li>
+ <li>Added images for special cells in grid
+ </li>
+ <li>All tabs have a font-weight of bold
+ </li>
+ <li>Move caching logic out of Anchor layout's anchorSpec functions to the base layout engine
+ </li>
+ <li>Add floor argument for example-data generator
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed deprecated layouts
+ </li>
+ <li>Accordion layout only animates during expand/collapse of child Panels
+ </li>
+ <li>Button layout caches measured styles for efficiency
+ </li>
+ <li>Feed Viewer uses CycleButton to cycle through the preview pane options
+ </li>
+ <li>Bringing a floating Component (such as a Window) to the front of its ZIndex stack now focuses it on a 10ms
+ delay. Focusing several Windows in succession results in only the last Window actually receiving focus
+ </li>
+ <li>Refactor Border layout to use new Element effects methods to slide regions in and out
+ </li>
+ <li>TabBar now overrides the layout align option set by the Header superclass
+ </li>
+ <li>Changed tabs to use the base-color and not hard coded colors
+ </li>
+ <li>Changed button to no longer use hardcoded variables
+ </li>
+ <li>Make TabPanel dock the TabBar according to the tabPosition config
+ </li>
+ <li>SVG text is now unselectable
+ </li>
+ <li>A new 'errorchange' event has been added to Ext.form.Labelable, fired whenever set/unsetActiveError is
+ called. This is similar to the 'validitychange' event on Ext.form.Field but is fired by Labelable components
+ which are not Fields, such as FieldContainer. It also fires when the validity is staying invalid but the
+ message changes, which is more useful in some cases
+ </li>
+ <li>BaseField now adds a .x-form-field-invalid class to the inputEl, and this is used in the CSS rather than
+ using the outer .x-form-invalid and a descendant selector; this allows proper styling of child fields of a
+ FieldContainer when the container has an error message displayed
+ </li>
+ <li>ComboBox clearValue method added back in
+ </li>
+ <li>Toolbar now uses the base-color
+ </li>
+ <li>Add extra checks to figure out whether we need to do DST parsing or not for Date function
+ </li>
+ <li>Add triggerNCls-over and triggerNCls-click classes to individual trigger buttons, so each one can be given
+ interaction styling independently rather than requiring compound class selectors. Fixes spinner button
+ states in IE
+ </li>
+ <li>FeedViewer example: Button icon CSS rules should only override the background image. Otherwise Ext-specific
+ styling rules will not apply
+ </li>
+ <li>Group class attached to the icon element for style targeting in CheckItem
+ </li>
+ <li>ComponentQuery can now accept back-to-back pseudo-class selectors, like :not():not():custom
+ </li>
+ <li>Move back to setInterval instead of setTimer as a base for animation timing.
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow for binding of multiple axes to a series via an array
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<li>API Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>AbstractLayout removed, Layout remains the base class now all AbstractLayout dependencies to Layout
+ </li>
+ <li>AbstractDataView has new getter method getItemSelector
+ </li>
+ <li>afteranimate event now fired as the last operation of the Anim.end method (instead of the beginning of the
+ end)
+ </li>
+ <li>layoutItem moved to ContainerLayout from Layout
+ </li>
+ <li>Move resizeHandles config out of Window to Component
+ </li>
+ <li>Box will no longer use CSS margins. It reads CSS margins and adds them to the configured margins, and clears
+ CSS margins. This allows for more accurate positioning
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.CompositeField has been deprecated, as FieldContainer is now at feature parity. Alias has been
+ added to compat file
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.form.Field#checkValidityChange has been removed, its logic has been moved into the validate method so it
+ gets run when validate is called directly
+ </li>
+ <li>Chart zoom functionality being changed to zoom the appropriate portions of the chart instead of everything
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="release">
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 PR2
+<p class="notes">
+ Release Date: February 23, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0pr2
+ New In This Release
+<li>Bug Fixes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Across the board documentation updates and fixes
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug that caused an error when hovering over a SplitButton
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug with setting Proxies on Models
+ </li>
+ <li>Slider movement no longer lags behind the mouse
+ </li>
+ <li>Search now works on the generated documentation
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed issues regarding date formatting
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed chart destroy code
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed an issue when entering a value into the PagingToolbar field
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed positioning of the editor in the editor sample
+ </li>
+ <li>Change the order and ActiveX Objects that we use. This fixes XML Parsing via DomQuery in IE
+ </li>
+ <li>The last frame of an animation will account for any rounding issues
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix various Slider Tip issues
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix various Slider Field issues
+ </li>
+ <li>Border layout now calls setCalculatedSize when sliding in a hidden Component so that the Component's size
+ does not get fixed and the "other" dimension that is not being set is not to auto by the ComponentLayout
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix preserving ratio to ensure that the largest minSize is honored.
