- <div id="cfg-Ext.dd.DragSource-dropAllowed"></div>/**
- * @cfg {String} dropAllowed
- * The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok").
+<span id='Ext-dd.DragSource-cfg-dropAllowed'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} dropAllowed
+ * The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok").
+ */
+ dropAllowed : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dd-drop-ok',
+<span id='Ext-dd.DragSource-cfg-dropNotAllowed'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {String} dropNotAllowed
+ * The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop").
+ */
+ dropNotAllowed : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dd-drop-nodrop',
+<span id='Ext-dd.DragSource-cfg-animRepair'> /**
+</span> * @cfg {Boolean} animRepair
+ * Defaults to true. If true, animates the proxy element back to the position of the handle element used to trigger the drag.