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed dependency issue with DatePicker
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix removing of current active tab
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Ext.tab.Bar css sizing issue when the TabPanel has no items
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure that there is at least one active tab if the tabpanel has items
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue with maintaining the constrain parameters in stretch and stretchmax
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix Firefox Ext.tab.Bar css sizing issue
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove tab focus outline on tabpanel tabs
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix icon rendering issue of TabPanel items
+ </li>
+ <li>Corrected styling of toolbar spacers
+ </li>
+ <li>Correct vertical alignment of text on most browsers
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug when entering a number into the PagingToolbar
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix MessageBoxWindow's initial laying out problem on FF
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure RowSelectionModel fires select/deselect events.
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix issue where the parentMenu isn't set correctly if you pass an xtype
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix styling in resizer example
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix up the expand/collapse tool on FieldSet, it wasn't being toggled.
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix initially collapsed Panels in a border layout
+ </li>
+ <li>Border correctly hides hidden floated Panel after it's moved out of view
+ </li>
+ <li>Sandbox chart example now scopes all it's css, no more broken menus
+ </li>
+ <li>Set the background position correctly for progress bar background image
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix text alignment issue in progressbar.
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix element size issue for ie6 and ie7 in strict mode
+ </li>
+ <li>Resolved fighting of drag and drop resizing vs reordering
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed an issue when submitting combo values
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove default minimum width on BoundList
+ </li>
+ <li>fix IE 7 icon separator zindex issue for Menu
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix problem where grids would incorrectly calculate the width of columns when they were not currently
+ visible due to a layout. Like when they were in a TabPanel
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>All animations now support <a href="http://webstuff.nfshost.com/anim-timing/Overview.html">WC3 Timing
+ control for script-based animations.</a> When available, else fall back to standard javascript timers.
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement optional scoping for border box CSS rules
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement optional scoping for reset CSS
+ </li>
+ <li>Tabs are now closable
+ </li>
+ <li>Basic form's getValues now handle fields whose getSubmitValue method returns an array of multiple values
+ </li>
+ <li>Several animation examples updated
+ </li>
+ <li>Fixed links on the welcome page
+ </li>
+ <li>Several updates to class documentation
+ </li>
+ <li>Menus now have full keyboard navigation support
+ </li>
+ <li>Menus now extend Panel to support docked items
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu SCSS improved by moving hardcoded theme variables to the variables SCSS file
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.util.KeyNav can accept space key input
+ </li>
+ <li>HashMap.add may now take a single argument similar to MixedCollection.add
+ </li>
+ <li>Fx queue methods are now handled in the Fx.Queue mixin.
+ </li>
+ <li>fxStack removed from Element.cache, this is now maintained within Fx.Manager.
+ </li>
+ <li>Animate methods (animate, stopAnimation, syncFx, sequenceFx, and getActiveAnimation) now applied via a mixin
+ to Element/CompositeElement/Component/Sprite/SpriteGroup
+ </li>
+ <li>Chart Series.js changed to use animate API. Rest of charts to follow
+ </li>
+ <li>Element translatePoints method refactored to handle undefined passed sizes gracefully
+ </li>
+ <li>EventManager preventDefault fix for IE <a href="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934364/en-us">Link</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix observable so it normalizes the event name in hasListener
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure component cls and style properties are maintained on framed components
+ </li>
+ <li>Animator (keyframes) now fully support the iterations property
+ </li>
+ <li>Animator now properly supports stopping if beforeanimate returns false
+ </li>
+ <li>Normalize API differences between Element's addCls and removeCls. Both now allow space separated strings
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement endDrag method in DragTracker
+ </li>
+ <li>Handle mouse entering and leaving the arrow area of the Button
+ </li>
+ <li>Button now has a overMenuTrigger flag
+ </li>
+ <li>Split Button now uses the menuTriggerOver flag
+ </li>
+ <li>BorderLayout destroys its embedded Container upon destroy
+ </li>
+ <li>Allow setPagePosition to be passed one or other coordinates as undefined
+ </li>
+ <li>Border layout now implements parameter indices for setting size arguments in VBox and HBox
+ </li>
+ <li>Changing an error message will now be accounted for when errors are re-displayed
+ </li>
+ <li>Improved Grid CSS3 usage when available
+ </li>
+ <li>Component.setPosition method now uses component.animate
+ </li>
+ <li>Cleanup setPagePosition logic and account for NaN issues
+ </li>
+ <li>Rename string vars in Box to be more descriptive
+ </li>
+ <li>Add Toggle buttons to the chart examples
+ </li>
+ <li>Percentage width/height now supported in Border layout
+ </li>
+ <li>ZIndexManager now tracks browser resizes when the modal mask visible
+ </li>
+ <li>Border layout uses Component's animate method
+ </li>
+ <li>Border layout now correctly syncs size of hidden Components before sliding them into view
+ </li>
+ <li>Increase minWidth/minHeight of Resizer to 20
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove charts.swf as it is not needed anymore for the new Charts
+ </li>
+ <li>Added ResizeTracker: A multi-corner, constraining, aspect ratio preserving resize algorithm
+ </li>
+ <li>DragTracker will now process mouseout events correctly: Defer until mouseup if they happen during a drag
+ </li>
+ <li>Ensure RowSelectionModel select/deselect events are fired
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix bug where the parent menu wasn't getting assigned properly when specifying an xtype
+ </li>
+ <li>Adjust grid scrolling speed to be more consistent with the browser scroll speed
+ </li>
+ <li>Fix an issue with using initially collapsed regions in a border layout
+ </li>
+ <li>The Ext.JSON.encode method will now gracefully handle object types that it does not recognize by returning
+ undefined as the value of unknown properties
+ </li>
+ <li>Sprite methods will all return the sprite upon completion
+ </li>
+ <li>Added backwards compatible Ext.extend that delegates to Ext.Class
+ </li>
+ <li>Keyframed animation's (Animator.js) start method is now controlled by fx.Manager
+ </li>
+ <li>Keyframed animations can now be properly queued and integrated with the Animate mixin
+ </li>
+ <li>Adjust the scroll delay algorithm to make the scrollbar more like the normal browser scrollbar
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu now extends Panel to support docking
+ </li>
+ <li>Grid now supports expand to fit
+ </li>
+ <li>Eliminate need for grid reorderer and resizer to be order dependent
+ </li>
+ <li>Added a submitFormat option for Date Field
+ </li>
+ <li>Cleaned up some undefined variables
+ </li>
+ <li>Charts now check for empty stores properly
+ </li>
+ <li>Element.addCls now more intelligent about adding a preceding space
+ </li>
+ <li>CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup implemented
+ </li>
+ <li>Add 'widget.grid' as a second alias
+ </li>
+ <li>Added private CheckboxManager class for managing checkboxes grouped by name, just like RadioManager
+ </li>
+ <li>BoxLayout now uses component.animate instead of Anim directly
+ </li>
+ <li>Add dirtyCls (defined in BaseField) to a field's outer element when it has a dirty value. CSS to display a
+ marker not yet implemented
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ API Changes
+ <li>All top level CSS classes are now prefixed with 'x-' by default instead of 'ext-' and can now be scoped. This is
+ now consistent with all other Ext CSS classes.
+ </li>
+ <li>HashMap.add may now take a single argument similar to MixedCollection.add
+ </li>
+ <li>Animate methods (animate, stopAnimation, syncFx, sequenceFx, and getActiveAnimation) now applied via a mixin to
+ Element/CompositeElement/Component/Sprite/SpriteGroup
+ </li>
+ <li>Keyframed animations (Animator.js) now fully support the iterations property
+ </li>
+ <li>Normalized API differences between Element's addCls and removeCls. Both now allow space separated strings
+ </li>
+ <li>Implement endDrag method in DragTracker
+ </li>
+ <li>Button now has a overMenuTrigger flag
+ </li>
+ <li>Rename pressClass to pressedCls and add check before cls removal in ClickRepeater
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove unecessary onDisable/onEnable override in menu.Item and Button
+ </li>
+ <li>Rename disabledClass to disableCls in Component
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed the positionAnimation property since it is no longer necessary with the Component.animate API
+ </li>
+ <li>Removed reverse parameter from keyframed animations
+ </li>
+ <li>The pause and running flags now maintained within keyframed animations (Animator.js)
+ </li>
+ <li>Update the RowSelectionModel constructor so we can add more useful contextual information to the event
+ </li>
+ <li>Menu now extends Panel to support docking
+ </li>
+ <li>Add isOnLeftEdge and isOnRightEdge for Grid Header events
+ </li>
+ <li>Grid HeaderContainer dragging property now defaults to false
+ </li>
+ <li>Animate's getActiveAnimation will now return the current fx.Anim object if there is one or return false if none
+ are active
+ </li>
+ <li>Renamed tab reorderer plugin to TabReorderer
+ </li>
+ <li>Renamed MenuManager to MenuManager
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove Ext.isForcedBorderBox property
+ </li>
+ <li>Remove the experimental enableForcedBoxModel property
+ </li>
+ <li>Ext.isBorderBox logic now reflects the use of css box model
+ </li>
+ <li>CheckboxGroup/RadioGroup setValue method has been simplified; it now only accepts a single format of an object
+ of name-value mappings. The old additional formats will be added to the legacy compatibility layer as an
+ override
+ </li>
+ <li>CheckboxGroup/RadioGroup getValue method has been changed to return an object of similar format to what is
+ accepted by setValue for internal consistency. The old behavior has been moved to a new getChecked() method
+ </li>
+ <li>The methods setRawValue, getRawValue, valueToRaw, and rawToValue have been moved out of Field and into
+ BaseField; this is to make the main Field interface simpler and more easily implemented on components which do
+ not have the concept of an underlying "raw value" like CheckboxGroup
+ </li>
+ <li>Field now has a isEqual method which compares values returned from getValue() for logical equality, and is used
+ anywhere a comparison is necessary such as checkChange() and isDirty(). The base implementation is a simple
+ string comparison, but can be overridden by fields with more complex values
+ </li>
+ <li>Field now has a resetOriginalValue method which is called by the form when trackResetOnLoad=true instead of
+ setting originalValue directly, this allows the behavior to be overridden by field subclasses
+ </li>
+ <li>Field's getSubmitValue method has been changed to a more powerful getSubmitData method, which returns a mapping
+ object of name-value pairs; this allows single fields to return multiple values under different names rather
+ than being limited to a single name per field. The getSubmitValue method has been retained as a helper but moved
+ down to BaseField
+ </li>
+ <li>Introduced a batchChanges method on field as a utility for preventing excessive firing of change events in
+ fields such as CheckboxGroup that have many sub-fields who may be updated as a batch
+ </li>
+ <li>Basic's isValid method has been changed back to its old behavior where it iterates through all fields in the
+ form and triggers error markings. A new hasInvalidField method has been added to retain the more efficient
+ short-circuited validity checking and preventing error markings
+ </li>
+ Known Issues
+ <li>Tab heights not consistent across all browsers
+ </li>
+<div class="release">
+ <h1>
+ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 PR1
+ </h1>
+ <p class="notes">
+ Release Date: February 16, 2011<br>
+ Version Number: 4.0.0pr1
+ </p>
+ <h2>
+ New In This Release
+ </h2>